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Heya folks, quick question
I just got a Note 3 today, and while it's great and all... the camera is fucked up.
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No matter what I do - restarting, enabling disabling wifi and all the other common fixes, nothing helps, just a big ol' black screen. Now, I doubt it's a hardware issue because it ran properly ONCE... so my question is, would CM11 have a chance of fixing this?
if it doesn't work on stock....
I'd recommend send it for warranty while you still can
a bunch of people report it having issues on stock, and I got it to run once... that's why I was hoping I can solve this myself :(
I intended to root it anyway
no idea
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I guess it depends on whether or not I can restore knox if things go southwards
so that I can still use my warranty
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sooo yeah, tried cm11, camera still dead, so hardware issue. Now that I've tripped KNOX let's just hope the guy at the store is stupid enough not to check download mode.
Which he most likely is, judging by what I saw today when I bought the phone
I'll walk in, show that the camera is dead, show that it's completely factory reset and act as I don't know the first thing about this "telephones" :D
You can reset it
Dunno KNOX
nope, no solution to knox yet
Yeah I have one
I call it the Nexus Solution ™
well thing is
I was actually torn between the Nexus 5 and the Note 3
Went with the latter due to the fact that I have HUGE hands and that I have a Galaxy Gear lying around collecting dust.
So might as well make the most of it.
Plus the Nexus 5 doesn't support external SD cards, and fuck that.