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<wroathe> Ok... this blows my mind. (although I'm easily amused) alphabet = [*'a'..'z']
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<fowl> wroathe: that is because you're a newb
<basdfasdf> wroathe: this works too Array('a'..'z')
<fowl> the sexy way to make that range is ?a..?z btw
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<basdfasdf> fowl: can you get swarley to give u his find-method code when u see him
<basdfasdf> i have to go away for a while fowl-tooth
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<ddilinger> where do : prefixed variables come from(i really dont know much ruby)
<fowl> :these are symbols
<fowl> magical immutable strings
<ddilinger> but they have to be defined somewhere
<apeiros_> no
<apeiros_> they behave like numbers in that way
<fowl> they are defined when the parser encounters them i believe
<apeiros_> you don't need to define 1 in order to use it
<ddilinger> hmm, ok
<fowl> you can create on
<apeiros_> (they mostly *are* numbers, just with a nice little "name" attached to it)
<fowl> just by typing it, my favorite symbol is :)
<fowl> :> and :< and :] are good too
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<apeiros_> and yes, the interpreter creates them as they are encountered. they are never destroyed, never garbage collected.
<fowl> ok well :] isnt a valid symbol but the others are
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<apeiros_> :) isn't
<fowl> doh
<apeiros_> which is :S (which again is)
<fowl> symbols are dope
<any-key> hell yeah bro
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<iszak> Anyone know of a ruby gem that does feature detection based off user agent? I know it's best to do it via JavaScript, but that's a bit late for me.
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<brokenladder> I'm having a very bizarre issue. Stubbing puts on an object causes the tested code to think it's private. I.e. it says puts is undefined when it tries to call it from within the instance method, whereas if I change it to self.puts, it says I'm attempting to call a private method. W.T.F.
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<delinquentme> is this better as a instance var or as a normal var? http://pastie.org/3707204
<davidcelis> is WHAT better?
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<delinquentme> @url_tests = [] davidboy
<delinquentme> davidcelis, @url_tests = []
<seanstickle> What possible advantage are you getting from @ ?
<seanstickle> Is this even in a class?
<davidcelis> what the fuck am i looking at
<delinquentme> so instance vars should be used within classes instances yet?
<delinquentme> should be used *only* within class instances
<delinquentme> also is there a way to "break" out of a begin rescue end?
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<MooNSpell> hi 2 all
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<MooNSpell> any male 38 care to chat
<fowl> pm davidcelis
<davidcelis> ಠ_ಠ
<davidcelis> That is a suggestion most fowl
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<any-key> best friends forevar
<MooNSpell> how one can b a best?
<any-key> by giving davidcelis a big huuuuug
<davidcelis> why me?
<davidcelis> I loved you guys
<davidcelis> shevy: HALP
<MooNSpell> just a hug or somthing else
<shevy> sorry
<shevy> you must die davidcelis
<shevy> :(
<fowl> the germans always take things too far :o
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<MooNSpell> every thing is fair in love and war
<MooNSpell> unless one die
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<shevy> gcc becomes harder and harder to compile
<shevy> nowadays we also need... mpfr mpc gmp cloog cloogppl ppl/parma
<shevy> this growth in size and dependencies is really a disease
<any-key> just use llvm
<any-key> or one of the million lightweight compilers
<any-key> or borland :D
<shevy> hmmm
<shevy> it is possible to compile everything including glibc via llvm, and with no gcc?
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<shevy> oh fuck me
<shevy> first april today
<shevy> I must murder whoever makes a joke
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<Spaceghostc2c> Joke.new
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* shevy murders Spaceghostc2c
<Spaceghostc2c> You can't kill... what's already dead.
* Spaceghostc2c is a laugh-effing-riot. :(
<brokenladder> Anyone know what's going on in this video of an RSpec example? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzHRphWxXCQ
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<Spaceghostc2c> Oh dear God.
* Spaceghostc2c flies far, far, far away
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<brokenladder> Dear god? If it's so simple, surely you could have figured it out in seconds.
<davidcelis> brokenladder: you look familiar
<brokenladder> yeah? in what way?
<brokenladder> i lived in portland for a while.
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<brokenladder> a lot of people have told me i look like someone they know. once i even got ryan gosling. score!
<brokenladder> but not his money or prowess with the ladies.
<brokenladder> davidcelis, could you help me feel a little less frustrated and give me your assessment of what's happening here? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzHRphWxXCQ
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<becom33> elo everyone
<brokenladder> ohai
<becom33> shevy, r u online
<shevy> yeah but woke up like 1 hour ago, still tired
<shevy> it is better to ask your questions to the channel so everyone can answer
<Spaceghostc2c> shevy: I have a problem, let me produce a video to explain my problem.
<shevy> lol
<becom33> shevy, I wanted to show you somthing
<becom33> I kinda got those into a array just wanted to check if I did it right
<brokenladder> Spaceghostc2c, if the problem is one where a video is helpful, then make one.
<brokenladder> did you even watch my video?
<brokenladder> i assume not.
<brokenladder> which is why you still don't get it.
<Spaceghostc2c> Naw, I'm good.
<Spaceghostc2c> In all my years of looking at other's shit code, never once needed a video.
<brokenladder> the video demonstrates the problem.
<becom33> http://pastebin.com/QmWSjaSk the only problem Im having is Im getting a error saying "rubyone/fileone.rb:7: warning: already initialized constant DETAIL"
<brokenladder> so much more clearly and concisely than a gist.
<Spaceghostc2c> And I don't watch videos, I prefer text I can work with.
<Spaceghostc2c> Fully disseminate the information.
<brokenladder> i mean, Gary Bernhardt should probably just stop making videos and start doing gists, right? that's a better way to communicate.
<Spaceghostc2c> Your problem isn't conveying new concepts and information to people.
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<Spaceghostc2c> Unless he's doing his screencasts for the bugs he hits.
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<Spaceghostc2c> I wouldn't compare yourself to him, you'll look a bit short.
<Spaceghostc2c> Gary: Stack Level Too Deep
<becom33> umm anyone ?
<brokenladder> he's a smart guy but i've never seen him do anything i wasn't on the same page with.
<brokenladder> i've paired before with a guy named Abhi Hiremagular who is basically like a coding savant, and pairing with him makes Bernhardt look like a first grader. Gary's best gift is just being a good communicator.
<Spaceghostc2c> I'm sure you have.
<Spaceghostc2c> Does he share his code problems via youtube too?
<Spaceghostc2c> You seem to feel as if you're top shit to talk so disrespectfully about people who're more important than you currently are.
<brokenladder> What part of what I just said implies any disrespect??
<brokenladder> I think Gary Bernhardt is a very intelligent and capable engineer.
<becom33> http://pastebin.com/QmWSjaSk the only problem Im having is Im getting a error saying "rubyone/fileone.rb:7: warning: already initialized constant DETAIL"
<brokenladder> But people who contribute to OSS and make videos, and do speaking engagements automatically get more notoriety than their talent alone gets them.
<brokenladder> There are plenty of people far more brilliant than Gary who you don't know because they don't make videos or speak at conferences. That's not any disrespect to Gary.
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<shevy> becom33 I told you why this warning happens already
<shevy> you redefine class Test and it already knows the constant DETAIL
<shevy> I also told you how to avoid it. either put all constants into ONE .rb file
<shevy> or call these with your proper data from readfile.rb
<becom33> shevy, yea but last night I only got ur reply to change the DETAIL to DETAIL1
<becom33> then I got disconnected
<becom33> shevy, what do u mean proper data ?
<shevy> the data of your arrays or hash
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<shevy> rather than use DETAIL you can pass it into Test.new
<shevy> from readfile.rb
<shevy> the simplest change for now is to change DETAIL to DETAIL1 and DETAIL2
<becom33> shevy, I've sent you some links trough PM , sorry for not asking permission before sending those
<becom33> if you look at those you will get a cleaer Idea what Im trying to say
<shevy> no
<shevy> I wont respond to PM, sorry
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<shevy> either here, or nowhere. it becomes too time consuming to solve trivial problems with hours. sorry man. use #ruby in general
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<becom33> ok then , wait I'll post them here
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<shevy> sorry, way too much code to digest
<shevy> IMHO this is also a terrible way to initialize your class
<becom33> both has the same structure inside initialize , from that the core application gets info
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<shevy> you didnt write this or?
<becom33> shevy, probebly yea . the thing I cant change the DETAIL into DETAIL1 . is there better way ? shevy no I didnt write that . thats best example I could find on the net to show what I actually what to do
<shevy> yeah it is terrible code
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<shevy> it looks very unrubyish
<shevy> whoever wrote this must have come from another language and tried to make it look like ruby
<becom33> lol probably yea . but what if there a way to remove the load file in the end of the each loop
<shevy> what load file and what loop
<shevy> that class has zero documentation too
<becom33> I do a load file inside the @list.each right ?
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<becom33> if I remove the loaded file in the end , it will be clean for a new file right ?
<becom33> Im not sure if that works , just an idea :/ shevy
<shevy> I have no idea what you are talking
<shevy> "clean" what does this even mean
<shevy> you either load the file or you dont
<shevy> if you load it, it is available, but you cant easily "unload" it
<shevy> and if you dont load it, the code is not available
<becom33> shevy, yes I was talking about 'unload' it'
<becom33> if its possible would it fix that error ?
<shevy> no
<shevy> and it is not an error, it is a "warning"
<shevy> I think you still dont know why this warning shows up
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<shevy> you redefine the class, you use the same, already defined constant
<shevy> if you want the warning to go away, either:
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<shevy> - change the name of the constants
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<shevy> - do not use constants that get redefined
<shevy> - dont use constants at all
<shevy> - put the constants into a separate file and use that
<shevy> now, decide, pick something.
<becom33> umm is there anyway without changing the name ?
<becom33> how to do if I dont use constants ?
<Spaceghostc2c> becom33: Why are you trying to redefine constants?
