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<wpwrak> whitequark: memory is somewhat slow, yes. i don't recall the exact numbers but at least your memory frequency sounds pausible. but i wasn't even referring to memory bandwidth but to memory size.
<wpwrak> (good air) you're in china now ? :)
<whitequark> wpwrak: mooooscowww
<whitequark> but yes I did think of china for a minute
<whitequark> (memory size) yeah, 32 is too low for realistic linux in 2012 :/
<whitequark> er 2013 already
<wpwrak> it was even a great struggle to get urjtag to run on the ben. had to enable swap to compressed ram.
<wpwrak> (urjtag uses a particularly memory-hungry approach for sending xilinx bitstreams)
<whitequark> yeah I remember that
<whitequark> right now there's a great deal of activity for integrating mips16 in llvm
<whitequark> I wonder how much that would save on ben, considering it'd support mips16
<whitequark> (it's like thumb/arm, there's a trivial expansion step before instruction decoder)
<whitequark> I also wonder who the fuck needs mips anymore
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<lekernel> hi wolfspraul
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<lekernel> wolfspraul, someone emailed me about buying a M1 and being down - what's your actual position on this? are you still selling M1s or not?
<lekernel> I'm fine with either answer, and thanks for everything you have done for this project - I just want to know what I should tell him...
<lekernel> if you don't reply within a week I will assume you don't.
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<whitequark> lekernel: he did sell an M1 here to someone, quite recently
<lekernel> yes, but I got that email on Tuesday - after that IRC discussion. I forwarded it to wolfspraul, no reply yet...
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<kyak> viric: google reader is officially shutting down
<kyak> probably it's a good chance to think about migrating to something i can really control.. i don't want to rely on another web-site
<kyak> how is offrss doing? :)
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<viric> kyak: perfect :)
<viric> kyak: that's what I use at least.
<viric> it doesn't feature 'stars' or things like that though.
<kyak> don't need this crap
<kyak> do you "mark all as read" feature? :) i use this one very often
<kyak> anyway, will try to build now.. not yet sure how i want it to run - all on my laptop and update feeds manually or have it run on my server...
<kyak> i don't need to access it from other locations (or very rarely), so probably i will just run it locally for now
<kyak> i wish it would understand opml format though..
<kyak> viric: for now i'm using the feedurls.txt like you shown in "Usage"
<kyak> there is an error: offrss: offrss.c:128: open_meta: Assertion `f != ((void *)0)' failed.
<viric> isn't opml a mess?
<viric> auhm
<viric> what a bad software. :)
<kyak> and then "Wrong format version in files/dilbert/feedinfo"
<viric> ha. I'll try
<viric> do you use trunk?
<viric> ah 1.3 is latest
<kyak> viric: opml is basically is just xml.. perhaps it's a mess, i don't know - but it's an "industry standard" for RSS :) i don't see it a big problem, i can convert opml to offrss format though..
<kyak> im usin 1.3
<viric> ah you started "-w" without "-u" before?
<kyak> ok, it updated
<kyak> yes
<kyak> this is what i did :))
<kyak> i then i pressed "update" in web ui
<viric> ah
<viric> and you got wrong format?
<viric> hm
<kyak> it's back to normal now
<viric> ah
<viric> :)
<kyak> but i think i can reproduce it.. i'll try to remove files and run again
<kyak> so yeah, just run offrss -w in a clean directory and press "Update feeds" in web ui
<viric> I can't see the format thing. But the Assert yes
<kyak> i don't see the format thing now as well :)
<kyak> ok
<kyak> you need to press "use remote images"
<kyak> then you will see it
<viric> Ok
<viric> on dilbert?
<viric> can't see it
<kyak> yep
<kyak> on dilbert
<whitequark> uh rss fetcher in C
<kyak> Error parsing url curl error 28
<whitequark> I wonder how much security holes it has
<kyak> this is another message
<viric> whitequark: noone knows
<whitequark> viric: :(
<viric> will fix once reported. :)
<kyak> don't use rss feeds you don't trust :)
<viric> kyak: ah yes, fails to download it I think.
<viric> I've seen much more security holes in php than in offrss. ;)
<viric> even ruby.
<kyak> viric: sometimes it just sits in "Updating..." forever.. iguess it's because of errors
<viric> kyak: network timeouts
<viric> the timeout is hardcoded somewhere, if you don't have patience.
<kyak> ok.. anyway.. let's see how it goes.. i've packaged offrss for arch linux in the meantime..
<viric> Ah brave
<viric> o/
<viric> are you an arch maintainer? or anyone can package that?
<kyak> it's user repository
<viric> ok
<viric> haven't you added podofo? :)
<kyak> nope :)
<viric> It's a nice feature.
<kyak> i decided to go one bit at a time
<viric> :) ok
<kyak> btw, i'm building as make PDF_CFLAGS= PDF_LDFLAGS= PDF_OBJECTS=
<viric> fine
<kyak> probably easir than to comment those things
<viric> up to you
<viric> Maybe I should use some USE_PODOFO=1 or so
<kyak> oh yeah, would make sense
<kyak> viric: is it possible to use spaces in "feedid"?
