Think there is a Thread class but not sure how well Crystal support it at this point
<Qwerp-Derp> To implement threads for Windows, is it basically just porting the same code in the existing POSIX implementation, but changing things a bit so that they work properly for Windows instead?
<Qwerp-Derp> There is a `Thread` class but it's used internally, you just use `Fiber`s and `#spawn` and instead
<foi> if i wrap context in spawn do end - http server returns nothing
@Qwerp-Derp Fibers are not multi-threaded though?
Unless that changed recently they just let you switch context within same thread for long operations like IO etc.
<Qwerp-Derp> oh didn't know that
From what I remember fibers only let another fiber do work if you yield
<foi> Sorry. It is my fault. HTTP::Server is multithreaded (or evented) by default. I've test from 1 browser and multiple tabs and it behaves as single threaded, but if use another browsers (or clients) it is not blocks and works as expected.
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<fridgerator> @foi You have to use `reuse_port` and run multiple servers that bind to the same port