<unclouded> lunavorax: are you set on using C to program with?  There are scripting languages such as Python, Ruby and Lua that are easier to actually program on the NanoNote itself
<bartbes> xiangfu: so, how's your connection? :P
<xiangfu> bartbes: it's my awesome windows manager problem. :(.
<xiangfu> bartbes: this one: http://awesome.naquadah.org/
<wolfspraul> they call it awesome so even if people complain it still sounds good
<wolfspraul> "my awesome window manager is crashing"
<bartbes> yeah, I think I saw it before
<bartbes> btw, I can now inform you I found a fix for the lua bug I had
<bartbes> it was all related to not being able to compile c++ with c99
<bartbes> so I simply faked that part ;)
<wolfspraul> he, OK
<bartbes> (to disable the check)
<bartbes> (and who knows, maybe the compiler actually picks up on that)
<bartbes> well, this means I have no excuse but continue work on the new graphics backend
<bartbes> that sentence isn't correct, but you know what I mean (right?)
<bartbes> xiangfu: I'm checking out this screenshot http://awesome.naquadah.org/images/6mon.medium.png
<bartbes> and now I'm wondering why the guy has 9 (!) irssi windows
<bartbes> actually I forgot one
<bartbes> there are 10
<zedstar> all those monitors and no porn that is impressive
<bartbes> "Very stable [...]"
<bartbes> zedstar: check out the previous photo on the center-left screen in the bottom-right corner
<zedstar> bartbes which photo?
<bartbes> the one I linked
<bartbes> it has the previous photo at the place I just described
<tuxbrain2> bartbes: the guy on the photo I think has seen too many times "Operation Swordfish" :P
<bartbes> I want a setup like that ;)
<bartbes> I need it too
<bartbes> my 4 virtual desktops are too little
<bartbes> and need too much switching
<tuxbrain2> thinks bartbes also has seen this movie to many times...
<bartbes> ugh, I now remember why I hate doxygen
<bartbes> I have never seen it actually
<bartbes> I had never even heard of it before
<tuxbrain2> hehehe then the symptoms are caused for too many hours in front of your computer :P
<bartbes> probably
<bartbes> no but seriously, especially when developing for the ben I have lots and lots of windows open
<tuxbrain2> symptoms:->
<tuxbrain2> Imperative need of more monitors than a NASA mision,
<tuxbrain2> don't see "Operation Swordfish" movie , even knowing an impresive Hally Berry appears in there ...
<tuxbrain2> btw, just envy of such configuration
<bartbes> do any of you guys know SDL_gfx?
<qi-bot> [commit] Lars-Peter Clausen: Add build variants support to InstallDev http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/ef19f3c
<qi-bot> [commit] Lars-Peter Clausen: [package] ncurses: Add libncursesw package http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/4866c73
<bartbes> o look at that
<bartbes> cheers
<bartbes> thx larsc
<tuxbrain2> that means we have ncurses on OpenWrt??
<bartbes> ncurses we always had
<bartbes> ncursesw is new
<tuxbrain2> what is ncoursesw?
<bartbes> the unicode version
<tuxbrain2> ok :)
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: update copyright to 3.9.1 format http://qi-hw.com/p/xburst-tools/c08a8d0
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: update the changelog time stamp http://qi-hw.com/p/xburst-tools/0aebda3
<bartbes> then I shall soon mark wordgrinder unbroken
<bartbes> whenever I have the time to build it
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: remove the comments http://qi-hw.com/p/xburst-tools/a851a37
<mstevens> I should reflash my nanonote and see if there's new hotness
<bartbes_> vps went down :'(
<pwp> Hello, I am a programmer and I was wondering about possibly porting some software to the Ben Nanonote. Unfortunately, I do not currently own such a device (I am saving for a trip that will be quite expensive and I can't justify $100 right now) but have heard that quemu-mips could possibly emulate the hardeware. Is this true?
<pwp> qemu, rather*
<pwp> Is anyone on here?
