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<PaulTroon> I'm trying to understand if it's practical to use signature aggregation to pay relay nodes in a low bandwidth radio mesh network; gmaxwells bitcoin-talk post mentions some of the trade offs with BLS vs. Schnorr. Any tips for introductory reading material to learn more about aggregating signatures ?
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<PaulTroon> signature aggregation to reduce/combine/amortize the size of payment transactions made between mesh nodes without direct internet connections
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<yoleaux> Although we are just 12 days into the new year, I think this is one of the most important cryptocurrency talks of 2018. It describes Confidential Transactions in Mimblewimble and Scriptless Scripts that allow smart contracts to be used in CT-based systems. (@pavolrusnak)
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<kanzure> "Scalable, transparent, and post-quantum secure computational integrity"
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<waxwing> did andytoshi talk about anything new in that talk?
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<waxwing> andytoshi, slide 19, you wrote sG = P + eR, oops :)
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<waxwing> ok finished it, nice to see it fleshed out a bit more for the technical audience :) still wondering about the whole timelocking issue though (well, for the MW application)
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<waxwing> the talk on side channel attacks on curve25519 is really cool, demo included:
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<andytoshi> waxwing: lol, oops! good catch. and no, nothing new in the talk, i just added extra equations and made explicit what an "adaptor signature" was because several people asked after my scaling bitcoin talk
<andytoshi> i'll wait for external comments, but my feeling tho is that this was my best scriptless-script talk, in the sense that i avoided trying to simplify/handwave things and didn't have to keep saying "o shit, i forgot, there's this extra thing here that i can't explain now but i'm going to use it"
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<contrapumpkin> oh, did I miss a link to a good talk?
<contrapumpkin> I can haz?
<AndyS2> What was the name of that bitcoin network-network again where you could join to receive blocks faster than over the normal p2p-network?
<AndyS2> (only if you are a miner or big merchant, IIRC)
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<sipa> AndyS2: fibre?
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<AndyS2> yes, thank you sipa
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<mn3monic> hello, does please someone may tell me the base58 prefix for P2WSH-P2SH addresses in mainnet & testnet?
<mn3monic> thank you
<sipa> it's P2SH
<sipa> you can't distinguish a P2SH-multisig from P2SH-P2WSH or any other P2SH
<mn3monic> ok, thank you again
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