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<B0101> Has anyone used dry film photoresist?
<azonenberg> Yes, but not at these feature scales
<azonenberg> only on PCBs
<azonenberg> i did hit 5um features with dry film on copper PCB experimentally using projection lithography
<azonenberg> but was unable to etch the 35um copper layer obviously :P
<B0101> I found that dry film photoresist is much cheaper than liquid based photoresist
<B0101> Well, I'm not sure if I can be used for making working devices
<azonenberg> It can be used but you have to know some of the quirks
<azonenberg> for example it stays flat when you apply it
<azonenberg> which means it won't have step coverage
<azonenberg> this may be good or bad depending on the application
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<B0101> ok, thanks for your info
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