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<i8igmac> i think so
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<i8igmac> i thought there would be an easy way to do this
<i8igmac> airodump-ng -i mon0 > log.txt
<i8igmac> this logfile is blank
<i8igmac> maybe im doing it wrong
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<mksm> i8igmac, probably
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<i8igmac> what simple ways would you read output of a program
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<mksm> just run it
<i8igmac> this app runs for ever
<mksm> so it's not printing any output
<mksm> s/so/then/
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<mztriz> Could someone help me with this small script?
<mztriz> I'm having problems with fileutils
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<mksm> mztriz: what problem?
<mztriz> I'm not sure fileutils can't rename the file I'll show you the exact error message.
<mztriz> I believe it's a problem with my syntax
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<shadoi> mztriz: you should just use shell globbing, don't make ruby do it
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<shadoi> you're also not changing to the directory, you're just reaching into it with the Dir.entries call, so the mv can't find the file in the current dir.
<mztriz> shadoi, Ah I see what you're saying. Thanks.
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<mztriz> shadoi, can you point me where to find some good examples of globbing with Dir?
<shadoi> Dir.glob in the docs
<shadoi> but
<shadoi> you can also just use something like fixname.rb <newname> filespec*.rb
<shadoi> and then just iterate over every file that the glob matches
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<shadoi> (from the shell, they'll be in ARGV)
<shadoi> then add opt parsing to make it nicer.
<shevy> and ponies to make it look cuter
<shevy> mztriz also check if the file exists first.
<shevy> if File.exist? your_file_here
<shevy> # continue something blablabla
<shevy> end
<mztriz> shevy, thanks I didn't even think of that.
nerdy joined #ruby
<shevy> yeah I forget it a lot too
<shevy> but it makes for nicer programs if they check, and then report to the user that the file was not found, so the program could not continue
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<mztriz> shevy, yeah exactly, thanks again!
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<cwarden> is there a way to convert an array into multiple arguments to a function? i want to do something like this: files = ["a", "b"]; system("ls", files)
<zedUNDginger> cwarden: *files
<shevy> cwarden the * is the splat operator
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<cwarden> awesome. thanks!
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<shevy> require 'pp'; def foo(*args); pp args; end; foo("lalal","bla","ble"); # => ["lalal", "bla", "ble"]
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<shevy> it throws the shit into an array so you can call it with as many arguments as you like
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<samuelkadolph> Why would you use pp there?
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<shevy> I use pp everywhere
<shevy> even in your pants
<samuelkadolph> Stay out of my pants
<shevy> :(
<shevy> ok
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<choffstein> Hey all -- quick question. Is there a way to have an anonymous class act as a closure? So, for example, can I do something like: y = 5; ( do def self.x; y; end end).x and have it return 5? I keep getting a 'y not defined' error
<zedUNDginger> choffstein: yes
<zedUNDginger> choffstein: { define_singleton_method(:x) { y } }
<sj26> who actually runs rubygems these days?
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<choffstein> Oh, nice. THanks.
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<zedUNDginger> sj26: you do
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<sj26> no, I mean who is hosting the website / has admin powah?
<zedUNDginger> sj26: you do, i think. But correct me if i'm wrong.
<sj26> nope
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<sj26> the maintainer of ruby-debug19 must think rubygems is still pulling his gems from rubyforge, but this behaviour was disabled in a release a while back? In any case, we need the new ruby-debug19, linecache19 and ruby-debug-base19 gems pulled
<sj26> i'm trying to find someone who can help
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<Harzilein> hi
<developish> sj26, amen to that. it's badly broken
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<sj26> developish: ruby-debug is actually fixed, there are working gems on, just not pushed to rubygems
<zedUNDginger> sj26: why dont you contact the ruby-debug maintainer?
<Harzilein> is there something comparable to perl's File::Find for ruby? maybe even with a find2perl-like find2ruby?
<sj26> zedUNDginger: they're unresponsive
<developish> sj25, oh, cool
<zedUNDginger> sj26: then file an issue
<sj26> zedUNDginger: already done
<zedUNDginger> sj26: get some of your pals to +1 the issue
<sj26> still no response
<zedUNDginger> sj26: ok
<zedUNDginger> sj26: join #rubygems
<shevy> Harzilein what is Perl's File::Find doing?
<Harzilein> shevy: it's about having the same amount of functionality as the unix find utility in a programmable way. so, directory traversal with options to filter it
<Harzilein> shevy: the idea of find2perl then is to build upon that to convert find command lines to short perl scripts
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<Harzilein> shevy: and my use case is starting with some, say find . -newer something -exec file '{}' \; command line and later deciding i want something programmable with the magic gem instead, but no real desire to write the directory traversal code
<Harzilein> shevy: oh, nvm, looks like that is in the sdtlib
<Harzilein> shevy: does not have a lot of default behaviour, so i guess writing some find2ruby would be harder
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<shevy> hmm
<shevy> now that you mention it
<shevy> without comments, find2perl has about 660 lines of code
<shevy> I think you need some equivalent ruby file
<shevy> in other words, something big too :)
<shevy> now if someone were to port that hehe
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<akem> hey, does anyone knows if it is possible to disable open-uri file caching? on Windows it create C:
<akem> C:\Users\names\open-uriXXXX each time
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<shevy> that sounds annoying
<akem> i don't want it to read/write file each time, maybe it is possible to completly disable caching for ruby
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<shevy> akem one option would be to uncomment the code
<akem> yes it is a bit annoying...
<akem> to uncomment the code?
<shevy> I don't find any or in open-uri.rb though
<shevy> sure. the part that creates an open-uriXXXX file. hmm can you give a specific name actually?
<shevy> only thing I found so far is Tempfile
<akem> open-uri20111028-2876-104l23f-0
<shevy> require 'tempfile'; io ='open-uri')
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<shevy> hmm ... so it also stores the date ...
<epitron> akem: it does??
<epitron> oh, i guess that's so you can do file operations on the file handle
<akem> i have thousand of that in my Users directory and it's not even in Tmp/
<epitron> seek and whatever
<shevy> oh
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<shevy> akem, I think Tempfile is the guilty party
<akem> :(
<shevy> require 'tempfile' # => true
<shevy> io ='open-uri') # => #<File:/Depot/Temp/open-uri20111202-4115-1w7v0yt-0>
<epitron> akem: what's ENV['TEMP'] say?
<shevy> the format matches precisely to what you see akem so i conclude that tempfile is doing that
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<akem> $ ruby -e "p ENV['TEMP']"
<akem> nil
<akem> i see
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<shevy> well
<shevy> no idea why it insists on wanting to store that in your users directory
<shevy> here for me, open-uri.rb is at /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/open-uri.rb
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<shevy> for you it may be under ... /ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/open-uri.rb
<shevy> or 1.9.x something
<shevy> the tempfile code starts at line 301
<shevy> :/
<rotor_> i need some help im trying to make an infinate loop that executes a command every few seconds
<shevy> I really have no idea if a tempfile is required or not
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<shevy> rotor_, use loop {}
<rotor_> ok
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<shevy> that makes your loop
<akem> is it possible to subclass tempfile or something so it won't do any disk IO but use RAM only?
<shevy> as for the command, use a small method, where you can specify when it has to run. you can use sleep(5) for sleeping 5 seconds, then continuing to run the loop
<shevy> akem sorry, no idea, perhaps someone else knows
<akem> ok, nm, thanks for the help already.
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<akem> epitron, do you have any suggestions?
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<epitron> akem: open-uri overrides open
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<epitron> you can copy/paste open-uri's source code and modify it to your likes
<epitron> akem-uri
<epitron> or re-monkeypatch the method that open-uri monkeypatches :)
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<fixl> hmm when would you use symbols in ruby? I don't quite understand .... can i assign values to symbols?