<Spaceghostc2c> The definition of constant would be very disappoint at this.
<Spaceghostc2c> But I'll keep it a secret if you fix it, post-haste.
<shevy> becom33 this question makes no sense.
<shevy> FOO = "bla"
<shevy> and if you then do
<shevy> FOO = "haha"
<shevy> you get a warning
<shevy> there is no way to avoid this!!!
<shevy> if you dont use constants, simple use local variables
<becom33> Spaceghostc2c, the thing is I cant change DETAIL constants
<shevy> but it wont be available to your methods when it is defined outside
<shevy> so you would have to define inside the method
<becom33> yea thats the problem
<Spaceghostc2c> becom33: Lawl.
<Spaceghostc2c> Sorry, that was funny.
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<Spaceghostc2c> I CAN'T CHANGE CONSTANTS! (I know, out of context)
<shevy> he could, he only gets a warning
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<becom33> but the links shevy I gave you were same initialize , they are doing the same thing . getting info from the exploits and stroring them on arrays i
<Spaceghostc2c> shevy: I meant in the way that the dictionary defines them. Funny, hence the aside.
<shevy> becom33, that code is just horrible. the world would be better if that code would die
<shevy> the worst part is that you build on top of this code
<shevy> it is like building a sandcastle from sand and then being surprised when the earthquake destroys the castle
<becom33> O_O
<Spaceghostc2c> He's right.
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<Spaceghostc2c> It's really just not idiomatic ruby.
<becom33> im no expert like you guys are . i need a way to gatther info from hash to array :/ shevy sry if i made thing uncofy fr u
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<shevy> you need to make all questions explicit and small
<shevy> "gather info from hash to array" what does this even mean
<shevy> at this point it would be easier to just parse the files on your own, extract the info you need, and feed it into PROPERLY designed classes that you wrote yourself
<shevy> but if you look at something like this http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/18604/ you know that idiots wrote it
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<shevy> hah
<shevy> actually you can copy paste all that :)
<Spaceghostc2c> becom33: The problem is the constants, not the rest.
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<shevy> becom33, http://pastie.org/3707724 here. your hash. use it.
<becom33> umm wait shevy
<shevy> oh one error at MSF_LICENSE
<shevy> you have to find out where MSF_LICENSE is defined in that shit project
<shevy> do a grep
<becom33> umm wut is that ?
<becom33> thats not wut i want . plus warning will be the same
<shevy> the warning will only be the same if you keep on using that structure
<shevy> at this point I think this is over the top of your head
<shevy> these are really simple things in ruby
<shevy> FOO is a constant
<shevy> foo is not a constant
<becom33> shevy, in was thinkin to make local
<nev3rkill> hello
<nev3rkill> is rspec broken ?
<shevy> becom33 then make it local. what is stopping you? put it into the method and downcase it. end of story.
<becom33> but its better if there is a way to not define the methods inside Test class
<becom33> yea
<becom33> brb dinner
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<becom33> Hi look at this http://pastebin.com/WiGPnmct its giving me a error undefined method
<becom33> is there a way to get hash values inside initialize without returning them ?
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<becom33> Hi look at this http://pastebin.com/WiGPnmct its giving me a error undefined method
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<shevy> becom33 and what name is undefined method
<shevy> print a[1]
<shevy> why do you do this
<shevy> Test has no [] method
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<shevy> if you need it to have it, do:
<shevy> class Test
<shevy> def [](i)
<shevy> # do stuff here.
<shevy> end
<shevy> end
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<brokenladder> can anyone help me understand what's going on with this second example? https://gist.github.com/2273953
<brokenladder> thanks.
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<apeiros_> brokenladder: wow, dude, what did you do to get that kind of abuse over in #ror?
<brokenladder> lol. i didn't really "do" anything. it was use a bunch of escalation.
<brokenladder> A friend and former co-worker of mine has also complained that you tend to run into a lot of socially unadjusted people with big egos in #ROR
<brokenladder> that was my experience.
<brokenladder> i had a weird problem that i couldn't really nail down to a concise bit of code, so i made a video and put it on youtube. very brief, just demonstrating the cases that caused the behavior.
<brokenladder> they demanded that i actually paste the code so i used paste.
<brokenladder> pastie.
<brokenladder> then they said that wasn't good enough, and demanded a gist.
<brokenladder> and then started making fun of me because i said the problem could be much more clearly and concisely explained via a youtube vid.
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<apeiros_> brokenladder: I'm not sure I can help you, I don't use rspec. if you can help me run your example, I can try, though.
<brokenladder> well, do you use rvm?
<brokenladder> and bundler?
<apeiros_> yes
<brokenladder> well, you could just save that gist and run rspec on it.
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<brokenladder> in any ol' directory that uses an rvmrc that has rspec in the gemset
<brokenladder> thx
<apeiros_> interesting, so rspec creates 'subject'?
<brokenladder> yup.
<brokenladder> but you can override it.
<brokenladder> talking to the folks in #ROR about this was like getting help from a little Chinese dude who talks in riddles.
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<apeiros_> brokenladder: I'd assume what you're seeing is an artifact of rspec
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<apeiros_> I don't know how exactly rspec implements that "should receive" part, but I'd assume that it replaces the original method
<apeiros_> brokenladder: http://pastie.org/3708146 so you see my methodology
<Faris> very good methodology
<Faris> what' with all the monaco font stuff :D
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<apeiros_> brokenladder: my conclusion: since the method is still there after the 3rd call, when doing the 4th call, which raises, I'd assume that this is part of the expectation that you set up
<apeiros_> i.e., should_receive(:bar).with(1) creates the expectation: :bar is called once (and only once) with the argument 1
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<brokenladder> well, the "right way" to do this is just to put your second expectation in place.
<brokenladder> and it just works.
<brokenladder> my complaint here is that when you do it the wrong way, you get the wrong message.
<brokenladder> it should give you a correct/helpful message.
<apeiros_> I'd agree
<apeiros_> it should inform you, that you've set up an expectation
<apeiros_> i.e., it should tell you "Expected bar to be invoked once, but got invoked twice" or somesuch
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* rohit is totally getting schooled today
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<Spaceghostc2c> apeiros_: Are you working on the pull request for him? I'm working on one.
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<apeiros_> ah, no. I prefer fiddling with my toy language
<Spaceghostc2c> apeiros_: Sweet, I'll work on it.
<apeiros_> and I still got to do spanish homework and prepare some exercises for my ruby student :)
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<Spaceghostc2c> apeiros_: Rockin'!
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<Spaceghostc2c> RubyPanther: I might be in Oregon again soon, we should see how loud our personalities are in person, if you're down with meeting a local. :(
<RubyPanther> we could always just both drink a beer online and marvel that we're nearby, but our packets still loop hundreds of miles
<Spaceghostc2c> Like two api requests passing each other in the vast scalable space of the Internet.
<Spaceghostc2c> I love antisocial people, they make not having to have awkward encounters so much less common.
<Spaceghostc2c> Err, except in proper logical Englishes.
<RubyPanther> I'm not anti-social, just asynchronous
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<Spaceghostc2c> RubyPanther: So you're twitterscale?
<Spaceghostc2c> There's an embedded joke in there, neither are funny though.
<fowl> /ignored rubypanther months ago and never looked back, i recommend that whenever i see someone say his name
<RubyPanther> You can show off being a bully with noisy /ignores... impreSSSSive
<RubyPanther> Jul 11 14:57:01 RubyPanther I dunno, but I felt old when some presidential candidate was claiming to use twitter, and I can't even figure out what it is used for
<RubyPanther> That was the first mention of twitter by me, I guess I wasn't meant to be twitterscale
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<jamiemill> I have the 'less' gem installed, which makes a 'lessc' binary available on the system for compiling less css stylesheets. However, this clashes with the official 'lessc' node.js compiler with the same name.
<jamiemill> Seems odd seeing as I believe the gem now uses the JS implementation internally. What should I do to get them to coexist nicely?
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<fowl> jamiemill call the ruby version like /path/to/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/lessc**/bin/lessc
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<fowl> and call lessc with /abs/path
<fowl> if you wanted to use node's
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<RubyPanther> jamiemill: presumably the gem one is earlier in your path, so if you add a symlink lessc-sys to the system one, then you can easily call both without resorting to absolute paths
<jamiemill> Yes if I run `which lessc` I get: /Users/jamiemill/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290/bin/lessc
<RubyPanther> yeah, just symlink the system one then
<jamiemill> OK cool that sounds sensible
<jamiemill> I was having problems with the ruby version, it couldn't resolve @include statements unless I changed to the working directory before running the compiler, whereas the node version seemed to work fine
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<fowl> jamiemill you gotta do what you gotta do
<fowl> might as well use lessc if you have node
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<jamiemill> fowl - yeah
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<scalebyte> can someone help me convert a php code to ruby here ?
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<klip> scalebyte: how many lines? :)
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<scalebyte> klip: If you find it comfortable.. that would be very helpful..
<klip> I find it hard to read, its not indented :)
<scalebyte> klip: if you can indent it in an editor.. or else should I do it for you ?
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<scalebyte> klip: just paste the code here :) -> http://indentcode.net/
<klip> scalebyte: do you have any ruby? or you haven't started yet? :)
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<roz-monokeros> hello, how can i split a string like "abcdefgh" into ["ab","cd","ef","gh"], ie how to transform a string into an array of 2 char substrings?
<scalebyte> klip: very very ammatuer.. :) Wanted to get it converted for a purpose.. so.. thought of asking for some expert help.. :)
<klip> scalebyte: what is the php script supposed to do?
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<scalebyte> klip: the code given the input as a malformed XML String and the XML structure that it needs to follow, finds the well-formed XML String.
<scalebyte> klip: It can be assumed that malformed XML string does follow the given structure and there is a unique well-formed XML String corresponding to it.
