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<DocScrutinizer05> so, how does "qualcomm" (,N%C3%BCrnberg&cid=0,0,7383782245350231276&sa=X&ei=tI9SUIrZMMel4gSvtIE4&ved=0CJ8CEPwSMAA) sound to you, for my new job?
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<DocScrutinizer05> wpwrak: how's your hayfever?
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<wolfspraul> DocScrutinizer05: you work for qualcomm now?
<DocScrutinizer05> maybe next one, yes
<wolfspraul> nice!
<wolfspraul> hope this works out for you
<DocScrutinizer05> that's why I ask ;-)
<DocScrutinizer05> I'm not sure I like qualcomm
<DocScrutinizer05> otoh who says you need to like your job, or even your employer**
<DocScrutinizer05> (** double deref)
<DocScrutinizer05> funny detail: it's so close to STE,N%C3%BCrnberg&cid=0,0,7050262622794191287&sa=X&ei=uZVSUK-aHqvZ4QSynICgAQ&ved=0CLkCEPwSMAM that I probably will meet my ex-colleagues in restaurant during lunch
<wolfspraul> I agree that you don't need to like your job or employer, but... at the very least there does need to be cultural 'compatibility', whatever that means :-)
<wolfspraul> if the company culture is a bunch of assholes raping the world, then you better have that same culture, and you will do well. equally for any other culture.
<DocScrutinizer05> actually that's another reason i'm not entirely happy with the perspective: there are realy few shops and restaurants in this whole area
<wolfspraul> I don't know the qualcomm company culture, but culture compatibility is something you should check, for everybodys happiness...
<wolfspraul> the few qc people I met were all very professional and serious, I liked them
<DocScrutinizer05> aiui my potentially new job would be more hw-centric :-D
<wolfspraul> qc has also recently been restructuring their open source efforts
<wolfspraul> don't know the thinking behind that though
<DocScrutinizer05> ooh, they have a thing like opens source efforts?
<wolfspraul> definitely, and they are restructuring it
<wolfspraul> I *guess* they want to separate a little better from their IP businesses so that they can protect that IP better, and at the same time can invest in anything 'open' better
<wolfspraul> but you need to talk with them, maybe you are soon one of them :-)
<wolfspraul> then you can explain to us!
<DocScrutinizer05> :-)
<DocScrutinizer05> thanks for the tips!
<wolfspraul> gotta run too
<wolfspraul> how can you be up at 4.30 btw? :-)
<wolfspraul> k l8...
<DocScrutinizer05> I'm still vacant
<DocScrutinizer05> my pimp threated me to call yesterday, to tell me about possible meeting at qualcomm on monday, but he didn't
<DocScrutinizer05> threatened?
<DocScrutinizer05> yeah
<DocScrutinizer05> so otoh he "forced" me to take my remaining holiday for this year, which ends today
<DocScrutinizer05> rather, yeaterday
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<wpwrak> qualcomm ? heart of evil ? :)
<wpwrak> (at the company level no idea how the people are)
<wpwrak> (open effort) now that sounds like a departure from the past. if it's true, maybe they won't be that bad.
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<wpwrak> grmbl. go out and protest for a few hours in spring, sneeze bucketfulls the rest of the night :-( at least this time we were a lot. no complaint there :)
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<whitequark> wpwrak: sounds like the atheros acquisition wasn't that bad
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<mth> larsc: the current battery driver will use a negative (error code) voltage value in some cases
<mth> this diff is for the 4770 driver, but that's almost an exact copy of the 4740 driver
<mth> currently anyway: it doesn't work yet, so I'll probably have to add some more differences
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<larsc> mth: my plan is to add a IIO ADC driver for the jz4740 ADC and then eventually switch to the generic IIO battery driver (which currently is in development).
<larsc> a sane strategy would probably to do the same for the jz4770
<kyak> the most dangerous command is "uptime". as soon as i run it, it doesn't take long till something happens to my server
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<larsc> why does svn suck so much? Just found out that you can't set global ignores, but rather have to specify them for each directory...
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<viric> larsc: svn works by directory :)
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<larsc> hm, that might be a point
<larsc> but I still don't like it
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<Ayla> larsc: ping
<Ayla> did you remember about the INI library? :)
<larsc> no
<larsc> but I'm still at work
<viric> [<bf2004f4>] (btrfs_num_copies+0xe8/0xf4 [btrfs]) from [<bf1bd89c>]
<viric> what is 0xe8 and 0xf4?
