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<ImAHopelessDev_gitlab> back in action!
<ImAHopelessDev_gitlab> time to fire up dem shards 😍
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<naqvis> welcome back Girng 🚀
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using macros can you iterate over the fields of a struct?
trying to define structs for different pixel formats, and i want to define arithmatic operators that modify each of the pixel color values of the pixel struct (ex: rgb -= 1 would decrement the red, green, blue fields)
<naqvis> yes you can via using iterate over `@type.instance_vars`
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<naqvis> but I doubt you can use them for your usecase
<naqvis> ivars won't be made available until class/struct is fully loaded
<naqvis> you can access the fields inside class/struct method
<naqvis> but don't think you can access them to generate methods
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naqvis, can generic types accept an arbitrary list of fields? maybe i could create a generic pixel module or abstract-struct which all other pixel structs use?
<naqvis> you better define a top level macro which accepts a splat and in that macro iterate through the args and define methods
<naqvis> you can refer to `record` or similar serialization macros
<naqvis> `record` macro should be quite similar to your use-case
<naqvis> i believe there might be some other better ways to handle this, but this so far comes to my mind
<naqvis> you can wait for others to jump in and provide their input
hmm trying to define reusable modules for each field (HSV and HSL both share hue and saturation fields), but crystal doesn't like using property in a module with a generic type
<naqvis> you can define properties in module then have that module included
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using macros in modules, is there a way to say an argument type has to be the same type as the class/struct which includes the module?
i guess `self` works if i'm inside a macro, however i want to predefine a bunch of common operators in a module, and then just include that module into multiple structs
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unrelated note, it's weird how argument type of Int can access explicit unsigned literals
hmm odd, putting the methods i want to define within a `macro included` block causes the methods to not modify the struct when called upon them. moving the method out of `macro included` fixes it.
so in the first example with add!(other : self) would `self` match any object that includes the module, or the specific class that included the module which we're calling .add! on?
hmm you can't define a generic class that inherits from another generic class? trying to subclass Slice
<Blacksmoke16> that sounds like a bad idea
<Blacksmoke16> just make a new generic class that wraps a slice, delegating methods to the internal one
<ImAHopelessDev_gitlab> just create your own method!
imahopelessdev: Wrapping the struct in a class or struct tends to be a lot cleaner.
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Hey, so I am to write a program which talks a certain protocol. Messages are basically binary data of defined structure. As a first thing I should write some serializer and deserializer for them... Are there some generic interfaces provided within which I should do this, or it's an open field?
(by 'provided' I mean within Crystal or the ecosystem)
<jrei:matrix.org> it is essentially a wrapper which use the first byte to know which is the message
<jrei:matrix.org> it will be hard to make something simpler, but there are limitations
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Well, two questions -- (1) is carc.in not working as expected when one clicks "Compile & run" for anyone else? For me just gets me back to input page, without showing results or assigning the URL
and (2) having to do it here, why: f = Crystalizer::ByteFormat; f.serialize(obj) works while f = Crystalizer::ByteFormat.new; f.serialize(obj) returns Nil?
from the docs it seems both should be supported, and I need the version with the object so I can set byte format to BigEndian
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aha of course, figured out (2)
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<anthonyshull> is there a way to instantiate HTTP::Client with default headers? or should i just wrap it?
jrei: soo, in short, if I use the Point example from Crystalizer, why with YAML I can do a serialize to io and back to: Point, but if I try with ByteFormat, the part to: Point tells me: rror: no overload matches 'Crystalizer::ByteFormat#deserialize' with types IO::Memory, to: Point.class, Overloads are: ... <all builtin types>, - Crystalizer::ByteFormat#deserialize(to type : T.class)
solved, thanks
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<jrei:matrix.org> tell me if anything can be improved
<jrei:matrix.org> the docs could have rough edges
I found the API a bit strange, like byte_format's deserialize only working on builtin @io, but OK
the issue I have now is... I am trying to deserialize the IO which I serialized, and it gives me:
<jrei:matrix.org> for byteformat yes, a bit special/lower lever
<jrei:matrix.org> *level
{% raise "Crystalizer::ByteFormat does not support unions; the protocol requires unambiguous field types (#{T.union_types})." %}
<jrei:matrix.org> that's because usually we use byteformat with IOs
<jrei:matrix.org> yes, unions are not supported
^-- in this line I found it useful to include which union types those are... because it didn't specify field name
<jrei:matrix.org> not sure there is a way to print the field... no rescue possible in macros :/
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<jrei:matrix.org> even when using JSON/YAML, unions are not ideal because the value has to be parsed to a type, and then rescue and try the other type, etc
ok this is fantastic, got the byte header to serialize/deserialize. The only issue I see now is the union, but I'll probably handle this separately. (i.e. if I read in the header that body exists, then additionally deserialize body in a second call to deserialize)
<jrei:matrix.org> yes there are workaround for unions
<jrei:matrix.org> you can use another message, or an enum
<jrei:matrix.org> (the enum will tell how to parse the subsequent bytes)
<jrei:matrix.org> personally I usually prefer to have a module, and include it in N similar types
if I understand you right, since I am adapting to an existing protocol, the enum trick is not possible, right?
<jrei:matrix.org> an existing protocol?
yes, I am not just serializing/deserializing because I want it, but because I'll be getting data in this format from a non-crystal source
and can't change anything in it
<jrei:matrix.org> so, you'd like to try to parse bytes, and then if there is an error, try again with an other (that's how JSON/YAML do)
<jrei:matrix.org> hum...
no I mean, in the header, which is always the same, I read whether body exists. So I first deserialize just the header, read whether the body exists, and if yes, run another deserialize (to a different class or struct) to parse the body part
That's my current idea how I'd do it.
And I'm asking whether am I correct that your idea with an Enum does not apply to this case, because I can't change anything in this defined protocol.
<jrei:matrix.org> yes that's how to do it
<jrei:matrix.org> `Enum.class` does not seem to take the `Command` enum type
<jrei:matrix.org> so it ends up in `deserialize(to type : T.class) : T forall T`
<jrei:matrix.org> in fact no, the compile think it could be
<jrei:matrix.org> I push a fix and submit a bug
<Blacksmoke16> @anthonyshull ah so its the FQN that's long
<Blacksmoke16> in that case you could do something like what i did for Athena. `alias SRS = ShipEngine::RPC::Services`. then `SRS::TagCreateParams`
<Blacksmoke16> alias common namespaces versus the actual type
thanks jrei
<jrei:matrix.org> interestingly, it works with 1 enum but not 2
<jrei:matrix.org> e.g. if I remove `command_status`, it works
Is someone around to fix carc.in? It's responding with HTTP 500 here