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tiehuis has joined #zig
<tiehuis> Dirkson: I wouldn't rule that out being an error in the future
<scientes> how do i reslice a slice?
<scientes> (without modifying slice.ptr)
<scientes> nvm
<MajorLag> I think not allowing creating variables without using them would make it annoying to test WIP code. That was an issue I had with Go.
<scientes> thats why you make a bunch of small functions
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<scientes> the problem is turning slices into pointers
<scientes> slices into arrays ***
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<scientes> PITA
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<scientes> a do {} while() loop would be nice
<scientes> i guess it doesn't get much use though
<scientes> why is it so hard to zero initilize a struct?
<scientes> arm64 has a didicated 0 register to make it fast
<tiehuis> i think the idea is that if you want to zero initialize a struct you should have to explicitly zero all fields
<tiehuis> this way at least when the definitions changes you need to re-evaluate this behavior
<tiehuis> you can create a function to return a zero initialized value as an option of course
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<scientes> are inlined whiles still inlined when --release-small ?
<scientes> i assume so
<scientes> there has got to be an easier way to turn a slice into a array
<scientes> yeah doing x25519 in zig is too difficult without being able to turn slice to array without an explicit cast
<scientes> poly1305 also runs into this problem
_whitelogger has joined #zig
mnoronha has joined #zig
<mnoronha> I haven't used cmake too much before. After I make changes, will I run into problems if I just rebuild with `make install`?
<mnoronha> i.e. not `rm -rf build`, etc.
<mnoronha> Well, it works with just `make install`, and the output suggests the generated makefile checks, and it's late everywhere but the west coast, so I think this is resolved :)
<scientes> mnoronha, if you are doing alot of building i suggest using -G "Ninja", and then running "ninja" instead of "make"
<mnoronha> scientes: Will do. Is that just to speed up compiles?
<scientes> yeah
<scientes> mainly speed up later compiler, not the first one
<scientes> but it also use -j by default, unlike make
<mnoronha> Ah gotcha. To be honest, I've also been poking at the rust compiler and not taking 40+ minutes to build is refreshing even doing nothing fancy
<mnoronha> Ah yea, make not using -j by default was confusing to me when I first learned about it. Are there any disadvantages?
<scientes> not really
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ft3 has joined #zig
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<ft3> Hi everyone
<ft3> I was wondering if it's possible to return an anonymous function from a function
<ft3> Sort of like in Go
<ft3> I read the docs, but didn't find anything about it.
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<ft3> Also I tried writing some code to test it but got only compile errors
<ft3> Thank you
<ft3> so if I understand correctly, you can do it only at comptime for now?
<scientes> there is no interpreter, if that is what you are asking
<ft3> no that's not what i meant
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<scientes> what do you mean?
<scientes> I don't think it is properly handled yet
<scientes> but that it will be eventually
<scientes> you can't even cast arrays right yet
<scientes> that was a snarky comment
<scientes> its just when you remove pointer arithmetic you have to address its use cases
mnoronha has joined #zig
<MajorLag> why aren't you just using Many Item pointers ([*]) instead of arrays? You can use do pointer arithmetic on those, and since the lengths you're using ar comptime known you don't really need to pass them as an argument.
<scientes> yeah i'll do that
<scientes> but it would be nice to have proper type checking
<scientes> you still have to cast to those
<scientes> i'm tempted to use slices and see if it compiles them out
<scientes> ahh you just do &
<shodan45> small bit of hopefully constructive criticism - I'm reading and "break :something" has been used a few times, but I don't think it was explained
* shodan45 just notices he's not reading the /master branch docs....
<scientes> how do i do pointer arithmatic on [*] types?
<scientes> zig/std/crypto/x25519.zig:289:16: error: expected type '[*]u32', found '*u32'
<scientes> recip(&work[32],&work[32]);
<scientes> work[32..].ptr is kinda ugly (but not as bad as @ptrCast
<scientes> why can't slices with comptime parameters just implicitely cast to array?
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