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OmegaPhil: don't know. word-of-mouth. we just had another Russian state-sponsored attack against the United States. and an attempt by the United States to take some Russian banks offline. that's what allwinner's getting themselves involved with by making their own OS.
OmegaPhil: yeah.
I mean, looks like a typo, theres a Wikipedia article on TinyOS
(and isn't Trump supposed to be Putin's buddy)
OmegaPhil: i'm going to leave it. i have enough to do, and it's better if i'm seen as being "wrong"
or is it too early for that to matter...
OmegaPhil: well.... there's a story i heard of someone in the UK government who found evidence that the KGB was running sleeper agents in primary and secondary schools in the UK
OmegaPhil: you know what a sleeper agent is?
Presumably the teachers or support staff :p
anyway, when he tried to make some noise about it, he started finding photos in his house of his family turned against the wall, that sort of thing.
this is an MP we're talking about, mind.
anyway for his own safety he stopped investigating
however it gave me the insight (confirmed from a second source) of how russia operates
just like in the film "Salt", that's exactly what they do.
aaand... you saw the quotes spam quotes that went round various university staff members, right?
all the quotes phishing attempts quotes?
only like... yesterday i think it was
nope, its going to be months before I start reading the Soylent News backlog
put two and two together: my feeling is that Russia's just used several million "IoT" devices with default password admin, admin to activate hundreds if not thousands of sleeper agents inside the United States.
placed in universities, businesses.... you'll never know where.
this is what allwinner is - will be - responsible for enabling, by way of their incompetence in TinaOS / TinyOS whatever the hell it is, i don't damn well care.
all i know is, they're going to get themselves into some seriously deep shit
Why would they care? They just need to sell hardware.
And presumably China wants vunerabilities seeded in the West.
they've pushed the cost of the hardware down so low that they're putting themselves out of business
most of their products are sold in China... *not* the U.S.!
so their strategy is: we have to have "value-add", therefore we right software
but because of their paranoia they think they have to do it themselves
because then it's quotes proprietary quotes and quotes secret quotes.
which is a complete fucking recipe for disaster, where the stakes just got really, really high.
i expect them to get raided and the directors and management to be imprisoned some time in the next two to five years, if they carry on the strategy they're using.
so... i'm going to help them... *if* they ask for my help...
(and actually follow it)
but until then, i'm done with them.
so i'm currently doing the nexell 8-core board
that's gone to review
Yeah thats a nice surprise :)
* OmegaPhil
just read about it this morning
and i'm currently doing an RK3288 board. the RK3288 it turns out can do up to 4GB of RAM as it's designed for ChromeBooks
So a decent CPU, but still RAM-limited
Aha, k, 4GB should still be usable
on the nexell one? yeah - to 2gb of RAM.
but the RK3288? 4GB RAM.
oh youre getting quite a range of hw
yeah :)
i *might* see if i can use the nexell quad-core as a "low-end" option, have to check with nexell on that
it's pin-compatible with the s5p6818
so, quad-core nexell 2gb RAM 8gb eMMC
8-core nexell 2gb RAM 32gb eMMC
and the 4-core RK3288 4gb RAM 32gb eMMC
.... none of them are going to be cheap!
Interesting, so the quad-core is still much better than the Pandora
Yeah well 'cheap' is relative
* OmegaPhil
paid ~£1000 for an Intel server processor once, a bad experiment
don't know what the new pandora's specs are - are they doing 1GB RAM only?
OmegaPhil: whoops...
Ah I'm thinking of the original Pandora :p
Not the Pyra
ohhh okay - yeah definitely. although that was what... a dual-core Cortex A15? or a quad-core
Original one had one core!
ohhh right, yeah, an OMAP35xx - Cortex A8, 720mhz. yeah i remember. i liked that processor.