Also note that the introduction is somewhat outdated; for c strings you must use UInt8* instead of Char*
aha, that answers my immediate question :)
To what c library will you bind?
asterite has joined #crystal-lang
also, thanks, waj, yaml.cr looks helpful
I was thinking about database libraries, so I thought I'd start by trying mysql_get_client_info() and see what happened
and yes, UInt8* works much better
That would be great. I was actually working in a pure crystal mysql connector, but with very slow progress so far.
that would be cool
somewhere in the past I wrote some Ruby database library stuff to go from just-barely-wrapped C to more Rubylike stuff
and I did a Ruby FFI interface to libmdb, so I figured I'd probably be capable of doing mysql bindings
Sure. If you have any questions don't hesitate asking :)
C callbacks are somewhat challenging to do… well, not challenging but you need to use function pointers, something that doesn't exist in Ruby