<viric> one should be the offset since the function entry point
<larsc> the other is the size of the function
<larsc> Ayla: So far I could find out that the header file is called ini.h
<viric> ah 0xf4 is the size? nice.
<viric> thank you
<larsc> Ayla: but that's all I can find for the moment
<Ayla> OK
<larsc> more on monday. the person that's using it isn't in the office right now
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<Ayla> I won't wait that long ;)
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<larsc> mth: Can I mention to sjhill that you are working on jz4770 support?
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<sjhill> hmm
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<larsc> hi sjhill
<sjhill> larsc -> Lars-Peter Clausen
<sjhill> hi
<larsc> yes
<sjhill> mth -> Maarten ter Huurne
<larsc> yes
<sjhill> and....
<sjhill> i have not idea where Thierry and Antony are
<larsc> thierry acutally has nothing to do with jz47xx, he just brought over the pwm driver to the generic pwm framework since he is the pwm maintainer
<sjhill> ah
<sjhill> so i won't include him on future emails
<larsc> and to be honest i don't know who Antony is
<sjhill> lol
<Ayla> you're doing a PWM driver for jz4770?
<larsc> no
<larsc> sjhill: is working on jz4760 support
<Ayla> ah.
<sjhill> larsc: how did you get a lepus board?
<larsc> was a bit of a coincidence, I did a bit of contract work for somebody who wanted to sell a jz4760 based board
<sjhill> i'll have to talk to my colleagues at MIPS and email my one contact at Ingenic
<sjhill> maybe i'll get lucky
<sjhill> bbiab....lunch
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<viric> mh what's that kernel config option, to have a populated /dev mounted before running init?
<viric> (when rootfs doesn't have it)
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<sjhill> viric: what version kernel?
<viric> I looked for it in 3.5.3
<viric> I recall it's about DEVFS something
<viric> but F8 in nconfig does not show me any DEVFS thing
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<larsc> DEVTMPFS
<viric> ahh
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<viric> damn. It's inside device drivers, not filesystems.
<viric> thx larsc
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<viric> I hate when I fail to get 'init' running.
<viric> VFS: Mounted root (btrfs filesystem) readonly on device 0:11.
<viric> devtmpfs: mounted
<viric> Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! exitcode=0x00000004
<viric> (it's a statically linked 'sh', init)
<viric> signal 4... SIGILL... illegal instruction. damn.
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<mth> hi sjhill
<mth> sjhill: this is the JZ4770 device that Ayla and I are working on:
<mth> larsc: Antony is doing an OpenDingux port for the Ritmix (Russian) game console (JZ4755)
<mth> sjhill: Ayla has done a fair bit of kernel for for the 4740 as well, for example the watchdog driver was written by him
<mth> s/kernel for/kernel work/
<qi-bot> mth meant: "sjhill: Ayla has done a fair bit of kernel work for the 4740 as well, for example the watchdog driver was written by him"
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<sjhill> mth: cool
<sjhill> So, who's going to send me one of those game consoles? :)
<sjhill> $120US
<sjhill> I'll buy one, if there are any left.
<Ayla> there are
<Ayla> if you're up to do some kernel work, you could ask for a prototype
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<sjhill> Sure.
<sjhill> Who do I ask for a prototype?
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<wpwrak> hmm. i have small and fixed number of variables. from these, i want to determine the median value. i could sort the variables and pick the value in the middle, but that's quite inefficient. a more efficient approach is to directly search for the median value.
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<wpwrak> i've solved this manually for three variables. doing it for five smells like messy work. i wonder if there's an algorithm for this somewhere ?
<wpwrak> this is a solution for three variables:
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<mth> is five enough or is that just the next step up from three?
<wpwrak> it's fun to google for this. there's a thread in a vb basic forum. proves that vb basic is for people who still have a lot to learn ;-)
<wpwrak> what the fortran folks do looks more interesting ...
<wpwrak> not sure yet. i very much hope it'll be enough. it has to run in a poor little microcontroller crawling at less than one MIPS
<mth> the number of values is smaller than the range of the values?
<wpwrak> yes, the range is much larger
<mth> what you can do, is a limited type of quicksort
<mth> every quicksort iteration separates the array into a segment where all elements are smaller than X, a segment where all elements are equal to X and a segment where all elements are greater than X
<wpwrak> hmm, this seems to be the place for the algorithms:
<wpwrak> quicksort is way too expensive
<mth> if the "equals" segment is in the middle, you're done, otherwise continue to work on the largest remaining segment (the one that contains the middle element)