<shevy> fixl symbols are often a source of confusion
<shevy> the first thing to remember about symbols, the most important thing is
<shevy> they are boring
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<fixl> but the object id is always the same ... there must be some quirks to it on when to use them
<fixl> coming from java .... you have to forget a few concepts to be comfy with ruby ^^
<shevy> the object id is the same because a symbol is always the same
<shevy> a "foo" string on the other hand is a string object
<shevy> "foo".object_id # => -613424848
<shevy> "foo".object_id # => -613427438
<shevy> see, different ids
<shevy> when you use :foo you have the same ID
<shevy> but really, symbols are boring
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<shevy> usually you find them in a hash
<shevy> { :foo => 'blablablabla blablkasdkljdas asd' }
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<rotor_> does anyone know howto change the bots nickname in isaac
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<akem> epitron, thanks, yea i will try that / tried to replace that Tempfile but it tries to reaccess it later
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<shevy> hmm
<epitron> akem: why not just patch it to put the temp file in your temp dir
<epitron> did you look at ENV['TEMP']?
<epitron> that could be your problem
<IdleWarship> Are any of you rubyists heavy Quora users?
<shevy> he already pasted that, he got nil I think
<shevy> but come to think about it
<shevy> I find that odd
<shevy> IdleWarship I never heard of Quora but I make good use of RedWine
<ryanf> uh you mean redmine?
<ryanf> IdleWarship: definitely wouldn't say heavy, I go on there now and then
<shevy> RedWine!!!
<IdleWarship> shevy: I'm not familiar with that term.
<IdleWarship> ryanf: Well, maybe you'd be interested in
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<ryanf> oh, nah, I have barely done anything really
<ryanf> sorry
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<akem> epitron, looks like it is undefined, i run it from Cygwin / i would prefer without real file IOs if possible, this is for constants RSS feeds ... gonna monkeypatch it.
<IdleWarship> The reason I ask is that I've never really used Ruby before, and I'm trying to figure out Stormy's script.rb as a primer.
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<IdleWarship> I'm getting an error that ends " `require': no such file to load -- CSV (LoadError) "
<looopy> does anyone here use mongodb? i'm trying to decide between mongoid and mongomapper
<shevy> IdleWarship, require 'csv' # => true
<shevy> works here. Perhaps something is wrong with your ruby installation
<shevy> hmm
<shevy> perhaps just lowercase it IdleWarship ?
<shevy> require 'CSV' # => LoadError: no such file to load -- CSV
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<IdleWarship> shevy: If there was something wrong with my ruby install, I wouldn't know, and I wouldn't know how to fix it. :[
<shevy> IdleWarship well that is bad then. however as you can see, the faulty code is that it is "CSV" rather than "csv"
<shevy> so simply find that line and exchange it
<shevy> I hope you can use an EDITOR ;)
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<Surfer768> good morning from Cape Town! Which Ruby books would anyone recommend to learn and get a good grip on the language and programming in general?
<Surfer768> I have Programming Ruby and Learning Ruby
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<brownies> i read the free one online... worked out well.
<Surfer768> brownies: thanks
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<brownies> sorry i know that was useless
<brownies> Surfer768: i meant this one
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<Surfer768> Thanks! Signing off now... have a great day peeps!
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<Zert> hello ppl
<Zert> can you help me with sanitize?
<Zert> some encoding issues
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<odinswand> where is space ghost?
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<becom33> in here Im not getting I'm not getting the correct awnser, one.txt only has the word "test" (without the qoutes) .. anyway I think I know the problem . its becoz its jump in to the next line I guess . I have no idea how to fix this .. can anyone help ?
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<becom33> anyone ?
<burgestrand> becom33: every item in the readlines enumerator also contains the ending \n
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<burgestrand> but I have no idea what you’re asking for so that might not be it at all
<burgestrand> either way, strip it out and you’ll get another result
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<becom33> burgestrand: what is the best way to go trought a wordlist one line by one without getting \n in the end ?
<burgestrand> becom33: run String#chomp on each of the lines
<burgestrand> but that is not the best way, it is *one* way
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<burgestrand> there are many best ways
<Harzilein> hi
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<becom33> burgestrand: :/ any example ?
<becom33> thanx
<becom33> you mean chomp it before convering into md5 ?
<becom33> hay it worked
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<burgestrand> ;)
<zedUNDginger> burgestrand: burgdiggity dogg
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<burgestrand> zedUNDginger: dungdigger!
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<dankest> How would I match a regex multiple times in a body of text and put all the matches in to an array?
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<burgestrand> dankest: String#scan
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<dankest> burgestrand: awesome, thank you
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<burgestrand> \o/
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<becom33_> =)well I have two classes in the same file . I need split the in to two files . how can I do that ?
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<burgestrand> becom33: put them in separate files, require the files using require
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<burgestrand> One of them will be your main file, I guess, becom33?
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<tonini> becom33: check out it looks like you need some basics. ;)
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<Harzilein> is anyone familiar with how to add an element as first child node with nokogiri? there are pages suggesting i need to use builder blocks for that, but reading the api docs for builder does not really clarify it that much...
<Asher> add_child i think
<Asher> lemme see
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<Asher> i think you can also just push it on to children
<Asher> well unshift it in this case
<Asher> ya add_child
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<Harzilein> Asher: oh, sorry, i forgot to stress i want to put it as _first_ node
<Asher> did you try children.unshift
<Harzilein> children was suggested before, but will it be defined if the element does not have children?
<Asher> yes
<Asher> i believe so
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<Harzilein> ruby-1.9.2-p290 :009 > html.css("body").children.unshift(div)
<Harzilein> NoMethodError: undefined method `unshift' for #<Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet:0x00000000a19c80>
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<Harzilein> hmm...
<Harzilein> otoh
<Asher> i think there is an add_before or something
<Asher> it's been a while since i wrote my code using this stuff
<Harzilein> yes, but i'd need to reference a child then so it wont work on empty elements
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<Asher> ah here we go
<Asher> it's just called #before
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<Harzilein> Asher: as i (and the stackoverflow article i read, which unspecifically mentions builder to overcome this limitation) already said, it does not work with empty elements:
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<Harzilein> ruby-1.9.2-p290 :017 > html = Nokogiri::HTML("<html><body></body></html>") ; div ="div",html) ; div.content = "blah" ; html.css("body").children.before(div)
<Harzilein> NoMethodError: undefined method `before' for nil:NilClass
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<Harzilein> oh well, i guess i need to write a helper method then that will just add the child if there are no children
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<Asher> yeah i guess you just have to check to see if it's defined first… that's pretty lame
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<becom33> how can I continue a loop without exiting, for a example starts with 'a'..'z' it normaly starts a end with z . but after that aa still az and then aaa and till aaz then aaaa and till aaaz .. and on and on
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<becom33> anyone ? did anyone atleast got what I'm trying say ?
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<udoprog> becom33: sounds like you are trying to permutate a-z, perhaps it's better if you explain what you are trying to do?
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<becom33> udoprog: trying to write a simple bruteforcer :/
<becom33> so for that and I need to run trought numaric , alpha and simbols
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<Ruthenium> (33..126).each {|i| print i.chr}
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<udoprog> for a general solution, it's a bit more involving, first you would probably loop to increase password length, then calculate the number of permutations (number of chars^password length) and permutate the different positions depending on which position you are at
<udoprog> there are probably some implementations out already, do a quick google for "ruby brute force generator" or something
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<becom33_> what I made a big array with all the carach included . then simpley tell me how can I go on aaa , aaaa , aaaa without exiting the loop ?
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<shevy> becom33_ what
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<shevy> Where are the well-formulated sentences man.
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<zedUNDginger> shevy:
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<pduersteler> how can I bitwise shift a hex pack (e.g. ["e0"]) one up / one down? (e.g. to "e1") ?