<kyak> gives me some errors
<viric> kyak: no. spaces separate from url
<kyak> hmm
<viric> kyak: updated the Makefile thing in trunk
<kyak> thanks!
<kyak> i see.. you use that as a file name
<viric> yes
<kyak> and you are blacklisting many symbols :)
<viric> for people like whitequark
<viric> :)
<viric> I don't remember much of the code now. hehe
<viric> it just worksf or me.
<kyak> luckily, you don't have to remember the code for it to keep working :)
<viric> nah, it's C.
<viric> It's not like .. the server upgraded from php4 to php5, or python2 to python3, ...
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<kyak> viric: luckily, you missed the '\t'
<kyak> which works fine instead of the space :)
<kyak> now i have "dilbert?arse" directory (or dilbert^Iarse)
<kyak> no, probably not so fine
<kyak> the tab gets swallowed in web interface
<viric> ha
<viric> :)
<kyak> what google does.. is it uses the feed url in address bar, not feed name
<viric> google?
<kyak> gogole reader
<viric> address bar?
<kyak> yes..
<kyak> of course, url encoded
<viric> ah
<viric> tricky google.
<kyak> or even could use some internal auto-generated identifer
<kyak> but these are fantasies..
<viric> is this mess in order to get a unique string from opml?
<kyak> i thought dilbert%20arse would work.. but it displays the literal string. ok
<kyak> viric: i want to have spaces in feed names :)
<kyak> likes "Films 2013"
<viric> hm ok
<viric> fair
<viric> filesystems can handle spaces
<kyak> not "Films_2013"
<viric> I use underscore
<viric> let me check
<viric> I can reproduce the wrong forma
<kyak> meanwhile, i was trying to exclude space from banned chars and use | as a separator of feed name and feed url.. but it breaks something - i see empty feeds
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<kyak> lemme try this
<kyak> what about char bad[]?
<viric> annoying in bash
<viric> let me check that blacklist :)
<kyak> perfect, it works!
<viric> the title_to_filename thing is not for your feed names
<viric> it's for the posts
<kyak> ah, ok
<viric> kyak: and this is for the 'wrong file version' thing
<kyak> viric: did you accumulate enough changes to bump a new version? :)
<viric> hehe
<viric> I'll make a new version if you test it more :)
<kyak> or probably it's better to try it on some real data..
<kyak> yeah, that;s what i meant
<kyak> so now i'm off to convert opml file to offrss format
<kyak> Error: not authorized to clonet: 0 received: 0
<viric> no? ouch
<kyak> when trying to fossil clone
<viric> permissions updated
<viric> you are good at finding problems
<viric> thank you :)
<kyak> interesting
<kyak> the first time i see fossil.. it returned me some kind of "password"
<kyak> should i keep it?
<viric> nah
<viric> you can override it whenever you want
<viric> if you run "fossil serve", that's the password for the Admin
<viric> in fossil, each system has users, passwords, permissions, web, ...
<viric> if you run "fossil ui", you have the whole offrss website offline :)
<kyak> that's interesting.. you like to use things noone seems to be using :) i mean, fossil, podofo, nix.. Affero GPL
<kyak> i never heard of these before
<viric> haha
<kyak> unison
<viric> I can't understand the trends
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<viric> kyak: if you have a webserver, remember offrss works as CGI
<viric> (if you don't want it locally)
<kyak> i guess i have no other options but to write opml to offrss script using... i don't what what.. D? :)
<viric> I write most in Go nowadays :)
<kyak> yeah, that's not mainstream :)
<viric> offrss would be much less lines in Go
<viric> but if written in go, I'm not sure if it would work in the nanonote. It's tricky on its virtual memory.
<viric> kyak: podofo is a lib; not to be known by people other than programmers. That's the easiest thing I could find for the task.
<kyak> viric: got it about CGI..
<kyak> there's a mupdf
<kyak> it kind works on Nanonote
<viric> isn't that for reading pdfs?
<kyak> oh..
<kyak> it probably is.. yeah, you need creating
<whitequark> viric: I'd be interested in results of running go code on NN
<whitequark> but it doesn't compile to mips iirc
<viric> whitequark: gccgo does. I use it on mips64.
<kyak> viric: is it safe to remove the .fossil file now?
<viric> kyak: no
<kyak> i thought so..
<viric> well, safe for what?
<viric> You'll have to clone again if you want the reposotiry
<viric> repository
<kyak> well, do i need that file to update the repo?
<viric> yes
<viric> it's "the repo" :)
<viric> mercurial and svn use a directory, and in it, .hg or .svn. But fossil stores it to a file apart.
<viric> you can put it wherever you want though.
<kyak> how would fossil find that file if i move it?
<viric> you'll have to open it again
<viric> :)
<viric> or checkout
<kyak> ok.. it's clear
<viric> the local checkout has a ".fossil" file that points to it
<kyak> .fslckout in my case
<viric> ah that.
<viric> Some relevant people use fossil: sqlite and fossil of course, tcl/tk, ... and some people try to move the openbsd/netbsd/pkgsrc too
<kyak> ..and i'll write this script in tcl
<viric> kyak: the pdf generation works nice with the firefox pdf.js :)
<viric> hehe
<kyak> what is it?