<scalebyte> klip: so First line of input contains the structure of XML. Next line of input contains the malformed string
<scalebyte> klip: Sample Input: A B D C and next line <A><B></B><D><C></C></D><B><D></D></B></A>
<scalebyte> klip: Sample Output: <A><B><D><C></C></D></B><B><D><C></C></D></B><B><D><C></C></D></B></A>
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<klip> :)
<scalebyte> klip: hope you got me ryt
<klip> crazy
<scalebyte> klip: why
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<klip> I cannot imagine I could use this somewhere :) well, let me see, I'll try
<RubyPanther> roz-monokeros: str.scan(/../)
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<roz-monokeros> RubyPanther: :)))
<roz-monokeros> thanx
<scalebyte> klip: sure many thanks..
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<medik> roz-monokeros: One other way to do it https://gist.github.com/2274989 :) (did not test it though)
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<scalebyte> klip: please do tell me if I can help you with something thanks
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<klip> scalebyte: so far ok ;)
<scalebyte> klip: nice.. thanks a bunch.. :)
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<soko> Why does: f = StringIO.new; File.open(f, 'r'); give TypeError: can't convert StringIO into String" ? Aren't StringIO objects supposed to be acting like files?
<soko> ah
<soko> hm
<soko> File.open expects a string for the filename
<soko> StringIO.new isn't
<soko> how could I pass it to File.read though..?
<apeiros_> why do you pass a stringio to File.open ?
<apeiros_> what do you expect to happen?
<scalebyte> klip: is it up now ? :)
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<soko> apeiros_: I am writing an RSpec test for a method that takes a file and writes something to it. Because I don't want to touch the filesystem in the test I am trying to use StringIO instead.
<soko> apeiros_: like here http://stackoverflow.com/a/4070479
<apeiros_> soko: in that case: File.open returns an IO. StringIO represents an IO. if you have a StringIO instance, you're already past the point of opening it.
<soko> hm
<apeiros_> i.e., File.open(…) gets *replaced* by StringIO.new
<soko> I see
<soko> apeiros_: I tried to use FakeFS but because the method I am testing is using tempfile (which FakeFS has an open bug with) it doesn't work either.
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<soko> :-/
<Spaceghostc2c> soko: alindeman might be able to help if you ask nicely.
<Spaceghostc2c> apeiros_: Tracking down the issue.
<Spaceghostc2c> Pretty far in, debuggers and madness ensue.
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<scalebyte> klip: you there mate ?
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<soko> Spaceghostc2c: thank you for the recommendation. I just managed to make FakeFS work so hopefully it's all good.
<klip> scalebyte: I am, it's done, but not correct yet ;)
<scalebyte> klip: OK thanks.. I was waiting for your response :)
<soko> Ah, talked to soon. As soon as it touches the tempfile code it throws an error...
<soko> s/to/too
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<scalebyte> klip: will it take too much time mate ?
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<ghostlines> rvm allows us to set the default ruby version to use, I don't see an option to set the gem version for the system. Do most just set a symlink for this?
<Spaceghostc2c> ghostlines: There's only one rubygems installation per ruby.
<klip> scalebyte: almost there ;)
<scalebyte> klip: sure thanks
<Spaceghostc2c> You can install multiple rubies of the same version with different rubygems versions per same-ruby
<scalebyte> ghostlines: rvm --use default 1.9.3 :)
<Spaceghostc2c> scalebyte: That's not it. :D
<ghostlines> scalebyte, that sets ruby
<Spaceghostc2c> It's also rvm use --default <ruby>
<scalebyte> ghostlines: Right :)
<ghostlines> Spaceghostc2c, I have 4 gem versions installed
<Spaceghostc2c> ghostlines: Not likely.
<Spaceghostc2c> One rubygems installation per ruby.
<Spaceghostc2c> ghostlines: Do you mean multiple individual gems from rubygems.org installed in one ruby gemset?
<ghostlines> gem.1.8.7, gem1.9.1 gem1.9.3 and one that rvm installed gem-ruby-1.9.3-p125
<scalebyte> Spaceghostc2c: this might help not sure though -> http://docs.rubygems.org/read/chapter/4
<Spaceghostc2c> scalebyte: Nope.
<Spaceghostc2c> ghostlines: What command are you using to print those to stdout?
<klip> scalebyte: try this http://pastie.org/3708800
<scalebyte> klip: ok thanks keeping fingers crossed :)
<ghostlines> I'm command tabbing gem and then I saw all these versions
<ghostlines> I want to install rails
<klip> scalebyte: I am not sure if it gives correct output, though it matches output from the php script for the sample input you provided :)
<Spaceghostc2c> ghostlines: Those are gem executables~!
<scalebyte> klip: does this read input from user ?
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<Spaceghostc2c> Those are one gem executable per rubygems/ruby
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<klip> line 7 and 8 uncomment ;)
<Spaceghostc2c> They're just in path in case you need to use them.
<apeiros_> scalebyte: letting other people do your work for you again?
<ghostlines> but think I should use the latest gem version to do so, but want to set the default gem to the latest version on the system
<scalebyte> klip: ok
<Spaceghostc2c> ghostlines: You don't understand.
<scalebyte> apeiros_: this is code conversion mate
<Spaceghostc2c> scalebyte: Something companies pay lots of money for.
<apeiros_> scalebyte: so it's not work?
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<scalebyte> apeiros_: this is called help :)
<swarley> lol
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<apeiros_> scalebyte: no. this is called exploitation.
<ghostlines> Spaceghostc2c, there executables just like ruby. I set the default ruby with rvm but can't set the default gem bin with rvm
<Spaceghostc2c> ghostlines: You set the default gem command with the ruby.
<Spaceghostc2c> As in they're tightly coupled.
<Spaceghostc2c> The gem command belongs to the ruby.
<klip> apeiros_: :) I don't mind, I'm at school :) need to warm up before doing homework in ruby :)
<apeiros_> klip: sure, I don't have any issue with you
<Spaceghostc2c> so rvm use ruby-1.8.7 means that you're using the gem command from that ruby.
<rohit> Check with rvm info
<apeiros_> klip: I wouldn't even have an issue with scalebyte getting somebody to do his work. I have an issue because he does it all the time.
<ghostlines> Spaceghostc2c, when I do gem -v I get the 1.8 version, but when I do ruby -v I get 1.9.3
<swarley> oh shit, code war
<swarley> its throw down time
<Spaceghostc2c> ghostlines: My suggestion is to gist this command: rvm info
<Spaceghostc2c> apeiros_ is right. You aren't helping him by doing his work for him. My suggestion is to teach him instead, and coach him through it. You'll learn a lot more, and he'll learn too!
<ghostlines> not familiar with gist, but will look it up thanks
<Spaceghostc2c> It's symbiotic!
<Spaceghostc2c> ghostlines: gist.github.com
<scalebyte> apeiros_: You are misunderstanding me mate.. you all are experts in this field.. I am an ammatuer working in a different domain.. and if klip feels he is making use of an opportunity by helping me then I guess we are helping mutuallu
<scalebyte> mutually*
<apeiros_> scalebyte: I will no longer tolerate this. this is a last time warning. next time you do this, you get kickbanned.
<scalebyte> apeiros_: Ok agreed
<Spaceghostc2c> scalebyte: Hey! You know what's cool about learning ruby?
<Spaceghostc2c> You get a pretty kick ass resume item to show off.
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<Spaceghostc2c> apeiros_: In ATL, 3% of IT sector is unemployed. Pretty awesome percentage, eh?
<apeiros_> ATL?
<Spaceghostc2c> Atlanta, Georgia, USA
<apeiros_> and yes, 3% is quite a nicely low number
<apeiros_> ah
<Spaceghostc2c> East coast hotbed of ruby/rails
<Spaceghostc2c> I'm a west coaster.
<Spaceghostc2c> I just happen to be in ATL
<ghostlines> Spaceghostc2c, https://gist.github.com/2275310 well from this it looks like my gem version is set correctly so ruby will use the latest one
<apeiros_> we got trouble here finding good ruby/rails coders too
<Spaceghostc2c> apeiros_: Where at?
<apeiros_> took us 6 months to find 2 people we wanted to hire. yet, we didn't get prime material (and we were willing to pay the price)
<apeiros_> Spaceghostc2c: switzerland
<ghostlines> Spaceghostc2c, but I shouldn't worry that the rails install will be using the 1.8 version that gem -v shows me?
<Spaceghostc2c> ghostlines: Everything is fine.
<klip> i would not say it's such kick ass item... it is difficult to find well paid ruby job in czech republic. Java still rules when comparing salaries
<Spaceghostc2c> apeiros_: Oh damn, if the company was awesome and it was possible, I'd love to take a chance. :D
<Spaceghostc2c> klip: If you're a great rubyist, you can get sponsored visas!
<ghostlines> Spaceghostc2c, ok thanks for the help!
<apeiros_> heh, now it's a bit too late. and unfortunately, speaking german is a requirement. but yes, working here is nice.
<Spaceghostc2c> apeiros_: I'm looking for adventure and something to love to work with/at :D
<Spaceghostc2c> Oh crap, not good at German.
<apeiros_> I'll keep it in mind for the next opening
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<klip> Spaceghostc2c: 1 wife, 2 kids, 1 dog :)
<Spaceghostc2c> klip: America is the land of terrorism. Why wouldn't you want to come here? Kidding.
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<apeiros_> Spaceghostc2c: there's still a couple of people here searching, last time at the local rails user group, 3 other people besides me were looking for coders
<Spaceghostc2c> apeiros_: I only speak English, and what's worse, I'm a red head! D:
<klip> Spaceghostc2c: :) I was in SF for 4 months 7 years ago. It was great but I don't want to live in States :)
<Spaceghostc2c> klip: Understandable.
<apeiros_> being ginger isn't an issue here. at least I'm always surprised how much fuss 'mericans make about it…
<Spaceghostc2c> apeiros_: It's mostly this extended joke.
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<klip> apeiros_: you mean that soul joke? :)
<Spaceghostc2c> Some people try to actually offend redheads with it.