<pwp> Hello, I am a programmer and I was wondering about possibly porting some software to the Ben Nanonote. Unfortunately, I do not currently own such a device (I am saving for a trip that will be quite expensive and I can't justify $100 right now) but have heard that qemu-mips could possibly emulate the hardeware. Is this true?
<xiangfu> pwp: Hi. I am not sure about qemu-mips.
<xiangfu> pwp: what software you want port ?? :)
<pwp> Um... not sure, just some Free Software games.
<pwp> Not sure of anything specific.
<bartbes> I tried qemu-mipsel a few times
<bartbes> but in the end it always missed a file
<xiangfu> pwp: ok.
<bartbes> the bios the last time I tried
<xiangfu> bartbes: I think we should create a wiki page about qemu-*
<pwp> What do you bartbes? It didn't read a file on the image that was there?
<bartbes> no it missed some bios image
<pwp> Interesting... was it the qemu bios or the Ben Nanonote? (Sorry, the only emulator I am really familiar with is bochs.)
<pwp> I used it for it debugging features
<bartbes> qemu couldn't find a bios
<mth> pwp: I started on adding support for the Dingoo A320/A330 to qemu here: http://github.com/mthuurne/qemu-dingoo
<mth> those devices are similar to the NanoNote in hardware
<mth> so if you'd like to extend qemu to emulate the NanoNote this would be a good starting point
<mth> but it's not ready to use in its current state
<pwp> Sorry, I was afk. brb
<mth> actually, maybe it is ready to use, but I don't have a full NAND image yet to test with
<mth> it needs a NAND image including the oob areas
<mth> there is a tool to generate the NAND image here: http://code.google.com/p/jz-hacking/wiki/qemujz
<mth> I don't know if it uses the same oob format as the NanoNote does
<bartbes> btw, is libfreetype available for the nn?
<bartbes> yes!
<bartbes> cool
<pwp> I am not sure, I just found out about the NanoNote yesterday evening and I need something to do until school starts.
<bartbes> aww.. I can't use my font module yet..
<mth> you could try building qemu and making an image file for the NanoNote and see how far it boots
<mth> yajin made the Pavo board (JZ development board from Ingenic) emulation and that part works
<bartbes> note that qemu and qemu-mipsel are very different
<mth> in what way?
<mth> I added the SD emulation which it not fully working yet, but SD is not required to use the NanoNote
<bartbes> qemu-mipsel doesn't boot a system
<bartbes> but rather emulates a single program
<bartbes> in a wine-like fashion
<mth> no, I think we're talking about something different then
<bartbes> I am absolutely sure qemu-mipsel does that
<bartbes> "The qemu-user emulator can run binaries for other architectures but with the same operating system as the current one.
<bartbes> "
<mth> yes, but this is not qemu-user
<bartbes> no, but that *is* qemu-mipsel
<mth> the executable is qemu-system-mipsel
<bartbes> right, but that is different
<bartbes> this conversation started with qemu-mips
<bartbes> not qemu-system-mips
<mth> what you're talking about is what Uli worked on to run Dingoo executables on x86 Linux
<bartbes> < pwp> Hello, I am a programmer and I was wondering about possibly
<bartbes>              porting some software to the Ben Nanonote. Unfortunately, I do not
<bartbes>              currently own such a device (I am saving for a trip that will be
<bartbes>              quite expensive and I can't justify $100 right now) but have heard
<bartbes> <pwp> [...] that qemu-mips could possibly emulate the hardeware. Is this true?
<bartbes> oops
<mth> ah ok, then I'm talking about something different
<bartbes> sorry for that paste
<bartbes> I thought it'd be one line
<bartbes> but please do continue discussing qemu-system-mipsel
<bartbes> that'd be waay cooler
<mth> bartbes: I don't have the time right now to play with qemu, but I was hoping someone else does
<bartbes> I have a bunch of other stuff to do
<bartbes> so I can't do it either
<bartbes> and qemu seems to be particularly time-consuming
<mth> maybe pwp if he returns?
