if you fancy ending up with infinitively many timers for all possible values in [20, 30), then sure ;)
Oh, dear, I guess Timer isn't blocking, then. Whoops.
For Channel#{admins, half_ops,ops,voiced}, will Cinch include itself?
if it's one of these, sure
Timer is relatively simple. Somthing like def Timer(time, &block); Thread.new { sleep time; block.call }; end
Sorry to be bothersome, but... >>> o = Channel('#horse').ops - [User(bot.nick)] # this would theoretically store a list of ops, sans the bot itself, in o, right?
you can't set that attribute, it's a reader
even if you could set it, that wouldn't achieve anything
he isn't tsetting anything
fair enough
there's no need for User(bot.nick) – just say bot
without testing, it seems about right
aclearman037 has quit []
err, derp
txdv has joined #cinch
heh, well that was simple, went from knowing exactly Nil about Cinch to having a working bot for the purpose needed in 30 minutes. Awesome framework!
nice :)
rock on.
I wasn't that fast but it was pretty quick.