<apeiros_> sure? seemed to be taken quite serious in many places…
<apeiros_> bullying et al
<Spaceghostc2c> apeiros_: Well, mostly.
<apeiros_> Spaceghostc2c: depending on the company, not speaking german ain't an issue
<Spaceghostc2c> apeiros_: Oh, well it's not that you're ginger, it's that it's just one obvious difference. People get picked on by being different. My difference was mainly my red hair. They don't hate the red hair, they hate you.
<apeiros_> it's an issue in my company as we have lots of business terms, which are hard to translate
<Spaceghostc2c> Ah, and nodding excitedly isn't acceptable? :p
<scalebyte> klip: worked like a charm thanks mate
<Spaceghostc2c> klip: You're like to_ruby for PHP developers. Not sure if good or just absolutely horrid. :p
<klip> Spaceghostc2c: :) I am mostly developing in PHP at work. Other colleagues know only PHP :)
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<Spaceghostc2c> klip: It's good to be a polyglot and I commend you for it.
<klip> I wrote some parts in ruby but nobody understands that and I have to rewrite it to PHP. But things I'm learning in ruby I try to find in PHP and it is not that bad :)
<rohit> apeiros_: Does scalabyte ask other people to do his work a lot?
<apeiros_> rohit: constantly
<klip> :)
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<Spaceghostc2c> Erry day.
<apeiros_> rohit: and I almost never see him put any of his own effort in it
<rohit> iirc he works for a pretty big company
<Spaceghostc2c> Kinda wondering why he has a job that requires him doing any ruby, honestly. If that's the case.
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<klip> maybe there was only "Ruby is advantage" so he get the job
<rohit> Spaceghostc2c: iirc (and I'm pretty sure I do) he is a ruby researcher in the ocmpany :(
<rohit> company*
<klip> lol
<Spaceghostc2c> LAWL
<apeiros_> -.-
<klip> what company is that?
<rohit> I can't find his twitter but I remember seeing it because we had chatted on irc before
<rohit> I'd rather not say without being 100% sure
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<Spaceghostc2c> I don't think I'd care much.
<klip> maybe I could apply for his job :))
<Spaceghostc2c> It's his prerogative to be deceptive, and not my job to bother.
<Spaceghostc2c> klip: :DDD
<apeiros_> klip: even if it is in india?
<Spaceghostc2c> apeiros_: Dude, Goa is the shit. Awesome place.
<rohit> How did you know India?
<Spaceghostc2c> Dev by day, party and rave at night.
<rohit> How did you know Goa? :O
<apeiros_> Spaceghostc2c: sure, but average salary sucks
<Spaceghostc2c> rohit: I'm pretty good.
<rohit> Spaceghostc2c: :O
<Spaceghostc2c> apeiros_: Not if you're a white American.
<klip> india is ok :)
<apeiros_> rohit: scalebyte talked a bit
<Spaceghostc2c> rohit: In school, I used to practically run the place. Nothing happened that I didn't know about.
<apeiros_> Spaceghostc2c: ah, you mean you get a western salary?
<Spaceghostc2c> apeiros_: Close to it.
<apeiros_> that'd work
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<rohit> Ok he works as a researcher not a ruby researcher
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<apeiros_> linkz or it didn't happen!
<apeiros_> Spaceghostc2c: you stayed at goa?
<Spaceghostc2c> apeiros_: I have friends.
<burgestrand> !
<burgestrand> HOW?
<Spaceghostc2c> One white friend few up there.
<Spaceghostc2c> burgestrand: Black magic.
<burgestrand> Sorry. Go on.
<klip> ah, it looks it was his homework for job application :)
<rohit> I'm 99.99% sure it's him.
<klip> doxed :p
<Spaceghostc2c> Sodoxed
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<rohit> Oh dear I was following him on twitter :(
<rohit> I thought researcher! must be awesome! :(
<Spaceghostc2c> "Professional googlist"
<Spaceghostc2c> Doesn't sound so awesome.
<rohit> There are some awesome rubyists in India btw! Don't let that one person fool you!
<Spaceghostc2c> Oh for sure!
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<Spaceghostc2c> There's varying degrees of shit people in all locations.
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<samuelj> Hey guys, if I have two very simple threads t and s that I want to run simultaneously, then wait for them both to finish before continuing, I need to use join right? I've been calling Thread.list.join and it's just skipping on. How do I know which of t or s to call join on?
<shevy> probably t.join and s.join
<shevy> both of course
<Spaceghostc2c> Threads don't really run simultaneously, but yeah. You'll join them both.
<samuelj> Oh, right - thanks!
<Spaceghostc2c> shevy: I was thinking, we should amputate a few fingers so I have a typing chance against you.
<shevy> Spaceghostc2c my keyboard has a problem with the enter key
<Spaceghostc2c> My prayers to the universe are being heard! I GNU it!
<shevy> it sounds as if something is in a "fluid", grazing against mechanic components... it's a terrible sound every time the enter key comes up again
<shevy> I may eventually have to remove it and use another way to hit enter, without this awful sound
<samuelj> And is there a way to suppress writing to stdout for threads?
<Spaceghostc2c> samuelj: Don't print anything implicitly?
<samuelj> Yeah, but I need to in when I call the function in other places. But when the two threads run at once, the output doesn't really make sense :)
<Spaceghostc2c> Right, you could just switch from output to loggers logging to a file.
<samuelj> thanks, i'll look into that
<klip> samuelj: if you cannot change the code in your thread, you might try to follow 2nd or 3rd answer here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/224512/redirect-the-puts-command-output-to-a-log-file
<klip> and you can try to use /dev/null or just some dummy file
<klip> :)
<samuelj> klip: I was thinking of just temp settings $stdout to StringIO.new ?
<klip> seems to me $stdout expects File :)
<klip> $stdout.reopen("/dev/null", "w") just works fine on Linux
<samuelj> cool, thanks!
<klip> it is also used in ruby daemons
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<samuelj> klip: When I want to restore it, what do I reopen it with?
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<klip> samuelj: clone $stdout before reopening it to /dev/null by orig_stdout = $stdout.clone
<samuelj> ok
<samuelj> thanks
<klip> samuelj: then you can do $stdout.reopen(orig_stdout) and it works again ;)
<samuelj> sweet!
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<ghostlines> trying to run the rails server command and I get this execjs error even though I got that gem installed https://gist.github.com/2275763
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<ghostlines> fixed, added gem 'therubyracer' to my Gemfile
<ghostlines> I thought 'rails new' had to configure this though
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<becom33> http://pastebin.com/eHVv5tqz im getting a undefin method :/
* becom33 help
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<ternit> is codeschool.com a good way to learn ruby?
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<shevy> becom33 why are you not specific?
<shevy> also, use pastie.org
<becom33> shevy, what do u mean specify ?
<shevy> you say
<shevy> "im getting a undefin method"
<shevy> you dont write which name this method has
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<shevy> why are you not more specific?
<shevy> but I know which method is not defined
<becom33> even if I do self.initialize
<shevy> 43 print a[1]
<shevy> right?
<becom33> yea
<shevy> no no no, please read what I wrote.
<shevy> (1) When you have an error, include the NAME, LINE NUMBER. We can't read your mind.
<becom33> yea
<shevy> (2) Do you know why this error happens?
<shevy> a[1] <-- this is a method call
<any-key> (3) Why don't we have an IRB bot?
<shevy> no which class do you try it?
<shevy> oops
<shevy> on which class do you try it?
<becom33> all the classes are the same
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<shevy> Please answer the question. What is the name of the class you are trying to call a[1] on?
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<becom33> Test
<shevy> yes
<shevy> and you wrote the class Test
<shevy> the class Test has no method called []
<becom33> I see
<shevy> now you must decide what to do. You could define a method called []
<shevy> def [](input)
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<becom33> I returned detail
<becom33> so
<shevy> ok then inside this
<shevy> do something like ...
<shevy> def [](input)
<shevy> @detail[input]
<becom33> a = Test.new() , a must have the valies which retruned right ?
<shevy> not sure how @detail is structured
<shevy> no
<shevy> initialize works differently
<shevy> a contains a reference to test new
<shevy> to your class
<shevy> you could do this:
<shevy> a = Test.new()
<shevy> a.detail
<shevy> but inside class Test, you also must add:
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<shevy> attr_reader :detail
<becom33> shevy, is there a deffeent way without returning ?
<shevy> you could just output the result if you want
<shevy> inside def initialize, you could do puts @detail
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<becom33> wait a second
<shevy> you can change your class to do pretty everything you want it to do
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<becom33> shevy, is this wrong ? a = Test.new()
<becom33> puts a.detail['name']
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<shevy> did you modify class Test?
<shevy> because you call the method #detail
<shevy> and if this method does not exist, of course an error will happen
<becom33> yep added a attr_read :detail
<becom33> and removed return a
<becom33> return detail *
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<shevy> you added attr_read :detail ?
<becom33> yep
<shevy> who told you this man
<shevy> I think one big problem you have is that you don't read accurately
<shevy> <shevy> attr_reader :detail
<shevy> and this is all basic ruby btw. you can't continue without knowing basic ruby
<shevy> your indent is wrong too btw
<shevy> when you start a method, indent with two spaces
<shevy> at least you use pastie.org now, which is good
<becom33> shevy, done
<shevy> detail = { <-- should be 2 spaces to the right, and all of its definitions
<becom33> its done
<becom33> used tab
<shevy> detail = _.return_array <-- this wont work btw
<shevy> you dont have this method defined
<becom33> should I remove it ? not sure weda its wanted there ?
<shevy> you have to decide
<shevy> you probably wanted to do .detail instead
<any-key> oooh underscore
<shevy> because you added:
<shevy> attr_reader :detail
<any-key> can you use that outside of irb?!
