<renich> order_response is what create_order returns. You want me to put this inside create_order?
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<johnjansen> man, never code on sundays ;-) ⏎ just get rid of that line
<renich> OK, I changed it to exit 0 if order_response.nil?
<renich> LOL
<renich> yeah, I know. This is urgent...
<johnjansen> you dont even need the line …
<renich> OK
<johnjansen> if it were inside a method, id return, but since you arent … dont
<renich> Yes. OK, what about the new error... it doesn't like as_i
<johnjansen> `to_i`
<johnjansen> `to_s`
<renich> ah! it worked!
<renich> but the code looks awful. Why do we need the not_nil! thing?
<renich> shouldn't I be able to dereference order_response["something"]
<renich> ??
<johnjansen> because the method `create_order` doesn’t always return a hash … it might return `nil`
<renich> OK, so the key is to prevent it from doing that, right?
<johnjansen> `not_nil!` yes … you should careful understand the return paths from `create_order`, you will see the problem if you carefully study it
<renich> man, I am grateful. Thanks a lot. I've been stuck on this for a while... days...
<renich> I need to make that thing return a simple Hash or a salvageable error
<johnjansen> i have got into the habit of always specifying a return type on methods, so i know my code always returns what i expect … as such, you should add a return type to `create_order` so as to understand the problem
<johnjansen> then `raise “HTTP ERROR” unless r.status_code == 200` and remove `if r.status_code == 200` in `create_order`
<johnjansen> better still `raise “HTTP ERROR” unless r.success?`
<renich> OK. thanks for the advice.
<johnjansen> then you can ditch all the not_nil!
<renich> wrapped in a try?
<johnjansen> begin rescue ensure end
<renich> yeah, got mixed with python for a while
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<elorest> @mverzilli Thanks.
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<schoening> Following error with mongodb driver following the usage example:
<renich> Hello. I am building an app that consumes an API and tries to make decisions on the data it gathers. It should run in a loop and repeat the cycle every 5 mins or so. I am interesting in several things regarding this:
<renich> Renich Bon Ciric @renich 00:51 ⏎ Hello. I am building an app that consumes an API and tries to make decisions on the data it gathers. It should run in a loop and repeat the cycle every 5 mins or so. I am interesting in several things regarding this: ⏎ ⏎ 1) Logging: how would you go about implementing logging, even in the library? ⏎ 2) Loop: what would be the best way to approach the loop part? Just
<bararchy> Trying, still need to add more bindings, but the basic functionallity is working and I test around different Neural Network settings
<bararchy> BTW , why does 32 is default Int32 but 0.1 is default Float64 ?
<sdogruyol> isn't that normal?
<sdogruyol> one is integer the other is float
<bararchy> This is ok, I mean why Float64 and not default to Float32
<sdogruyol> not sure but could be related to overflow
<bararchy> Becuase libfann expects Float32 I need to create data which is `[0.1_f32, 0.2_f32, etc...]`
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<sdogruyol> ugh
<sdogruyol> that's a bummer for performance
<sdogruyol> does c defaults to 32 bit for floats?
double is 64
<sdogruyol> good to know
<sdogruyol> thanks
Though keep in mind of that precision on double and float is not fixed, we use our own fixed point implementation at work since we need to sync exact numerics over network between clients
if you are working with network it's a detail you don't want to discover late
<sdogruyol> i'm kinda noob with that low level details
<sdogruyol> thanks for letting me know @Groogy
<bararchy> Yeha, thanks Groogy
no probs, I went through the pain of that and don't think anyone else should have to ;D
<sdogruyol> i think the float64 default should be noted somewhere (wiki?) @bararchy
that crystal uses float64 by default? It does say it in the introduction documentation
I think
<bararchy> Well, it's unexpected to be sure
yeah it can definetly have more visibility on it
it is going to take bunch of people of guard probably
<bararchy> the thing is , the logic behind it is most likley valid for Int too, I think, so why not default Int to 64 as well ? \
<bararchy> for consistency
Also chars being 4 bytes big caught me of guard :P
since I mainly work with c++ so
Int32 though is most of the time good enough for most of the things you do and it fits nicely into the registers if I remember correctly
double however uses floating point registers on the cpu instead
though 64bit cpu's I guess have larger registers
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<bararchy> So, I got Array(Array(Float32)) ⏎ The C lib wants a Pointer(Pointer(Float32)), I can't get that to work normally
<bararchy> Do I need to do .first.first or something and pass this pointer ?
