<mixflame> whats the proper way to load stuff from inside a shard in an ubuntu snap?
<mixflame> like files
<mixflame> I made some changes to obscenity-cr. I made it load the blacklist from inside of Crystal instead of using files in the project dir. This allows me to use it from inside a snap. I bypassed the configuration ability to set which blacklist file you're using.
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<mixflame> how do I match multiple in Crystal regex?
<mixflame> I'm working on another shard that filters links
<Blacksmoke16> was being lazy, yes that ^
<mixflame> you pass the args as a tuple?
<mixflame> yeah
<mwlang> thanks, that was the ticket. [1,2,3,4,5].each_cons(2) {|(a,b)| pp! [a, b]}
<mwlang> could not figure that out from reading the docs.
possibly dumb question, but if you cast an slice of uint8 pixel data into a slice of structs containing the uint8s, does the data get copied when you access the struct elements?
hmm doesn't appear that anyones written image processing library for crystal. libvips and imageflow look like solid alternatives to ImageMagic
<mixflame> what's a Cline?
<mwlang> open, high, low, close candle on stock charts -- Binance calls 'em Clines so that's what I ended up calling 'em, too.
<naqvis> don't know if it answers your question :P
<j8r> @naqvis ha sorry, it was 2 separate sentences
<j8r> I didn't mention @mixflame , I was responding to him, because he do `"one two three".split("\n")`
<j8r> btw I didn't know the compiler intrinsics about this, thanks :)
<grkek> Do any of you have a great library which is able to record videos by frames in crystal?
<grkek> for mac os?
<naqvis> @j8r aah :P
<naqvis> @grkek I remember postmodern was working on Video4Linux (https://github.com/postmodern/v4l2.cr) not sure if that is going to help you in this regard
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<grkek> I wanted for mac os since v4l2 is working
<grkek> I am making a mjpeg server :p
<naqvis> 👍
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<mtsmmp_gitlab> guys im a noob. i have a json file with a key "categories" (array). i can read the file no problem, but how do i push a new item to this key and save the file?
<mtsmmp_gitlab> it says i cant push because the type is JSON::Any
<mtsmmp_gitlab> i can read the categories using .as_a
<dscottboggs_gitlab> or even just like `Hash(String, Array(String)).from_json["categories"]`
<Blacksmoke16> if its simple yea, that would suffice as well
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<mtsmmp_gitlab> im not getting it with serializable
<Blacksmoke16> you could do something like what @dscottboggs_gitlab `Array(String).from_json File.read "my_file.json", "categories"` should work
<dscottboggs_gitlab> what? what's that do?
<Blacksmoke16> reads the file and the does the deserialization from the provided key
<Blacksmoke16> so you end up with just the array of data versus a hash of the key and array
<Blacksmoke16> assuming he just wants the data and doesnt care about the file structure itself
<dscottboggs_gitlab> oh ok I see now, the parentheses were not right in the original message, I thought you were passing "categories" to File.read
<Blacksmoke16> yea sorry, i edited it to add them
<dscottboggs_gitlab> nbd
<dscottboggs_gitlab> @mtsmmp_gitlab we're saying that you need to tell Crystal what type of data you're expecting to see from the file. If it looks like ⏎ ⏎ ```{"categories": ["one", "two", "three"]}``` [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=5f3e904f07c30d132a9d598f]
<dscottboggs_gitlab> then the way to deserialize it is like @Blacksmoke16 or I said
<Blacksmoke16> i would argue this is getting to be a better use case for the serializable stuff, as you could have a `def self.load` and `def save` methods
<Blacksmoke16> i can make an example if you'd like...
<mtsmmp_gitlab> sure
<mtsmmp_gitlab> bring it on
<mtsmmp_gitlab> i appreciate
<mtsmmp_gitlab> > `File.write "data.json", {categories: categories}.to_json` ⏎ ⏎ it worked
<mtsmmp_gitlab> > i can make an example if you'd like... ⏎ ⏎ u doing it?
<Blacksmoke16> yes, give me a few
<mtsmmp_gitlab> whenever you want
<dscottboggs_gitlab> while he's doing that, I'd like to note that you should prefer using IO to using intermediate strings. For example, instead of ⏎ ⏎ ```File.open("data.json", mode: "w") { |file| {categories: data}.to_json file }``` [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=5f3e95d307c30d132a9d74f6]
<mtsmmp_gitlab> @dscottboggs_gitlab oh... i thought file.read was just a quick way to read the file. didnt know there was a difference
<Blacksmoke16> the difference in this case is negligible, but using IO based approaches are usually better
<mtsmmp_gitlab> the code looks harder to understand though
<mtsmmp_gitlab> but ill update it
<Blacksmoke16> in regards to my example?
