DocScrutinizer05 changed the topic of #neo900 to: | conversations are logged to and
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<bencoh> hmm ... so final price should be around 800e ?
<DocScrutinizer05> bencoh: err, yes
<bencoh> I know that one :)
<bencoh> I just hoped it'd be less expensive thanks to the number of donations/pre-commands, that's all
<DocScrutinizer05> well, it turned out that savings from "large quantities" may start at 1000 or 2000, for sure not at 400 or 500
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<bencoh> mkay... too bad
<DocScrutinizer05> but to be honest, we actually have "no clue" what it will cost, since we didn't source any relevant fraction of components yet
<bencoh> right
<DocScrutinizer05> it just seems that it won't go cheaper than we estimated
<bencoh> do we know how much it should cost to print/solder (and maybe assemble as well) ?
<DocScrutinizer05> particularly since we added quite some stuff after we did that initial very fuzzy guess
<DocScrutinizer05> yes, I think there are rather good numbers for the PCB building itself. But don't ask me to quote them now
<DocScrutinizer05> anyway we use same fab and PCB of same complexity (though 2 of them) like GTA04 did
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<DocScrutinizer05> (though 2) the guesstimation of prices was even pre-sandwich concept iirc
<DocScrutinizer05> for LOWER pcb we hope to get away with 4-layer which is sigificantly cheaper to build
<DocScrutinizer05> for UPPER we need 8-layer
<Oksana> How is it going with finger-or-stylus detection in the prototype? Is the software ready for 1GB-RAM? Any other news?
<DocScrutinizer05> the 1GB tests still are WIP at GDC in Munich. I'm waiting for Nik to come up with news after resoldering the SYSBOOT jumpers
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<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer05: so, time to fork KDE as well ? :)
<DocScrutinizer05> KDE? time to fork that since KDE2->3
<DocScrutinizer05> well, 3->4 the LATEST
<DocScrutinizer05> actually akonadi is *very* similar to systemd, when it comes to fundamental design flaws
<kerio> timedated?
<kerio> what the FUCK
<wpwrak> soon, systemd will use voice commands. and use that for communication between its subsystems as well. so your PC will then suddenly speak up and say "Hello Poettering, what is the time, please ?"
<DocScrutinizer05> wpwrak: maybe a comment of yours (a linux developer with a wikipedia mentioning) on the devuan-ML would help support the Init Freedom movement
<SylvieLorxu> I still feel betrayed by the KDE team :(
<SylvieLorxu> KDE was never like this, it allowed you to use it as you want and it supported as much as it could
* SylvieLorxu sighs...
<DocScrutinizer05> SylvieLorxu: was that you who did PR for Neo900 on a FSF booth? :-)
<SylvieLorxu> Sorry, no, I have yet to ever go to any event :P
<DocScrutinizer05> sorry, mixed that up
* SylvieLorxu is just some random weirdo on the Internet
<SylvieLorxu> Obviously, that's easy to tell apart from others ;)
<DocScrutinizer05> <dal2> It was a sysadmin named Lisa...
<SylvieLorxu> DocScrutinizer05: That would be nully
<DocScrutinizer05> sorry for my Alzheimer
<wpwrak> (comment) naw, not more mailing lists :) with devuan, i'm happy to watch from the sidelines. i'll make a point of telling hellekin that i like it, though :)
<DocScrutinizer05> posting != following ;-)
<bencoh> I wonder how this will all end
<bencoh> (meanwhile, I hope wheezy will receive support for a few more years ...)
<DocScrutinizer05> posting is important to make opinions visible
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<Oksana> ("Hello Poettering, what is the time, please ?") Funny :-)
<DocScrutinizer05> not really
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<Oksana> Seriously, imagine a room where computers do not "just" obey their owners, but, like pets, speak with each other, and with other people, too... Oh, and make their own phone calls, chats, something with whomever they like...
* Oksana thinks that AI doesn't require much more processor power than current bloated over-complicated software...
<kerio> software being "smart" is a recipe for disaster
<kerio> haven't you seen the latest GNOME? :>
<DocScrutinizer51> no oyher computers around here to talk to ;-)
<DocScrutinizer51> other*
<DocScrutinizer51> so I did a few phonecalls and sent a few emails
* Oksana points to Internet - plenty of computers to talk to...
<Oksana> phonecalls and emails?...
<DocScrutinizer51> yeah, and lots of IRCing chats
* Oksana just installed slide2answer, as a way to bring a handy feature-phone feature to the N900 - and to avoid display-related hassle of "where is the green button" (hopefully)
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<wpwrak> Oksana: (pointing to internet) cf. "Transcendence" (film) :)
<wpwrak> or, a little older, Colossus: The Forbin Project
<Oksana> wpwrak: 2012 or 2014?
<wpwrak> 2014, the one with Johnny Depp
<Oksana> Colossus is terrifying. Given how computers are prone to bugs and viruses, I hope that nobody will ever create such a system - not without a backdoor, failsafe, or something
<wpwrak> why the future tense ? :)
<DocScrutinizer51> maybe she didn't see me using my skynet nick
<wpwrak> but Dr. Strangelove is much more optimistic in that regard. there, the computer works flawlessly :)
<DocScrutinizer51> hey, my TPE EE colleagues called me that
<wpwrak> ;-)))
<DocScrutinizer51> they also wondered if Harald and me are relatives. Bothh all dressed black
<Oksana> :-)
<DocScrutinizer51> though Harald's hair is as black as mine is blond
<DocScrutinizer51> dunno if he dyes his
<wpwrak> and mine is somewhere in the middle. so at least they had some way to tell us apart ;-)
<Oksana> :-) :-)
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