<bew> don't think you can do that
<bew> because the `Array` instance is bigger than a pointer, the data you're looking for is not contiguous in memory
yeah you probably would have to go with ptr.malloc(size_of_crystal_array_memory) and copy it over
before passing it
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<bew> no need for malloc, you can do `your_array.map &.to_unsafe` to get an `Array(Pointer(Float32))`, then you can just pass this to the fun
ah cool
<bew> the compiler will add the last `to_unsafe` on the array to get the `Pointer(Pointer(Float32))`
and that is guarranteed to be transformed so it is correct in memory as well?
<sdogruyol> @groogy are you a C / C++ developer by day?
By day I am a C++ programmer, by night I am a vigilante of modern languages
<bew> it is
<sdogruyol> @groogy wow, i'd really envy C / C++ people
<sdogruyol> low level stuff
<sdogruyol> must be more interesting than some web development stuff :P
<bararchy> And my `Type = LibC::Float` is this
<bew> so true @sdogruyol :p
Well you do until you become one with your soul drained ;D
<sdogruyol> @bew right? :P
<sdogruyol> @groogy soul drain? I assume you were a Warlock in World of Warcraft :D
No that's my boss
<sdogruyol> hahaha
<sdogruyol> in WoW when a Warlock soul drained a creature it'd gained a 'Soul Stone' :D
<sdogruyol> good ol' days
Haven't played WoW in ages
my boss do actually play it pretty much everyday though
<sdogruyol> same
<bew> but there is something you need to not forget @bararchy the intermediate array you create with `...map &.to_unsafe` is the one that will be passed to the fun, but *it can be collected by the GC* so don't forget to save it somewhere in crystal-land to prevent GC collection
<sdogruyol> seriously? :D
Yeah well it's a game company, everyone plays games here
<sdogruyol> @bew wish we had a Crystal native-first GC of our own
<sdogruyol> @groogy which company is it?
Paradox Interactive
<sdogruyol> i'm sure i've heard that name before
well I am in Paradox Development Studios which make the internal strategy games
<bew> nice!
<sdogruyol> oh, Europa Universalis
Magicka, Cities Skylines, Europa Universalis 4(my current project), Crusader Kings 2(previous)
<sdogruyol> i've lost a significant part of my life to EU and games like that :P
<sdogruyol> congrats on that @groogy :D
Well yeah I like to imagine myself as a crack dealer
"have a little taste" -> "500 hours later"
<sdogruyol> hahaha
<sdogruyol> @groogy what do you think of Crystal, can it handle your backend loads or replace some part of your C++ stack?
Don't know yet
Literally started this weekend so :D
<sdogruyol> cool, hope we can help you on the way :)
but first of course it needs to work on Windows since that's the biggest market
<sdogruyol> yeah
<sdogruyol> that's why i said for backend :P
but usually I learn tons of cool things which I can then put into our code base
like Ruby style .each semantics I got into several logical things for us
<sdogruyol> do you use boost with cpp?
like you have a country object, you want to iterate over all its cores, instead of fetching an array I implemented so you could do country.ForEachCore([](...))
which got inlined and used helpful structs so programmers could implement the logic in 3 lines
<sdogruyol> wow, sounds really cool
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nah we use only C++11, looking at C++14
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<bew> did you know there are coroutines in C++ ?
