Anyone around? The docs say I can overload a method, but I can't seem to overload initialize(). Anyone know if that's the case, or if I might be doing something wrong?
I would imagine you'd just have to mess with the CRYSTAL_PATH or something?
but we would like avoid having a central repository
I've been trying to study the source..
Is T* a shorthand for Pointer(T) ?
I've been just spiking around the idea of a native crystal connector. It should be possible to take advantage of some features to make it much faster than using libmysqlclient
Crystal faster than C?
That would be impressive!
well… is not that crystal is faster than C
sometimes it's the same
but using native crystal it's possible for example to read the data coming in directly into the structures that you'll later use in your app
for example, I've playing around something like this:
class User
property id
@id = row.read_int
def initialize(row_reader)
property email
@email = row.read_string
and the row_reader would be something that directly deserialises the incoming packets
that's comparable to the json mapping that we have now
we just skip intermediate structures
I saw you guys also have a project called frank, which looks like a sinatra styled framework.
How long until we have a full web stack application ready for crystal?
What can I do to make that happen sooner?
*web application framework
hehe… toooo much stuff missing yet
Well MySQL bindings was what came to mind for me. But you've kind of got that covered!
dancinglightning has joined #crystal-lang
I believe there was something on the mailing list about ECR macros..
That covers templating.
Maybe an Arel type system for generating SQL?
that would be wonderful
Yea, I've dug around the Rails source code, in that area before.
still looking for some way to maximise the code generated at compile time
I might come to you for optimization questions, though!
all the stuff we have in frank is still really basic
the current http server only attends one request at a time
I have some work done with fibers and libevent
but still too many segfaults :P
Wow! I'm loving how far you guys are taking this language in such a short time!
So I think I might continue with my MySQL C API bindings, and then put some benchmarks in the README so you can get an idea how fast it is.
yup! that would be great
we also need to figure out a db model to abstract the implementations
I believe Arel has a separate class for every database connection. I don't think it's a terribly difficult interface to implement.
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waj has joined #crystal-lang
How can I specify a Tuple return type? I tried Tuple(Int, Int, Int) and {Int, Int, Int} but I'm getting the same error for both: wrong number of type vars for Tuple(T) (3 for 1)
If I leave the return type off the signature, it works fine.
hi, is ary around ? what’s his nick?
@waj, @farleyknight for an ORM, take a look at https://github.com/boochtek/ruby_preserves/. If you stop trying to have your ORM write SQL for you, it reduces the code to about 200 lines.
@dancinglightni-1, he goes by @asterite.
After I get Ruby Preserves working well, I'll likely create a Crystal Preserves port.
@craigbuchek thanks
waj has joined #crystal-lang
How can I specify a Tuple return type? I tried Tuple(Int, Int, Int) and {Int, Int, Int} but I'm getting the same error for both: wrong number of type vars for Tuple(T) (3 for 1)
Tuple({Int, Int, Int})
actually, {Int, Int, Int} should work but seems there is a bug
A method_missing macro! Whoa!
Things just got interesting.
what would you use it for?
we currently use it on a single place
to decorate the LLVM builder and forward all the undefined methods
Dunno, but method_missing in a non-dynamic language is pretty mind-blowing.
So I'm trying to create a macro that takes a block myself. And can't get it to work.
I want to do let(:a) { value } like RSpec.
The obvious implementation isn't working for me:
macro let(name, block)
def {{name.id}}
@{{name.id}} ||= {{block}}.call
mm… the macro expert (@asterite) is not online ;)
let me see...
I think I found a work-around.
I created a method that calls the macro, which converts the &block for me.
Should really support &block in macros.
you should be able to {{ yield }}
otherwise you'll be creating a fun type
Ah, that seems to work even better.
that's a nice feature to have in the specs btw :)
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Only trouble now is that describe blocks aren't in a scope that allows setting instance variables. The let and let! were easy enough though.
Not sure if it'll be possible to get describe blocks to be created in a way that will allow creating a class so we can use instance variables. I suspect it'll require a macro.
I'll keep trying though.
After let and let!, I'll try adding before blocks.
there are some ideas to change the whole thing
Then I want to try something like Hamcrest matchers.
right now is not possible to run just a single test
Running a single test is hard. RSpec lets you specify a line number, then figures out the inner-most describe block enclosing that line.
I think Crystal is fast enough that that's not all that useful.
Perhaps allow specifying by name though.
But that seems kinda verbose.
is not because the speed, but it's annoying when you are trying to debug just one thing
if "it" was a macro we could use __LINE__ to get the line number where the test is defined
bcardiff has joined #crystal-lang
So then it() will have to be a macro, describe() will probably have to be a macro.
I hope you're happy with the macro language!
I am! I think it's the right way to do metaprogramming in crystal