andrewrk: thanks for the async examples
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daurnimator, progress is going well. I have the behavior tests passing the whole time in the rewrite-coroutines branch
* andrewrk
back in a bit
andrewrk: huzzah
andrewrk: I've had a few questions here in the channel over last few days. Could you answer a few of them?
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daurnimator, can you repeat the questions or post them to the mailing list?
andrewrk: sure. will reask one at a time now
andrewrk: 1. `pub fn @"bool"() bool {` fails due to shadowing. is it intentional you can never have a method named the same as a builtin type?
yes it's intentional - otherwise `bool` in the scope would be ambiguous
I guess that's a way that keywords are actually more convenient than builtin types
andrewrk: I feel like I should be able to do it, but maybe only access via explicit `@This().bool`
I believe there is a relevant issue open for this
2. something like `fn foo(anything: var) { std.debug.warn("{}", @typeName(@typeOf(anything)));` fails with `error: parameter of type 'type' requires comptime` when I try and pass a type in --> but I don't want to make the parameter comptime. Is there something planned that might help here?
Created #2940 for question 2. above.
Also in 3. note that the bug report URL in clang is missing :P
daurnimator, you crashed clang, so the next steps are to repro in the llvm9 branch and then if it's still crashing, make an upstream bug report
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How should I obtain/test with llvm 9?
4. Is allowing `@field` as an lvalue intentional? I was surprised that it worked... but happy :) Maybe it deserves a mention in the docs?
oh and you want -DZIG_FORCE_EXTERNAL_LLD for the llvm9 branch (for now)
yes it is intentional
I think the docs have it correct: "Preforms[sic] field access equivalent to lhs.field_name, except instead of the field "field_name", it accesses the field named by the string value of field_name. "
lhs.field_name works as an lvalue
an example would be an improvement
I read "access" to imply *reading* rather than allowing writing
I see
"access" does mean both though
regardless, adding an example will be an improvement
k. created an issue to track
I think we're going to realize our async/await dream
it's gonna work
andrewrk: great :)
zig functions work at compile time, at runtime, blocking, event-based, single-threaded, multithreaded
I'm eager to start on networking abstractions once its done.
it's a language for writing actually reusable code
andrewrk: to clarify your async examples: `async foo()` that returns a Frame right? it doesn't actually begin executing the function?
it does both
if it didn't actually begin executing the function it would be a generator
async foo() means "do this now. but I don't need the result yet."
and it's valid for all functions, even normal blocking ones
andrewrk: idea. what if `async foo` was the frame. and calling a frame `()` resumed it?
start with the use case. what are you trying to solve?
often when writing "async" code you don't want to actually start the operation "now": you just want it to be "done" by the time wait() returns.
well how's it going to get done if it doesn't start?
--> immediately starting the function means that you end up doing a context switch and thrash your cpu cache
what do you mean context switch?
andrewrk: in this example: a call to a non-trival function
you can start it whenever you want
andrewrk: is "starting" different to "resuming" at all?
the only difference is setting resume_index to 0
hrm. I might need to understand more
in this simple example `entry` is the c calling convention entry point into the object. so it can't be async. that's the function where you would, for example, create an event loop
the `async` in the entry function makes it able to call an async function, because it does not represent a suspend point
andrewrk: is there any plan for an @isAsync() builtin?
async is used to express concurrency
that's a similar question to @isComptime()
it would be strongly discouraged, if it existed
"is it async?" and "is it comptime?" are the wrong questions to be asking
okay. I see in your #1778 post you used `if (std.event.loop.instance) |event_loop| {` -> so it would be based on a global rather than inferred from context. makes sense I think.
right. the whole idea here is that packages are agnostic, and the main application gets to make a choice
which is why async is allowed on any function, and is used to express concurrency
but it can always be folded into single-threaded blocking
look at that beautiful list of "Depends on:" issues in 1778 that are all done now
Timewise, how far off are we from having the new async stuff in master?
andrewrk: turn it into a checklist ;)
gonz_, hard to predict but I'll be happy if it's in master branch by sept 1
o.o that far away?
I wouldn't have worded it precisely like that, but I feel the same. Mostly because I feel like zig will basically be exactly for what I do all day every day suddenly.
we'll see. progress has been rapid so far, maybe it will magically continue like that
Do it at the pace you can or slightly less, IMO
Don't burn out :/
I know how to take care of myself :)
this weekend I'm actually traveling for an arcade game tournament
andrewrk: `async<std.heap.direct_allocator>` <-- does this make the allocator interface part of the language?
daurnimator, you're looking at the master branch example which is provided for comparison
ah okay
one of the benefits of the coroutine rewrite is that the allocator interface stops being part of the language
right. I see the `async<result2>` example instead.
yeah and even that's not going in the first design iteration
there will be no more <> to async for now
andrewrk: going back to my earlier idea: what if calling a frame "resumed" it?
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what problem are you solving?
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so rather than `async<result2>`, it was just: `result2()`
minimisation of concepts while providing powerful foundations.
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daurnimator: What was the thing you were looking to use as a base for the future networking stuff?
gonz_: on which target?
gonz_: on windows it'll be overlapped IO for most things, and talk directly to AFD for TCP/UDP things.