<sdogruyol> so you're basically build a DSL for others' ease of use
but they look super... eeeh
cumbersome to use
compared to other languages
<sdogruyol> we have `spawn` :P
<sdogruyol> super simple to use hehe
<bew> ahah yes, I just found about it yesterday
Yeah, I find it if I make the logic clear and readable it makes the code base long liver
biggest opposition I got from the other seniors were that "it would make programmers lazy"
<bew> ahahah but WE ARE LAZY (in a certain sense)
<sdogruyol> hahaha
<sdogruyol> @groogy that's an interesting "Senior" way of seeing things
which part?
<sdogruyol> "it would make programmers lazy"
<sdogruyol> actually i was being sarcastic :P
ah well I'm simplifying the arguments but that's what it boiled down to. Essentially they were worried that people would do mistakes because they wouldn't know the underlying logic
while I was trying to prevent copy pasting problems
<sdogruyol> @groogy that's a really low-level way of looking at things
<sdogruyol> like everyone should know everything under the hood
<sdogruyol> for high-level development that's the quite opposite
It's the c++ attitude in some circles I guess?
<bew> IMO you should always knwo how work what you're using, either by recoding it, or understand it and explaining to someone else
Internet community around development have a very much "superiority" complex in certain things
<sdogruyol> just use something and get the s**t done (without actually even knowing how it works)
<bew> that last statement
I mean you should have a gist of kind of what it does but you don't need to understand underlying implementation
<sdogruyol> @groogy agreed
I am looking forward on starting my hobbyproject in Crystal though
but yeah switching a whole company that has code worth of 15 year in C++ is not gonna happen :P
<sdogruyol> @bew is it inactive for more than 1 year?
what is it even?
<bararchy> does shards.xyz is filtering out long sleeping repos ?
and yeah last commit is over a year ago
<bew> :/
<sdogruyol> yeah
<sdogruyol> it doesn't list repos older than 1 years
anyway lunch
<sdogruyol> it's implicit
<sdogruyol> @groogy have a good lunch, me too
<sdogruyol> guess you're from EU timezone
sweden yeah
<bew> it's 11am for me, not lunch time yet ^^
<bararchy> 12 noon here
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<sdogruyol> yeah, you're literally next to me :P @bararchy
<bararchy> @sdogruyol Where are you at right now ?
<bararchy> South America somewhere ?
<sdogruyol> nope
<sdogruyol> Istanbul
<sdogruyol> aren't you from Tel Aviv?
<bararchy> Close by, Hertzellia, it's like 10 min from there
<sdogruyol> I'm really interested to visit and see there
<sdogruyol> The culture interests me
@bew we have "workers lunch" so we eat at 11am here. I.e go out and eat before every single place is filled to max capacity
<sdogruyol> 11am sounds too early
Well I've stopped having breakfast because of it xD
<sdogruyol> makes sense :P
hope I get my new parts today so I can get cracking on getting Archlinux running at home again so I can play around all night with crystal :3
<bararchy> @sdogruyol You are invited to visit :) tell me if you go we can meetup
<sdogruyol> @bararchy thank you, i'd be happy to have a meetup / conf there :)
<bararchy> @bew I still get errors: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ⏎ So it seems the C lib isn't getting the data like it want's it, it thinks data is 0 so the array dosen't seem to be translating well [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=595a117676a757f808ce61e7]
Can we see the code for where you build the pointer in question?
hmmm is it possible to try and manually read from a Pointer?
probably "unsafe" but it would let you know if you could access the elements correctly in the pointer
or write a small little C lib that you link with that has a function that takes a (float** pointer, int count) that outputs the pointer to stdout to see if you can access it correctly
<bararchy> I think I can just do ⏎ Slice.new(ptr.value.value, data_size)
test it out, see if you can read back the data as expected
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so how did it turn out? you keeping me in suspense :P
<sdogruyol> :D
<sdogruyol> he's having lunch (probably)
Are there actually any big professional projects that use Crystal yet?
