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<squadzone> sticky|away, we have problem in Gtab 7plus, wifi not scannned
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<ohanar> squadzone: can you be more specific with what you mean by "wifi not scanned" -- wifi doesn't really work right now, we are missing sdio/gpio stuff from samsung
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<Kaik541> codeworkx: z0mg
<Kaik541> codeworkx: SGS3 uses standard boot.img and actually uses it's recovery partition
<Kaik541> codeworkx: samsung is learning? dafuq?
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<Parth> unlike SGS2?
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<Kaik541> Parth: ?
<Parth> does sgs2 make use of the recovery partition?
<Kaik541> nope
<Parth> :O
<Parth> das a terribleee
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<codeworkx> Kaik541: we requested it a long time ago :-D
<codeworkx> Kaik541: and got a positive answer
<steinex> codeworkx: does your disable tty fix the rilj-wakelock?
<steinex> you would be my hero
<codeworkx> probably
<steinex> ok, will flash and test
<steinex> there was also this btw:
<steinex> don't know if you noticed
<codeworkx> yes, but it isn't needed
<steinex> looks good
<steinex> on 3G, plugging headphones on and off, RILJ takes no wakelock
<steinex> awesome
<steinex> another weird thing though, phones goes to vibrate only when plugging headphones
<steinex> dunno if its related
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<nebkat|beer> hey jerwaz
<jerwaz> here you cant =)
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<steinex> codeworks: i used the 19 nightly, it has the tty fix
<steinex> whats different in this build?
<steinex> sorry the typos, texting from phone
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<codeworkx> steinex: see gerrit
<nebkat> codeworkx: are there any linux tools like wifi analyzer?
<codeworkx> dunno
<codeworkx> wireshark?
<steinex> k, later... going to lunch with family. bye for now.
<xZain> hi codeworkx do you guys support CM7.2 RC2 for Samsung Galaxy S2 ? cause as far as I know there are Bugs =\ like it hangs for no reason does not happen to CM9 and headset volume is quite low no matter what is the volume range
<xZain> does codeworkx do know talk at all ?
<codeworkx> xZain: we havent looked at it for a long time
<codeworkx> xZain: please add a bugreport with detailed logs and stuff
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<Kaik541> codeworkx: pingity poopity
<codeworkx> w00t
<Kaik541> codeworkx: you ask who ohanar is and he's in this channel
<codeworkx> looks like
<codeworkx> ohanar: how far is cm9 on your tabs?
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<Entropy512> <codeworkx> wireshark? - Shark for Root is awesome
<Entropy512> - has the reorganized hal already been merged?
<Entropy512> ah missed that one
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<stickyboy> codeworkx: I'm working with ohanar on the tabs.
<stickyboy> He's doing the Tab 7.7 3g/wifi variants, I'm doing the 7.0 Plus 3G/wifi variants.
<codeworkx> how far they're?
<stickyboy> We're on smdk4210 kernel with Galaxy S II hwcomposer, audio, and ril. Those work as expected.
<codeworkx> what bugs left?
<stickyboy> GPS works. Hardware-accelerated video works for some video/audio codecs...
<codeworkx> thats normal :-D
<stickyboy> Wifi is 80% broken. Back camera works 4 times out of 10. Front-facing camera still no.
<codeworkx> whats the problem with the cam?
<stickyboy> codeworkx: Low res, and still suffers from some heavy artifacts about half of the time.
<stickyboy> ie:
<codeworkx> r u using the cam hal shipped by sammy?
<stickyboy> Nope
<codeworkx> why not? :-D
<Espenfjo> ah, that looks like the origen hal
<stickyboy> Hah, I believe it's the origen one, yah.
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<Espenfjo> Same as the sgs2 then
<Espenfjo> Maye a tad better
<codeworkx> stickyboy: use samsungs one
<stickyboy> Hmm, so maybe we should try galaxys2's camera wrapper?
<stickyboy> That could be interesting.
