Is there a nice way to get the maximum (or minimum for signed integers) value of an integer type? Something like maxValue(usize)?
powerofzero, std.math.maxInt(usize)
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:facepalm: I saw that being used in ripgrep and assumed it was a c interop MAX_INT. Thanks!
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You looked at a Rust project too see how to do something in Zig? I very be confuzzled
No, I used ripgrep to search the standard library source code.
(zig standard library)
Oh, oh, ok
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is there a proposal for successdefer that would allow errors inside the block?
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I considered an equivalent to D's scope(success) and decided against it
not sure if that's what you're referring to
yeah, I just had a use case where I wanted to do "try foo()" inside a defer, but it only makes sense on successdefer
since you can't do "try" inside a normal defer
I think if you find a case where you would use an entire control flow language feature rarely, it should probably not be a language feature, better to use the existing language tools to model it
Hm, can you nest functions in a test case?
you have to reference RGB somewhere to instantiate it
I'm not sure I follow you... I just use the struct in a regular function?
oh nvm, I see
Seems a bit silly imo. The compiler shouldn't be removing structs/methods marked with extern/export even if they aren't being used
The opposite. The compiler won't even look at symbols that aren't referenced
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oh, I see
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it can be really handy to have this - for example if you don't depend on fork() then you don't pay for the extra symbols that are exported to make the linker deal with TLS having to do with fork safety
Has anyone suggested a `lazy` keyword so that this would be opt in? It's a bit of a footgun
Code looking all good until you start using it...
I think the time has passed for casual language modification proposals
whole-file-astgen will be able to catch a lot of this stuff. it will be able to tell if you used `export` but it's not even possible to reference it
so much so that people will be asking for sloppy mode, and the answer will be no
So we're closer to a language spec? :)
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Is there a way to get stdout to be displayed as it happens from a test?
somebody was asking about this the other day; can't remember who it was
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kiedtl: fyi #8629 has been opened and related to your question: "Is it possible to make zig continue with the test suite even if one test block fails"
thanks mikdusan!
i've been learning zig since the 24th, and I have to say: on the surface, it ticks just about every box that I had issue with C. The only issues I have so far are already being addressed in their own github issues
:) we'll get there
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the next thing we need is a fast, memory efficient compiler.
the progress is nice!
marler8997: why would you want an option to quit on the first failure?
to eliminate cascading failures
sometimes, the first error can cause a cascade of other failures that are just red herrings
makes sense
not sure i like it though, as you don't control the order of the tests (i think)
not sure you like an option to quit on first failure? or the proposal?
it quite make sense as you dont control the order
like if you get a red herring then it exits, you are now super confused
you wouldn't get a red herring because you would have exited before you got to it
the red herring as the first test
by "red herring", I was meaning, something that failed because of something else
there are other kinds of red herrings
but I was saying that this would eliminate red herrings that are caused by the initial failure, and continuing to run the tests instead of exiting
if a test failed and that's the only test you ran, I don't know how that test could be a red herring...?
hmm, maybe error.ZigTestFailed would let it continue, but panic would stop it?
I think an example would help. say test A is corrupts memory, and it causes test B to fail
if you exit on first failure, you would stop on test A, but if you would continue, it would go on to test B and say it failed as well, even though that test is not broken, it's only broken because test A corrupted it
so in this case, B is a red herring
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I see this sort of thing all the time in firmware, you see errors all over the place and it can be hard to track down the real initial error. Sometimes it can be good to tell the system to just quit on the first error so you don't have to play detective to figure out where things initially went wrong
ok cool, do you think my previous idea of returning an error would let it continue, but panicing would fail it would work?
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that's fine we can have a bail on first error CLI option for the test runner
andrewrk, what are your thoughts on splitting the windows bindings in std by the dll they appear in? Do we want to continue this route?
check out those stats, it's pretty interesting
7 MB of tokens !
with the self-hosted compiler, that 19 MiB Total ZIR bytes is what gets cached for everything.zig, and then on subsequent builds, Source bytes remain unloaded on disk, and Tokens and AST Nodes do not get computed at all
so we end up loading 20 MiB from disk instead of 27 MiB, and skip all the tokenization, parsing, and lowering to ZIR steps
ah I see, that's cool to see
what about zigwin32/api/internet_explorer? that's the next biggest one but includes more than just aliases
internet_explorer.zig:967:28: error: enums do not support 'packed' or 'extern'; instead provide an explicit integer tag type
I'm going to advocate for breaking the language soon to remove support for enums with aliased fields
aliased field?
status quo: the only difference between extern enum(T) and enum(T) is that the extern enum(T) allows field aliases. you're actually unknowingly introducing complexity into the compilation by using extern enum and then not taking advantage of aliased fields
is the motivation behind removing aliases just because aliases are bad practice? Like, there's no reason to support them?
they also complicate comptime reflection code trying to do stuff with enums
for example if you try to use std.enums.directEnumArray with an extern enum it ends up being O(N^2) at comptime for some reason
the existence of field aliases complicates stuff. defining enums to have a mapping bijection of fields to values makes them simpler and more useful
would the ".Foo" syntax work with "enum { pub const Foo = ... }" ?
the reflection things is one of the issues I remember considering when I looked into @fieldAlias
my solution to that was to include them in a seperate list outside of normal fields
dang, there's 1577 instances of enum aliases in win32!
and they're all legacy compatibility kludges
I can't argue with that
astnodes takes alot more memory in the internet_explorer example
my guess is it would be even higher percentage in implemenation code
the win32metadata project is done so weird btw, it also seems very unorganized and unplanned
they've made some commits that have broken things horribly in the metadata, so it seems like they have no real testing
for a project like this that has many users, I would think to employ a healthy amount of TDD but it's more like hacks on top of hacks
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the ratio of (source bytes + tokens + ast nodes) / Total Zir bytes is nearly identical
I was just looking at source / ast
well, that's what my comment was about anyway
yeah that's interesting too
I'm gonna have to go implement logic to detect and de-alias enums now...bleh
oh snap this whole time I have forgot to count the main_tokens array into AST Nodes byte count