Yes, although if you look at the original data it's more accurately undefined between 675ps and 1821ps after a clock
But nextpnr should be taking this into account when calculating Fmax anyway
I understand now that my `iverilog` treatment made the DATAOUT signal immediately valid
meawoppl has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
is there a way to read EDIF files back into yosys?
No, I don't think there is an open source EDIF frontend
hm, that's unfortunate - seems like I found some bugs with EDIF output (or vivado at least understands it differently), reading it back and synthesizing with nextpnr would've been helpful for testing
any other format yosys can output and vivado can read?
Verilog should work
right, sure
yeah, definitely multiple incompatibilities with EDIF even for a very simple design.
Are you using write_edif
You need to use write_edif -pvector bra
oh, that may have helped. but I think there were other issues as well, particularly vector ports defined as [7:0] being indexed as [0:7] in the EDIF, causing everything to be the wrong way around
(and differential ports not working at all because the positive and negative ports were also reversed)
hooray, my DVI output works when I synthesize with vivado - must be something with nextpnr then, I'm guessing the TMDS33 differential outputs.
TMDS33 isn't supported
I don't even think Xray has the bits for it
ah, fair enough.
I don't really need it anyway, it's just nice for demo purposes, and running a netlist through vivado is absolutely fine for those few times
At low resolution using two LVCMOS33 outputs with inverted data (inverted at the OSERDES input) might work
*inverted data on the negative side
I've done this on the ECP5 in the past
not actually using a SERDES, which would make that even easier
(250MHz is still doable with a decent margin)
on the other hand, that added inverter might cause some delay between positive and negative
oh, just buffer it, duh. I think I'd rather do it properly or not at all though, and as long as nextpnr doesn't error because of the unsupported outputs it doesn't really matter