<codeworkx> you dont need the wrapper
<codeworkx> only if you have to fixup stuff
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<stickyboy> Oh, cool. I'll try it tonight then
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<stickyboy> ohanar's got a weird issue on 7.7 with vibrator.
<codeworkx> stickyboy: copy the camera module to system/lib/hw and see what happens. you might have to pull some more libs
<stickyboy> It just beeps instead of vibrating :)
<codeworkx> stickyboy: but it should work without big trouble
<stickyboy> Sweet.
<stickyboy> So it's basically just wifi and camera as the big issues.
<codeworkx> which wifi fw ur using?
<stickyboy> Atheros 6003
<codeworkx> the one samsung shipped?
<stickyboy> Nope. We're using the ath6kl from compat-wireless, it builds inside the smdk4210 kernel.
<codeworkx> that might be your problem
<stickyboy> We can't use the Samsung-shipped blob unless we go back to 2.6.36. I'm not sure it ever worked in CM9.
<codeworkx> your tab isn't getting official ics?
<stickyboy> It is... eventually.
<Entropy512> codeworkx: samsung is being slow with tab updates
<Entropy512> even 10.1 doesn't have ICS yet
<stickyboy> It "started rolling out" in Canada May 1. ;)
<Entropy512> and they never released sources for the wifi driver in honeycomb
<codeworkx> then you're having blobs
<stickyboy> Yah.
<codeworkx> Entropy512: kernel?
<stickyboy> codeworkx: Yes, we have kernel sources for Honeycomb.
<Entropy512> codeworkx: Atheros dual-licensed it as GPL or BSD (or was it Apache?)
<Entropy512> Samsung, of course, chose BSD
<Entropy512> that's actually why I have a Note - garyd9 got sick of Samsung
<stickyboy> Ok, Samsung libcamera: E/HAL ( 1571): Cannot load library: reloc_library[1314]: 1571 cannot locate '_ZN7android19GraphicBufferMapper4lockEPK15native_handle_tiRKNS_4RectEPPv'...
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<Entropy512> stickyboy: I don't think HC camera HALs can be used in ICS, if there's a wrapper to allow it I'm unaware
<Entropy512> same deal as Tab 10.1
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<coolya> lol did you expect anything different ?
<Entropy512> I was hoping they wouldn't pull bullshit like "it's dual-licensed, we choose the one that screws over users"
<Entropy512> end result is that even stock, wifi sucks on that device
<Entropy512> argh fuck samsung, Y U BREAK STANDARD RAMCONSOLE?
<Entropy512> (sec_log doesn't support error correction...)
<coolya> if you want better wifi buy a new device, thats what they want ;-)
<stickyboy> Looks like we'll all be running Google phones + tablets in the future.
<stickyboy> Because all the vendors suck.
<Kaik541> stickyboy: you say that like it's a bad thing
<Kaik541> I'm specifically holding off on buying a tablet right now to see what google shows off at I/O
<stickyboy> Kaik541: It's a good thing :) (but seriously... OMAP + PowerVR in Gnex is super weak).
<stickyboy> Luckily I don't play games, or I'd be pissed. I just want to be cool.
<Kaik541> stickyboy: meh, I haven't noticed any slowdown in any way
<Kaik541> stickyboy: but there are rumors that the Nexus Tablet is Exynos
<Kaik541> exynos 5 too
<Kaik541> with mali 604
<stickyboy> Kaik541: There is one beautiful game called ZenBound. It runs like butter on my tablet, but the Gnex can't handle it.
<stickyboy> Kaik541: They also rumored/hoped that for the Galaxy S III ;)
<Kaik541> stickyboy: well this rumor actually has evidence beyond "hope" for it
<stickyboy> Kaik541: It would be sweet. Maybe then, finally, it can be the year of the Android tablet ;)
<Entropy512> there are rumors the next Nexus generation will not be one device
<Entropy512> but multiple devices
<Kaik541> Entropy512: possibly, I'm expecting one high end tablet, one mid-range tablet, and two phones offering different hardware feelings
<stickyboy> Ok, well maybe it'll be out when I'm in Switzerland in July and September. Cuz it definitely ain't coming to Kenya.
