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<jfhbrook> oh man I'm super stressed out
<jfhbrook> I saw a job on microsoft's board that was a stretch but something I would be really into and was like why not
<jfhbrook> they made me check a box that said I have "10+ years experience shipping production software"
<jfhbrook> I have 8.5 years of working in industry with a few years spent as a researcher in college. my github is easily 10 years old but I'm just not that old yet
<jfhbrook> and like spiritually I don't feel bad, like hey it's a stretch, a real person will look at the resume and my github, my resume is strong enough that it would be worth matching me with a less senior role, etc
<ELLIOTTCABLE> you got this, keep that to yourself, you definitely have the actual experience
<jfhbrook> but their software is seriously guilting me
<ELLIOTTCABLE> hahahahaahahaha
<ELLIOTTCABLE> the core theory of all developer tooling.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> "It feels more intense when software says something than when a human does."
<jfhbrook> also think they might be douchey enough to blacklist me for lying on the app
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Those tests need to pass before you can commit? Don't you dare put that curly-brace on another line? This should actually take consistent types and handle all of them?
<jfhbrook> which would be a bummer even though I know on some level I wouldn't want to work for a company that would do that
<jfhbrook> oh yeah lol
<jfhbrook> anyway we'll see if they bite
<jfhbrook> it's a principal level manager role
<ELLIOTTCABLE> jesus lol
<jfhbrook> it's pretty solutions-y, it sounds like the team parachutes into an org, learns their stack, bangs out a new product for them and then bounces
<ELLIOTTCABLE> i'd like to please avoid management or anything remotely related for all of my career ever please
<ELLIOTTCABLE> how old are you again, jfhbrook?
<jfhbrook> 32
<ELLIOTTCABLE> oh my god what
<jfhbrook> I really want to try to run a team
<ELLIOTTCABLE> good lord I'm applying to junior positions at 30 ;_;
<jfhbrook> and I want to do it for competent people
<jfhbrook> it's what I'll tell them if they ring
<jfhbrook> tbh I'm surprised they have actual roles listed at all
<jfhbrook> google has a standard SE gauntlet and then they place you after you get through
<jfhbrook> I'm gonna do a run at google at some point but I kinda wanna leetcode a little first and maybe get a higher adderall dose
<jfhbrook> doc told me today that when I'm taking enough stims I'll want to quit weed and coffee and I'm like, I smoke erryday and drink like an entire pot of coffee in a day
<jfhbrook> if that's the case this is gonna be some galaxy brain shit by the time I get everything leveled off and it's very likely going to take vyvanse to do it
<jfhbrook> otoh I now know what it takes to pass a normal whiteboarding interview - we'll see if I can take the big guys
<jfhbrook> probably gonna start forcing myself to leetcode even though I want a manager-y position
<ELLIOTTCABLE> like, what is it
<jfhbrook> what's what
<jfhbrook> oh, leetcode and adderall
<jfhbrook> just like shitloads of stims and having seen the obvious problems before
<jfhbrook> there's also Cracking The Coding Interview
<jfhbrook> which I kinda hate but it has some good stuff in it
<jfhbrook> n.b. I have ADHD, I'm not just casually popping speed
<ELLIOTTCABLE> here's super-wishing psychiatrists were like, a functional helpful thing in my universe over here
<ELLIOTTCABLE> last time I saw one, a few years ago, he basically like, *shredded* me. spent the entire half hour interview-or-whatever telling me I was a hypochondriac or drug-seeking-something-idk
<jfhbrook> whereabouts are you?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I actually have my first prescribing-psych appointment in ... well, since then ... in a week or two here
<jfhbrook> I found someone useful in like utah so
<jfhbrook> oh sweet
<ELLIOTTCABLE> my beloved supportive non-prescribing finally berated me into trying again lol
<jfhbrook> so instead of saying "I want adderall" you can say "I think I might have adhd and would like to be evaluated"
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I didn't even say that, I just begged him for help
<ELLIOTTCABLE> god I don't even wanna talk about it
<ELLIOTTCABLE> anyway, jelly
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I have my own coping mechanisms, I guess, and they work well for Making Things
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but they clearly do not work well for Ever Being Employed or Having a Career so that's cool
<jfhbrook> I super lucked out on this part and have dealt with some very shitty prescribers
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ¯\_(¯\_(¯\_(ツ)_/¯)_/¯)_/¯
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<ELLIOTTCABLE> Rust is literally Paws. )=
<ELLIOTTCABLE> well, obviously not the evaluation model
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but the ownership stuff? i invented all of this in fuckin’ 2009. )=
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I mean, not to imply that I was the first, or better. It’s just … it’s just, really, really, really, *reallyreally* weird to be reading about stuff I was talking about in here, ten years ago ... in a fancy, typeset PDF
<ELLIOTTCABLE> the first person ever*
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I was definitely before Rust :P
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and obviously, here, all the ownership/borrowing/lifetimes stuff is about _performance_ (local: threading, memory); whereas my work was dynamic and GC’d and absolutely uninterested in local performance, instead concerning itself with ownership/borrowing/lifetimes in distsys, but like. poorly, because I’m bad at what i do.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> anyway. Rust is really cool. I can’t imagine I’ll ever have a use for it, though.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> in my entire programming career, I have yet to see a problem for which the correct, immediate tool-choice was a low-level / systems language; the very essence of the tool seems to necessitate you’re _already at scale_ for it to be the correct choice
<ELLIOTTCABLE> or, lol, doing graphics or big data :P
<jfhbrook> even with big data the standard stack is jvm-based
<jfhbrook> I think a framework for compiling an executor/worker system could be really neat
<jfhbrook> but a lot of work involved there
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I’m still unconvinced anything’s gonna be better than OCaml. Like, ever. Thorough type-inference that makes your life *easier* instead, of harder, while programming; and that middle-level of predictable runtime semantics (so, good-ish performance) but GC (so not _phenomenal_ performance) is just, perfect for productivity and power
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I thought you didn’t do programming anymore, jfhbrook :P
<jfhbrook> nah I code XD
<jfhbrook> for the few weeks where I was mostly trying to spec/scope work in between firefighting I was coding for fun at home <_<; will never stop coding on some level
<jfhbrook> but I do want to be crewed up
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