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<daurnimator> emekoi: as you seem to know how that repo works, any chance you could fix ?
<daurnimator> I'm used to ctrl+/ toggling comments for a line. it doesn't work in the zig syntax at the moment.,
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<emekoi> daurnimator: that's weird because it works for me...
<emekoi> are you using the latest version?
<daurnimator> yep
<emekoi> the latest version from the from the repo?
<emekoi> yeah, because that should be fixed by
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<andrewrk> emekoi, thanks for the sublime PRs
<daurnimator> emekoi: ah no. only the latest release
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<knebulae> andrewrk: now that opaque types seem to be stabilized (according to the docs), any intention to revisit typedef like behavior ( It would be much cleaner than using single-member packed structs.
<andrewrk> knebulae, why packed structs?
<knebulae> passing to/from C
<andrewrk> you probably want extern for that, not packed
<andrewrk> the current plan is to not have typedefs. you are welcome to make a proposal to re-introduce them
<knebulae> andrewrk: typedef is cleaner. Consider pub typedef SegmentSelector: u16; vs pub const SegmentSelector = packed struct { data: u16, }; Plus all of the extra typing to use the single member value.
<andrewrk> how about pub const SegmentSelector = u16; ?
<knebulae> andrewrk: That works too. I think typedef has too much baggage imho.
<andrewrk> that works now
<knebulae> andrewrk: oh. I was not clear that I could do that.
<knebulae> I keep forgetting that types truly are first class citizens.
<andrewrk> :)
<andrewrk> almost first class. you can't use them at runtime
<knebulae> andrewrk: finally getting organized here, thought I'd share:
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<daurnimator> is it possible to add methods to an opaque type?
<daurnimator> I guess the answer is 'wrap' it?
<daurnimator> So.... if I want to create a shared zig library, how should I be exporting the definitions?
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<knebulae> daurnimator: I may be wrong here, as I'm still learning, but I believe --output-h coupled with --build-lib, with the functions properly marked as "export".
<daurnimator> knebulae: that would indeed generate a .h file... but is that the preferred form?
<daurnimator> I thought there might be some sort of 'stripped .zig file' form....
<daurnimator> (maybe only in andrewrk's brain)
<knebulae> daurnimator: well, shared libraries are just regular .dll, .so, or .dylib files, but other than .obj files, I'm not aware of any other "form" (i.e. there's no type of shared library / object that's unique to just zig).
<daurnimator> knebulae: correct. zig uses the standard library formats. but I thought it might have it's own 'header' format
<knebulae> daurnimator: got me too. no headers.
<daurnimator> I feel like there should be some sort of format that just exposes signatures but not bodies.
<daurnimator> probably generated by the 'zig' tool somehow
<knebulae> daurnimator: if andrewrk ever forsees widespread zig use, the reality is that people (mostly companies) will want to distribute binary-only libraries, which will require some way to provide zig with function signatures other than exporting from one zig module, building a library and generating a c header, than consuming the c-header in another zig file :/
<daurnimator> knebulae: yeah that's pretty much my thought
<daurnimator> was hoping there would be an open issue for it or known plan
<knebulae> daurnimator: having the ability to generate a zig file with only declarations and signatures suitable for importing and then linking with a provided object file.
<knebulae> daurnimator: I think the new hotness is to avoid header files though. C# gets away with it because IL has a lot of metadata. Not sure how rust handles it, but they don't have header files.
<daurnimator> Dpm
<daurnimator> Don't we need it for deep dependencies?
<daurnimator> If I write a library A that uses B and C internally (but never exposes it), then I don't want the user of my library X to need the .zig files for B and C installed
<daurnimator> very different question: how do I create an volatile array to six ints?
<daurnimator> error: invalid token: 'volatile'
<daurnimator> var args: volatile [6]c_uint = {request, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5};
<daurnimator> error: expected token ';', found ','
<daurnimator> var args: [6]volatile c_uint = {request, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5};
<daurnimator> ^
<daurnimator> oh. is it: var args = []volatile c_uint{request, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5};
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<knebulae> daurnimator: you did review the notes on volatile, correct?
<daurnimator> knebulae: you mean ? they only seem to be about pointers?
<knebulae> daurimator: "Note that volatile is unrelated to concurrency and Atomics. If you see code that is using volatile for something other than Memory Mapped Input/Output, it is probably a bug."
<daurnimator> hrm..... for my case I don't know what I want then.....
<knebulae> daurnimator: then I'll have to ask the $25k question. What do you want / what are you trying to do?
<daurnimator> i.e. translate to zig
<knebulae> daurnimator: daurnimator: can I please see an example of this macro's usage: VALGRIND_DO_CLIENT_REQUEST_EXPR
<daurnimator> knebulae:
<knebulae> daurnimator: it looks like valgrind has made this pretty straightforward. It just needs a function pointer set. All this macro is doing is marshalling the arguments from C to asm. Zig should be able to do the same easily.