<stickyboy> btw, I/O is in Moscone Center... I used to go to Apple's WWDC there, heh.
<Kaik541> stickyboy: rumors are placing it around thanksgiving (US) which is November
<Kaik541> samsung said that SoC wouldn't be ready until Q3 2012
<stickyboy> Kaik541: You're just full of rumors aren't you? :)
<Kaik541> so that timing makes sense
<Kaik541> stickyboy: I just want this rumor to be true
<Kaik541> a super-powered exynos AOSP tablet
<Kaik541> shut up and take my money
<stickyboy> And then I find some stupid person to buy this Tab 7 Plus. ;)
<Kaik541> I would expect this device to be within the $600 range
<Kaik541> hoping google takes a small hit on it though and sell it cheap
<Kaik541> they're doing that with GNexus... $400 off contract is almost insane
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<codeworkx> Kaik541: mint mate give you the old mint 11 feel, where the world was still ok
<Kaik541> codeworkx: which is what I want
<Entropy512> lemme guess: mint went Unity too?
<codeworkx> Kaik541: but i dont want to reinstall. i'm running arch with mate and kanged the mint themes
<codeworkx> Entropy512: Mate
<Kaik541> Entropy512: nope
<codeworkx> Entropy512: gnome2 fork
<Kaik541> Entropy512: mate or cinnamon
<Entropy512> I mean original mint did, mate is the anti-unity? :)
<Kaik541> both are gnome-derived to give the gnome2 feel
<Kaik541> yes they are
<Kaik541> because they're like "what is this stupid shit"
<Entropy512> I just use kubuntu, I hate Gnome, it's crippled
<Entropy512> i'm sick of Havoc Pennington's "it's simple only if we remove all the features" reign of terror
<coolya> CLI ftw
<codeworkx> kde is bloated :-D
<Entropy512> coolya: edge-flipping is nice to keep all my terminal windows organized. :)
<Entropy512> one desktop for IRC, one for browser, one for Pidgin, one for text editors, two for terminals
<Entropy512> you can pry edge-flipping from my cold dead hands
<Espenfjo> tmux/screen does that for you ;)
<Entropy512> finally, got proper ramconsole working
<Entropy512> sec_log's lack of error correction was getting VERY annoying
<codeworkx> Entropy512: push push push
<Entropy512> as soon as I add it to the galaxys2/i777 defconfigs. :)
<Entropy512> also going to test on i777 to make sure it works there too
<Entropy512> working on n7000
<Entropy512> afk while it builds
<stickyboy> Me too. Gotta make nachos and watch BBC Sherlock series... it's quite good :)
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<Kaik541> stickyboy: how do you like that, I've seen it on my netflix recommended a few times
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<Kaik541> never bothered to watch
<stickyboy> Kaik541: It's awesome. High-quality production.
<Kaik541> might watch it a bit today while I have the time, something to do while I install mint
<Kaik541> just gotta remember to pull my xchatlogs
<stickyboy> So you can remember my recommendation? :)
<Kaik541> haha, nah just so I don't have to start my losg all over again
<stickyboy> Don't you have /home on a separate partition?
<coolya> hopefuly google will announce movies and music in germany on IO or I will have to create a iTunes account
<Kaik541> stickyboy: I do, but I usually do a full wipe
<Kaik541> because I'm lazy
<stickyboy> Kaik541: ! I just `mv ~/.*` somewhere so new gnome, etc don't die when they have some old settings.