<shevy> the .pack stuff is pure magic to me
<pduersteler> i also don't quite get it but we have a little internal competition ;)
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<pduersteler> i mainly need to know how to shift a hex value one up/down, i already got the basics of the pack stuff
<Ruthenium> pduersteler: unpack, shift, pack
<pduersteler> Ruthenium could you explain the "shift" part?
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<Ruthenium> well, bitwise shift is << and >>
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<pduersteler> so i basically shift one up by << 1? or by << 16?
<Ruthenium> if you want to get e1 from e0 you just add 1
<Ruthenium> it's not shift
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<Ruthenium> if you want to shift 1 bit left, you do << 1
<Ruthenium> and it's equivalent to multiplication by 2
<pduersteler> okay, but lets assume i have 0xd9. how do i put this one higher? I'm a complete noob on bitwise operations
<Ruthenium> "0xd9".to_i(16) << 1
<pduersteler> hmm..
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<Ruthenium> if you want to convert it back to hex do #to_s(16)
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<pduersteler> yup
<pduersteler> but.. e.g : ("0x04".to_i(16) << 1).to_s(16) gives 8. which is to expect since << 1 multiplicates. but I am looking for 5, then, and not 8
<udoprog> pduersteler: do the same but (+) add one
<udoprog> pduersteler: 0xff and 255 represents the same number with different radixes
<udoprog> so adding one on 0xff would turn to 0x100, the same as 255 would be 256, really no magic, you are just used to the decimal (radix 10) system
<pduersteler> ah, damn, right
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<pduersteler> thanks
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<udoprog> pduersteler: np
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<aces1up> what is the proper way to add a class instance variable when using a method to create new class methods?
<zedUNDginger> aces1up: it's impossible
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<fff> hy
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<zedUNDginger> can someone give me code to tell me the method name of the caller
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<smooki> hiya
<smooki> how to create a Class instance given it's name (string) ?
<smooki> eval ? :S
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<zedUNDginger> smooki: impossible
<smooki> really ? :O
<zedUNDginger> Yeah
<smooki> hmmm
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<smooki> Object.const_get ?
<zedUNDginger> smooki: look it's not possible pls just give up and let everyone sleep
<smooki> Object.const_get seems to work
<zedUNDginger> i cant sleep with all this banging in my ears caused by anxiety feeling you struggle in this im in my little wooden house shaking on the hill you're banging at the windows not letting me sleep pls give up and let me sleep
<smooki> bot ?
<zedUNDginger> Yeah
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<iboB> hey, why does `mklink a b` raise ``': No such file or directory - mklink
<iboB> how come it works with copy and other stuff, but fails only on mklink?
<iboB> this is windows
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<iboB> it worked with `call mklink a b`
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<yourstrly> is ironruby on topic here?
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<Tasser> yourstrly, try it
<yourstrly> do Ironruby Tools require retail VS edition?
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<bobsaccamano> hi..I know this is off topic, but does anyone here use svn with an external merge tool in linux?
<bobsaccamano> the relevant channels #svn #linux seem to devoid of any experts
<shevy> haha
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<shevy> #cvs is even funnier
<shevy> in the channel topic they have:
<shevy> "Avoid advocacy, or else"
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<Tasser> hm, how do I pause the execution of a thread?
<Tasser> aka make the thread go to sleep
<JonnieCache> shevy: wtf. do they mean advocacy of git, or are they literally saying "dont tell people to use cvs for new projects, it sucks"
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<JonnieCache> Tasser: you have to join it to another thread
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<yourstrly> hm, rel. notes says "..option to install IronRuby Tools if you have any non-Express SKU of Visual Studio 2010..", sorry for the noise.
<shevy> JonnieCache I think in general both SVN and Git, because less and less people will choose CVS these days
<JonnieCache> Tasser: there is a stop method but iirc you dont generally do that, you "join" it to another thread.
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<Tasser> JonnieCache, And how to use the join? Thread#join takes a float...
<Tasser> ah, the _calling_ thread suspends execution
<JonnieCache> also i take it you know about the GIL in MRI ruby
<Tasser> yeah
<Tasser> that's why I work with jruby atm ;-)
<Tasser> is it possible to execute code in context of another thread?
<JonnieCache> dont know. it sounds like a bad idea though :)
<Tasser> I want to stop another thread from the current thread...
<JonnieCache> you need a system of locks/semaphores/etc. prepare for pain.
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<JonnieCache> i highly reccommend using a higher level concurrency abstraction so you dont have to think about threads/locks/etc.
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<JonnieCache> rubinius has native Actors now apparently
<JonnieCache> there's this implementation of Go's concurrency model:
<Tasser> oh, channels
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<JonnieCache> there's also Fibres in 1.9 but apparently theyre not much less of a headache than threads
<Tasser> I've got like 500 files to work with and send them to an IndexWriter. How would you handle concurrency there?
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<moonunit> input =
<moonunit> indata =
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<moonunit> how can i put those 2 in one line?
<moonunit> ; between the two?
<moonunit> input = ;? indata =
<moonunit> cant seem to get it to work. What am i doing wrong?
<JonnieCache> Tasser: i'd go even higher level and use some sort of queue abstraction. theres this new thing called girl_friday which looks very clever
<JonnieCache> Tasser: I'm assuming from google that IndexWriter is part of lucene? doesnt it have its own queue internally?
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<JonnieCache> cant you just push all 500 files in at once and go to lunch?\
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<catphish> is there an efficient way to convert [104, 101, 108, 108, 111] => "hello"
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<JonnieCache> catphish: [104, 101, 108, 108, 111].map(&:chr).join
<catphish> eugh, ok
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<catphish> i'm trying to xor a pair of strings neatly
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<JonnieCache> you should be aware that under ruby 1.9, "abc"[0] == "a" whereas under 1.8 "abc"[0] == 97
<catphish> indeed, that's much of what makes it difficult
<catphish> have to convert everything to a byte array first
<catphish> then back and the end
<catphish> got it though:
<catphish> data = ""; rawdata.bytes.each_with_index { |b, i| data << (b ^ mask_bytes[i%4]).chr }
<catphish> at least in 1.9.x that works well
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<Tasser> JonnieCache, it has its own, yep. But I need to parse my sources too
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<becom33> in here its continuely looping with 'a'..'z' * i . but insted of a to z I want to use a array . any help ?
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<becom33> anyone ?
<catphish> what does ('a'..'z'*i) do?
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<catphish> oh i see
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<catphish> 'a'..'zzzzzzzzzz' is a range
<catphish> you're going to have to make your own loop instead
<catphish> i dont think you totally understand your own program
<catphish> for i in 1..max_length is totally unnecessary in that case
<catphish> what you want to achieve is actually reasonable complicated
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<becom33> did anyone even understnd what I'm trying to say ?
<catphish> i understand entirely
<catphish> but the answer is harder
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<catphish> and your original program is wrong
<catphish> i'd imagine the best way is to build a recursive function
<catphish> which loops across the array, then each time passes the generated string down to the next level to be expanded by another character
<JonnieCache> or just use which is what I assume you're trying to do ;)
<JonnieCache> actually use theyre in a more compressed format
<catphish> well yes, or use a much faster brute force tool
<catphish> but i like the recursive function method :)
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<JonnieCache> the best way to crack md5s is just to type them into google. if theyre unsalted theyll probably be on the first page of results
<catphish> does google index pages big enough to hold entire rainbow tables?
<catphish> he timed out
<JonnieCache> no, but people tend to reuse the same passwords so a huge number of md5 hashes are all over google
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<JonnieCache> 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 for example
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<catphish> well yeah that one's inevitable :)
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<Tasser> seq 49 | ruby -pe 'BEGIN { tot=0 }; tot += $_.to_i; END { print tot }' # why doesn't this work in 1.8?
<shevy> LONG LIVE 1.8!
