No, because maybe between that statement and the next one another thread makes @x nil
At least that's our excuse for not implementing it :-P
But another thread can't change a local variable
Okay, I've used try a few times.. It seems the the appropriate thing here..
farleyknight might be expecting the if @x to restrict @x to be non nillable. right?
Yes, but that's not safe, at least not in a concurrent world
Will there ever be "locked" classes where instance variables can't be modified by outside threads?
I think it would be fairly complicated for the compiler to deduce that
hey asterite :)
I think the try idiom is a fair enough replacement for that bit of inference. I was just a bit confused why it worked fine for local variables but not instance variables!
Yes… `try` and `if var = @var` are the two alternatives that we have right now