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<GitHub165> [zig] andrewrk pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub165> zig/master f55fdc0 Andrew Kelley: fix const and volatile qualifiers being dropped sometimes...
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<GitHub89> [zig] andrewrk pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub89> zig/master c9e0141 Andrew Kelley: fix compiler crash in a nullable if after an if in......
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<skyfex> andrewrk: Do you have any microcontroller devkits?
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<andrewrk> skyfex, I do not
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<skyfex> andrewrk: I'm thinking of sending you a micro:bit. I might I have a spare. It's one of the simplest devkits out there.
<andrewrk> neat! does that include hardware?
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<skyfex> It's basically a debugger and nrf51 chip on a tiny board with an LED matrix, two buttons, and accelerometer+compass
<skyfex> The debugger can be connected via USB, and shows up as a USB disk. You just put a .hex or .bin file there and that programs the nrf51 microcontroller
<skyfex> The debugger can also be used for proper debugging with ARM Kiel uVision
<skyfex> and probably GDB etc.
<andrewrk> that sounds intruiging
<andrewrk> if you sent me a kit I'd definitely get a demo project going
<skyfex> It's meant for teaching kids to program, but I find it's really good for more advanced hobby projects too
<skyfex> I'll check and get back to you if I find a spare. I bought 10 a while back
<skyfex> Oh, also the debugger has a UART connection to the nRF51 microcontroller too. It shows up as a plain USB COM port
<skyfex> So that's how I did Hello World
<skyfex> I've made some progress with the demo. I've gotten interrupts to work, and have improved the UART driver to use interrupts
<andrewrk> nice! I still need to work on the compiler-rt issues and bit fields
<skyfex> Is there support for inline assembly?
<andrewrk> yes
<andrewrk> I still need to add docs for that, but you can grep the compiler source code for "asm" and ask any questions
<andrewrk> grep the standard library, I mean
<skyfex> thanks, found it :)
<andrewrk> I have some improvements in mind for inline assembly:
<andrewrk> feel free to add your thoughts here
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