<mth> actually qemu was a lot easier to understand than I had thought
<bartbes> --> Dinner
<bartbes> really?
<bartbes> wow
<mth> I do have some experience with emulators though; I've been working on openMSX for years
<mth> but I expected qemu to be much more complex because it emulates so many systems
<mth> but they kept it simple despite that
<qi-bot> [commit] Juan64Bits: General issues corrected http://qi-hw.com/p/xue/9202afd
<bartbes> oh
<bartbes> almost forgot something
<bartbes> ehm
<bartbes> how do I update packages/?
<bartbes> git pull did something ;)
<larsc> scripts/feeds update
<bartbes> no didn't work
<bartbes> git pull did update it though
<qi-bot> [commit] Andres Calderon: attiny.lib added http://qi-hw.com/p/xue/263badf
<qi-bot> [commit] Andres Calderon: MLF20m1 footprint added http://qi-hw.com/p/xue/43db224
<qi-bot> [commit] Andres Calderon: Merge branch 'master' of projects.qi-hardware.com:xue http://qi-hw.com/p/xue/91cfffd
<qi-bot> [commit] Juan64Bits: Series resistors (DDR) added http://qi-hw.com/p/xue/1602624
<qi-bot> [commit] Juan64Bits: Library path fixed http://qi-hw.com/p/xue/6c2e360
<qi-bot> [commit] Andres Calderon: terminal resistors placement http://qi-hw.com/p/xue/ba734f7
<qi-bot> [commit] Andres Calderon: terminal resistors placement http://qi-hw.com/p/xue/f1c6506
<qi-bot> [commit] Andres Calderon: ddr termination placement http://qi-hw.com/p/xue/2df63e4
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: [guile] add development files http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/7e25991
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: do you have the rfm12b modules?
<kristianpaul> i just found this "Ccheap"  interesting protocol https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/PSK31
<qi-bot> [commit] Andres Calderon: PSU sheet added http://qi-hw.com/p/xue/a1ba8c9
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: yup, i have some
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: not very useful, though, imho
<kristianpaul> yes i know
<kristianpaul> but i got 10
<kristianpaul> i need put something to some day...
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: i'm sure they make nice paperweights :)
<kristianpaul> :/
<kristianpaul> i have the avr16 chips i'll try some basic stuff
<kristianpaul> if i got chatting i will be happy :)
<wpwrak> i'm trying to do the same with ieee 802.15.4
<kristianpaul> oh
<kristianpaul> but thats for more than simple chatting i think
<wpwrak> project ben-wpan. already designed a prototype circuit. now, once the darn flu goes away, i can actually build it
<kristianpaul> audio for examples
<kristianpaul> great !
<wpwrak> naw, it just sends packets :)
<wpwrak> you put whatever you want inside
<wpwrak> even IPv6 is a possibility
<kristianpaul> i just buyed this Rf stuff for fun also was cheap (initially)
<kristianpaul> yeah
<wpwrak> (6LoWPAN)
<kristianpaul> thats powerfull !
<kristianpaul> thats why i just want chat/ircing with this things
<kristianpaul> no more
<kristianpaul> :)
<kristianpaul> irc (not tcp/ip way)
<wpwrak> the problem with 433 MHz is that regluations are pretty mean on it. e.g., you can't output a decent amount of power for continuous transmission
<kristianpaul> :p
<wpwrak> irc would already be too continuous
<kristianpaul> what they limit=
<kristianpaul> ?
<wpwrak> to be compliant, e.g., with FCC, you can only send a few messages within an hour
<kristianpaul> power ?
<kristianpaul> what??
<kristianpaul> ohh i dint knew that part
<kristianpaul> last*
<wpwrak> you can choose :) eiher good power but very very low duty cycle. or unusably low power but no duty cycle restriction
<wpwrak> ti have some compliance document ... lemme see if i can find it again ...
<kristianpaul> how many bits per hour?
