no no I mean, my issue is not difference in version between shards and crystal. I just want crystal 0.35.1 on alpine
<Blacksmoke16> the docker imagine would be easiest
<Blacksmoke16> or just download the `0.35.1` binary off github
0.35.1 is in the package repository for alpine 3.13, you should be able to install it on other alpine releases using `apk --repository`
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apart from that, dockerimage `crystallang/crystal:0.35.1-alpine` or just the tarball from github releases should work, too
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is stdlib Array's insertion (in the middle) O(1)? if not is there any ordered stdlib collection that does have fast insertions in the middle?
or i guess partially ordered (heap) would be good enough for my problem too
<jrei:matrix.org> Not 100% sure, I think it is
<jrei:matrix.org> What I'm sure it Deque or Hash are not O(1)
inserting in the middle can't be O(1) for array because it need to shift items to the left/right
<jrei:matrix.org> ha right
<jrei:matrix.org> I missread
<jrei:matrix.org> but changing a value in the middle is O(1)
<jrei:matrix.org> your best bet is to know the size of the array in advance
i'm doing a codewars problem so i'm limited to stdlib
i guess i'll have to code my own heap
<jrei:matrix.org> you don't know the size?
yeah, stdlib doesn't have that
(at least not in the public API, there are some internal linked list implementations=
also i don't think linked list is good enough, it's O(n) for inserting in the middle
or well i guess the insertion itself is fast but you need to find the index first which is O(n)
yeah it's only constant if you already have the position where you want to insert
<jrei:matrix.org> How can anything be O(1) if we don't know the size? A malloc will be needed at some point anyway
yeah I can't see how O(1) would be possible inserting in the middle of any data structure
could be that O(log n) is the best possible
<jrei:matrix.org> ...I don't really understand: what's is wanted at the end?
<jrei:matrix.org> you've already tried Array and didn't work well, or cant use it?
i've tried a bunch of things and nothing was fast enough so far -- the problem requires solution to be O(n log n) and my attempts were i think O(n^2)
basically i will need something that stays sorted as i add stuff to it, so probably a heap or other tree structure
<watzon:matrix.org> Could you share the problem?