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hoppetosse, for release builds you have to use `msbuild -p:Configuration=Release INSTALL.vcxproj` for LLVM, Clang, and Zig
and -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release for LLVM, Clang, and Zig
hmm I think the wiki is wrong for Building-Zig-on-Windows
andrewrk: new instructions worked great, thanks!
this is going to be a painful update process! I never realized how much I used the implicit return without a semicolon
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andrewrk: is it still recommended that all cimports happen on the same block?
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hoppetosse, yeah, sorry about that. one thing that should help in the future is I think we will have a keyword to return fom the current block. maybe `result`
yes it's still recommended that all c imports happen in the same block