professional as in "makes money", not freetime stuff
<bararchy> We have a few, but it's not open sourced ;)
no was just curious on development of the "scene/community"
<bararchy> I guess the c lib doesn't lie
<bararchy> hahah
so it seems to be getting garbage, or something it shouldn't be
@sdogruyol yeah I did rbSFML
but been fighting the new crew that took over the library kind of ish on some features they are being really stubborn about
so gave up on it
<sdogruyol> that's sad to hear
<sdogruyol> we have @Blaxpirit @oprypin actually maintaining crsfml he's a really great person
how the opengl context is handled is really dumb and I tried to get them to fix it but the guy in charge for that part had a completly false view on how opengl contexts in 3.* works
and evne when I proved it to him with a snippet he refused to fix it
<sdogruyol> maybe you can work together
"because rasons" *fart*
no I am talking about the main library development
<sdogruyol> having low level experience helps a lot
<bararchy> Right now i'm imagning @bew is doing a total refactor to everything and sending a PR HAHAHAH ⏎ It's like, WTF did he do here ?!?! WTH is this a Pointer ?!?!?
<bararchy> Structure used to store data, for use with training. ⏎ ⏎ The data inside this structure should never be manipulated directly, but should use some of the supplied functions in Training Data Manipulation. ⏎ ⏎ The training data structure is very usefull for storing data during training and testing of a neural network. [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=595a2c7af5b3458e30091b27]
<bararchy> `The data inside this structure should never be manipulated directly, but should use some of the supplied functions in Training Data Manipulation.`
<bararchy> So I guess I shouldn't try to create it myself
<eliasjpr> nice! When would the next one be?
<bew> hightower like in `shards` ?
<sdogruyol> @eliasjpr not sure about the date
I'll have a project done before then and see if I can show up ^^
<eliasjpr> would be nice to have a calendar so people can better plan to assist
<eliasjpr> I would love to meet everyone in person
<bew> nvm, no mapping in shards.. weird
<sdogruyol> yeah, we have a great community with awesome people @eliasjpr
Crystal has nothing to fullfill Design by contract right, mostly focused on specs like Ruby? Think that might be my first thing to implement when I get home today
I'm lazy so I always end up not doing TDD correctly, so contracts work way better for me
<molovo> I’ve never liked TDD. I refactor a ton while I’m developing, so prefer to write a few basic tests, and then aim for full coverage once I’ve nailed down the functionality
Everyone is different, I just like having code that describe what the function accepts and what the function ensures as result directly associated with the code
also makes me remember to keep it compliant/update contract
<sdogruyol> @molovo that's also a good approach
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can you hook in on when a struct goes out of scope and gets destroyed?
<sdogruyol> i'm pretty sure you can do that with a `finished` macro
<bew> it's finalized
finished macro?
oh finalized, the GC calls that one though for referenced objects
<bew> yeah iirc, not sure though
I need something for leaving the scope of a function
yeah I am thinking if I can hack around the language
problem will lie in what the macro language define as "complete code" and if it can generate a "ensure;else;"
<straight-shoota> macro doesn't care about syntax the compiler just expects your macro to generate valid code. It it does not, it will result in an syntax error, when the macro-generated code is compiled
<sdogruyol> hey @RX14 are you there :P?
@straight-shoota nice then I might actually be able to get aorund it
<sdogruyol> i'm thinking of creating benchmarks of Kemal versions with Crystal versions, thus i need to have previous Crystal versions installed. I thought that crane would be a great choice for that
<sdogruyol> WDYT?
well it'd be a good idea if crane worked
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<krypton97> Any chances in the future for crystal to support short assignment operators like := for example? This would be more readable than = for declarations..
no chance
<sdogruyol> @krypton97 probably not
<sdogruyol> why do you need it though
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<krypton97> It's more readable...sometimes I get confused wheter I declared that or that var was already declared and so on..
then your functions are too long
<krypton97> Or being able to put the data type when declaring would be nice as well
<krypton97> I kinda new about that, but why using str : String = instead of String str = it's not better
<krypton97> Whatever, maybe I'll have to get used to it
<sdogruyol> @krypton97 it's not that bad :P
if you want to write Java write Java
sounds like you'd be happier
<krypton97> I hate VM languages
<sdogruyol> did you know that Japanese people have a slang for NullPointerException ? :D
Nullopointua desu~
(• ε •)
@krypton97 you really shouldn't declare types of local variables manually, the syntax was only introduced recently and to be honest it's a mistake
Well it's for when the inference falls short isn't it?
i meant the specific implementation that needs ensure trickery
<krypton97> If so, why do we still need pipes like do |key|
you can use rescue and else in begin blocks
and then just set a bool and call a function or something
not entirely sure what to suggest without the implementation that's givijng you trouble
<krypton97> Anyway, what's the fastest way to iterate from i to n ??