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<catphish> BEGIN / END?
<catphish> oh, i see
<catphish> that's a very perlesque bit of ruby
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<becom33> catphish you were talking about some hashes before was it for question ? I got disconnected :(
<catphish> i said:
<catphish> i'd imagine the best way is to build a recursive function which loops across the array, then each time passes the generated string down to the next level to be expanded by another character
<catphish> then we pointed out there were much more efficient way to bruteforce hashes
<becom33> :( damn I missed it ..
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<becom33> umm is that convo storeed at some place ?
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<becom33> so I'm just askin without using 'a' .. 'z' *i can we use a array for that ?
<catphish> its not that simple at all
<catphish> and your current program is wrong
<becom33> really ?
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<catphish> the range you use at the moment is 'a'..'zzzzzzzzzz'
<catphish> so for i in 1..max_length is totally pointless
<catphish> but that range will only work with a simple a-z
<catphish> to use your own characters you will need something much more complicated
<catphish> as i said, i'd recommend a recursive function, but i suspect you need to learn a lot more about ruby
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<becom33> well I put kept that max_length their . this is just a simple part from script I just took .. anyway soo hmm lemme lookup for recursive functions
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<catphish> why does Thread act like a hash?
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<catphish> Thread.current[:hello] = 'world'
<catphish> is that designed for inter-thread communication?
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<JonnieCache> "Returns the value of a thread-local variable, using either a symbol or a string name. If the specified variable does not exist, returns nil."
<JonnieCache> so yes apparently
<catphish> thats very cool
<JonnieCache> yeah but it would lead to shared-state hell
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<catphish> what do you mean?
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<catphish> it's quite useful to be able to set a setting on a thread you're monitoring
<catphish> so you can change what it's doing without spawning a new one
<catphish> and without using a global variable hash (my current method)
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<JonnieCache> it can lead to race conditions, nondeterministic program flow, and eventually mental breakdown and a lifelong addiction to benzodiazepines
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<catphish> yes i think that's happened to me
<zumbi> hello! I am trying to build ruby 1.9.3 on ARM hard float and I am getting a build error, there is a message telling it might be a bug. Could someone try to explain me how to produce a useful bugreport? ( I have no idea on ruby
<catphish> almost all use of threads has such issues
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<JonnieCache> catphish: thats why its best to use actors or something and leverage the cleverness of others, and avoid having to deal with threads yourself
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<JonnieCache> that pdf is a very good read btw
<catphish> to be honest i use threads in ruby for simple socket applications and don't have any trouble
<catphish> but that's not really serious parallel processing, just an easier option that selecting sockets manually
<catphish> *than
<JonnieCache> yeah there's always going to be *some* shared state, configuration and such. that isnt so much of a problem. its when the threads share access to the data that they are doing their main activity with that you have problems
* zumbi maybe asked to the wrong forum?
<JonnieCache> race conditions are one thing, then you get to starvation and deadlocks and it gets horrible
<catphish> zumbi: its just an unusual question, you may need to hang around and ask later
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<JonnieCache> zumbi: no this is probably the right place. maybe ask on a mailing list, theres unlikely to be any ARM experts here at any given time
<catphish> i'm an intel noob
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<zumbi> JonnieCache: could you point me to the mailing list?
<catphish> <---------- its over there
<JonnieCache> no idea. i presume theres a ruby-core development mailing list somewhere, as well as a bug tracker. i ever dont touch the ruby interpreter code tbh
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<catphish> take a look in the website
<catphish> s/in/on/
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<zumbi> also I am just wondering what kind of failure is that one at * Process memory map:, what might that mean?
<catphish> unfortunately most people in here use ruby so they don't have to worry about such things
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<triss> hey all
<varnie> Hi.
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<triss> I'm using ruby-processing to conducta band next week
<triss> but am not enjoying it's live mode
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<triss> is it possible to "cd" in to an object using the standard IRB?
<zumbi> well, thanks.. JonnieCache btw, nice doc :)
<triss> ruby-processing set's up my objects so they're underneath something called $app
<triss> and i don't want to have to type that all the time. I just want to address the objects under it eg.
<triss> $[1].image = $[0] => cards[1].image = pics[0]
<triss> I've tried getting pry to work but apparently it's not functioning with JRuby?
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<JonnieCache> you can do that in pry
<JonnieCache> but pry only uses normal ruby code afaik, you can just maniuplate the binding variable and suchlike
<JonnieCache> or just type `$app.instance_exec do` at the start of your session or something
<JonnieCache> oh no that wouldnt work
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<JonnieCache> look at the `binding` stuff though
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<JonnieCache> triss: also your project sounds really cool. livecoding music is one thing but livecoding conducting a band is some next level shit :)
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<JonnieCache> make sure to blog about it
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<triss> thanks jonnie! i will do.
<triss> so how do i change the binding a running instance of irb is using then?
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<triss> i need a man that knows IRB's belly!
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<JonnieCache> i think you can just say `binding = @foo` but i dont know
<JonnieCache> the pry developers are often here so maybe ping them
<BrokenCog> I'm trying to build wxWidgets, so that wxruby2 will work. Doing 'require wx' results in the libwx_gtk2u_stc library not being found -- checking it in wxwidgets after a make all also doesn't show it -- any one know which configure switch is needed to include that library??
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<triss> JonnieCache: `binding = $app` worked a treat!!!
<triss> thanks a lot.
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<troutwine> Morning, all.
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<StitchedKite> morning
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<mksm> "Á".downcase does not work
<mksm> actually all accented chars cannot be #downcase/#upcase
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<catphish> mksm: you don't need to tell us what is already clearly documented ;)
<catphish> "Returns a copy of str with all uppercase letters replaced with their lowercase counterparts. The operation is locale insensitive�only characters �A� to �Z� are affected. Note: case replacement is effective only in ASCII region."
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<mksm> catphish and now it's clear to me :D
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<mksm> thanks
<catphish> np
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<elb0w> How are ruby threads?
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<catphish> elb0w: they're very well thanks
<ReinH> heh
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<elb0w> catphish: are they ok to use? or are they frowned down on like python/perl threads?
<catphish> they're very good in my opinion
<catphish> the only downside is only one will execute at once
<catphish> so they're no good for high performance
<dotemacs> hi, does anybody here use VCR gem ?
<dotemacs> Do you commit the VCR cassettes into your repo along with your specs or ... ? Thanks
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<JonnieCache> dotemacs: yes
<JonnieCache> theyre there to make your tests repeatable, so you would definitely want to commit them
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<JonnieCache> theyre basically fixtures for http responses
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<dotemacs> JonnieCache: cool
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<ReinH> elb0w: it also depends on which version of Ruby you're talking about
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<shevy> 1.6.2
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<nelsnelson> Greetings, channel! Gotta dumb question about Ruby syntax. Why does this work: File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
<nelsnelson> but not this: File.expand_path File.dirname __FILE__
<JonnieCache> the last one is ambiguous
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<JonnieCache> its impossible to tell if you meant to pass the last two methods into the first one, or to pass them all into each other in a chain
<nelsnelson> Can't the Ruby interpreter just assume, and demand that the programmer use a semi-colon?
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<nelsnelson> Wait, as a chain? You can do that in Ruby?
<JonnieCache> erm, no i wasnt being clear there
<shevy> nelsnelson, a semicolon where
<JonnieCache> it could make more assumptions yes, but that would cause lots of hard to find bugs
<jacortinas> if you are trying to the minimum number of parens you should at least surroung __FILE__
<jacortinas> surround*
<nelsnelson> shevy, as a hypothetical, if a programmer really wanted File.expand_path to receive whatever the return value of File.dirname returned (even without the __FILE__ parameter), the programmer could just use a semi-colon to terminate the instruction
* nelsnelson nods at jacortinas
<catphish> does anyone know how to close a mysql2 connection?
