<Blacksmoke16> but probably very brittle
<Blacksmoke16> `SELECT t0."id" AS c1, t0."name" AS c2, t0."alive" AS c3, t5."id" AS c4, t5."color" AS c6, t5."user_id" AS c7 FROM "users" t0 LEFT JOIN "settings" t5 ON t5."user_id" = t0."id" WHERE t0."id" = $1` if you were wondering, yes you can have one obj consume a result set, then pass that on to another, assuming columns are selected in correct order
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<guglielmocg_gitlab> Hello everyone, first post on the crystal board. ⏎ In Ruby I can use YAML.load to interpret a correctly formatted string as a hash. I would like to know if Crystal has such a functionality where it can turn a string like "{key: value}" into an object {"key": "value"}
<naqvis> @guglielmocg_gitlab Welcome. Are you asking to load YAML to `Hash`?
<scriptmaster> I had to do `brew reinstall openssl` and then `export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/lib/pkgconfig"`
<asterite> postmodern: there's only one type of enum in Crystal, there's no such thing as a "C enum" and "Crystal enum" (there used to be a difference but not anymore). For LLVM we use enums, and these are declared outside of the "lib" namespace because they are user-facing too
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<throwaway4rust> I am trying to run some crystal project and I constantly get random "failed to update" when I do shards install
<throwaway4rust> by random I mean it fetches different pkgs and the pkgs fail randomly
<Blacksmoke16> can you share the error?
<scriptmaster> the command is called shards (crystal shards of a gem) and the file is called shard.lock and shard.yml - shard install would have been better or shards.yml and shards.lock would have been way better..
<scriptmaster> and there isn't a shards add ? I had to put that in the .yml everytime..
<Blacksmoke16> not atm, was an issue/pr about it iirc
<Blacksmoke16> @throwaway4rust thats a compile error
<throwaway4rust> seems so
<Blacksmoke16> is it a postinstall step?
<Blacksmoke16> yea i dunno, prob best to drop into the lucky gitter
<Blacksmoke16> or tell the guy on reddit
<throwaway4rust> ill try higher version of dexter
<throwaway4rust> i cant see it has been reported already
<throwaway4rust> i can*
<Blacksmoke16> 👍 could have been he was working with a locked version that didnt support `0.35.x`
<Blacksmoke16> maybe try an update
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<throwaway4rust> Does having a powerful Ryzen or Threadripper actually help with compile speeds for LLVM languages like Crystal and Rust?
<Blacksmoke16> crystal is single threaded when compiling so prob not
<j8r> Single core is the most important yes
<throwaway4rust> Ah so the compiler would have to be parallelized
<throwaway4rust> and that's probably pretty hard to do right?
<Blacksmoke16> probably yea
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<asterite> the codegen (LLVM) phase is done in parallel in a bunch of threads, so the answer is yes (for that part)
<j8r> Is there any better way to know what Integer type an Enum has? https://carc.in/#/r/9hte
<Blacksmoke16> prob define some class method on it?
<wontruefree> this is a crazy question but I am looking for a blog post that I thought was on crystal-lang.org. It was about named parameters and there was an example of positional and named arguments and how crystal handles them
<Blacksmoke16> wasnt that part of a talk ary gave
<wontruefree> it might have been
<wontruefree> hmmm I thought I might know what talk but I dont see it
<j8r> I think I will not deal with unions at all
<j8r> overall a protocol has to have clearly, unambiguously typed fields
hmm, shouldn't nil be its own type then?
making it an empty string feels weird to me (but no idea if it'd make a difference for anything relevant)
<j8r> empty string sounds logical.
how do you serialize? <type><size><body>?
<j8r> the idea is to have an annotation for the String/Bytes size
<j8r> serializing iterates over each ivar of an object, in the order
what's an efficient way to iterate over a Hash in sorted order
surely not .to_a.sort!.each
<Blacksmoke16> sorted in which way? hash is sorted based on insert order
oh excuse me `.to_a.sort_by!(&.[0]).each`
<j8r> probably sorting keys
i'd prefer to sort the hash itself once, of course
j8r: hmm. not sure about that particular case. but i think it might be worth taking a peek at protobuf (and perhaps the ser-formats of other languages) for general inspiration. lots of prior art out there, and
<j8r> (through `IO#write` and `IO#read`
thts nice
yap i think that prob makes sense.
maybe it could be even faster if it had direct compiler support, but that's beyond my knowledge horizon
(but the format would prob be the same anyway)
<j8r> if the field is 3 and the string is `"a"`, the bytes would be `Bytes[97, 0, 0]` - logic. I don't see any other way to do. So an empty string will be `Bytes[0, 0, 0]`
<j8r> AFAIK msgpack and protobuf don't really support unions
j8r, no msgpack has to, json is union-like
<j8r> thanks for the reference, i will dig into it to take some inspiration
j8r, shouldnt it be a different library then
if one part of your lib specifies field names and types and another one requires them
actually.. do you support serializing arbirary structures like json does or not?
i mean stdlib's json serializable
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<j8r> not arbitrary, the schema need to be known both by the client and server
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<j8r> really just the stdlib is used. For instance, if an object has `@ivar = 1` and `@other = 12.4`, an IO::Memory will be created (from your advice), @ivar will be converter to bytes with `io.write_bytes @ivar`, same for @other.
<j8r> I just had few thing like filling with `0` too short strings, to fit the field size, things like that
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what was the shorthand for a question-mark property
<Blacksmoke16> `getter?`?
<Blacksmoke16> or `property?`
i want `foo.bar? ||= x` to do `foo.bar? || (foo.bar = x)`