<crisward> Does anyone know if crystal client can be told to follow redirects? Can't see anything in the docs. Thanks...
no I am just planning
at work at the moment
and planning to work on this when I get home
@krypton97 i.upto(n) do |x|
<krypton97> I'm thinking between (i..n).each vs n.times
<krypton97> Oo nice, didn't know about that
if i is 0 use times
<krypton97> Is it faster?
ranges also have the same performance
<krypton97> Than each
no they are all the same
it's clearer to read
the only difference between all these is how you write them
<krypton97> Thanks!
<bew> icr is broken with last archlinux updates, I updated libevent, icr needed the old version, and the AUR build crashes on a stupid spec :/
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[crystal] MakeNowJust opened pull request #4664: Parser: correct to parse 'foo &.%(1)' (master...fix/crystal/parse-percent-as-block-call) https://git.io/vQuCn
<renich> > Renich Bon Ciric @renich 00:51 ⏎ Hello. I am building an app that consumes an API and tries to make decisions on the data it gathers. It should run in a loop and repeat the cycle every 5 mins or so. I am interesting in several things regarding this: ⏎ ⏎ 1) Logging: how would you go about implementing logging, even in the library? I want to log what methods do and get as response messages in the API
<renich> @fridgerator thanks. I know. I am trying to learn how to implemented all around.
<renich> Thanks @mverzilli for the tip.
<renich> @fridgerator the latter link seems cool! Will read on.
<renich> Regarding logging, let's say I have MyModule and I, also, have /lib/api/api.cr, which has a library for consuming the API. How would you go about logging in that case? Should I create a module for the API lib and
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<fridgerator> hard to say
<renich> Maybe the library should have it's own logging, but I dunno.. doesn't seem right
renich, if you actually want to log from the lib, then make it so you can set a ::Logger, e.g. to a class_property in your Lib's main module
Initialize it to a logger logging into a blackhole
<renich> Papierkorb: ok. Then set it in the app?
Then the user of the library sets it if wanted, yes
<azzuwan> @bararchy sweet, I'm gonna take a look
<bararchy> But I want to see if there are better ones to bind to , with CUDA support and multi-cpu
<bararchy> @azzuwan Are you playing around with Neural nets ?
<renich> Papierkorb: when you say class property, are you referring to the property macro?
`class_property` macro
<renich> Ok. Will read about it. Thanks again, Papierkorb
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[crystal] MakeNowJust opened pull request #4665: Show helpful error message against invalid number literal like '.42' (master...fix/crystal/lex-special-error-dot-with-number) https://git.io/vQuEk
<bew> @MakeNowJust it kind of a hack to fix #4664 in the parser no? I would expect to fix that in the lexer, so it does not get a `:DELIMITER_START` but an `:IDENT` or `:%`..
alright this I guess you could call the "concept"?
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<johnjansen> what have you got so far?
trying to figure out a way to invoke some kind of code at each exit point of a method :/ but can't come up with anything
Ah I just started
I mean require and invariant is simple enough
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ensure though is supposed to guarrantee on exit of function, this holds true at all times
been looking at structs but they don't seem to have any "on destruction" callback, I mean Pointer() just let's go of the memory it allocated and let's the GB handle it so
there's no way to do what you want to do without replacing the entire method Groogy
yeah :/
<johnjansen> thanks @RX14 glad you showed up
however you could push the method details (class, name, args, etc) to a constant array and use a finally macro to override them
finally is when the class finishes get defined right?