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<shevy> the _ sure
<shevy> irb assigns it the last return value automatically
<shevy> but it cheats that way :P
<shevy> IMO irb should try to behave as much as ruby does as possible
<shevy> hmm need to check what pry does
<banisterbaby> shevy: tell me you had steak for dinner, but say it slowly
<becom33> shevy, so I have removed the whole thing from the if to end
<shevy> I dont eat animals banisterbaby :(
<banisterbaby> shevy: srsly? ynot?
<shevy> banisterbaby hmm we dissected a white rat once in university source (I mean like 30 rats in total, groups of 3 each). Somehow that was the moment I gave up eating animals
<banisterbaby> shevy: hehe
<shevy> the whole place stank, some groups cut into the innards... that is such a disgusting smell...
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<any-key> shevy: did you major in CS?
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<shevy> nah, I hate computers too much to wish to spend even more time than I already do
<any-key> they don't make CS people do that 'round these parts, and my school has like the best vet school in the US >.>
<shevy> biological information is what rocks!
<scalebyte> shevy: But you too smart in ruby :)
<shevy> pffft look at banisterbaby or manveru or apeiros
<shevy> they can all write in C *additionally*
<shevy> there are so many cool things you can do in C
<any-key> heh most of us can write C I'd say...
<shevy> yeah
<shevy> well I can't
<shevy> I think people should start with C
<any-key> go pick up a copy of K&R
<shevy> learning ruby or python is significantly easier than C
<any-key> I agree
<shevy> I have a copy of K&R
<shevy> I read about 50 pages hehehe
<shevy> but it had a good style
<shevy> lots of information
<scalebyte> shevy: I have always wished to learn C++ or C in depth.. you know so that I could master in Datastrcutures and algorithms
<shevy> hmm
<banisterbaby> scalebyte: learn objc instead, it's much easier, and it's quite rubyish
<any-key> to really learn datastructures and algorithms you should implement them in C
<seanstickle> Or SmallTalk
<seanstickle> Which is even more Rubyish
<shevy> odd, I never wanted to learn either of these because of Datastructures or algorithms. but there are such cool tricks out there, like what paco does with LD_PRELOAD ... now if I could do this in ruby ... that would be sweet -> http://paco.sourceforge.net/ "How does it perform this magic? It is accomplished using the LD_PRELOAD method, which preloads a shared library before installation using the environment v
<shevy> ariable LD_PRELOAD. During installation, this library catches the system calls that cause filesystem alterations (such as open, link, rename, ...), and logs the created files."
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<shevy> I need this one day :P
<seanstickle> And to *really* really learn data structures and algorithms, you need to implement them in MMIX assembly
<scalebyte> banisterbaby: i felt implementing datastructure and algorithmic questions are quite difficult when u think in the lines of ruby yet once you start coding u realize u took much lesser lines to implement the same thing than i C/C++/java thats ironical :)
<seanstickle> As we all know
<shevy> ewww java
<any-key> if you're implementing datastructures in ruby you have some serious mental issues
<shevy> http://www.tiobe.com/index.php/content/paperinfo/tpci/index.html <-- a bit more C and Java would be overthrown!
<banisterbaby> any-key: why is that
<any-key> it's a freaking scripting language...
<banisterbaby> any-key: ruby doesnt have linked list or tree datastructures built in
<seanstickle> APL is climbing back up the TIOBE ladder
<seanstickle> #44 now!
<shevy> lol
<scalebyte> shevy: ok guys so here's the deal its been like 6 months since I started working on ruby rails.. and I did some college projects on J2EE.. Now, my dream company is Amazon and I need to prepare myself for the challenge in about 3 months.. thats the time I give myself to prepare or max 4 months.. and as usual as how it happens in amazon I got to be good in Datastructures and Algorithms by then.. any suggestions on how to go about the
<any-key> banisterbaby: it's a scripting language it was never designed for such things
<shevy> scalebyte dunno. write lots of code... and read some good books
<shevy> scalebyte, you have access to a library? if so go there every day for an hour or two
<seanstickle> scalebyte: yeah, both of those
<seanstickle> books and practice
<becom33> pastie.org is taking alota time to post the paste :/
<seanstickle> Nothing magical
<seanstickle> becom33: try gist
<banisterbaby> any-key: can you illustrate in what ways the design of ruby works against it for implementing datastructures?
<scalebyte> shevy: exactly.. I will then need to shift to C or C++ that will be tough considering the fact that I work on RoR and I have just started loving Ruby :(
<banisterbaby> any-key: because from where i am now, it appears as if you dont know what you're tlaking about :)
<any-key> banisterbaby: it doesn't use pointers...the language is designed for scripting and high-level coding
<scalebyte> becom33: use gist
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<shevy> scalebyte hehe. well you are willing to learn... I surpassed that time. I no longer want to learn C or C++ or Java. I'll stay dumb for the rest of my life in this regard
<banisterbaby> any-key: tonnes of languages dont have a pointer datatype and yet they're excellent for implementing datastructures. Pointers dont mean shit when it comes to datastructures
<scalebyte> seriously guys.. ruby is so beautiful that I would have married her if she was a girl <3
<becom33> shevy, sorry paste was talking too much time http://pastebin.com/3XiW75aR .
<shevy> paste was talking to you? hehe
<seanstickle> I remember learning a lot of data structures from the Perl book on the topic
<seanstickle> I can imagine a comparable book for Ruby
<banisterbaby> any-key: in fact raw pointers can work against you, as they just lead to additional boilerplate and error checking code you need to implement ON TOP OF the datastructure/algorithm code
<any-key> agreed
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<scalebyte> becom33: is detail a hash ?
<shevy> becom33 this does not work. you never assign to @detail
<any-key> I guess my whole point is that why would you want anything else when you have hashes :P
* epitron presses any-key
<any-key> no
<shevy> detail = { should be @detail = {
* epitron presses any-key
* shevy cleans any-key
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<any-key> I hate you all
<shevy> any-key, I cant find you :(
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* epitron strikes the any-key
<banisterbaby> any-key: in fact, saying that only languages that possess pointers are adequate for datastructures to basically the domain of just C/C++ ?
<shevy> ok epitron really has something going with any-key
<banisterbaby> you are limiting to basically*
<epitron> the Apple ][ which used to say, "STRIKE ENTER TO CONTINUE"
<any-key> banisterbaby: I take that comment back, you are correct
<epitron> so violent
<banisterbaby> any-key: since c/c++ are the only popular languages (that i know of) which have an explicit pointer datatype
<any-key> I'll admit, my datastructures and algorithms learning all took place in C
<seanstickle> banisterbaby: also ALGOL-68
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<seanstickle> banisterbaby: for varying definitions of "popular"
<shevy> a language older than 99% of the people here
<epitron> what about ALGOL-69
<shevy> a language older than 98% of the people here
<becom33> shevy, yea got it :)
<becom33> thanks
<shevy> oh Ada. older than everyone here
<shevy> gosh, you sicken me how young you all are
<seanstickle> Ada is younger than me
<shevy> COBOL: Appeared in 1959
<shevy> oh
<shevy> true
<banisterbaby> any-key: and dont write ruby of as 'just a scripting language', they may have begun life that way but modern 'scripting languages' (more accurately referred to as just 'dynamic' language i guess) are used for complicated large scale, multimillion dollar applications
<banisterbaby> off*
<shevy> somehow I thought it was around COBOL's age
<shevy> man COBOL is old
<seanstickle> Nah, late 70s
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<epitron> that's an old-ass language :D
<shevy> DISPLAY "Hello, world".
<shevy> This was the time when CAPS were still awesome
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<epitron> everyone was a lot louder back then
<epitron> it was a yelly time
<shevy> yeah
<seanstickle> Computers had bad hearing back then
<seanstickle> Before the introduction of computer microphones
<shevy> today is all civilized and quiet and people dont talk out of nowhere and no cell phone calls during conference
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<shevy> good point
<scalebyte> shevy: seanstickle banisterbaby I didnt get the answer from you guys on how to go about chasing my dream ;)
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<shevy> scalebyte code a lot and go to library
<banisterbaby> scalebyte: what was your question
<seanstickle> scalebyte: what was your dream?
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<shevy> there is really no better way I can think of when you start to set out to learn something
<scalebyte> seanstickle: banisterbaby : its been like 6 months since I started working on ruby rails.. and I did some college projects on J2EE.. Now, my dream company is Amazon and I need to prepare myself for the challenge in about 3 months.. thats the time I give myself to prepare or max 4 months.. and as usual as how it happens in amazon I got to be good in Datastructures and Algorithms by then.. any suggestions on how to go about the challe
<seanstickle> scalebyte: I answered that
<seanstickle> scalebyte: get some books and study
<seanstickle> scalebyte: done
<epitron> shevy: i think the yelling was due to the cooling needs of those massive vacuum tube arrays
<epitron> 747 jet engine heat sinks
<scalebyte> seanstickle: any good book for DS & ALG. for beginners :)
<seanstickle> scalebyte: data structures + algorithms = programs by wirth
<seanstickle> scalebyte: if you want to go classic
<shevy> that's the cool thing with libraries
<shevy> there are lots of awesome books
<banisterbaby> scalebyte: your stackoverflow profile makes you sound more advanced than you are ;)
<epitron> LIEbraries!!!
<scalebyte> seanstickle: amazon pays you cool.. I wanna make money.. do good work and be proud !!
<shevy> I find big corporations significantly less interesting than startups with nice ideas
<epitron> big corporations are just money factories
<epitron> they don't care about what they're making
<epitron> "what does your company make?" "baby food, missiles, home electronics, defibrilators, and lumber"
<epitron> (that's called synergy)
<scalebyte> seanstickle: I cant pay.. any free version :)
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<seanstickle> Ever since my 2 month stint at KPMG, I have worked exclusively at small companies
<seanstickle> scalebyte: yeah, at the library
<seanstickle> scalebyte: they have lots of free books
<epitron> i've heard bad things about KPMG :)
<scalebyte> banisterbaby: how did u view my SO profile ?
<scalebyte> banisterbaby: :)
<shevy> scalebyte arent you able to visit any library?
