<Blacksmoke16> care to share what you plan on doing with this tho?
<Blacksmoke16> might be a better way...
looks better than what I have, so I'll take it :-)
<wyhaines> Yeah. You are comparing the experimental pattern matching in current rubies to....not having that. ⏎ ⏎ The pattern matching is doing multiple things for you at the same time. You can get close using method overloading, and tuples.
I'm trying to match one of "name", "owner/name", "host/owner/name" into an instance of Repository
let me share the whole file with you
i was compiling with shards, which was picking up an older compiler
<Blacksmoke16> Hm? Using shards build?
yeah "shards build"
<Blacksmoke16> Gotcha
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<jwaldrip> With GitHub actions, GitLab CI, and all the other alternatives... should crystal init still generate a travis.yml file?
<aravindavk> @jwaldrip may be good for reference or reminder to use one CI. I felt similar when the default license file it created is MIT
<jwaldrip> ooh, thats another one that can actually get you in trouble. Would hate to work for a private company and accidentally leave the MIT license
<bararchy> Is Deque MT safe?
<Daniel-Worrall> There's an open issue regarding the future of crystal initiative
<Daniel-Worrall> Init*
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<gdotdesign> anyone here run into an issue where the type checker didn't find the overloaded function although it has been defined?
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bararchy: no, it is not.
same as array.
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<kingsleyh> how do I parse a unix epoch in ms to a Time? e.g. I have a string `1593163897.160700`
<asterite> @bararchy nothing is MT safe in the standard library except Channel
<asterite> andremedeiros: `case array.size; when 1; ...; when 2; ...; when 3; end`. Pattern matching is a nice to have but not necessary at all
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Hi everyone :-)
<Blacksmoke16> o/
Little question. If i write `foo = BigInt.new "12345"` - it's converted to BigInt once? Even if i use `foo` many times?
<Blacksmoke16> yea, `foo` would be an instance of `BigInt`, just like any other struct/class
Thanks Blacksmoke16 :-)
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<watzon> Seems like the problem is that no one can agree on the right action to take @oprypin
<watzon> It would be nice to have fixed though. I've had that issue several times.
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<kazzkiq> Hello
<kazzkiq> Is there any impact on using a single `require "../etc/*"` instead of multiple `require "../etc/1"`, etc?
<Blacksmoke16> can run into issues using the former, as they're required in abc order
<Blacksmoke16> depends on the context of which I use
<kazzkiq> Say I have a `helpers` folder with 20 files. But for sake of productivity just want to `require "../helpers/*"` on every file and be done with it
<Blacksmoke16> assuming they're all independent files prob would be fine
<tenebrousedge> ^
<Blacksmoke16> mainly run into issues when some depend on others and arent required first, i.e. one defines an abstract class the other inherit from
<tenebrousedge> or you could explicitly define the order in some file and require that
<kazzkiq> But wouldn't it impact performance? I'm guessing Crystal already does the job of ignoring required files which are not used, etc.
<tenebrousedge> it has a 0% chance of impacting performance
<tenebrousedge> Crystal is a compiled language
<tenebrousedge> require happens at compile time, not runtime
<kazzkiq> I'm more about compiling time performance. By requiring `*` on every file, perhaps my project would take longer to compile
<kazzkiq> I have no idea tho, just guessing if it could bite me in the long run
<tenebrousedge> generally I ignore performance until I'm forced to do otherwise, and it's difficult to envision the circumstances under which I would care about compilation performance
<tenebrousedge> Crystal itself is a fairly large and complex project, it compiles in a reasonable time frame, and probably your project will not be worse than Crystal
<tenebrousedge> if at some point that becomes not true, it's probably worth congratulations
<watzon> It can and will impact compile time performance, but there's really no way around that. You won't get around it by requiring files manually,
<watzon> What affects the compile time performance is just the fact that you're requiring those files in the first place
watzon, regarding earlier, no nobody knows what the problem is and hence definitely not the solution. the disagreement is on what level of blind workarounds is applicable
kazzkiq, require what you use, then order will never be important
if each file directly requires only files that it needs
with asterisks you very easily add circular dependencies and those can randomly stop working
<watzon> Truth. I've had this happen in larger projects.
kazzkiq, regarding performance, a file is required only once. you can imagine a crystal program as a huge single file, and when a particular file is `require`d *for the first time*, it gets pasted in there
so unless you otherwise would've never required that file at all, this should be totally fine. just that the other reason to not use `*` is already more than enough
<asterite> oprypin: with the cache issue, I feel like catching those errors, cleaning the cache and trying again is a good workaround for now. Unfortunately the rest of the core team prefers to let it crash until we have time to figure out why it crashes. Meanwhile it affects a lot of developers and it makes them unhappy. So even if I sent a PR to "fix" it it won't be accepted.
<j8r> There is a legit case of crash with an invalid cache: aborting in a middle of a compilation
put up a full step by step repro then
never happened to me
<asterite> the thing is that it's a race condition so it's hard to reproduce
is it really? it's always connected to upgrades of crystal and such, doess it need to *also* have a race condition?
<j8r> Maybe I cancel when there is a linking, or during the generation of .o files
<asterite> oprypin: the root cause is stopping compilation and having an `.o` file with half of the contents it supposed to have. This is hard to reproduce because you have to `ctrl+c` in the right moment, but it's the same as just putting garbage inside an existing `.o` file
<asterite> That is, we can't prevent users from messing around with the cached object files. But we can clear those things and try again because it's harmless to do so.
<z64> hey all - ⏎ we just upgraded our whole stack to 0.35.1 and are seeing *exponentially* longer compile times when building in the official docker images vs host, with on various scales of code examples ⏎ the following are traces from building an empty web scaffold with `--release` ⏎ https://paste.sr.ht/~z64/738cd51d07894bb7a97597f0a6464f9c8fece518 ⏎ ... [https://gitte
<z64> it happens in bc+obj codegen phase, i had wondered if it was maybe some odd interaction with llvm 8 in 0.35, but our other dev who is using llvm 8 doesn't have the issue on his host
z64, care to bisect it? or is it just docker images
<z64> i can build our prod app in release just fine on my host in reasonable time - the codegen overhead is only observed in the official docker images
<z64> in the container, the compiler is continuing to run at 100% cpu util the whole time
so what's the difference between host and docker image?
target triple, llvm version?
<z64> read the paste; crystal -v of the containers i've tried and my host are shown ⏎ coworker who has llvm 8 is on the same target triple
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<asterite> maybe memory issue so there's a lot of swap