I'm super excited about zig - I've been very impressed with it so far. I'd like to help out. I contribute to the patreon and am toying with ideas for small projects that would be helpful. my background is in security, network software, some embedded stuff, and distributed systems
m3t4synt4ct1c: that's awesome! welcome
there's going to be a need for network stuff for sure, although it's semi-blocked on a big upcoming language change around asynchronicity
yeah, I see andrew needs to work out copy elision, then re-do coroutines to enable async/await w/o LLVM before it's worth writing any networking code. I'd be happy to help with a HTTP implementation
I noticed the crypto libraries have a bunch of hash functions, but no AES implementation or anything. I guess linking to C code for that isn't the worst thing in the world, but that code wouldn't need any networking I/O
I'm interested in a possible IPFS implementation down the line as a possibility as well
that sounds cool
and AES in zig is definitely going to be worthwhile
that's a ton of work, but having zig native IPFS would be really cool and provide redundant implementations in the WASM and other targets
ok, cool, I'll poke around with that some
sweet. Nothing in stdlib will link to C libs (and I could easily see AES in stdlib) except where required by the OS (e.g. macos's libSystem)
((I think))
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I wouldn't trust a TLS implementation with less than 5 years in the wild. Whatever solution is chosen for TLS in the stdlib, the implementation needs to be swappable for OpenSSL, SChannel, etc.
daurnimator: what about after an audit by a reputable organization?
hryx: maybe after 3 audits....
hryx: OpenSSL had tens/hundreds of audits before it stopped being full of bugs...
A very healthy sense of caution. I like it :>
(it still is; but they're on unused codepaths)
One other notable TLS implementation we should support is in-kernel TLS :)
In kernel TLS? Hmmm
That doesn't cover negotiation/setup though: only certain ciphers after the connection is setup
Interesting! Meanwhile, Google wants to move TCP *out* of the kernel and into planet user
Er, that's what I assume anyway, based on them making SPDY
wait, no, QUIC
otherwise I spent far too much time (after discussion in #musl) designing APIs to take advantage of urings (coming in kernel 5.1). Article from January (there are several changes since): https://lwn.net/Articles/776703/
Hey daurnimator I've been meaning to ask. What do you foresee as the primary use case for a zig PEG? Mainly ask because you proposed adding it to stdlib
(besides lpeg reimplemented in zig. which would be S L I C K O)
hryx: well... parsing anything of finite length
hryx: http header fields was my intended application
are http headers that complicated? o.o
ah right. Let me look back at the logs and find the link you posted to complex headers
hryx: but can be used for e.g. parsing urls; all sorts of various input formats people pipe around, etc.
ah. silly me to think someone would make a simple protocol
hyper simple transfer protocol
back to gopher anyone?
(the kinda-like-http-but-simpler protocol, not the mascot)
heh! why not
oh hey tyler569 I just got onto the asm part of the new parser
I think it should fix the syntax-related issue you found on saturday
That is, if this failing_allocator issue ever gets demystified
one must keep hope & a stiff upper lip
let me see if I can get llvm to build here, I'd be happy to take a closer look at it if I can
oh awesome, that would be amazing. That reminds me, I owe you an eyeball on an issue you sent me
I think that was just the asm parsing, no?
looking closer at the link you sent... yep. Is that covered by the GitHub issue then?
No, this one was the 'expected % or [' parse error, I only reported the crash so far
(while I wait for llvm to twiddle it's thumbs) it occurs to me that I should probably minimal-example those blocks I sent you, since that find was pretty knarley
who knows what the parser was doing 20-odd erorrs deep
heh. maybe post in this channel in case there is another assembly witch who can help?
(slash parser witch)
ok, so pulling them out, massaging them a little both seem to work
with the exception of the fact that zig doesn't seem to support anything more complicated than an identifier in the ()'s, which breaks a lot of my assumptions in the OS
but that seems like a pretty clear "hey I know the syntax isn't done but asm blocks should do this thing that C can do"
and my llvm build keeps exploding
something is sending SIGKILL to the linker which makes very little sense to me
o no, is LLVM build blocking you rebuilding the zig compiler on the fly?
well because you need llvm built with the same toolchain you're working with, right?