<seanstickle> scalebyte:
<seanstickle> scalebyte: of things like this
<scalebyte> banisterbaby: all my SO answers are fairly simple.. nothing advanced.. just that I always wanted to learn something new.. get work done and do work for others :)
<seanstickle> scalebyte: if you can't find a good book on algorithms, you may not be cut out for amazon
<shevy> hahaha
<banisterbaby> scalebyte: no i mean what you wrote about yourself
<shevy> so mean
<scalebyte> seanstickle: thanks for the link.. I just wanted the suggestion for a good one.. there are plenty out there :)
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<seanstickle> scalebyte: and they all cover pretty much the same thing
<epitron> experts never know good books for beginners
<epitron> you gotta ask other beginners
<seanstickle> And you don't want a suggestion of a good one.
<scalebyte> banisterbaby: thats what I do.. but thats not got too much to do with devising algo. for stuffs and all :) thats my day job
<seanstickle> You want a suggestion of a free one that's not bad.
<scalebyte> seanstickle: what to do.. pockets are clean these days :) and I support open source :D
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<scalebyte> banisterbaby: how did u get the link to my SO profile mate I didnt reveal it here ;)
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<gurugeek_> hello I have a quick question about a ruby (non rail) deployment
<gurugeek_> anyone around ? :D
<scalebyte> gurugeek_: go ahead
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<scalebyte> gurugeek_: cant you on the tab to your right side of the browser window as to how many ppl are in this room right now. what makes you throw at us such annoying questions ?
<seanstickle> But beware! Our answers may be April Fools
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<seanstickle> scalebyte: not eveyrone uses webchat
<seanstickle> scalebyte: gurugeek_ here uses Adium
<gurugeek_> thank you :) I am planning to make a free multi hosting for camping users (http://camping.io) and I have tried apache + phusion, nginix with phusion (what I am having now but not working 100% fine) I was wonder what is the best way. should I try lighty + fcgi or what is the best way for user to be dead easy to deploy their app ?
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<gurugeek_> what are you using for web non rails ruby frameworks ? as a setup I mean
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<scalebyte> gurugeek_: u could use thin too :_
<gurugeek_> scalebyte: how? for multiple users hosting their apps on port 80...
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<axiak> hey
<gurugeek_> scalebyte: or was that an annoying answer due to my initial annoying question ?
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<scalebyte> gurugeek_: no at all :) I have used thin,,, or even forreman.. u cud try both
<axiak> if you update a bundle in capistrano and then want to downgrade
<axiak> does bundle automatically apply a delta to my environment to get me back to where I started?
<gurugeek_> scale: have you used thin for 1 application or 100 ?
<gurugeek_> scalebyte:oops I meant have you used thin or 1 or multiple apps in the same server
<epitron> gurugeek_: you could use enterprise ruby to minimize your memory footprint
<epitron> if it's going to be 100% camping apps, there will be a lot of shared state
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<gurugeek_> epitron: thanks but how can they all run on port 80 ?
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<epitron> passenger
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<gurugeek_> epitron: right I have it but see http://camping.sh http://camping.sh/ test/create html page fails and works fine on the thin version at http://camping.sh:3301
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<epitron> you can't setup passenger?
<epitron> you are not worthy of the name gurugeek!
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<gurugeek_> epitron: I could but seems fairly nasty to debug :X
<epitron> o_O
<epitron> it logs errors to logfiles
<gurugeek_> epitron: well I have this name from php :) where all this mess wouldn't happen :)
<epitron> and it has tools that show you the status of all the processes
<gurugeek_> epitron: lol yeah I know that
<epitron> and all of its processes are independant
<epitron> how is that hard to debug?
<gurugeek_> epitron: let me change the question. What you use for deployment of your ruby web apps like which setup ?
<epitron> passenger
<gurugeek_> epitron: ok thanks anyone else using a different setup than passenger
<gurugeek_> epitron: with apache or nginx ?
<epitron> both are good
<epitron> nginx is lighter but less distro-supported
<gurugeek_> epitron: on apache I get debugging screens etc. on nginx not
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<epitron> just pick one!
<gurugeek_> anyone using lightttpd and fcgi ?
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<gurugeek_> epitron: I did is up but I am not satisfied
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<any-key> nginx is harder to pronounce and is therefore superior
<any-key> I rest my case.
<gurugeek_> any-key: lol
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<any-key> but nginx is pretty nice, I hear good things
<axiak> anyone here use bundler?
<any-key> unless you're deploying some supah crazy high scalability web app you really won't be able to tell a difference and shouldn't care all that much
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<gurugeek_> any-key: no nothing super crazy. But should be super easy and if I can't get a add page thing to work doesn't look promising to me
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<n3m> What is the difference between the effective and the real user id of a process?
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<shevy> dunno. i guess the superuser can assume another user id at runtime
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<gurugeek_> is anyone running ruby web apps /frameworks using fcgi in any webserver ?
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<heftig> n3m: a setuid executable is run with a set effective uid
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<any-key> I've used heroku typically but the most popular stack I see is passenger and nginx
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<n3m> heftig: thx
<heftig> n3m: file access is governed by euid, while permission to signal is governed by ruid
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<jonathancutrell> Hey folks.
<matti> Hi jonathancutrell
<any-key> Hi matti
<matti> Hi any-key
<matti> :)
<any-key> Hi jonathancutrell
<jonathancutrell> hey any-key
<jonathancutrell> hey everyone!
<jonathancutrell> Hey!
<matti> Yay \o/
<matti> *group hug*
<matti> ;s
<jonathancutrell> I'm looking for a library that can do image processing from a webcam stream… Any ideas on that?
<any-key> why doesn't Matz hang out on irc?
<any-key> jonathancutrell: openCV
<matti> any-key: No idea.
<matti> any-key: But it would be cool.
<any-key> I know, right? Dunno how good his english is though
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<jonathancutrell> any-key: Is that Python?
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<any-key> jonathancutrell: it's just a general library; it's the best open source project you'll come across for video processing
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<Deele> hello
<any-key> jonathancutrell: google turned this up though: https://github.com/ryanfb/ruby-opencv
<any-key> it hasn't been updated recently but I'm sure it'll do something
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<jonathancutrell> any-key: cool deal. Basically I need to send a query at a fairly quick interval to a QR library to see if it responds.
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<any-key> so wait you aren't doing any of the processing yourself?
<any-key> you basically just want to grab frames and pass them off?
<jonathancutrell> right.
<jonathancutrell> That's the basic idea.
<any-key> hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
<jonathancutrell> I'm guessing opencv is still a good option for that.
<any-key> I don't really have any experience with grabbing raw data from cameras but I'm sure you won't need openCV for that
<jonathancutrell> haha
<jonathancutrell> okay.
<jonathancutrell> found this - http://alexkarpus.com/opencv/
* any-key waits for someone else who has real experience to tag in
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<jonathancutrell> any-key: http://zbar.sourceforge.net/
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<jonathancutrell> Does the whole shebang
<jonathancutrell> shabang?
<jonathancutrell> shibang?
<any-key> there ya go
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<dikim33> Hi, I messed up my rvm with sudo..
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<dikim33> is there any easy way to fix my mess?
<davidcelis> how did you mess it up
<apeiros_> rvm implode
<dikim33> I ran sudo rvm several times.
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<dikim33> and then i can run some sub command of rvm as a normal user.
<dikim33> apeiros_: what is it? can you explain more?
<apeiros_> it kills the rvm installation. I'd do that as both, sudo and normal and start over
<dikim33> davidboy: did I mention clearly?
<dikim33> apeiros_: so, how should I do to fix it?
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<apeiros_> ? I think I just said it…
<dikim33> Ah, I see.
<davidcelis> dikim33: apeiros_ is right; easiest way to fix this would be to implode it and start from scratch
<davidcelis> this time not using sudo, preferably
<dikim33> davidcelis: are you saying that I should not do "sudo rvm implode"?
<apeiros_> I'd check whether rvm with sudo installs stuff elswhere
<davidcelis> no, i mean you shouldn't use sudo when you're reinstalling it
<dikim33> or should not use sudo improperly once rvm is reinstalled.
<apeiros_> if so, I'd implode as both, normal user and with sudo
<apeiros_> ah
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<dikim33> davidcelis: OK.
<dikim33> apeiros_: OK, thanks
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<dikim33> apeiros_: can I ask what you have in your ~/.rvmrc ?
<apeiros_> export rvm_path="/Users/myusername/.rvm"
<dikim33> I see. thanks.
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<eph3meral> does anyone here deal with getting vim to work with ruby on windows? is that too off topic?
<eph3meral> i've got a late patchlevel by the Cream guys, p286 I think, and it says I have +ruby/dyn but when I boot, things like lustyexplorer say that ruby is missing
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<dikim33> apeiros_: I was trying to setup a chef-solo with a bootstrap. What is the best way to set it up in terms of whether doing "sudo" or not?
<apeiros_> no idea
<dikim33> So, more specifically, should I run "chef-solo -c /etc/chef/solo.rb -j ~/chef.json -r http://s3.amazonaws.com/chef-solo/bootstrap-latest.tar.gz" or
<dikim33> sudo chef-solo -c /etc/chef/solo.rb -j ~/chef.json -r http://s3.amazonaws.com/chef-solo/bootstrap-latest.tar.gz
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<sam113101> how do I get the "type" of something?
<buschhardt> .class
<buschhardt> "herber".class
<sam113101> true.class returns TrueClass and false.class returns FalseClass, while I'd like them to return Boolean
<sam113101> or something like that
<apeiros_> so you'd like them to lie?
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<apeiros_> their class IS TrueClass and FalseClass. you wishing it to be different ain't making it so.
<sam113101> but why are there two classes
<De`off> hey, I have a string, that contains space seperated values like this "key=value key2=value2 key3=value3", what will be fastes way to convert this to Hash. with keys and values as given
<sam113101> are they extending a class called Boolean
<buschhardt> .split
<apeiros_> sam113101: use your irb. TrueClass.ancestors
<Spaceghostc2c> sam113101: No, but why would they?
