is the reason Hash#fetch does a raise "Missing hash value: #{key}" instead of returning a nil, due to the "we don't want null point exceptions" ?
There are many reasons
One reason is that fetch would always return something that also contains the Nil type
so you couldn't do: a = {1 => 2}; a.fetch(1) + 3
(undefined method '+' for Nil)
The other reason is that if you have nilable types as values in the Hash, you can't know if the returned value is nil or doesn't exist in the hash
The "we (almost) don't have null pointer exceptions" is just a consequence of having Nil as a separate type
and we always wonder if that's the best way to go (but so far it's been fine)
fair enough
You can always use a = {1 => 2}; a[1]? # returns the value or nil if not found
I guess I'm too fond of the: a = foo[:bar] || "zoink" syntax
but a = (foo[:bar] rescue "zoink") is not too bad
as for your first reason, Ruby has that same problem. I've always figured if you want to make sure, you just check if the variable is present before doing the call
you can do: a = foo[:bar]? || "zoink"
it's more efficient because there's no exception handling involved
hey! that's pretty nice :-)
I wasn't aware of that
def []?(key)
fetch(key, nil)
Yes, it's an addition to Ruby's syntax
I like it! The rescue thingy was really bothering me
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also, in the interest of keeping track of who's working on what, I'm working on a libarchive module for crystal
nice! is it public already?
no, I just started working on it last night
So we should probably take a look at thetechnical issues he ran into and make sure they won't be an obstacle for Crystal.
That is, make sure we know how we plan to avoid those problems.
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nil is bad
@adkron yes, it is
we can add it
nil.bad? #=> true
I'm going to use this language all the time
@kostya yes, but we don't know what are the technical issues he ran into
@kostya we already discarded macros executed via jitting, because that doesn't work well when cross-compiling
@kostya another option is to use macros like rust, with quasiquoatations
quasiquotes, I mean
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@adkron why you say nil is bad?
nil does not tell you anything
when you ask a hash or an array for a value and it returns nil if the key isn't there or if someone added nil to the hash or array
That is one example
I love your distinction between a hash item that is nil, versus not finding the key.
When nil is passed around and around and suddenly you call a method on it and get a no method error
Now you have a fun time of trying to track where the magical nil originated
nil checks become littered all over the code
Reducing the readability and flow of what is important
adkron: Crystal doesn't allow that.
Crystal catches that at compile time, with static type analysis.
And we try to show you where the nil originated from, at compile-time (but there's still room for improvements)
I wasn't coming in to complain about the language. My nil spidey sense went off that someone was asking why Hash#fetch would return a key error and not nil
@adkron oh, but how did you read that? You wasn't in the channel before
I think that's a great thing. Although it is a slight violation of the "Only use exceptions for exceptional cases" principle.
I think it's worth violating that principle here.
asterite: spidey sense
Or perhaps a mole.
I don't find it use for exceptional cases
It only violates it if the case is trully not exceptional
If a developer creates a hash in a hard coded fashion, god forbid, and expects values to be there that would be exceptional
@adkron I'll have to install that program :-P
If the hash is created form user input, it would not be exceptional
In this case, the hash very well may be created by user input.
Now back to figuring out how to delete non-unique records from a db so that I can add a unique index.
then I believe Hash#fetch in crystal takes a block and you don't have to raise an exception. asterite, am I correct?
Yes, it can take a block or a value
Now the developer decides what is exceptional. Fantastic
I personally wish that the [] syntax acted as default fetch
That is what I would do if I was making my own language
asterite: I may have to use this language
asterite: I have a mole in your channel, CraigBuchek was correct
I'm going to give a talk on Crystal at the March STL Ruby meeting.
CraigBuchek: that is awesome. Did you know that I am one of the organizers of STL Ruby?
^^^ MOLE
If you'll give you a talk you can ask us about specific implementation details, if you need them
When is that STL meeting?
2nd Monday of March would be March 10.
mverzilli has joined #crystal-lang
I've been looking at Crystal, but haven't actually used it yet. I really like what I see so far. Scheduling a presentation will make sure I get to get my hands dirty and learn it.
asterite: although I know little about crystal. I do have the github page pulled up on my browser and haven't closed it in 4 days. Maybe I should actually dig in.
It's pretty simple to get it up and running
adkron would probably have to coordinate that. Maybe even a Google Hangout Live.
That would be nice. It's a bit difficult for us to join the meeting
Aw, c'mon. How far away from St. Louis MO could you possibly be? ;)
Montevideo, Uruguay?
We are in Buenos Aires, Argentina
We can work something out. I will leave it up to CraigBuchek
asterite: I want to come visit
asterite: That's what ARIN says your IP is.
asterite: What time zone are you in?
It's 10:37 AM here now.
GMT -3
Here it's 1:37 pm
Wow, how the heck can you be that far east of us?
Stupid American education system.
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asterite has joined #crystal-lang
daylight savings/summer time always makes it more confusing
right now Chile is 2 hours ahead of the east coast of the US, but in our spring when we go ahead an hour, they go back an hour, so then they're the same time
Ah, I hadn't considered southern hemisphere daylight savings, only northern hemisphere.