<nelsnelson> Understood about the present requirements.
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<nelsnelson> Still, I don't know why the interpreter doesn't just execute those instructions from right to left.
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<catphish> oh mysql2#client.close works
<nelsnelson> Anyway, just curious and confused. I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation, I just have forgotten it, or haven't spent the effort required to work it out myself.
* nelsnelson is sort of lazy :-/
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<JonnieCache> youre right, it could be made to do that, but it would add complexity to the parser/interpreter
<nelsnelson> oh
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<JonnieCache> and ruby is already arguably too complex
<nelsnelson> hahaha
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<jacortinas> it would take too much time, when it's easier to just require parens on everything with arguments
<nelsnelson> That's an answer with which I can be satisfied.
<nelsnelson> thanks jacortinas
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<JonnieCache> here is C's grammar in graph form:
<JonnieCache> and here is ruby's:
<nelsnelson> That is awesome.
<JonnieCache> that is why it is undesirable to allow any more ambiguity than is already there
<JonnieCache> yeah its cool isnt it. its from this blogpost:
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<nelsnelson> holy crapballs @ Java 1.5
<nelsnelson> I would be really interested to see the parse tree for Groovy as well
<atmosx> How can I list '.tables' in ruby-sqlite3 ?
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<atmosx> I want to view available tables
<atmosx> in the db
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<atmosx> troutwine: thank you very much! I was searching on sqlite3's website hehe my bad.
<VxJasonxV> You folks have an onjoin message that includes "" which doesn't seem to be working very well.
<troutwine> atmosx: No worries. I googled "ruby sqlite tables list" and, in my filter bubble, the faq was the top link.
<atmosx> I googled 'ruby sqlite3 list tables' … your link was 2nd best, I jumped & lost int he first one :-P
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<Kn|t3_> .msg Nickserv identify Kn|t3
<catphish> oops
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* frem does the nickserv dance
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<catphish> lol
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<Kn|t3_> do people use rvm here?
<Kn|t3_> i had a small doubt
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<troutwine> I used to exclusively. Now I prefer to use rbenv, but I'm in no hurry to migrate away from rvm where I've got it installed.
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<catphish> i use rvm for all dev systems
<catphish> makes things 10x easier
ph^ joined #ruby
brownies joined #ruby
<brownies> what do you guys recommend for generating graphs within your app? (rails or otherwise)
<brownies> any recommended gems? is it "better" to do it server-side vs. offloading it to the client -- via JS, i guess?
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<troutwine> brownies: What is it you're trying to do?
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<brownies> troutwine: have some data, want to show it to the user in a nice bar chart. "18 people voted for X, 12 people voted for Y, still waiting on 3 votes."
<troutwine> brownies: Seems like shipping some json up to the client and charting it with a JS library would be natural enough.
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<brownies> troutwine: i'm inclined to agree. though it's slightly more difficult than usual, because many of my users are on IE6.
Morkel joined #ruby
<troutwine> Oh, hmm. gRaphael asserts it has IE 6+ support
palentine joined #ruby
<brownies> oh, that's exactly what i was looking for. thanks!
<brownies> i was staring at raphael.js homepage and thinking "i don't want to draw them from that low-level..."
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<troutwine> brownies: I'm rather fond of, but I don't know about the IE support.
BiHi joined #ruby
<brownies> troutwine: oh that one looks awesome, actually. thanks.
<troutwine> brownies: No problem. Good luck to you.
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<brownies> troutwine: "There are no plans to support IE8-"
<brownies> back to the drawing board.
<brownies> troutwine: thanks for the help though. i'll go through this whole list now.
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<blueadept`> anyone know the best way to integrate backbone.js with rails?
perryh joined #ruby
<blueadept`> currently looking at this:
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<epochwolf|vps> blueadept`: what level of integration are you looking for>
<blueadept`> well I have a fairly big rails app on my hands right now, the previous javascript guy has been using a plugin architecture, as well as a less known MVC lib that i want to throw away, and bascially move all our javascript to backbone to make the ajax building much easier
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<blueadept`> i was just wondering if there was a particular gem that is popular, the codebrew one seems to be cool
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<JonnieCache> blueadept`: its so trivial to have rails accept/return json in an MVC/ RESTful fashion, i dont see why you'd need anythign special to integrate it with backbone
<JonnieCache> but then again im not totally familiar with backbone
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<blueadept`> well its not just ajax stuff
<blueadept`> its organizing all the code base so its readable if anything, ha
<blueadept`> trust me, you wouldn't want to be working with the javascript i'm currently staring at, trust me
<blueadept`> i've worked with enough backbone.js in node.js to beign to appreciate the about of complexity it hides
<blueadept`> about*amount
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<sodani> hello, is ENV['HOME'] the same as ~/ ?
<epochwolf|vps> no
<epochwolf|vps> whoops, probably
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<sodani> it's your home directory right?
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<epochwolf|vps> ~ is $HOME on my terminal
<troutwine> sodani: Yep, more or less. That's just the HOME environment variable of your shell. Keep in mind that not all users have a HOME, though most do.
<sodani> troutwine: thanks. just wanted to make sure. i'm on windows, and I'm not so knowledgable about the environment variables
<epochwolf|vps> uh
<epochwolf|vps> I'm on osx here.
<epochwolf|vps> I have no idea what windows does for environment
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<troutwine> sodani: Oh, hmm. I'm not so knowledgeable about Windows so maybe all users _do_ have a HOME on that system. Any Posix system will behave as I've described.
badabim joined #ruby
<sodani> got it. thanks!
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<ChloeD> hey folks
<ChloeD> sorry, I know that's not the best place to ask this
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<ChloeD> any insight on that?
<epochwolf|vps> stop using 1.9.1
<epochwolf|vps> it segfaults alot
<ChloeD> mmmk
<ChloeD> 1.8 segs too
<ChloeD> with less stack traces
mindCrime joined #ruby
<ChloeD> but still
<ChloeD> :)
<epochwolf|vps> ChloeD: 1.9.2 is stable.
<ChloeD> yeah
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<ChloeD> OK
<epochwolf|vps> if that still segfaults, you could be doing something wrong with the library
<epochwolf|vps> or the library has a bug
<epochwolf|vps> or ruby
<ChloeD> lol
<ChloeD> crackpot:~/ruby/pdfparser$ ruby1.9.1 -v
<ChloeD> ruby 1.9.2p290 (2011-07-09 revision 32553) [x86_64-linux]
<ChloeD> mobuntu sucks ;p
<ChloeD> guess it's the library
<ChloeD> but I can hardly debug it, the gem won't install
<ChloeD> on its own
<ChloeD> only the packaged verison does
<ChloeD> /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/pkg-config.rb:234:in `parse_pc': .pc for >= doesn't exist. (RuntimeError)
<epochwolf|vps> If the package is compiled for a different version than the ruby in use, it will have problems.
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<ChloeD> do you know about that?
<ChloeD> if that's an error in the gem package file or something?
<epochwolf|vps> no
<ChloeD> I've grepped for '>=' but nm significant
<epochwolf|vps> I compile ruby from source on all debian/ubuntu based systems.
<epochwolf|vps> to avoid issues with the package manager
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<ubuntunoob> hi
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<ChloeD> k added a debug thingie to the debian packaged source code
<ChloeD> will see
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<ChloeD> where the segfault comes from
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<ubuntunoob> ruby sucks.
<atmosx> ubuntunoob: ubuntu sucks too, but you have it on your nickname
<ubuntunoob> thats why there are about 1600 people in ubuntu vs 599 in ruby.
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<atmosx> Your statement holds the answer.
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<atmosx> Only an idio twould compare an operating system to a programming language by this measure.
<ChloeD> obvious troll is obvious.