AFD, right
andrewrk: thanks for the answers :) go get yourself some sleep!
gonz_: If you're interested in implementing any of it please do! I don't use windows myself so I'm not going to get to it any time soon
companion_cube: in reply to something you said ages ago... but zig pieces in the kernel isn't as far fetched as you may think
daurnimator: I'll at least look into some of it. I do use Windows but it's been ages since I did any socket stuff for Windows.
gonz_: you should be able to make a zig PR of various windows pieces required to implement that
I'm currently working on a few win32 things so it's a good companion project, probably
* daurnimator
looks at the zig issues page and realises that he filed more than half of them
hryx: do you think you'll implement #1717 ?
daurnimator: well it all depends on whether Linus would spit on zig, wouldn't it?
companion_cube: I got kees and willy intrigued.... If we had a stability guarantee and non-reliant on LLVM I think I could get things over the line given the right project
yeah, the llvm dep is probably the biggest thing. Anyway that'd be nice
Also took me way too long to write a sort function
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samtebbs: re: 'extern' that actually relates to a different issue I encountered in the linux kernel module experiement
`export const _1 linksection(".modinfo") = MODULE_LICENSE("MIT");` <-- there was no way to add something to a link section without giving it a name.
samtebbs: oh wait. I confused extern vs export
daurnimator: I think I did as well, bit perhaps the point still stands... :p
`extern` is a calling convention. `export` is a shortcut for `@export(, .GlobalLinkage)`
uh `.Strong`
Is extern also not a hint to the compiler that this symbol isn't defined in the analysed source, but in another object file that will be linked in
So therefore a name is required as otherwise you wouldn't know what symbol to get from that other object file at link time
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oh I forgot about that meaning
wow `extern` is really overloaded in meanings isn't it
Yeah :D
fengb: that comptime function parameter is quite awesome
comptime is just one of those things that works so well, I question my sanity
yeah, that's true
I still want someone to write a PEG library that works at comptime too
you mean a parser generator?
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hah, would be neat
reminds me of the CTRE library for C++
that would create compile time regular expressions
which means the compiler would *compile* the actual pattern matcher instead of creating a VM for it
Well... templates are turing complete so
but something like
if(CTRE("$x").match(str)) { } would compile to an "if(str[0] == 'x') { }"
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The video where Andrew discussed C++ compile time stuff made me feel sick
yeah, it kinda sucks on *all* levels
mq32: sort of... I was just thinking that you could essentially step the VM along as far as you can until you hit a runtime input
I mean... that syntax looks decent lol
fengb: for syntax I was thinking of copying lpeg.... as much as you can without operator overloading: for the base layer you get a sort of ugly: `PEG.FollowedBy(PEG.P("foo"), PEG.P("bar"))`... but because it works at comptime, you can implement pseudo-regexes on top
I tried using a peg parser before for writing a programming language, but i switched to a regular recursive descent parser as it was easier to read (as code flow)
PEGs are really pleasant
halosghost: compared to the alternatives... usually yes.
i also dislike generated code in general. It makes it harder to debug
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dec05eba: I agree in general, but comptime isn't the same as traditionally generated code
Has anyone used rouge (ruby library: https://github.com/rouge-ruby/rouge) ? I just found out that dev.to uses it for all their syntax highlighting and I want to start a #zig tag there, but I'm not so hot on delving into this Ruby library.
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Though some of their existing lexers aren't as crazy as I would've thought
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Tetralux: is the desire to have a completely diff name, or simply to put it in a namespace to avoid pollution?
Both for the same reason: I want it to be clear that I'm calling into a DLL and not the code in the file's scope.
And if the DLL has very generic names, I have to rename it or namespace it.
I'm guessing the latter would be idiomatically done by putting `struct { ... }` around it?
maybe i misunderstand but how about `const Box = struct { extern "c" fn printf() void; };` and then `Box.printf();` is namespaced.
That's one valid choice, sure.
andrewrk: that looks really slick
Also, andrewrk, regarding `@extern` - having to provide the link name if you don't want it to be different seems unfortunate.
Otherwise, LGTM.
I'm guessing the CC would be part of the prototype?
I'm expecting nearly every extern function to be renamed due to namespacing
If you do the struct namespacing thing, then you'd have no need to though.
In which case I'd be cutnpasting.
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Q: Should you be able to do `return switch (self) .V1 => .V2` where self is and enum and the return type is an enum?
(.. assume curly brackets around `.V1 => .V2`.)
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andrewrk: zig progaganda on my heavy rustlang twitter
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`zig run test.zig -target x86_64-windows` breaks Zig.
It breaks while attempting to print a stack trace.
on master?
daurnimator: I personally enjoy working on things that affect the syntax, so I would enjoy working on #1717. I'm not dead set on being the one to do it though, and would probably need to step up my understanding of the IR transformations
cool to see all this discussion about what to do about extern in relation to fn expressions
bummed that I've been too busy to work on zig this week. Lookin' forward to a little weekend hacking
dimenus: zig0 doesn't segfault, but instead just prints out that posix spawn failed.
But zig is generated my `make install`, so that's what I'm using.
I would imagine that attempting to `zig run` an executable that's non-native isn't supposed to work is it. xD
That does raise an interesting question:
Is it possible to _debug_ a program on a non-native system?
e.g: use `-target x86_64-windows`; able to run `gdb program.exe -ex run` on a linux x86_64 machine.
Or something along those lines, rather.
This is the crash btw: zig/src-self-hosted/stage1.zig:37:5: 0x7cc679 in stage2_panic (userland)