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since I haven't been working on zig my workflow up to this point has been to nab the most recent version uploaded out of CI, so I'm new to this part
dang. I've had luck with getting LLVM via system package manager, but I know you actually found BUGS in LLVM doing this, so building from scratch is probably the right choice for you
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welp, I was going to try the nightly deb from llvm, but that requires a libc version that conflicts with my system
>.< I may have to rain check this until I run the 19.04 upgrade I was planning on doing tomorrow
22 commits this weekend. We're almost there! Now that I'm sweating from all this backspacing, time for bed
mikdusan: 6 bytes I think
oh no. 7.
i'm fairly certain the global sticks around for consecutive tests
it fails only on windows. I thought it might have been because of that lack of HeapFree issue recently; but I rebased the PR and it still happeneded.
it does say OutOfMemory. is there reason to distrust that error log?
mikdusan: I (mostly) trust the error. But I'm not convinced it is caused by an issue in the PR; but instead due to a bug in the allocator; possibly only when in a windows environment.
so looking for someone to help via one of: A. spotting an error in my logic. B. trying to replicate on their own windows machine. C. tell me about some other experience where a similar OutOfMemory error occured when running the test suite
I was thinking a debug allocator should be implemented this way, as an agnostic wrapper over the actual allocator
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It's also generally useful for observing allocation patterns
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yep, can make many great tools off it
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wait.. does errdefer run at end of block? or end of function
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errdefer should run at the end of scope afaik
okay thats really cool... and also I need to fix some things
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how do i create a null pointer?
?*T is the nullable pointer type, like `var foo: ?*i32 = null;`
hryx: I have a working toolchain! I assume you're working off the stage2-recursive-parser branch in your repo?
tyler569: ah sweet! Yep, that's the right branch
Although, I think where I left off last night caused a different error. You might need to put a custom (simple) test at the top of std/zig/parser_test.zig to reproduce the memory leak thing
ok, yeah I saw there was something different happening. I'll play around with it today
tyler569: i found out how to do what i needed: @intToPtr([*]const u8, 1)
i needed to pass a syscall an intentionally invalid pointer
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tyler569: great, definitely let me know how that goes. When I get a sec I'll fix the new error
(alternatively rolling back a few commits should also work in the meantime)
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how would i allocate a struct with an allocator?
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Xe, use `allocator.create(<your type>)`
Sahnvour: and to free it?
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andrewrk: if i want to build zig on my own hardware, how much ram does it need? I'd be using this Dockerfile: https://github.com/ziglang/docker-zig
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Xe: I've been using 2GB for all of Docker. I've seen each cc instance climb up to ~400-600mb but I haven't noticed any problem with -j4
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fengb_: on linux using gcc to build llvm+clang, i usually see ~500mb per job, except for clang there are a handful of files that go >1.0gb (1.5gb iirc) for compile jobs
(gcc building clang)
Yeah LLVM and clang are a doozy, but the docker instance works around that pretty well
ive read the feature list, and it has very interesting features, but ive never used it.
/j #ponylang
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Xe, zig stage1 needs at least 4GB
More on the level of if you've heard of it and what it's about. It looks interesting.
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eek, i like zig because it doesn't get in the way
Yeah I'm not sure how interesting it is to use, but I'm curious how they solve the concurrency data-sharing problem
But I'm already confused =D
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they make everything either immutable when shared, or mutable when isolated (private)
the immutable-sharing memory is managed with a garbage collector
Not a fan of garbage collectors.
and the other big piece is the actor model. and mutable/isolated data is wrapped in an actor that permits shared access
so it's like Erlang but compiled to native?
