nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT | CM11 info
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<jomp16> I'm thinking to buy an iPhone device...
<n-iCe> do it
<jomp16> mmmmmhmm
<n-iCe> what's stopping you
<jomp16> money
<jomp16> and I was joking
<jomp16> I still love my N4 and Android
<n-iCe> ok
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<PilaScat> i have a problem
<PilaScat> i need clockwork mod
<PilaScat> but without odin
<PilaScat> help me please
<Yomi> Do you have cwm installed already?
<PilaScat> no
<Yomi> Then I think the only way to install it is via Odin...
<PilaScat> odin is very very bugged!!!
<PilaScat> don't work!
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<frankdrey> Yell at Samsung
<frankdrey> Or use Heimdall
<PilaScat> i want the manual method with the original recovery
<frankdrey> What?
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<PilaScat> avvio la recovery originale e faccio apply update from sdcard
<PilaScat> Boot the original recovery and do apply update from sdcard
<frankdrey> Don't know that way
<PilaScat> But the CWM zip don't work
<frankdrey> Just follow wiki.CyanogenMod.or
<frankdrey> .org*
<PilaScat> i always use this way
<PilaScat> but galaxy tab 2 don't work with this way
<frankdrey> Oh
<Yomi> Oh, I see.
<frankdrey> Galaxy tab 2
<frankdrey> No it doesn't work that way
<frankdrey> You have to use heimdall
<frankdrey> I know the galaxy tab 2 very well
<PilaScat> what is this?
<frankdrey> Just follow the guide on
<PilaScat> ok
<PilaScat> is very hard
<frankdrey> It is
<frankdrey> But that's how life is
<PilaScat> i doesn't find msvc2010.sln
<frankdrey> Install...wait...
<frankdrey> 32 or 64 bit
<PilaScat> i have installed visual studio but i haven't this file
<frankdrey> Wait are you trying to run the GUI?
<frankdrey> You need to do it from command prompt
<PilaScat> yes
<PilaScat> but i haven't the project
<PilaScat> for do it
<frankdrey> What?
<PilaScat> i open visual studio
<frankdrey> Just open command prompt in the folder...
<frankdrey> wait wait
<frankdrey> Did you download the source code?-.-
<PilaScat> no, i don't find it
<frankdrey> ...
<PilaScat> there isn't the link
<PilaScat> finally!
<frankdrey> Anyway I have to go to class
<PilaScat> ok
<PilaScat> bye
<PilaScat> I can not understand how to do it
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<n-iCe> hi
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<|_dan_|> hi all
<n-iCe> hi
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