<atmosx> s/idio/idiot
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<ubuntunoob> im just being honest/realistic/truthful
<ChloeD> ruby as a desktop environment
<ChloeD> definitely sucks
ghanima joined #ruby
<ubuntunoob> never tried it.
<atmosx> ubuntunoob: really? So I.E. is the best browser because 56% of WWW uses it? right?
<ChloeD> as a programming language, ubuntu sucks harder though
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<ubuntunoob> atmosx maybe.. thats why 56% are using it.
<ubuntunoob> statistics speak for themselves.
<troutwine> ChloeD: I don't know. I heard that Linux is coded in the ubuntu and that's pretty impressive.
<atmosx> ubuntunoob: are you american?
<ChloeD> trolololololo
<cantonic> i wonder why you guys are discussing with him...
<atmosx> ah no, UK
<atmosx> I'll give you a chance then
<ubuntunoob> uk
<samuelkadolph> ubuntunoob: This isn't the official ruby channel, #ruby-lang is and it's bigger.
<atmosx> cantonic: I have 5 minutes spare
albemuth joined #ruby
<cantonic> lol
<samuelkadolph> Now I hope zenspider is here
<ubuntunoob> oh wow 350 people in the other chan.
<atmosx> shit, I forgot the milk… hmm I need to buy 2 lt tomorrow (again)
<troutwine> ubuntunood: Many of those nicks are manned by multiple people, so it's more like 800 in #ruby-lang.
<cantonic> is ubuntu better than ruby? and is windows better as Intel? or is Photoshop better than the PC it is running on? wtf...
<ubuntunoob> ubuntu r0x.
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<atmosx> ubuntunoob: can you do a kernel recompile by youself? or the system does not allow it?
<cantonic> ubtuntu: then you should stay on ubuntu and use ubuntu as your coding language instead of ruby :D
<ubuntunoob> sure.
<ubuntunoob> ubuntu is more dynamic than ruby. rubee is fragile and unstable.
<ReinH> ...
<cantonic> ubtuntunoob: i hope that you are joking...
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<sandpy> trolls gonna troll
<cantonic> true that
<ubuntunoob> fish tastes salty.
<ReinH> trololol
<sandpy> indeed
<ubuntunoob> so as vagina.
<sandpy> for the lulz, etc
<ReinH> yes
<cantonic> but i have to admit that i also thought about switching to ubuntu and forget about ruby :D jhaha
<ReinH> Don't feed the trolls.
<cantonic> you are right. sorry
<ubuntunoob> lol
<ubuntunoob> n1 cantonic.
<ubuntunoob> are you vietnamese?
<atmosx> whats wrong with being Vietnamese?
<ubuntunoob> well
<ubuntunoob> nothing
<atmosx> ubuntunoob: you're British?
<ubuntunoob> no
<ubuntunoob> are you?
<atmosx> no
headius joined #ruby
<ubuntunoob> hmm
<cantonic> why is there a #ruby and a #ruby-lang chan?
<ReinH> Don't feed the trolls.
<ubuntunoob> are you chinese?
parus joined #ruby
<cantonic> ReinH ftw
<ubuntunoob> ha! good question
<cantonic> ubuntunoob: now you know what good questions and statements are...
<ubuntunoob> sure
<ubuntunoob> do you?
<cantonic> obviously
tvw joined #ruby
<ubuntunoob> ruby-language is a international spoken language
AutoMan joined #ruby
<ubuntunoob> used over serveral countries including japan, china, kongo..
<ubuntunoob> ruby is just a gem, sold in online internet shops.
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<ubuntunoob> ruby is just a gem, sold in online internet shops.
<AutoMan> I'm still a Ruby Nuby so don't laugh at my next question. How do you increment a freaking variable! I tried .succ it sucked...
king313 joined #ruby
<ubuntunoob> HA
<ubuntunoob> Rubee Nubee
minijupe joined #ruby
<ubuntunoob> well this chan is for advanced persons. please seek help in #powder
cook1es joined #ruby
<AutoMan> So you don't know the answer...
<ubuntunoob> #powder
<AutoMan> :)
<ubuntunoob> go there and ask.
<ReinH> AutoMan: var += 1
<ReinH> AutoMan: ubuntunoob is a troll
<ReinH> ignore
<AutoMan> Don't work
<ReinH> yes it does.
<cantonic> AutoMan: should work
<ubuntunoob> oh , am i?
<cantonic> ubuntunoob: yes u r
<ubuntunoob> reinh got banned a few days ago, for misleading people on purpose.
<ubuntunoob> please ignore him.
<ReinH> ...
<ubuntunoob> trolls gonna be trolls.
<ReinH> this is why #ruby-lang instead of #ruby
<ReinH> less trolls
<ubuntunoob> sssh troll.
<cantonic> will switch immediately :D
<ubuntunoob> stop trolling. i am not lol-ing.
<AutoMan> I get this error when using x+=1 :in `+': can't convert Fixnum into String (TypeError)
<ReinH> AutoMan: what is x?
<ReinH> it sounds like x is a String
<ReinH> you can't add 1 to a string
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<ReinH> AutoMan: and in general, don't say "Doesn't work" if you want help
<ReinH> describe the failure
<AutoMan> ok
<ubuntunoob> reinh is misleading you.
<AutoMan> IR nuby
<ubuntunoob> ignore him.
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<cantonic> AutoMan: try var.to_i += 1
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<AutoMan> I initialized x like so x=0
<cantonic> or var.to_f += 1
<ReinH> AutoMan: use pastie or gist and show us some actual code
<cantonic> AutoMan: then it should work like ReinH said
<ReinH> there is something you aren't telling us
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<AutoMan> got in `block in <top (required)>': undefined method `to_i=' for 0:Fixnum (NoMethodError)
<samuelkadolph> cantonic: That won't work
<cantonic> AutoMan: try to_f
<ReinH> AutoMan: show us some actual code
<ReinH> or we can't help you
<samuelkadolph> Listen to ReinH, not cantonic
<ReinH> you can't do var.to_i = 1
<ReinH> and you shouldn't do var.to_i += 1
<cantonic> sorry, right
<ReinH> you should figure out why it's a String instead of an Integer and fix THAT
<AutoMan> in `block in <top (required)>': undefined method `to_f=' for 0:Fixnum (NoMethodError)
<samuelkadolph> ReinH: You could but yeah, you shouldn't
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<ReinH> AutoMan: stop telling us errors that don't mean anything to us without code
<cantonic> you could convert it into an integer or fixnum by doing x = x.to_f in a priot step
<AutoMan> x=0
<AutoMan> sheet1.each do |row|
<AutoMan> break if row[0].nil?
<AutoMan> x.to_f+=1
<AutoMan> end
<ReinH> AutoMan: show us the code
PhilK joined #ruby
<ReinH> do NOT paste multiple lines in to the channel
<AutoMan> sry
<ReinH> that can't be the entire thing
<ReinH> x=0; x+=1; x #=> 1
<ReinH> works just fine
<ReinH> and if you have an array that you want to iterate with an index, do each_with_index
<AutoMan> All the rest is just excel code. Nothing to do with that code...
<rippa> >convert it into an integer or fixnum by doing x = x.to_f
<rippa> what
<samuelkadolph> rippa: lawl
<cantonic> what was wrong about that?
<samuelkadolph> to_f converts to a Float
<cantonic> oops right...
<cantonic> i should stop trying to help :)
<samuelkadolph> And it's bignum or fixnum
<samuelkadolph> Not integer or fixnum
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<ReinH> AutoMan: you must be doing something else to the variable x that you aren't telling us about
<ReinH> we aren't psychic.
<ReinH> we can't help you if you withhold information that we need
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<AutoMan> Maybe I should ask a different question... I am trying to get the count of items in an excel row
<ReinH> [1,2,3].size #=> 3
<rippa> actually both Bignum and Fixnum are Integer
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<samuelkadolph> rippa: Duh?