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Without the failfast model
like, no monitors? :/
No crashes
Not sure how a supervisory tree would look
I think Erlang is the only language that embraces errors as an "acceptable" thing. Everything else that's tried actors also tries to fix errors in different ways
grr, can't find any form of reference for their lang online -_-
For Pony?
I don't know. They seem to have a million things explained. Like how to get performance, package manager, how to build on ten different Linux distributions etc, but nothing basic about the language itself.
oh well.
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Ah nice, somehow I didn't manage to find that =/
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seems a lot like Erlang's actors, at least in terms of overhead
256B for an actor, neat
Yeah, with the zig 0.4.0 release people were like "you need to have a code snippet on the landing page of your website" -- after looking at the pony site I agree with that
also, you need to have a single entry point for the whole docs
yeah, I didn't mean Zig didn't do it well
whats the build.zig equivalent of zig --verbose-cc
im trying to get a dump of the imported structs from an included .h file
ok i recreated the build.zig with commandline opts, and used --verbose-cimport. that worked
companion_cube: In practice, Pony's model is very different from Erlang's. The actors are GC'ed objects rather than selective receive based, which is why the crash model and lack of supervisory structure is different.
can someone shed some light on: error: expected pointer, found '.cimport:13:13.struct_uiControl': var control = @ptrCast(c.uiControl, &w);
im reading the first param as the type to cast to, not sure why its complaining about a pointer. the second param is the pointer.
you give ptrCast a pointer type to cast to, so it sounds like you want @ptrCast(*c.uiControl, &w)
you can't cast a pointer to a struct (with ptrCast)
BTW, if someone wants to look at an allocator model that is Pony inspired (Pony's creator is working on this): https://github.com/Microsoft/snmalloc/ It's an interesting idea, though I have yet to compare it to things like jemalloc.
tyler569: oh i get it, the type itself needs to be pointer type. makes sense. thx
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I'm currently trying to build a windows zig application that uses MessageBox (windows.h), but I'm having problems when linking
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First of all I had to download Visual Studio to get all the headers, and now that it actually compiles it's complaining about the __security_check_cookie symbol being undefined. Are there any windows experts in this channel? ^^
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expected type '?extern fn(...' found 'extern fn(...'
what does the ? signify
donpdonp: ? is for an optional type. In this case, the type is a nullable (optional) function pointer
hryx: thx
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im declaring export fn onClosing(..){} and using it with c.uiWindowOnClosing(w, onClosing, 0);
how would i indicate the ptr is nullable?
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oh interesting, I thought it would implicitly cast to an optional type
donpdonp: try declaring a variable with an explicit type and passing that to your function
but im stuck on the last param of export fn onClosing(w: *c.uiWindow, data: *c_void) c_int
c.uiWindowOnClosing(w, f, 0); -> 0 cannot be implicitly casted to type '*c_void'
ive tried a couple things but cant get a *c_void.
@ptrCast(*c_void,0) gives error: expected pointer, found 'comptime_int'
I guess null should work
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Barbas: oh it liked plain null. thx
yea! the callback worked. thx all.
You're welcome :)
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tyler569: I did a git bisect and found the commit that broke my branch (more than it already was, anyway). It was the very last commit :P
ok, I'll try rolling that one back. I was playing with some other test cases but I've been needing to do actual work too :P
I'll fix when I get home, otherwise if you wanna toy around with it, just reset back one commit, and add a trivial little test to the top of std/zig/parser_test.zig like testCanonical("const x = true;\n")
heh, same. Don't let me distract you!
what is the zig way to simply printf a line. ive been using warn("")
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donpdonp: for casual/debugging? warn() is perfect for that
you may want to file an issue, if there isn't already one. It's probably specific to function types
does switch work on ∆
oh come on i meant to press ^U
does switch work on string literals?
Xe: I don't think so because you'd have to memcmp (or the zig equivalent)
so I thnk doing that implicitly would be a hidden performance cost. unless there were some cool comptime magic involving that "comptime perfect hash" trick
which would be cool too, I dunno
hryx: that might do exactly what i need, thank you