<knebulae> + inserting the "magic" to signal valgrind (__SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION_PREAMBLE).
<knebulae> daurnimator: unfortunately, the two sections of documentation I need to help right now, Assembly & Atomics, are stubs :/
<daurnimator> knebulae: yep. I've been trying to figure it out from error messages and the standard library
<daurnimator> I think I have it now
<knebulae> daurnimator: nice
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<daurnimator> :( getting error: couldn't allocate output register for constraint 'd'
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<knebulae> daurimator: llvm is notorious for being fickle with inline asm, especially compared to gcc. For some reason it doesn't want / cannot allocate EDX to be read as an 8-bit value. There are other ways to accomplish this read that may compile; see:
<knebulae> daurimator: see the paragraph prior to the link too.
<daurnimator> knebulae: ah thankyou
<daurnimator> looks like llvm doesn't know the shorthand 'd'
<daurnimator> knebulae: this works :)
<knebulae> daurnimator: it should. the x86 section mentions registers a, b, c, d as registers that may be 8/16/32/64-bit, but read as an 8-bit integer. That's why, if you're in 64-bit code, I thought using a different access method might work (i.e. explicitly rdx).
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<knebulae> daurnimator: nice job!
<daurnimator> Any info around on varargs and interop with va_start/va_end?
<knebulae> daurnimator: lol. that's what I've been asking for a bit.
<knebulae> daurnimator: it appears to work for non-string-like arguments.
<knebulae> daurnimator: here's an example:
<knebulae> daurnimator: that's not to say you can't take it one step back and use va_start and va_end macros yourself.
<daurnimator> knebulae: if I have a function in zig declared as: fn printfwrapper(format: [*]u8, args: ...) usize { .... }
<daurnimator> then how do I pass `args` through to the underlying function that expects a va_start-like pointer
<knebulae> daurnimator: declare it in C
<daurnimator> huh? how do I implement it then?
<knebulae> daurnimator: extern
<daurnimator> wut
<knebulae> daurnimator: well, if you can't get the function signature you'd like
<knebulae> daurnimator: sorry, I'm not being clear. Doing too much at once. You can pass args as a raw pointer.
<daurnimator> `@ptrToInt(&args)` gives me attempt to get pointer to size 0 object
<knebulae> try an opaque type?
<daurnimator> on what?
<knebulae> daurnimator: args
<daurnimator> what do you mean "try an opaque type" then
<knebulae> daurnimator: when I said declare it in C, I have been unable to figure out varargs yet in zig, so I defined my varargs function in C.
<knebulae> Then pass raw pointers to C-friendly structs.
<daurnimator> From my previous experience, varargs in zig were pretty simple: you just declare a function as taking `someargname: ...` as the last argument
<daurnimator> and then you can use `someargname` like a slice/array
<daurnimator> but now I need to interop with C
<daurnimator> or actually, I need to interact with system vararg ABI. not even C exactly...
<knebulae> daurnimator: I see the issue. This is actually a problem in C as well (just google wrapping printf).
<knebulae> daurnimator: the answer is to use the va_start and va_end macros yourself.
<daurnimator> knebulae: how?
<daurnimator> knebulae: I'm writing pure zig here. no C compilation step
<knebulae> daurnimator: I'm afraid you will probably need access to the platform's underlying va_start and va_end macros. Otherwise, you will need to duplicate the functionality of those macros in pure zig code.
<knebulae> daurnimator: I think this page will explain it nicely (hopefully):
<daurnimator> knebulae: I think va_start is usually a compiler intrinsic rather than a macro you can implement.
<knebulae> daurnimator: you are correct. I'm old. :/
<knebulae> daurnimator: now get off my lawn!
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<daurnimator> knebulae: it's my lawn >.<
<knebulae> lol
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<Zaab1t> no do-while loop in zig?
<Zaab1t> I wrote my first Zig program
<Zaab1t> Its a translation of a small c program
<Zaab1t> I would love some feedback
<Zaab1t> Everything that could be cleaner, better written, uses wrong type, is stupid, doesnt follow style - be harsh on me :D
<Zaab1t> the while loops and bounds checking especially feels a bit awkward to me
<daurnimator> Zaab1t: use the continuation clause of while
<daurnimator> Zaab1t: while (i < 10) : (i += 1) {}
<daurnimator> Zaab1t: import std once, and then grab the things from it
<andrewrk> daurnimator, ooh exciting pull request
<daurnimator> andrewrk: I'm not quite sure how to best fit it into our default allocators
<daurnimator> andrewrk: it seems like it only supports two levels of pooling; whereas zig will let developers nest as many pools as they want...
<andrewrk> daurnimator, I'm considering that it might make sense to add valgrind-awareness to the language
<andrewrk> specifically, when you assign undefined to something, zig would do the valgrind annotation
<daurnimator> makes sense.
<andrewrk> this would solve the problem for all memory allocators, because of this:
<daurnimator> ooooo. I'll fix my PR to move things to there...