<kristianpaul> plesae
<kristianpaul> i tought limitation was just power
<wpwrak> on 433 mhz it's both. or rather either or. but the unrestricted power is basically below the noise floor.
<kristianpaul> hmm :(
<wolfspraul> kristianpaul: wpwrak has a very German approach to regulation :-)
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: he just doesn't like to give customs an excuse for causing trouble :)
<kristianpaul> wolfspraul: how is that, o dont understand the point?
<kristianpaul> should i read about germany first?
<kristianpaul> :)
<wolfspraul> kristianpaul: I was just kidding.
<wolfspraul> yes, maybe :-)
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: wolfgang suggests the south american approach to regulations :)
<wolfspraul> yes
<wolfspraul> and Chinese
<kristianpaul> :D
<wolfspraul> and Arab
<wolfspraul> and ...
<wolfspraul> no Werner has good points
<kristianpaul> oh i see the point now ;)
<wpwrak> it's kinda the same as with patents. you can get away with a number of things, but you shouldn't rely on being able to do so forever. particularly if you're commercially successful :)
<wolfspraul> yes, but maybe that's a universal truth. the more money you have, the more people are attracted to it.
<wpwrak> true, yes. you just don't have to make it too easy for them :)
<wolfspraul> these guys that just successfully squeezed 200 million USD out of Microsoft are now going after the next batch of companies with their trivial crap patents (I didn't read them and I won't, but I'd say a fair guess :-))
<wolfspraul> kristianpaul: it seems there is a trend in some countries to move higher bandwidth applications, especially anything voice and network related, out of 433
<wolfspraul> and instead 'free it up' for sensors, 'technical applications'
<wolfspraul> check dash7.org
<wpwrak> yeah. now they're fed and strong. i kinda puzzled why this kind of people doesn't simply have some accident.
<wolfspraul> because the ones they are fleecing are even fatter and stronger :-)
<wpwrak> still, can't you remove someone without a trace back to you for that kind of money ? particularly now that they're going after lots of companies.
<wolfspraul> but I think it's also safe to say that 433 will remain as an unlicensed spectrum, more important that cheap super high-volume ICs will continue to be designed and manufactured for it
<wolfspraul> wpwrak: but if the ones they are going after have even more to loose, why should they?
<wolfspraul> it makes no sense
<kristianpaul> # Operation at 433 MHz, globally available, unlicensed spectrum :O
<wpwrak> oh, 433 will be around. just not for what we want. that's what i meant with "it's dead" - not the technology as such, but in our context
<wolfspraul> the patent system is a social system for the legal profession
<wolfspraul> not what you want, yes
<wolfspraul> kristianpaul: yes, that's the marketing view of it, let's say 'american style'
<wolfspraul> go for the money!
<wolfspraul> meanwhile Werner digs up every last word in the regulations :-)
<wolfspraul> I'm looking at this from a very practical Chinese view
<wolfspraul> will cheap ICs be available or not
<wpwrak> just enough to debunk the marketing :)
<wolfspraul> I think they will be.
<wolfspraul> cheap ICs can only be available if the volumes are very high
<wolfspraul> I don't want to pay more than 1-2 USD
<kristianpaul> millions of ICs?
<wpwrak> ieee 802.15.4 chips also aren't too bad
<wolfspraul> so I'm not coming at this from the regulation side, I am coming at it from the cost side
<wolfspraul> if you want an RF IC at 580 MHZ, for example, it will be crazy expensive because you have to do it all yourself
<wolfspraul> but, big surprise, at 433 mhz there are 2 USD chips! great!
