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<B0101> azonenberg: you there?
<azonenberg> Yep
<B0101> i was thinking about making a mini clean room, in a box
<azonenberg> You mean a glove box?
<azonenberg> Yeah, entirely feasible
<azonenberg> Building one is on my to-do list too, for certain critical operations
<azonenberg> for example wafer clean followed by spin coating
<B0101> similar to a glove box, but this time, they can be detached/attached to a process machine...
<azonenberg> You mean a sealed container for carrying between tools?
<azonenberg> Yeah, thats doable too
<B0101> yes
<B0101> tell me when my ideas get crazy though
<azonenberg> What you're descriibng is SOP for most modern fabs
<azonenberg> the cleanrooms are like class 1000 and the tools are all sealed and filtered to below class 1
<azonenberg> nobody ever handles the wafers, they're moved by robot between tools in sealed boxes
<azonenberg> Basically, around 10 years or so ago
<azonenberg> Somebody finally realized that humans are dirty
<azonenberg> and putting them in a clean environment isnt the best idea
<azonenberg> So now the outer "container" cleanroom is only used for servicing etc
<azonenberg> and the tools themselves do all of the interesting stuff
<azonenberg> So what are your crazy ideas?
<B0101> hmm, well I ws thinking about getting to 45nm scale (really crazy idea though)
<azonenberg> lol that *is* crazy :p
<azonenberg> Not saying impossible, very little is
<azonenberg> But it will be far from easy lol
<azonenberg> For prototype-scale volumes your best bet would probably be e-beam direct write
<azonenberg> forget about masks
<azonenberg> build yourself a SEM and then make a direct-write module
<azonenberg> I suggest you set a more reachable goal first
<azonenberg> and see how feasible that is
<azonenberg> say, 500nm
<azonenberg> then 180
<azonenberg> I mean, certainly doing this kind of stuff on the prototype scale will be easier than mass production
<azonenberg> but by how much?
<azonenberg> I intend to start out by building a nice contact aligner
<horizontally> build yourself a SEM.. azonenberg is one of the few people i know who could probably build it (and somehow acquire a diffusion pump from the lab manager) in his spare time
<azonenberg> That will let me hit 12.5 um design rules with professionally made film masks (
<horizontally> what do you think of photosciences?
<azonenberg> are they a mask shop?
<horizontally> yeah
<azonenberg> Never heard of them, photronics is the only other one i know of besides laserlab
<horizontally> i was told about photosciences from our lab manager
<azonenberg> Anyway so that'd be a temporary step though
<azonenberg> The next step is to build my own laser direct write rig ;p
<azonenberg> So i can make my own chrome-on-glass masks
<azonenberg> Then the most involved tool (on the lithography front at least) would be an H-line stepper
<azonenberg> probably 4x reduction of a 12.5um design rule mask
<horizontally> why do you want to make stuff so small?
<horizontally> what is your intended goal from there?
<horizontally> sure it's nice and all
<azonenberg> would put me at a 3.125um design rule
<azonenberg> horizontally: a) have fun
<horizontally> sure
<azonenberg> b) advance the state of the art in low-budget fab
<azonenberg> to the point that a 350nm fab is something you could have in every high school science classroom
<horizontally> wow, sure, cool
<azonenberg> Thats really the idea, there is not enough people getting into nanotech and having it available might help
<azonenberg> Also, just the coolness factor of being able to, say, design a custom ASIC instead of using a CPLD for some glue logic :p
<azonenberg> imagine having a little project with a PIC and a homemade MEMS accelerometer in a flip-chip BGA package
<azonenberg> FCBGA is how i plan to package all of my stuff, actually
<azonenberg> because it means i dont need to wirebond
<azonenberg> just put the chip on a hot plate, heat to melting point of solder
<B0101> brb
<azonenberg> and under a 30x stero microscope use fine tweezers to place a solder ball on each bond pad
<azonenberg> then cool
<azonenberg> flip over, put on PCB, and put board in oven to reflow
<horizontally> i don't know much about packaging
<horizontally> how did you learn about it?
