> Manufacturing speed testing is done using BIST approach called a Tpdcounter. The idea is to
the result of that oscillator into a counter.
create a ring oscillator that goes through as much of the FPGA fabric as possible and then feed
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i don't really get how they ended up with a yield of 1.01 in one instance
I think that means they ended up with too many high-speed-grade chips
Oh, just noticed this too
> 1. Generic DDRX1 modes were tested for error-free operation at 750, 1000, and 1300 Mb/s. No devices failed at any condition.
Not bad given they are officially rated for 500 Mb/s in that mode
Generally some useful info, JTAG port that's officially rated for 25MHz consistently exceeds 72MHz so I needn't feel guilty running running it at 40MHz
yield > 1 is a hilarious concept
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