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<bart416> Fucking Web 2.0 retards
<bart416> Making everything javascript was suuuuuuuuuuuuuch a good idea
<horizontally> lol
<bart416> now if a website doesn't respond you have no fucking clue of knowing what has happened
<Thetawaves> you can still look at the headers of the ajax
<Thetawaves> it's all the same technology
<bart416> Thetawaves, that requires you to open a network monitor though
<bart416> Something I refuse to do while browsing
<Thetawaves> awwww poor baby
<bart416> their javascript doesn't make the general web browsing experience better, so when will they realise how stupid it is and trash it?
<Thetawaves> i dunno man
<Thetawaves> extjs grid is something you just can not replicate without javascript
<bart416> usage of javascript != web 2.0
<bart416> Hence the "their"
<bart416> Also, I'm specifically complaining about people who use the javascript to load the content
<bart416> "to make more fluid page loads"
<bart416> And in the process disable the back and forward buttons
<bart416> cause they're too retarded to fix the functionality
<Thetawaves> they are stupid and doing it wrong, you can navigate with web 2.0 using back/forward
<Thetawaves> specifically using #anchors
<bart416> Yes, but it'd still be better if they'd trash the javascript for that, and learned a thing or two about stylesheets
<bart416> You can perfectly send the same type of content, encased in 2-3 xml tags
<bart416> And have a stylesheet do the rest
<bart416> Obviously this is hard for their tiny brains
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azonenberg joined #homecmos
<azonenberg> bart416: And you can also eliminate scripting entirely
<azonenberg> and use *lightweight* html, not a megabyte of layout
<azonenberg> and have it all server side
<azonenberg> The way the web was supposed to be
<azonenberg> i dont want to use the web for applications, or playing games, or an "experience"
<azonenberg> it's a bunch of documents, and I want the *text*
<azonenberg> its what i came there for, and anythign else is just getting in the way
<bart416> well, the applications and games aren't that bad :P
<bart416> they help me survive boring classes :P
<azonenberg> Sure they're bad
<azonenberg> when they leak memory as badly as facebook does?
<bart416> touch�
<azonenberg> if i have a FB tab open that i forget to close, by the end of the day my js memory usage is in the hundreds of MB
<azonenberg> if two or three tabs i'm pushing a gig
<horizontally> wow
<horizontally> i don't even have a full gig to use
<horizontally> what version of firefox do you use?
<azonenberg> Latest stable
* azonenberg has 4 gigs on this, his old laptop
<azonenberg> all of the new boxes are 8 or 16
<azonenberg> except the i7 triple channels which are 6 and 12
<horizontally> wow
<horizontally> boxes
<horizontally> you are rich
<azonenberg> No
<azonenberg> I work for rich folks :p
<horizontally> ah
<horizontally> so you use facebook at work
<azonenberg> And here and there they let me keep a few toys
<azonenberg> and not exactly
<horizontally> hahaha
<azonenberg> i did consulting
<azonenberg> So work and home systems were one and the same
<azonenberg> i have a 24U rack in the living room
<azonenberg> though i keep all of the compute nodes turned off when i'm not running a big job because they use a lot of power, i only have the file server on normally
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