you'd firstly expand the requires and ensures macros to a nop
and push the details to a constant array, which can be modified by macros
finally macro runs after all other macros
thats all
though that wouldn't let me rewrite the function right to add in the code where needed
you don't have the mixin(str_with_any_code_you_want) like D has
why not?
you can just reopen the class and redefine the method in top-level finally
there's the prev def I can still access right?
that's really clever
and if there wasn't you could simply save the body
yeah, been some time since I worked in Ruby :P
it'd be a lot simpler in ruby lol
yeah of course
Ok no YAML.mapping() examples in production :) Remains for me to try understand how it works on my own :)
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<schoening> JSON::Any does not have to_i method and String does not have as_i method. So what do I do when my data can be of one of those types? Because this did not work: ⏎ ⏎ http://i.imgur.com/QuKNfig.png
<akzhan> But it’s wrong way. Please use JSON.mapping to concrete classes.
<johnjansen> a quick hack, `to_s.to_i`
<johnjansen> ;-)
hmm can you save a class in a variable?
Groogy, yes
how? Tried var : Class and it told me I am not allowed to have a reference to type Object
"Error in src/crystal-test.cr:8: can't use Object as the type of a variable yet, use a more specific type
klass : Class"
how about dropping that line
<schoening> @johnjansen thanks! :D ⏎ Could you elaborate on the sentence "Please use JSON.mapping to concrete classes" ? I don't understand that sentence I guess its the concrete part I don't get, dunno what that means
schoening, that code is so wrong i dont know where to begin :/
(honesly i dont have anywhere to begin because it's cut off)
<schoening> Well, I gotta learn somehow
<schoening> now it's changed to to_s.to_i hehe
If I have a class with YAML.mapping, and I subclass it, how do I add new fields to/from YAML? Can I "append" the definition or I need to repeat/redefine it?
probably cant do anything of that sort but i'm just guessing
schoening: they're saying you should be using JSON.mapping() (see mentions of "mapping" on https://crystal-lang.org/api/0.18.7/JSON.html) instead of manually parsing with JSON.parse
schoening: (since JSON.mapping() is optimal for mapping objects to/from JSON, rather than doing "manual" parsing)
<schoening> Ok I will check it out :D
<schoening> Thx
schoening: once you define a JSON.mapping() for your class, you will be able to convert it to/from JSON using #to_json() and #from_json(...json text...)
(just like that, no other work involved)
if only that always worked
I can't say I did it myself, I am trying to make that same thing working using YAML.mapping(), but at least that's the theory :)
you cant just type one word and then edit in 1000 words afterwards
or did you not use edit when adding that piece of code?
the main point is dont use edits for anything important
* FromGitter
* renich forgot to add the method in the order hash... :S
<renich> Still, that is not the problem... yet
<coderhs> Hi. how do we retrieve an integer from a yaml file? I am getting the following error when i try to do `to_i` `undefined method 'to_i' for YAML::Any (did you mean 'to_a'?)`
<renich> That one looks better than what I had... Let me check @johnjansen 's version
<renich> @akzhan thank you very much. I will look into the mapping thing. I am a complete idiot when it comes to crystal... :S
<johnjansen> @renich you need to pay special attention to Types … try to understand what every var is and ensure you are always in control …
Hey, does YAML.mapping() automatically define 'properties', or I need both 'property' and YAML.mapping() statements?
defines properties
<renich> @johnjansen thanks,, man. It seems clean and all.
thanks oprypin, trying to embark on that task now
<johnjansen> not perfect, but im busy too
<renich> oprypin: actually, I used yours first. Thanks! ;=)
renich, first of all, this type of data of different types but where each field has its expected type is just not meant to be in a Hash
<renich> @johnjansen I appreciate you taking the time to help... Thanks
the types get jumbled up together and just cause you pain
<renich> oprypin: yeah, that has been the case. So, what to use instead of hashes?