<azonenberg> this would basically be a chip scale BGA
<horizontally> i have a pcb design book i haven't read through yet either
<azonenberg> a) look at premade chips and study them from the outside
<horizontally> though it's meant for orcad
<azonenberg> b) reverse engineering
<horizontally> oh jesus, the long road
<azonenberg> decapping premade chips and studying how things fit together
<azonenberg> plus various reading on wiki etc
<azonenberg> but once you actually look at a DIP that you've dissolved the plastic from
<azonenberg> and see how everything fits together
<azonenberg> it all makes sense
<horizontally> how do you dissolve the plastic but not the chip inside?
<horizontally> so there's a bit of wirebonding
<azonenberg> Hot nitric acid is the SOP
<horizontally> and some polymer container
<horizontally> nitric acid really? wow
<azonenberg> it eats organic mateirals but not silicon, glass, or gold
<azonenberg> the chip is usually passivated with SiO2 and has gold bond wires
<azonenberg> Though if you arent careful it will eat the tin-plated copper legs
<azonenberg> but the die itself survives with no problem
<azonenberg> The cheap option is to just throw the whole chip into a beaker of sulfuric
<azonenberg> and cook for a while
<azonenberg> less selective but if you want a bare die to study its fine
<azonenberg> You can do that method with nitric too
<azonenberg> In either case, you will want a fume hood or to be working outside
<horizontally> i got nitric and sulfuric
<horizontally> i'll try nitric soon
<horizontally> that sounds cool
<azonenberg> Hot acid vapor is somewhat unpleasant
<horizontally> yeah i've smelt it before
<azonenberg> if you think the fumes are bad at room temp try at 150C
<horizontally> shit
<azonenberg> lol
<azonenberg> This was the first chip i ever decapped
<azonenberg> Didnt go too well but it demonstrates the technique
<azonenberg> you can see i broke a few bond wires
<azonenberg> The blue stuff was a silicone rubber i used to try and keep the acid from falling off the side and damaging the pins
<horizontally> how do they get all of those bond wires on there jesus
<horizontally> so tiny and seemingly error prone
<azonenberg> its some kind of CPLD or FPGA, i dont know details of the part
<azonenberg> Later i discovered things went better by drilling or milling into the middle of the package
<azonenberg> until you're a few hundred um above the die
<azonenberg> this makes a well
<azonenberg> you then heat the chip on a hot plate, put one drop of acid in the well
<azonenberg> let it sit, then pull out and swish in a beaker of acetone
<azonenberg> repeat
<azonenberg> The problem with that technique is that it has a habit of dislodging bond wires
<azonenberg> swishing seems to give better results
<horizontally> you got a clean lab
<azonenberg> Thats my old lab
<azonenberg> I stopped doing as much wet chem when i moved out of it
<azonenberg> It was a storage room in the building next door to my apartment
<azonenberg> the landlord told me i could use it until he remodeled it the next year
<azonenberg> Which is now happening :p
<azonenberg> is an example of how nice the results can be
<azonenberg> No, i didnt eat off the pins, its a 44-QFN
<azonenberg> seen closer
<azonenberg> Notice the unbonded pads
<azonenberg> the part comes in 44 and 64 pin versions and they use the same silicon for both
<azonenberg> It's the Microchip ENC424J600 / 624J600
<azonenberg> ethernet PHY/MAC with SPI+parallel interfaces
<azonenberg> the MAC is at top left, that big mess of analog circuitry
<azonenberg> the PHY*
<azonenberg> the DSP and MAC logic are at the right in that pile of standard cells
<azonenberg> then under the CMP filler at center is the RAM
<azonenberg> i havent fully reversed it though, been busy working on other stuff
<azonenberg> horizontally: My current lab, as of a few months ago
<horizontally> i see your "gold light"
<azonenberg> Yep, i use that for when i do litho
<azonenberg> the lamp to the right of the glassware drying rack is yellow too
<B0101> back
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