<kristianpaul> :)
<wolfspraul> of course millions, probably hundreds of millions
<wolfspraul> hoperf sold 12 million modules in 2009 alone
<kristianpaul> :O
<wolfspraul> 60% 433, 20% 868, 20% 915
<wpwrak> the chip i'm playing with costs you USD 2.0935 at 1000 units. cheap enough ? :)
<wolfspraul> yes sure
<wolfspraul> werner we are on the same page
<wolfspraul> we look at this from different angles, I just try to explain to kristianpaul
<wolfspraul> werner comes at it from a tech & regulation angle
<wolfspraul> I come at it from a 'which IC can I get cheap, well documented, easily' angle
<kristianpaul> evetually ignore regulation
<wolfspraul> well that's not good either
<nebajoth> yes, doesn't that require not heeding regulation at all?
<wpwrak> :-)
<wolfspraul> then you put yourself outside of large western markets like US and Europe, at least after you grow
<kristianpaul> hmm
<nebajoth> needs $1 gnu radio SOCs
<wolfspraul> it's all about balance
<wolfspraul> nebajoth: yes sure. if the global market would be 200kk/year you would have them
<wpwrak> the problem is that you probably already fail FCC certification if you do this. or if you wiggle by, someone will dig out the regulations and you have PR problem. just no fun there.
<kristianpaul> well, i will buy some resistors and try rmfblib anyway ;)
<wolfspraul> wpwrak: you know how FCC certifications work, right?
<wolfspraul> kristianpaul: yes sure, play with 433 is cool
<wolfspraul> see dash7.org
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: i know there are way around it :)
<kristianpaul> seeing
<kristianpaul> nice link!
<wolfspraul> but I agree with Werner actually, 802.15.4 is very interesting for real networking stuff
<kristianpaul> me too
<wolfspraul> kristianpaul: well yes, I thought I paste it to offset the regulation link werner gave you, which is kind of a depressing read to me :-)
<kristianpaul> but too complicated for me :)
<kristianpaul> i just want chatting !
<wolfspraul> ironically it was werner himself who pointed me to dash7 :-)
<kristianpaul> ohh
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: thanks !
<wolfspraul> yeah that's werner
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: i'm actuallly quite happy that TI are collecting all that stuff. it would be nearly impossible to figure it out otherwise :-(
<wolfspraul> he can handle some contradictions :-)
<wolfspraul> true, but remember, some things grow the deeper you dig
<wpwrak> let's hope not :) it's deep enough already ...
<wolfspraul> there are a lot of regulations that are meaningless, not enforced, well meant but ...
<qi-bot> [commit] Andres Calderon:  MLF20m1 fixed http://qi-hw.com/p/xue/b05f6ed
<wolfspraul> then xx years later someone cleans it up, or maybe not
<wpwrak> btw, 433 seems to be more open in china. some ieee 802.15.4 document are referring to this band specifically "for china"
<wolfspraul> I don't know. I can only talk to vendors, find out volume, how much they are shipping here and there.
<wolfspraul> everybody on that side says 433 is global.
<wolfspraul> they are shipping millions and millions of this stuff
<wpwrak> :)
<wpwrak> it is global. just mind the find print :)
<wolfspraul> that doesn't sound like customs is waiting to catch the dangerous 433 emissions
<wolfspraul> I think we can settle on 433 being best for 'technical applications'
<wpwrak> i guess customs will only bother you once some competitor tells them to ...
<wolfspraul> correct
<wolfspraul> now you are moving to the real world :-)
<wpwrak> the problem is that you then have to switch to something else. so, why not start with a "safe" band in the first place ?
<wolfspraul> only if they have a case
<wolfspraul> but no need to argue this, I actually agree with you
<wolfspraul> I said it many times - 433 - no voice, no networking
<wolfspraul> all cool with me
<wolfspraul> I can market a product like this, and if someone hacks it up, not my problem.
<wpwrak> you love it so much you forgive it any flaws ;-)
<kristianpaul> ahh and fianlly have to pay to the "alliance"
<kristianpaul> thats why i never join menberchip groups
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: yup. dash7 ain't open.
<wolfspraul> dash7 is patented, correct. but that's only their protocol, not the whole band.
<wolfspraul> I just wanted to point you to a site that paints a more optimistic picture about 433 than werner.