<johnjansen> @renich @oprypin’s is cleaner for sure … my only comment is that you didnt appear to know that the “method” key was missing, or that it was a symbol not a string
renich, tuples. in this case i guess you can just replace `=>` with `:`
<renich> @johnjansen yeah, fixed that
<renich> cool
renich, do you have a predefined set of fields and types? or are they really variable?
<johnjansen> i suspect this is the tip of the iceberg
hmm how do you define the finally macro?
Groogy_, sorry what?
can't seem to find it in the docs
<renich> oprypin: no, they come from a restful API
the one @RX14 refered to me before
renich, no what? i think that means the types are predefined
Groogy_, just macro finally
<renich> oprypin: I use JSON::Any in fact. Yes, they're pre-defined.
globally or in a class?
it'll be expanded in place
renich, in that case it's really worth using JSON.mapping
so if you want to patch all different things from 1 array
then you have to do it globally
because you can't get out of a namespace in macros
<straight-shoota> yes. I missed a bit from the discussion, so I am not sure what you were looking for
hightower2, nilable means it can be null in json and no error caused. but json/yaml mapping does not define a constructor
<straight-shoota> the macro is still considered highly experimental (even more than the language itself) and therefore there are no docs for it
oprypin, oh, so if I'm understanding it correctly, it always calls #new on the class with all arguments provided (even if nil), which is why it needs a specific constructor
hightower2, no, it does not call new and there is no such new in the first place
oprypin, I mean initialize...
same thing
YAML.mapping defines initialize(YAML::PullParser), no other method
I'm referring to the URL you pasted. Based on seeing "def initialize( @var1, @var2)" there, my understanding is that I need to create an initialize method which lists all fields/vars from JSON.mapping
oprypin, oh I understand, the problem is that without adding YAML.mapping(), I was able to just call "new()" and it worked. After adding YAML.mapping(), I also had to add a specific constructor which will get called when I call "new()"
With that addition in place, it works now
hightower2, hmm true that. when you have no constructor and no fields there is a default initialize
don't have any good way to inspect WRAPPED_METHODS to see if it works as intended
ge mig 5
oprypin, yeah. A little gotcha for users, maybe a note about it somewhere would be in order.
adding a "puts "hahaha"" in the expansion of the for loop in the macro seem to output nothing :/
well the code is being expanded right? so technically it should expand that into a line of code saying "puts "hahaha""
i think it should but i have no idea what's happening in your code by now
though tried, {% debug(WRAPPED_METHODS) %} and it gives me nothing :/
maybe explain the big picture of what you want to do and/or paste the complete code
Is there a way I can name types? E.g. I often repeat var : T1 | T2 | T3. Is there a way to have something like "type T = T1 | T2 | T3"? (There is "type", but using it as shown results in "can't declare constant dynamically)
can anyone tell me how the compiler doesnt vomit on that `[] of Tuple(_, _)`
Ok I actually have a working YAML.mapping({}). Doesn't bail with error and creates properties as expected (all tests pass as if nothing happened). Writing converters for serializing/deserializing to/from YAML is the next step now.
oprypin: I have boilerplate code I want to run for a bunch of different http routes, to give me convenience variables from a web request, and to set up a database connection.
<straight-shoota> bmcginty, you can catch a block passed to a macro
<coderhs> how would you do a YAML.mapping in crystal for a dynamic key? like `reader_1_ip:`, `reader_2_ip`. Each reader and its ip can be placed the YAML.
bmcginty, you should set up a function or some context instead of thinking about it as boilerplate code
macros don't tolerate defining new variables that weren't already in the scope
<straight-shoota> oprypin, I wonder about that too. But the compiler doesn't care if a StringLiteral is appended to the array of tuples... https://play.crystal-lang.org/#/r/2aob
bmcginty, database connection would de def make_conn; c = Connection.new(asdf); yield c; finally c.close; end
convenience variables would be var1, var2, var3 = get_convenience_variables()
oprypin: thanks. I have the funtion returning a tuple now, but the individual types aren't being recognized. It's odd. THink I have a soltuion, though. Will try and shout here if it doesn't work.
bmcginty, I don't see why they would not be recognized. should work well.