<mtsmmp_gitlab> > in regards to my example? ⏎ ⏎ i think the code looks cool, ill test
<Blacksmoke16> re: the IO stuff
<Blacksmoke16> the difference is that using `File.read` would load the content of the file into memory
<Blacksmoke16> so you would have be using the memory it takes to represent the contents in addition to the memory used by the objects you're creating
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<Blacksmoke16> the IO approach makes it so you dont load the whole file into memory at once, so can be much more efficient when processing large files
<mtsmmp_gitlab> great guys
<mtsmmp_gitlab> the example worked
<Blacksmoke16> 👍
<mtsmmp_gitlab> you know im going to use your interface as a base
<mtsmmp_gitlab> to get the other data
<Blacksmoke16> idk what the end goal is, so its totally possible its overkill
<mtsmmp_gitlab> besided categories there will be other stuff
<Blacksmoke16> another option instead of `add_category` could prob get away with doing like
<Blacksmoke16> maybe someone else has opinions on which is more optimal :P
<Blacksmoke16> well this approach exposes the array, if thats not okay you would need to use the first example using `add_category`
Blacksmoke16: yeah!
<mtsmmp_gitlab> i like this better
Blacksmoke16: quick question about athena-serializer: granite defines all fields as nilable. How can i force deserialization to fail on missing keys?
<mtsmmp_gitlab> @Blacksmoke16 so this code only works if i declare the json keys that i want up front?
using @[ASRA::Accessor(setter: foo=)] ?
<Blacksmoke16> yes
<Blacksmoke16> repo: hmm
<Blacksmoke16> way i handled this in the blog tutorial is using the assertion lib in addition to serializer
Blacksmoke16: i suppose there's no general setter policy or something?
<mtsmmp_gitlab> @Blacksmoke16 so if i wanted something more generic. for example data.prices << "new_price", but prices isnt explicited on Data
<mtsmmp_gitlab> with JSON::Serializable there is now way right
<Blacksmoke16> whats the use case? You could do that be keeping a hash as the internal store, like `Hash(String, Array(String))`, however at that point you're not getting much type saftey
<mtsmmp_gitlab> just didnt think it was mandatory
<Blacksmoke16> i.e. how a `House` has a `Location`
Blacksmoke16: hm `ASR.serializer.deserialize(Models::Room, body, :json)` seems to be returning a nilable type...
or even nil
<mtsmmp_gitlab> my background is in nodejs and its so different
<Blacksmoke16> does `Room` include the module?
Blacksmoke16: it includes ASR::Serializable
ah never mind
<Blacksmoke16> im not a big fan of how some of that works, but i also havent thought of a better way to do it
<Blacksmoke16> mainly say you include the module into a type, and that type has a property that isnt serializable. Currently it would just be ignored/return nil
<Blacksmoke16> as opposed to compile time error when you cant really do anything about it
Blacksmoke16: hmm now i have a different issue
it seems like `@[ASRA::Name(strategy: :camelcase)]` isn't working
<Blacksmoke16> moment
it deserializes the json correctly when a snake cased key is used
but not with the camelCased version
<Blacksmoke16> thats only for serialization
nothing for deserialization? :/
<Blacksmoke16> would have to use that annotation on each property, or define the ivars via camelCase
is there a specific reason for this?
maybe i'm missing something
but i'd think this would be pretty valuable in both directions
<Blacksmoke16> yea probably, ill add a card for that
<Blacksmoke16> should be fairly easy?
<Blacksmoke16> workaround for now would be to apply the name annotation on each property using the `deserialize` key, is what the strategy would be doing essentially i think
<Blacksmoke16> whats the reasoning for renaming `serialize` to `key`?
i didn't rename it, key is additional
it combines serialize and deserialize
<Blacksmoke16> ah nice
same with `strategy`
it combines `serialization_strategy` and `deserialization_strategy`
i understand if you want to change this
because it's not _totally_ backwards compatible
<Blacksmoke16> so `strategy` becomes an alias to setting both serialization/deserialization sides, but there is still a way to only define one direction correct?
<Blacksmoke16> no i think im cool with that
<Blacksmoke16> i can check that more later today
i'll be afk for a while but feel free to highlight me if you have any questions
<Blacksmoke16> 👍
<alexherbo2> @Blacksmoke16 it could be nice to make `oq` more installable with a Makefile
<alexherbo2> and supporting stripping comments
<alexherbo2> from json to yaml
<Blacksmoke16> does it not do that already? What benefit would using a makefile be over `shards build --production --release`
<Blacksmoke16> a bit shorter but :shrug:
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<Blacksmoke16> oh nvm, you mean like `make install`
<Blacksmoke16> id accept a PR for that 😉
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<dscottboggs_gitlab> if you require a shard which requires some part of the stdlib, that part of the stdlib is available implicitly without requiring it, right? For example, if I `require "foo"` and `foo` is a shard which `require "json"` would I also need to `require "json"` as well?
<Blacksmoke16> idt tho
dscottboggs_gitlab, you wouldnt need to require that only on a technicality. include what you use.
<dscottboggs_gitlab> this works, but you're probably right that it's better to not do things implicitly
"having required json" is not part of that shard's API contract, anyway
<dscottboggs_gitlab> well, it is in this case, since it's a shard which interacts with a JSON API. Same with `http` since the shard queries an HTTP API. But yeah, that's not obvious to anyone who doesn't know what the shard does
<dscottboggs_gitlab> like, the shard will never *not* include those things, even if it's implicit.
<dscottboggs_gitlab> but implicit things are usually bad
<dscottboggs_gitlab> also it didn't actually work when I went to do `shards build`, just in the playground