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<Deele> I'm trying "@split = @str.split(" ").map{|item| item.split("=") }" but does not work
<buschhardt> "a=1 b=2".split
<apeiros_> sam113101: if you crave it really hard, you can do: `module Boolean; end; class TrueClass; include Boolean; end; class FalseClass; include Boolean; end`
<apeiros_> now true.is_a?(Boolean) # => true
<apeiros_> Deele: Hash[*str.split(/ |=/)]
<buschhardt> "a=1 b=2".split[0].split("=")
<buschhardt> Deele: i've no problem
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<buschhardt> Deele: what do want do do?
<apeiros_> Deele: also, map returns an array, so of course that "doesn't work" (and for future reference "doesn't work" is not useful and sucks ass as a problem description)
<sam113101> Spaceghostc2c: it would make sense
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<Spaceghostc2c> So, it offers nothing but potential clarity when TrueClass and FalseClass don't?
<Deele> hey, I have a string, that contains space seperated values like this "key=value key2=value2 key3=value3" convert to "Hash['key'=>'value','key2'=>'value2', 'key3'=>'value3']"
<Deele> sry, copied
<Deele> apeiros_, that was not "doesn't work", more like my attempt to solve, but appearantly my knowledge is not enough
<d3c> Date.new.cwday and Time.new.wday returns exactly the same for me. any ideas why? it's Sunday and cwday should return 7 while wday returns 1 like it should. using IRB
<apeiros_> Deele: I understood that. it doesn't change anything about what I said. don't use "doesn't work". it's useless.
<Deele> apeiros_, ok
<apeiros_> d3c: why should cwday return 7?
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<apeiros_> ah, cwday is indeed 1..7
<d3c> apeiros_: cwday: "Returns the day of calendar week (1-7, Monday is 1)."
<apeiros_> d3c: Date.new.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
<apeiros_> might give you a hint…
<buschhardt> Deele: c={};"a=1 b=2".split.map{|i| c[i.split("=")[0]]=i.split("=")[1]}
<buschhardt> Deele: maybe a shorter way exist
<Deele> buschhardt, thx, I will test this
<apeiros_> buschhardt: it does, and I pasted it already :-p
<apeiros_> buschhardt: 21:34 apeiros_: Deele: Hash[*str.split(/ |=/)]
<buschhardt> apeiros_: a sorry - miss it
<Deele> apeiros_, undefined local variable or method `str' for main:Object (NameError)
<apeiros_> Deele: gawd, don't use ur brains much?
<apeiros_> str is your string that you have
<Deele> apeiros_, sry, wrong error, `[]': odd number of arguments for Hash (ArgumentError)
<apeiros_> Deele: then your string is malformed
<apeiros_> Hash[*"key=value key2=value2 key3=value3".split(/ |=/)] # => {"key"=>"value", "key2"=>"value2", "key3"=>"value3"}
<apeiros_> it certainly works for well-formed
<buschhardt> apeiros_: Hash["a=1 b=2".split(/ |=/)] ->{}
<apeiros_> buschhardt: that * in my code isn't there for shits & giggles
<apeiros_> Hash[*"a=1 b=2".split(/ |=/)] # => {"a"=>"1", "b"=>"2"}
<buschhardt> apeiros_: your code give me a empty hash
<Deele> apeiros_, yes, now I undestand, I just noticed, I have some without value
<apeiros_> buschhardt: no, you bad copy of my code gives you an empty hash.
<apeiros_> *your
<buschhardt> apeiros_: sorry
<apeiros_> shit happens
<buschhardt> :)
<Deele> apeiros_, like, if I have "key1 key2=value2 key3 key4=value4", will still make a hash, just with empty values for key1 and key3
<buschhardt> run Forest run
<apeiros_> Deele: you see, things like that are parts of the spec. if you don't properly spec your problem, you get bad solutions.
<Deele> apeiros_, you solution is great! I just need to find, how it works :D
<Deele> *why
<sam113101> should I use size or length for Strings, is one prefered over the other?
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<apeiros_> Deele: Hash[your_string_here.scan(/([^ =]+)(?:=([^ ]*))?/)] # this time without *, only works with ruby 1.8.7+
<Deele> apeiros_, am I right, it uses loops over, takes every value, and uses this value as hash item key and next value as hash item value, and steps over it
<apeiros_> Deele: well, take it apart. the split creates a flat array of all keys & values. Hash[] creates a hash from such an array.
<dikim33> apeiros_: when I just run chef-solo with bootstrap as a normal user, I got the following error. http://www.pastebin.ca/2134590
<Deele> and what * does do
<dikim33> apeiros_: do you have any idea what went wrong?
<apeiros_> dikim33: I only have as much idea as chef already tells you, which is:
<apeiros_> [Sun, 01 Apr 2012 15:44:48 -0400] FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::Exec: service[couchdb] (couchdb::default line 57) had an error: Chef::Exceptions::Exec: /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d couchdb start returned 1, expected 0
<Deele> apeiros_, works like a charm, thank you! :)
<apeiros_> --> /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d couchdb start returned 1, expected 0
<dikim33> Yes, I think it should run by root but not by a normal user.
<dikim33> apeiros_:
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<apeiros_> dikim33: chef is a complex piece of software, I'm not willing into delving into it
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<dikim33> But the point is that is it OK to run it as a root? I am afraid that it would break my setup as a normal user.
<apeiros_> dikim33: I don't know anything about chef's design philosophy, so I can't help you with that. I know about rvm's, and that says that installation as a user is preferred. you can install as root. I'd look for help in a chef related channel
<dikim33> apeiros_: OK, thanks.
<apeiros_> I would expect chef being able to use sudo, though
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<sam113101> do you guys write case and when on the same indent
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<sam113101> like
<sam113101> case
<sam113101> when
<sam113101> [tab] next instruction
<sam113101> or
<sam113101> case
<sam113101> [tab] when
<sam113101> [tab][tab] next instruction
<Jrz> hey
<sam113101> hey
<Jrz> anyone here doing facebook programming
<Jrz> ?
<Jrz> It's not really related to facebook, but I figured I could ask ;)
<Jrz> I'm creating a game which uses fbconnect.. which works. (yay)
<Jrz> However, I want to do some other stuff too: invite someone, offline access to the profile, read the profile.. But I'm not sure what should be done on the client, and what on the server (as I can't guarantee I have offline_access)
<Tasser> sam113101, gg=G and let the editor handle that
<sam113101> yeah that's what I'm doing right now
<sam113101> how did you know that I'm using vim
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<Tasser> sam113101, magic ball
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<becom33> loool
<shevy> I have magic balls!
<shevy> wanna see?
<becom33> sure
<becom33> :P
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<SmilingDevil> I just compiled and installed ruby, but for some reason getting this when trying to do: ruby setup.rb
<SmilingDevil> bash: /usr/bin/ruby: No such file or directory
<SmilingDevil> Any ideas why? CentOS 5
<any-key> type "which ruby"
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<sam113101> how should I do "< 10" in a switch (case)
<sam113101> when <10
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<matti> sam113101: You can't. Other way to use case in such a case is e.g. n = 5 ; case ; when n < 10 then p 'X marks the stop' ; end
<matti> sam113101: But this is as-if you were really doing if..elif..else thing.
<shevy> SmilingDevil go to /usr/bin, do a ls rub*
<matti> s/stop/spot/
<matti> LOL me
<SmilingDevil> shevy, I found it in /usr/local/bin/
<shevy> hmm
<shevy> that is an odd place
<SmilingDevil> Eh whatever
<SmilingDevil> It works fine
<shevy> :)
<SmilingDevil> Thank you anyways though :)
<apeiros_> matti: elsif, not elif
<apeiros_> sam113101: you could also use a range, case n; when (-Float::INFINITY)...10
<matti> apeiros_: Sorry. I just took off my contact lenses ;]
<matti> apeiros_: Thanks for correcting.
<apeiros_> but I'd go with if/elsif too
<matti> +1 for if..elsif..else.
<shevy> hmm
<shevy> what about case when
<Tasser> apeiros_, if...when...when...when ? ^^
<shevy> when 0..10
<matti> shevy: ...
<shevy> what!
<matti> shevy: "..."
<matti> ;]
<shevy> hmmdoes this work with negative too?
<apeiros_> you're late to the party and didn't read the backlog
<shevy> -10..10
<Tasser> matti, yada yada?
<sam113101> I think that in my case, 0..10 would be the same as < 10
<shevy> yay!
<apeiros_> shevy: also, <10 would be ...10
<sam113101> because I'll never get negative values
<shevy> long live the case menu!!!
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<matti> shevy: .. includes 10.
<shevy> die, elsif, die!
<matti> Tasser: ?
<shevy> matti, he wants a hug
<matti> shevy: Ah.
<matti> ;]
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<matti> shevy: I'd hug him, but there are too many people watching ;s
<Tasser> matti, see perl yada yada operator
<matti> Perl :<
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<matti> LOL
<matti> "The yada yada operator (noted ...) is a placeholder for code. Perl parses it without error, but when you try to execute a yada yada, it throws an exception with the text Unimplemented (...)"
<matti> "Perl parses it without error"
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<matti> That is true for most of the wrong code in Perl, isn't it? :)
<matti> ;d
* matti is being facetious ...
<sepp2k> To be fair it's true for most wrong code in most languages. Most errors aren't syntactic.
<matti> I wonder if Ruby inherited ... from Perl too.
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<matti> Aside of range.
<sepp2k> Outside of ranges there is no ... in ruby, no. def foo() ... end is a syntax error
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<matti> sepp2k: Thanks!
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<sam113101> is there a predefined variable that holds the last value "evaluated"
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<sepp2k> sam113101: Only in irb.
<sepp2k> It's _ in irb.