<daurnimator> any reason doesn't call Allocator.destroy?
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<daurnimator> andrewrk: re pushed.... I understand what you mean about proper integration into the language though
<andrewrk> that would allow this to work at comptime as well
<andrewrk> I'll take a look though, thanks for this patch
<andrewrk> even if we end up going the language integration route, it looks like you've distilled the API from the .h file into simple to understand inline assembly
<andrewrk> which is in and of itself significantly helpful
<daurnimator> andrewrk: yeah, the first commit is manually converting the .h with inline assembly to zig for i386 and x64
<daurnimator> only for base, memcheck and callgrind. helgrind I've never used before and looks like lots of work.
<daurnimator> (well not lots of work, but half an hour or concentration)
<andrewrk> btw daurnimator, I'm up to 148 of 518 behavior tests passing in the copy elision branch
<daurnimator> that.... is not the high score I hoped for :P
<andrewrk> it's not a linear curve though
<andrewrk> it was 0 for 2.5 months
<daurnimator> andrewrk: have you heard the saying "the first 80% is done, only the second 80% to go" before?
<daurnimator> andrewrk: which I guess is me saying: it's probably an S curve.
<andrewrk> that's true. making progress on the test suite is good for my motivation though
<andrewrk> those 2.5 months were pretty brutal
<Zaab1t> just got an idea for how Zig could do classic for loops
<Zaab1t> if we want to keep for loops as for eachs
<andrewrk> Zaab1t, is it: `var i: usize = 0; while (i < 10) : (i += 1) {}` ?
<Zaab1t> andrewrk: no isnt that already possible?
<andrewrk> yes
<andrewrk> forgive me, what is your idea?
<Zaab1t> well I have a worse idea!
<Zaab1t> while (var i: usize = 0) : (i < 10) : (i += 1) {}
<Zaab1t> (make while a disguised for loop)
<andrewrk> you want the variable declaration as part of the syntax of the while loop
<andrewrk> this accomplishes either: one less level of indenting when using while loops, or eliminating the index variable from scope after the while loop is done
<andrewrk> both nice things, but a high cost of increased language complexity
<andrewrk> also I can't help but think that such a solution might be better if it worked for any variable
<andrewrk> I'd consider syntax to end variable scope without using indentation before I'd consider this while loop change
<Zaab1t> andrewrk: what have you considered for counting from x to y?
<andrewrk> var i = x; while (i < y) : (i += 1) {}
<andrewrk> rust lets you end a variable scope by declaring over it
<Zaab1t> `[x..y]` could be a slice of ℕ :p
<andrewrk> I want to have an open mind about this, but I really have a hard time understanding why this feature is so commonly desired
<andrewrk> I think people want their code to look elegant
<andrewrk> and zig's philosophy is: give up. you can't have that. but you can get the semantics correct, and you can do it in a maintainable, understandable way.
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<Zaab1t> andrewrk: keep the open mind. I'm not saying what the better choice is. I'm not even thinking about fighting the case for my suggestions.
<andrewrk> Zaab1t, I will :) I know it's really important
<Zaab1t> You analysis is the same as mine; people want to write elegant code. Here's something to consider, but it's a bit hard to communicate over irc
<Zaab1t> because it may not be a very logical argument, its more about feelings
<Zaab1t> It's fun to write elegant code, so if Zig's philosophy is /give up/, then it may hurt Zig in the long run if it turns out that zig code isn't fun to write
<andrewrk> to be honest, fun is not one of zig's driving forces. zig will happily trade in fun for less bugs or more maintainable code
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<oats> fwiw, I'm having plenty of fun
<oats> howdy everyone, hope you're having a pleasant sunday
<oats> how can I notate a function pointer type in zig?
<andrewrk> oats, it looks the same as a function definition, except with no body, and the parameter names are optional
<andrewrk> example: fn()void
<oats> so that's the equivalent of a pointer to a void -> void function in C
<andrewrk> yes
<oats> awesome, thanks
<andrewrk> and they work with pointer casting builtins. for example @intToPtr(fn()void, 0x1234) or @ptrCast
<andrewrk> daurnimator, 278 / 518
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<Zaab1t> hi again, why is the return type of main !void or void and not u8?
<andrewrk> Zaab1t, u8 is a valid return type of main
<Zaab1t> ah my assumption was just from the documentation snippets
<Zaab1t> wow surprisingly easy to read
<andrewrk> :)
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<Zaab1t> andrewrk: im trying to read the contents of file. Is it correct that no documentation on this exists? currently trying to do it by reading
<andrewrk> Zaab1t, correct, you will have to look at examples and browse the standard library
<andrewrk> you may be interested in
<andrewrk> or consider an approach that does not load it into memory all at once
<Zaab1t> andrewrk: I'm thinking a buffer and then a while loop that goes on until EOF, but it puzzles me a bit that there are no examples in file.zig
<Zaab1t> what examples are you referring to?
<andrewrk> examples in people's open source zig code, or examples in the standard library
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