<Kaik541> stickyboy: I'm just backing up the important logs and shit, IM and IRC
<Kaik541> the only other things that matter are my bashrc and android-sdk
<Kaik541> it's a netbook, not much to backup
<Kaik541> it's used for browsing... all my bookmarks and stuff are synced through chrome
<stickyboy> Kaik541: Ah. Netbook. :)
<Kaik541> stickyboy: hence why I'm a fierce tablet lover... I can easily replace this POS with one
<Kaik541> and it will outlast and outperform the netbook
<Kaik541> but stupid google, making me wait
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<Entropy512> I have barely touched my netbook since getting the Tab 10.1
<Kaik541> Entropy512: once I know when/if there's a nexus tablet incoming, this thing will be boxed up and sold incredibly fast
<Kaik541> and theb est part is I bought it on clearance for $99 and I can easily resell it used for that price
<Entropy512> nice
<Kaik541> it's better specced than my last netbook which I had no problem selling for $200
<Kaik541> except the RAM that is
<Kaik541> ha, I just noticed google wiped the exynos git
<Kaik541> if you clone it it's "empty" yet had like 1.2 GB worth of stuff to download
<nebkat> Kaik541: haha
<nebkat> idiottes
<Entropy512> heheh interesting, probably can do some funky checkout magic. :)
<Kaik541> "git log" shows only "initial commit"
<Espenfjo> --all?
<Kaik541> shawn@little-boy:~/exynos$ git log
<Kaik541> commit d11296bab297d6290961b244c60e8db2b302645b
<Kaik541> Author: Jean-Baptiste Queru <>
<Kaik541> Date: Tue May 1 14:08:02 2012 -0700
<Kaik541> empty commit
<Kaik541> oh hey
<Kaik541> there it is
<stickyboy> Kaik541: Hah, that probably lends credence to the rumors ;)
<Kaik541> commit fdc3b71f2f258bee89c121b95e7de9a4e50c724c
<Kaik541> Author: Erik Gilling <>
<Kaik541> Date: Wed May 16 18:41:18 2012 -0700
<Kaik541> gpu: vithar: default to "demand" pm policy
<Kaik541> yay vithar GPU
<stickyboy> vithar?
<Kaik541> stickyboy: mali 604
<Kaik541> gpu: vithar: adjust dvfs table to handle 533Mhz
<Kaik541> zoom zoom fast
<stickyboy> Kaik541: So yes, this seems good for the rumors.
<Kaik541> stickyboy: especially considering it's on a google-hosted site
<Kaik541> but there's also exynos4 support in there too
<Kaik541> but that might just be from mainline linux
<Kaik541> since I think samsung got mainline support for 4
<Entropy512> yeah
<Entropy512> mainline has rudimentary support
<Entropy512> ok I need to pick up prescriptions and such
<Kaik541> most of this git log is just mainline linux + exynos5 stuff from what I can tell
<Kaik541> mainline linux 3.4*
<Kaik541> stickyboy: that's arthur dent!
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<stickyboy> Kaik541: Haha, yeah. The same guy from Hitchhiker's Guide :)
<Kaik541> stickyboy: he's also going to be bilbo
<stickyboy> I love Mos Def as Ford Prefect.
<Kaik541> that was such an insane choice, but it worked
<stickyboy> We were talking about this like Friday or something weren't we?
<stickyboy> I recommended the BBC 2007 radio adaptation of Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency.
<stickyboy> Amazing... I hear something new every time I listen to it. So clever :)
<Kaik541> I haven't gotten into that
<Kaik541> busy reading plato's "the republic" right now
<stickyboy> Any good?
<Kaik541> stickyboy: interesting, though I can see why some people have trouble following along
<Kaik541> the speech patterns are rapid back and forth
<Kaik541> I tend to switch back and forth between what I read though
<Kaik541> so this while it's been classic literature, and next book will probably be starcraft lore
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<stickyboy> I read half of Utopia once. That's about it for classic literature (does Dickens count?).
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<Kaik541> stickyboy: what the hell, each episode is an hour and a half
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<stickyboy> Yeah. There are only 6 :)
<Kaik541> I've been watching the second episode for what feels like forever
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<stickyboy> hahaha
<stickyboy> Did you like the first one?
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<Kaik541> sticky|away: first one was awesome
<Kaik541> which is why I immediately watched the second one until my side fell asleep and I was like "HOW LONG HAVE I BEEN SITTING HERE?"
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