<AutoMan> so row.size?
<rippa> *have it in their ancestors
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<rippa> 1.is_a? Integer
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<samuelkadolph> Still doesn't mean you should say integer vs fixnum
<samuelkadolph> Since one is the other
<rippa> I didn't say that
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<rippa> just a fun fact
<ReinH> if you're going to have a conversation about these things, you need to distinguish between the names for machine representations of numbers and the names of Ruby classes
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<AutoMan> ReinH: so will row.size give me how many items are in the column? Sry I mistated earlier
<ReinH> depending on what row is and how size is implemented, yes it might
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<darkangel> Hi, I don't know anything about Ruby ... what are @ symbols used for? Like in the methods here:
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<AutoMan> I am using spreadsheet gem row contains all content in the spreadsheet row. I was checking each row for content when it equals nil then I knew I was at the end. I wanted to count each loop to determine how many rows...
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<ReinH> darkangel: @ symbols in front of variables (like @foo) designate them as instance variables.
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<AutoMan> I am sure there is a better Ruby way to do this I just am not familiar enough yet
<ReinH> Symbols like that (and $ in $foo) are called "sigils" FYI
<darkangel> ReinH: Hmm, and they don't need to be declared?
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<ReinH> darkangel: variables in ruby never need to be explicitly declared
<ReinH> they are created on assignment
<darkangel> ReinH: Okay, thanks.
<ReinH> in the case of @var and $foo they will be nil if not otherwise defined.
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<apeiros_> they cause a warning if accessed before being assigned
<apeiros_> (only with -w and -v)
<darkangel> k
<sandpy> has anyone experienced segfaults from (at highest level) the sequel gem v3.29.0 ?
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<ReinH> but no one cares about that warning
<sandpy> /sequel-3.29.0/lib/sequel/dataset/query.rb:55:in `clone'
<sandpy> (though i hagve switched to 3.28.0 now)
<darkangel> ReinH: What is "attr_reader :ranking"
<darkangel> ReinH: A declared instance variable?
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grulf joined #ruby
<grulf> hello fellow humans
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<ubuntunoob> ruby doobie
<ubuntunoob> smoke the doobie and code with ruby!
<grulf> so yes
<grulf> i have this problem, and it would be nice to receive some help
<ubuntunoob> you wont.
<grulf> i cant figure it out, probably overlookign something
<ubuntunoob> leave the channel pls./
<grulf> no.
<ubuntunoob> yes.
btanaka joined #ruby
<grulf> please shut up, thanks
<grulf> ._.
<epochwolf|vps> grulf: we aren't doing your homework for you
<ubuntunoob> soon op will be here and ban you, so leave.
<ubuntunoob> ^
<grulf> its not my homework
<grulf> its a hobby project
<epochwolf|vps> sure...
<ubuntunoob> yes it is.
<epochwolf|vps> definitely
<grulf> sigh
<grulf> yeah.
<grulf> anyways trolls
<ubuntunoob> ok type "/quit" without the quotes.
<epochwolf|vps> agreed
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<grulf> i have an angle, and i have a point. the point is rotated by an amount and the other angle is being added that amount
<epochwolf|vps> grulf: in the rare chance you're not some kid trying to get out of doing homework, you might want to look at a math book instead of bugging people on irc.
<grulf> after i rotated the point, its angle isnt equal to the other angle anymore
<ubuntunoob> grulf, just leave.
<epochwolf|vps> or learn about floating point values.
<grulf> the difference is too great for a rounding error, in my opinion
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<grulf> and if youre not going to help, you might as well ignore me
<epochwolf|vps> grulf: nah, we are waiting on a kickban from on high.
<grulf> also i dont see a reason why not to get help if i really cant figure it out, even if it were my homework the point is to understand the problem in the end
<ubuntunoob> epochwolf|vps, grulf is obviously trolling.
<grulf> oh yeah i forgot "please?"
<epochwolf|vps> grulf: because it's an algebra 2 math problem.
<grulf> yep
<grulf> thats why im a little baffled why it wont work
<epochwolf|vps> and we get enough fucktards asking us to do their homework.
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<grulf> well im not one of them
<epochwolf|vps> congrats, you're the first.
<grulf> im not asking you to do my homework, i wrote the code and a pointer would be enough
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<epochwolf|vps> ubuntunoob: I need a hug.
<ubuntunoob> hug :D
<nelsnelson> Does anybody ever have problems linking Java classes in JRuby?
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<epochwolf|vps> nelsnelson: might help to mention which classes you're having issues with
<nelsnelson> I am using java_import on a class that I successfully compiled and jarred up that depends on another external library.
<nelsnelson> Specifically, I have created a new SASLDigestMD5Mechanism for the Smack API library.
<nelsnelson> Oh...
<epochwolf|vps> nelsnelson: so you have a jar file you're importing that depends on other jars? (Sorry, my java is very rusty)
<nelsnelson> Oh dear... wrong channel
<nelsnelson> :-(
<nelsnelson> So embarrassing.
<epochwolf|vps> nelsnelson: this is #ruby
<nelsnelson> Meant to post question in #jruby.
<nelsnelson> Socially Awkward Penguin says bai now
<epochwolf|vps> nelsnelson: a word of advice, skip your introductory question
<ubuntunoob> lol
<epochwolf|vps> just go right into the problem
<nelsnelson> k
<ubuntunoob> lol
<ubuntunoob> fail.
<ubuntunoob> we are all layghing at YOU now.
<ubuntunoob> lol
<grulf> lolz found the error
<grulf> im so dumb
<ubuntunoob> yep.
<grulf> so are you, though
<grulf> its obvious :O
<nelsnelson> :-) :-(
<ubuntunoob> leave.
* epochwolf|vps pounces on ubuntunoob
<grulf> i dont see why :O
<grulf> i enjoy annoying you
<ubuntunoob> arent.
<grulf> but now that i dont need your help anymore, i might as well say that youre getting on my nerves, like i am on yours
<ubuntunoob> ok bye
<grulf> i didnt ask you to write any code for me, ergo do my homework
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<grulf> maybe if youd listen just for a fucking second, and if you dont have any time to spare, shut the fuck up, despite any of your past experiences
<grulf> but ah, cruel world im living in
<grulf> ask for help and have somebody piss on your leg
<epochwolf|vps> ask for math help that looks like a high schooler's homework, get pissed on
<ubuntunoob> hah
<grulf> the problem wasnt the math, it was that i accidentally placed an operation in the loop that shouldnt be there actually
* epochwolf|vps is listening to "Online" by Brad Paisley, from the album 5th Gear via Spotify.
<grulf> well i was too blind to find it, i guess someone with a more objective perspective might find it
<ampex> epochwolf|vps: negative brownie points for listening to country
<epochwolf|vps> ampex: :P
<grulf> well bye, i might come again, but under a different name
<grulf> ;)
<epochwolf|vps> fine...
* epochwolf|vps is listening to "Tow Rope Girls" by Tom Kastle, from the album Tommy's Gone Home To Hilo via Spotify.
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<epochwolf|vps> ampex: how's a sea shanty?
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<ubuntunoob> nice
<ubuntunoob> grulf surely got annoyed..
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<epochwolf|vps> not sure, if he was trolling, he probably blew a load.
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<epochwolf|vps> if not, he should know better.
<ubuntunoob> haha
* epochwolf|vps is listening to "Pawky Adam Glen/O'Neill's March" by The Crossing, from the album Dancing at the Crossroads via Spotify.
<epochwolf|vps> ampex: Bagpipes!
<epochwolf|vps> and flutes and voila (I think it's a voila)
<epochwolf|vps> could be an evil voilin.
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<AutoMan> ReinH: FYI ... puts will convert a fixnum when it is by itself. But when you concatenate it does not. I was not paying attention to my error msg. it was complaining about the puts not x+=1... now I know...