Adds "SpecFormatter" spec output format, similar to Ruby's of the same name
[crystal] matiasgarciaisaia opened pull request #4667: Statically link stdc++ (master...static-stdc++) https://git.io/vQzeX
oprypin, regarding your comments that default constructor is no longer there if there are some fields... Well, I did have property :x before and it worked
You know what I mean? I had property :x, as well as getter :y, setter :z... and just calling new() worked without any constructor written on my part
hightower2, default constructor is no longer there if there are some constructors
ok, that's clarifies, thanks
and if you have uninitialized fields, that's not gonna work out for ya with the default constructor
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so i misworded it
but still mostly true
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Ok, great, have YAML.mapping() working, at least the parts that don't involve custom converter
hmm curious, straight-shoota, why do I have to make the macro outside the function for it to work?
I mean it's not bad can still make this work, might be better
it will end up looking like this I guess which isn't that bad
think more defensive programming rather than TDD
<straight-shoota> Groogy, the code in the method body is only evaluated by the compiler when the method is actually called somewhere. At this point, the type's `finished` macro hook has already been called
that makes sense
since every function in this language kind of behaves like a template right?
Groogy_, can't you just write these things inside the body of the function?
Groogy_, uh i suppose in c++ terms yes
no tried, that's what I do in C++ or in D, but like what straight-shoota said I can't
Groogy_, i mean just write assert val.baz == true inside the function
(assert to be implemented)
but yeah usually the point is to have it inline in the actual function but since I can't hijack a struct destruction on exit of scope I'll have to wrap the method instead to get proper behaviour
yeah it's glorified assert
but for instance you also have invariants which will guarrantee that on entry and exit to every method that they will hold true
to make sure you are not left with a corrupt object, etc.
Also the assert won't ensure that it is executed on every exit from the function, which ensure() will
Also the assert won't ensure that it is executed on every exit from the function, which ensures() will
<straight-shoota> you could try to replace `def`with a macro...
the general idea with macros, at least to me, has always been all about recursion, never about global state
I have a case where I need to implement obj<=>self, and basically the comparison comes down to comparing a series of instance variables. Is there any better approach than doing "r= @var<=>other.var; return r if r!= 0" for each of them?
but i guess that's mainly because i didnt know that stuff like was shown today was possible
I mean you can sort of create global state in C++ as well with templates
it is just very unintuitive
hightower2, first of all it could be a macro. {% for var in [:r, :g, :b] %} use {{ var.id }}
not macro in a literal sense, you dont actually need to write `macro macro_name`, just inline that
hightower2, i think `{@a, @b, @c} <=> {other.a, other.b, other.c}` should work
lol i just removed scandir and it had no effect on speed whatsoever
sorry removed stat() call
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cool. sounds like you guys know what's going on with it, and I'm not crazy. So this idea of crystal implementation vs c calls ... is compiled crystal still spinning up a self-contained interpreter?
i didn't know that
like a vm within a binary?
crnewb, there is no interpreter involved
would be nice to have it for macros though
just a lot a jumps in the code and loops?
crnewb, i am not sure what you mean
<straight-shoota> Crystal is compiled into a binary which runs about as fast as C or other compiled languages
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crnewb, btw, instead of `pwd`, you can use $PWD, and even simpler/better, just "."
hightower4, using "$PWD" is discouraged
(it seemed to me he was just giving some quick example, didn't look into it in detail)
the pwd is expanded before the pgm starts so that's the important part
my real goal was to time collecting ALL the files on a system, but I gave up
that was just my home dir
anyway, thanks for the discussion. ttyl
appreciate the help
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forget my comment about $PWD, i guess it's just my personal feeling that it's too magical
but i would still prefer $(pwd) in every case. it's not actually running the pwd executable anyway
yes it's a builtin
but, I do believe that invoking $() in any case runs a process (i.e. does a fork at least)
hm, not sure
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<fridgerator> has anyone used either the glove or crono game frameworks?