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andrewrk: ok, about the stack size thing:
you probably already know that determining an exact upper bound for the stack size is impossible in the general case
one possiblity is to restrict the set of analysable programs
the other is to (possibly) overapproximate the stack size
my first question would be which of these two you want to implement
can the user expect that the calculated stack size will be a tight upper bound?
(although it is unclear what a *tight* upper bound actually is)
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mjacob, I think there is value in obtaining an upper bound which is very close to exactly correct
one reason that go can get away with a large number of goroutines is that it uses a segmented stack and so stack sizes are smaller
pupp: Tail Call Optimization. Basically if the last call of a function is to recurse, then the compiler can optimize it down to a goto and not waste a stack frame
ah, it's that lisp trick. Always thought that just using "for" is simplier.
for is completely different
and it's not just a lisp trick. Plenty of lisp implementations don't have TCO (and plenty of implementations for other languages do)
pretty sure gcc and clang have TCO for c
I first heard about Tail Call Optimization from a lisp book.
I'm currently using recursion in one place, it iterates parsed http. Not really sure how to do it without recursion.
Need to allocate memory on the side manually, indeed recursion is simplier here.
By the way, how to do a function pointer in zig?
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Hello World !
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andrewrk, does the stock 'build-exe' support @cImport/cInclude?
having issues with a basic hello world example on both current head and 0.1.1 release