<headius> concatenation is unrelated to puts; String#+ only accepts String
_kinderman joined #ruby
<ReinH> AutoMan: puts is "put string" and will call to_s on things that are not strings
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<MidtownNewbie> Howdy. How would I put together an array using a 3.times loop, like, cars = 3.times {|p| => "Green car #{p}") } ? I saw somewhere assigning the output of a loop to a variable... Is the problem just that I'm using times instead of something like collect?
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<rippa> cars = {|p| => "Green car #{p}") }
<MidtownNewbie> nice, thanks!
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<Mon_Ouie> { |p| … }
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<MidtownNewbie> oh? hmm. i'll try that as well
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<blueadept`> quick question, does the rails 3.1 asset pipeline work in tandam with the regular public/ folder?
<blueadept`> like if you go with the asset pipeline, it doesn't break what's already available in public, correct?
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<jacortinas> correct
<jacortinas> public is still available at the root level of everything
<blueadept`> cool
<jacortinas> assets are namespaced under and "/assets" url
<jacortinas> an*
<jacortinas> that's most of the reason jammit continues to work across upgrades
<jacortinas> from 3.0 to 3.1
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<blueadept`> jacortinas: what's the proper way to call the JS files from within the a template?
<blueadept`> using <%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>
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<blueadept`> but the coffee files in assets/javascripts/ isn't loading, rails says "No Route"
<blueadept`> i'll take this to #rails
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<gaspar|work> Hey, I'm trying to modify array and add video_slug to each element (which is an array itself) based on whether there's vevo_id present for it
<gaspar|work> Yet the array stays the same, here's the code
<gaspar|work> It's like video_slug was never added to the array
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<gaspar|work> I get videos straight from database and I'm using 1.9.2 with sinatra/datamapper
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<ohookins> can someone tell me what def does in the scope of defining that class?
<ohookins> why do that instead of def initialize() ?
<ethndbst> O_O
<ethndbst> ohookins:
<ethndbst> class MyClass() def initialize(foo) @foo = foo end end
<ohookins> they define and initialize()
<ohookins> both within the Net::HTTP class
<ethndbst> Why are you using 1.8.6?
<ohookins> that really has nothing to do with the question
<ethndbst> Well it kind of does.
<ohookins> is that language style specific to 1.8.6?
<ohookins> can you not use it in later versions?
<ethndbst> Things in stdlib have changed since 1.8.x
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<ethndbst> I would recommend using the latest version of Ruby for your project.
<ohookins> all of the production systems i run will have either 1.8.5 or 1.8.7
<ohookins> there's nothing that i can change about that, but i still want to know what the meaning of this language is, since it's in the standard library
<ethndbst> Meaning of "this" language?
<ohookins> def vs def initialise()
<ethndbst> Why not use def initialize()?
<ethndbst> because when you do it will initialize it
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<ohookins> in my own code, sure, but i want to understand the code used in stdlib
<ohookins> googling for obviously doesn't help much
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<ethndbst> I'm not exactly for sure what you're asking. What's in the standard libraries is in the standard libraries.
<ohookins> i'm asking what the difference is between def and def initialize() in the context of the Net::HTTP stdlib
<ethndbst> I dunno
<ohookins> thanks
<ethndbst> What do you want me to tell you? That's all I know.
<ohookins> i'm not sure why it took all of that to arrive at this conclusion
<ethndbst> I don't spend time looking at the standard libraries of outdated Ruby versions
<ohookins> it's not about stdlib, it's about the actual language
<ethndbst> ohookins: This is "FREE" support. I'm not a freaking expert sorry.
<ohookins> i'm sure 1.9 supports the same language feature
<ethndbst> Sorry. I don't know the answer to that
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<dankest> When I call an object from an array, like array[1], the result is surrounded in quotes and braces, like ["result"]. How can I return the result without those quotes and braces?
<LiquidInsect> without quotes? it's a string. Strings are quoed.
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<LiquidInsect> the brackets indicate that what you have pulled out of the array is another array, of size 1
<dankest> LiquidInsect: I'm trying to put these into a url, so I get somthing like: "hhtp://["
<dankest> '"]
<dankest> when I use puts "http://#{array[1]}"
<LiquidInsect> so, first off how are you generating this array, because like what you have there is a 2-dimensional array, not a simple list
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<LiquidInsect> where did that like come from?
<dankest> I'm using string.scan to regex a bunch of values from a string
<LiquidInsect> oh god turning into a valley girl gag me with a spoon
<LiquidInsect> ok
<dankest> haha
<LiquidInsect> can you show me any examples?
<dankest> sure
<dankest> I'm scraping an html page
<LiquidInsect> a gist, pastie, etc.
<dankest> k
<spike2251> how exactly is the most up-to-date recommendation for setting up emacs for ruby development?
<spike2251> right now all I am using is starter-kit-ruby
<dankest> LiquidInsect: I'm trying to download the popular tracks from a music blog:
<spike2251> but some tutorials mention M-x run-ruby, which it seems that another ruby mode supports
<dankest> LiquidInsect: line 40 is causing the issue because it's giving me a url like:["1g60h"]/["341614a9efccfec56a607899daf266d0"].mp3
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<LiquidInsect> dankest: do some logging/debugging. Look at the structure of the array you're getting back.
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<LiquidInsect> You probably just need to do something like array[1][0]
<dankest> ok, thanks
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<dankest> LiquidInsect: My array looks like this: [["1g60h"], ["1g77s"], ["1g6mv"], ["1g5hj"], ["1g73q"], ["1g5vx"], ["1g64b"], ["1g786"], ["1g7cb"], ["1g6nk"], ["1g6rp"], ["1g6wp"], ["1g6e8"], ["1d1vs"], ["1g5xa"], ["1g7em"], ["1g6nh"], ["1g7c9"], ["1g7ca"], ["1g6w7"]]
<LiquidInsect> yep. 2d array.
<dankest> Doesn't look 2d?
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<dankest> cool
<dankest> ok
<LiquidInsect> what doesn't look 2d about that?
<LiquidInsect> you have an array of arrays
<dankest> does it*
<dankest> hmm
<LiquidInsect> oh. yeah, it does.
<Axsuul> yea its a matrix
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<dankest> calling array[0][0] still returns an array
<dankest> ["result"]
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<Axsuul> yea, that's right
<colloquialismic> hey guys
<colloquialismic> how's life?
<Axsuul> array[0][0][0] will return the string
<dankest> Ok, how can I return the result as a string?
<dankest> oh
<dankest> lol
<dankest> ok
<dankest> how would I go to the next object then?
<dankest> array[0][1][0]?
<Mon_Ouie> If you need to do that, the array isn't exactly what you said
<Axsuul> dankest: yep
<dankest> Okay, thank you all
<Axsuul> or you use .first
<Axsuul> array[0][1].first
<dankest> ooooh
<dankest> nice
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<calimike> Hi, I'm relatively new to ruby and rails and my question is related to the creation of a new form called bio. bio belongs to user (one-to-one). When the form is completed, I want the bio to be persisted for that user. I understand there are a few ways to do this. For example, do I need to create a nested form (I'd like to avoid this is there is a simpler solution). If you have any good examples, I would greatly appreciate it.
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<calimike> sp .. I'd like to avoid a nested form if there is an even simpler way.
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<dankest> calimike: You need to ask in #rubyonrails
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<blueadept`> would anyone have any idea why a /shared directory would be not be compiling on bundle exec rake assets:precompile ?
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<blueadept`> all my other folderes and files are working
<blueadept`> just the shared direcotry doesn't, and --trace doesn't show anything
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<LiquidInsect> ?win 2
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<killing-joke> mandatory EC2 instance reboots? i didn't get an email about this either.
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