<kristianpaul> yeah 433 likes better
<wolfspraul> wpwrak: in one of the documents you referred me to, I read that luxembourg has special wifi regulations.
<wolfspraul> argh
<wolfspraul> I stopped reading at that point.
<kristianpaul> back to read about PSK31
<wpwrak> i'm not sure they disagree with me. their use is very different, though. 433 is find for sensor networks and such. as long as you don't read them too often.
<wolfspraul> I grew up right next to luxembourg.
<wpwrak> s/find/fine/
<wolfspraul> even if they have special regulations, it takes about 30 minutes in any direction to leave the country. borders are open.
<wpwrak> ;-))
<wolfspraul> that's less than it takes me to go to the big electronics shopping area here in Beijing.
<wolfspraul> seriously, this stuff only exists so some luxembourgian officials have something to do.
<wolfspraul> not just reading newspaper every day in the office.
<wpwrak> so it seems :)
<wolfspraul> so they write something...
<wolfspraul> TI picks it up.
<wolfspraul> and Werner makes sure the whole world thinks about it :-)
<wpwrak> well, if you intend to sell  in luxembourg or sell to a reseller there, then you may care. at least warn them.
<wolfspraul> just kidding werner, I hope you don't mind...
<wolfspraul> well
<wolfspraul> worst case the product is only available behind the border, i.e. about as far away as any shop inside the city would be too.
<wpwrak> of course, you can put a big warning "illegal in luxembourg". maybe people will actually like that ;-)
<wpwrak> yeah, sure
<wolfspraul> there are no border controls, just a sign 'entering luxembourg'.
<wolfspraul> so you have to go to the media markt behind that sign? big deal...
<wpwrak> maybe their regs aren't too different from the rest anyway
<wolfspraul> it seems you need a special license to operate a public wifi
<wolfspraul> I didnt' really read it.
<wpwrak> wow :)
<wolfspraul> we shouldn't forget the real intentions of regulations.
<wolfspraul> if it's just to keep bureaucrats fed, that's one thing.
<wolfspraul> if its' about safety, interference, etc. that's another thing
<wpwrak> yeah, keep things from interfering
<wolfspraul> both are real :-)
<wpwrak> yup
<wolfspraul> wpwrak: get better soon (read about the flu above)
<wpwrak> thanks ! already preparing to take my canadian bug killer medicine ...
<wolfspraul> wpwrak: btw, inside China, I can tell you what is cheap will spread, what's written on paper cannot stop that.
<wolfspraul> so the western regulations influence what spreads in china because they steer investments in a certain direction
<wolfspraul> which then leads to cheap products in certain areas, which will then spread inside China
<qi-bot> [commit] Andres Calderon: PSU controller added http://qi-hw.com/p/xue/8cf60ce
<wolfspraul> the country is far too big to stop anything 'illegal' from spreading
<wolfspraul> so if the 433 mhz rf ic is the cheapest, it will spread
<wolfspraul> the moment the xxx mhz ic is just 5 cents cheaper, it will move to that one
<wolfspraul> the xxx doesn't matter
<kristianpaul> great !
<kristianpaul> *there*
<kristianpaul> but great anyway :)
<wolfspraul> so if some large US companies start to order xxx mhz rf ics, and they become very cheap due to super high volume, then those chips will also spread in China.
<kristianpaul> how is GSM tech going in china btw?
<wolfspraul> great
<wolfspraul> 2g, 3g, cdma, td-scdma, etc.
<wolfspraul> it's a huge country, don't forget that. everything exists somewhere.
<wolfspraul> and as I said, if something is ordered by a foreign company, and that makes certain things cheap, then those same things will also be sold in China
<wolfspraul> I'm now using my cheap 20 USD phone to see how long it lasts.
<wolfspraul> and voice quality in general.
<kristianpaul> oh good, you it englihsh menu finally?
<wolfspraul> yes :-)
<qi-bot> [commit] Andres Calderon: DDR0 termaintor placement http://qi-hw.com/p/xue/cf1645b