<viric> kyak: I mean the in-firefox pdf viewer
<kyak> but still, i would need to compile with podofo
<kyak> is it right?
<viric> yes
<viric> couldn't be easier
<viric> :)
<kyak> podofo is so cool that it's not even in arch user repos
<kyak> so would have to package it first :(
<viric> time for закуска
<viric> no? oh. :)
<viric> see? you found what needs to be fixed in the world, and you can fix it!
<kyak> yeah, "the world" :)
<whitequark> uh pdf.js
<whitequark> "because you totally need 2G of RAM and four-core CPU to open a three-page pdf"
<lindi-> whitequark: 2 GB of RAM is very cheap, I'll take that any day over having to use some non-free reader
<whitequark> lindi-: now multiply that by number of pages
<lindi-> whitequark: that doesn't sound very realistic
<whitequark> lindi-: nevertheless, the fact that it eats orders of magnitude more resources than it should, is
<lindi-> whitequark: well it's a tradeoff of course, if it was easy to make it use less resources I'm sure they would :)
<whitequark> lindi-: that's the point. there is some weird notion going on right now that everything should be written in html5+js
<whitequark> whereas that's a good choice or not
<lindi-> whitequark: well, they wrote it. you can write something else if you want? ;)
<whitequark> lindi-: that is a well-known fallacy ;)
<lindi-> whitequark: pdf.js in chromium seems to only have RSS of 58 MB with 14-page pdf
<whitequark> "you don't need to be a chef to recognize burnt food", etc.
<whitequark> lindi-: yeah, I'm looking at their last version right now
<lindi-> or hmm, wrong tab maybe
<whitequark> it's far better than it was. still, their demo page ate 500MB of RAM
<lindi-> it's probably this one that uses 217 MB
<whitequark> I also wonder how would it perform on something slower than my top-notch i7 from 2012.
<whitequark> and with less than my 10GB of RAM, etc.
<whitequark> lindi-: don't forget the "GPU Process" worth 350MB
<whitequark> and "Browser" of 400MB
<viric> that pdf.js doesn't take that much
<viric> I bet acroread takes much more
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<kyak> viric: can it NOT download images?
<kyak> i mean, i'm fine using remote images.. but when i do -u, it just downloads the images
<viric> ahm
<viric> I never thought of that
<viric> :)
<kyak> btw ive converted my opml file
<viric> I'll try to add some option...
<kyak> now just waiting for the feeds to update.. these images take a long of time
<kyak> i'll cleanup the conversion script and give it to you, if you interested
<viric> add it to the ticket about opml
<viric> if you don't mind
<kyak> ok, i'll do that
<kyak> btw
<kyak> it seems that OPML is free
<kyak> i don't know why you stressed it out in the ticket about "non-free" :)
<viric> me? nonfree?
<viric> I didn't open that ticket
<kyak> ah, ok, you were refering to the service
<kyak> but opml is not only used by google
<viric> :)
<kyak> viric: how many last items does it download?
<kyak> or does it download the whole feed?
<viric> whole available
<viric> do people publish long feeds?
<kyak> it's just that i got >100 of feeds
<viric> It seems that your rss experience is quite different than mine :)
<kyak> i need to cleanup... probably :)
<viric> But it's very refreshing
<kyak> i think it's ok downloading the whole feed.. but downloading images should be optional
<viric> agreed
<viric> maybe optional per-feed?
<kyak> i don't need that kind of flexibility :)
<kyak> but why not.. if it's easy to implement
<kyak> are you thinking about some kind of flag in feedurls.txt?
<viric> yes
<viric> what character you don't need'
<viric> ?
<viric> :)
<kyak> |
<viric> hehe
<viric> ok, can you give *some*?
<kyak> i found out i have name having "»" in it :)
<viric> utf8 ftw
<kyak> i'll get rid of it
<kyak> yeah
<kyak> it's utf-8
<kyak> not sure..
<kyak> so you are asking about the separator between url and the flag"
<kyak> ?
<kyak> what if you decide to add another option in a future? you would have to find on more character :) maybe better to keep space and parse string with strrchr from the end?
<kyak> viric: i added the script to the ticket. Sorry i couldn't find how to attach files
<kyak> time to sleep now
<whitequark> viric: who cares about acroread?
<viric> kyak: no, I mean that a char could introduce keywords. like *noimages*
<viric> kyak: ahm right, attach disabled to anonymous
<viric> enabled.
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<kyak> viric: "*noimages*" is OK for me
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<kyak> viric: just found a problem in the script; i would need to replace those &amp; and similar shit from XML with something valid
<kyak> i'll check it later, need to go now
<viric> :) ok
<viric> thank you
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<kyak> np! and thank you!
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<wolfspraul> lekernel: thanks for the heads up. the shop goes down quite a bit lately, I just reset it and it's working now
<wolfspraul> as for the m1 buyer, does h:d still have stock? I tried to contact them for about a half year or so on various channels, but they were amazingly consistent in not replying :-) so I don't know whether they still have stock and/or are selling
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