<sam113101> functions return the last thing evaluated if there's no return
<apeiros_> there was even a history
<apeiros_> but I forgot it :(
<sam113101> there's no way to get that value?
<apeiros_> sam113101: you assign it or use it directly
<apeiros_> other than in irb, it makes little sense IMO…
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<sam113101> I have a big case that returns a Fixnum, and I'd like to take that Fixnum and return the corresponding character (it should be lower than 256)
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<sam113101> wait
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<sam113101> can I do var = case
<arturaz> Yes.
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<sam113101> omg, I fucking love ruby
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<arturaz> I love pistacios.
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<shadoi> I love ruby and pistachios.
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<Tasser> often?
<shadoi> between the sheets.
<any-key> I love lamp
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<shadoi> yeah, I'm a big fan of the floor lamp.
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<shadoi> table lamps… not so much.
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<bounce> sheesh, no love for the lava lamp?
<any-key> those things suck
<any-key> buncha hippies that don't do work
<any-key> get a job!
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<shevy> you are all suck
<any-key> it's true
<becom33> http://pastie.org/private/bnlsnpknqhmzets8tpiwg I wanna keep this outputs in a clear table
<shevy> and what does not work there becom33 ?
<becom33> how can I do that ?
<shevy> ah you want to pad the strings
<shevy> via %
<becom33> shevy, it works . give a output . its messey I want it clean in a table . the problem Im having is keeping them in line
<shevy> "%19s" % "abcdef" # => " abcdef"
<shevy> display them via "%20s" % your_variable_here
<shevy> puts ("%20s" % DB::NAME[i])+"\t"+DB::EXPERT[i]+"\t"+DB::GENDER[i]
<bounce> why are you treating 'class' like it defines functions?
<any-key> shevy: if I didn't know any better I'd accuse you of writing perl :P
<shadoi> becom33: I recommend putting them in a hash and using something like Hirb. :)
<shevy> any-key I try to make sense of his code
<matti> WOT?
<shevy> any-key you try to improve his code at the same time :P
<shadoi> becom33: also, that is a really weird way to loop in ruby!
<becom33> shevy, I didnt quite get what said before
<shevy> becom33 use the % operator
<any-key> I'd rather not
<shevy> x = "abcdef"
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<becom33> shadoi, what loop would you prefer >
<becom33> ?
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<shevy> "%19s" % x # => " abcdef"
<shevy> use .each
<shadoi> becom33: while expr do .. end
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<shevy> god
<shevy> I hate his code :(
<bounce> god's code? why u haet?
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<shevy> becom33 get rid of the \t and align via % instead
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<sam113101> should I capitalize file names?
<sam113101> is there a convention?
<any-key> no
<any-key> underscores and lower case
<any-key> easier to type in the terminal
<sam113101> ok so serializer.rb even though the class is Serializer?
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<any-key> yes
<sam113101> ty
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<sam113101> so my class should be name Web_Session instead of WebSession?
<sam113101> or Web_session?
<sam113101> which one
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<any-key> no, classes are CamelCase, so the name should be WebSession
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<sam113101> but the name of the file should be web_session.rb?
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<any-key> yes
<sam113101> ok ty
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<Deele> hey, I have a problem, I want my code run with a specifc delay, without stopping whole program
<Deele> like sleep does...
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<any-key> hehehe welcome to concurrency :D
<any-key> fork that shiiiiit
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<any-key> it really depends on the code but you can make this as easy or hard as you'd like
<Deele> I'm working with sockets, I'm connected to server, so I should not stop whole program
<any-key> look into select in IO
<any-key> that's how you typically do single-threaded concurrency with sockets although the delay issue may not be possible with it
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<Deele> in this case, I want some code to be executed 2 seconds after connection has been established
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<Deele> additionally, would be great, if I could create some sort of timout/repeat connection
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<CrazyPickles> is there a gosu irc channel?
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<seanstickle> Right next to #gokan
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<axiak> hey
<axiak> anybody have any experience with the bundler?
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<Tasser> I suppose so
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<apeiros_> anybody has, but he left 5min ago!
<axiak> lol
<axiak> i'm asking it in #rails :P
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<axiak> well I could stir up the channel with a debate a friend and I are having
* epochwolf bitchslaps axiak
<axiak> lol
<matti> Haha
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<matti> axiak: pwned
<matti> ;]
<axiak> so I'm more of a python guy, and my friend is more of a ruby guy
<axiak> :P
<epochwolf> OUT! ->
<axiak> haha!
<axiak> I'm trying to undersatnd
<axiak> so
* matti seconds epochwolf
<axiak> pip doesn't handle upgrades and downgrades perfectly
<matti> axiak: You never will ;p You are a Python guy ;p
<matti> axiak: :)
<axiak> so I wrote a bash script that keys my pip environment by the hash of my dependencies
<axiak> it's a 3-line script
<epochwolf> axiak: ruby has proper closures (both lambdas and procs)
<axiak> pish, I know about python's lack of closures...
<axiak> I don't want to have a language debate right now
<matti> :>
<axiak> so anyway
<any-key> spanish is best language!
<axiak> I think it's pretty cool that I can do this pretty easily so that on the server no matter what version of my environment I deploy, I will have a clean set of my dependencies
<axiak> so my friend made a comment that "if we were in ruby, bundler would just do this"
<davidcelis> any-key: no sé que eres corecto; prefiero ruby
<davidcelis> fuck it's been a while since spanish
<axiak> and he went on to explain that if you use capistrano to rollback, the bundler would apply a delta of the two gemfiles automatically
<axiak> including all dependencies
<davidcelis> i am the worst excuse for a mexican
<axiak> and it would deal with uninstalling all old dependencies that may cause issues etc
<seanstickle> davidcelis: maybe you're more of a Castilian
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<RubyPanther> bundler has arrived, we are now living in the future. http://everyoneishereinthefuture.com/
<seanstickle> davidcelis: of Basque
<axiak> so how does it work?
<davidcelis> no, pretty sure I am a Mexican
<davidcelis> of Mexico
<davidcelis> but only part mexican, and i grew up in the states, and not bilingually
<davidcelis> i will never forgive my parents for that last part
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<RubyPanther> bundler is like the installer hat of CPAN
<seanstickle> That's ok. I never learned Irish either.
<davidcelis> RubyPanther: wow I forgot about everyone is here in the future
<epochwolf> axiak: um… bundler is open source, there is code available
<axiak> I've been reading it to try to find his delta system
<axiak> can't find it
<epochwolf> axiak: there is no detla system.
<axiak> heh
<axiak> will bundler downgrade at least?
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<epochwolf> axiak: bundler can handle any number of installed versions of a gem.
<axiak> i see
<seanstickle> axiak: it's not magic
<epochwolf> axiak: bundler doesn't have to uninstall anything, it just leaves the new versions sitting around.
<axiak> how does ruby take the right version? what happens when you have nested dependencies with different preferred versions?
<epochwolf> axiak: Gemfile.lock contains the exact versions of gems that will be loaded.
<epochwolf> axiak: that's why bundler exists it figures that out.
<axiak> i see
<axiak> so it's not quite like CPAN
<epochwolf> bundler looks at the list of dependencies and finds a version of which required gem that will satisify all gems and then loads the right versions in proper order.
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<axiak> so then it generates Gemfile.lock, which is referenced by ruby?
<epochwolf> axiak: gemfile.lock is a cache
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<epochwolf> it's just so you don't have to recalculate every time you load the application.
<epochwolf> and gem versions won't switch on you if a new version is related.
<axiak> yeah
<RubyPanther> The think is, rubygems gave us versioned gems but it didn't make it easy to activate the right versions in dependencies
<axiak> okay makes sense
<epochwolf> axiak: bundler does the loading. Rubygems isn't aware of bundler.
<RubyPanther> so to get the same thing as CPAN, we have two tools. Bundler is the final piece that made our ecosystem happy.
<axiak> no I understand the fact that bundler is a separate system
<axiak> so when ruby starts up you require the bundler in order to load the get the right gems?
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<apeiros_> RubyPanther: rubygems totally provides a way to activate the right version in dependencies
<apeiros_> that's not the issue bundler solves
<axiak> yes -- bundler solves the 'find the gem versions that satisfies all of the various dependencies' right?
<apeiros_> `spec.add_dependency('log4r', '>= 1.0.5')` <-- straight from gemspec docs
<epochwolf> axiak: yup
<RubyPanther> apeiros_: Think about the way that what I said _is_ true, don't try to take it in the way that wouldn't be. You just miss the point that way.
<apeiros_> no. rubygems already does that. bundler solves the "my app needs env x, provide it to me in one go" & "my production server has no access to the intertubes, so make the app self contained"
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<axiak> okay
<apeiros_> RubyPanther: no, you just have only half the clues, as always. then you bluster up and fail to admit ignorance.
<RubyPanther> If you never saw what happens, you already required version 1.9 of some gem and then another lib loads the wrong version, even though the right version would have been correct. This was the real problem. You would have to alter all the gems you _used_ to specify versions. Those aren't under your control
<apeiros_> always the same game, and I'm tired.
<RubyPanther> That is what bundler solves. It empowers the _user_ to get the right versions loaded up.
<apeiros_> totally the primary purpose of bundler…
<RubyPanther> I agree, it is tiring. Just assume if what I say doesn't make sense, you didn't understand it. That is more likely than that I'm just wrong every time. ;)
<Tasser> just because it's more likely doesn't say it's true
<RubyPanther> Everybody makes mistakes, but it is better wait for them than to just on them whenever possible... because it is always possible and none are immune.
<Tasser> Chuck Norris is.
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* apeiros_ off to sleep, may somebody else protect the other half of the clues…
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<locks> hi, I'm using SimpleRSS to parse http://www.ezrss.it/feed/ but <torrent> disappears
<locks> does anyone know why?
<any-key> you'd probably have to give us a ton more information in order for anyone to actually help you with that...
<locks> the torrent element doesn't show up on the parsed object
<locks> feedzirra has the same behaviour
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