nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT | CM11 info
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<roach> quick question: are we supposed to use the 4.3 gapps for 4.4?
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<cdown> Is there anything else to back up other than EFS when going back to stock on n7100/t03g? I've read too many horror stories about IMEI/SN disappearing...
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<cdown> nebkat: Hey -- we talked before about some lockups on n7100/t03g with 10.1
<cdown> I'm experiencing a different issue since the 20131208 (09? haven't tested that yet) nightly -- the camera locks up after around 10 seconds of access
<cdown> I'm going to look at the code changes now, but I have no experience with CM development, if I can write up a patch, can you apply it? :-)
<cdown> I naively assume that this is n7100 (or at least N2) specific, since I didn't see any other complaints about it
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<cdown> Ah, never mind
<cdown> It looks like the bug was caused by 611526fd34bbe92f702eea0ff5bdd0e4f1f14904 which has been reverted upstream
<cdown> I await the next nightly :-)
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<Nebukadneza> heho
<GuyDavis> hey Nebukadneza fancy seeing you here :P
<Nebukadneza> :P after you posted that .... i culd hardly not join
<Nebukadneza> lets check the triggers...
<Nebukadneza> !supported
<bbqbot> Nebukadneza: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
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<Nebukadneza> okay, so lets just ask here ... i was wondering whether somebody knew why there is no build of 10.2-stable for the i9100 ...
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<RoBz> Nebukadneza: not sure but apparently the latest nightly is more stable than the 10.1 stable
<RoBz> im trying to find the most stable rom for my old S2 and i think that might be it
<RoBz> i dont neccesarily need kitkat
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<Ravenheart> the 10.2 was awesome on my galaxy s2
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<Nebukadneza> mh yeah, i'd also be fine with 10.2 ... but not nightly :(
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<Guest56087> hi I am going to put CM 10.2 stable into my SIII and there is on xda.... mentioned : "Make sure you're running a proper working ClockworkMod-Recovery"
<Guest56087> where I can get the proper one from ?
<Nebukadneza> mh ... see -- even s3 has 10.2 stable :(
<Guest56087> well... it's not my... contribution but I enjoy it :)
<Guest56087> do you know where can I get ClockworkMod-Recovery for my upgrade ?
<Nebukadneza> thats a good question ;/
<Guest56087> i do not actually understand why it is necessary at all ?
<Nebukadneza> well, for flashing CM itself, as CM roms are distributed as CWM-flashable .zip files
<Guest56087> why I can not use normal recovery mode for this...
<Guest56087> aaa
<Guest56087> ok
<Guest56087> clear now
<Guest56087> but then guys in xda say : how to install :
<Guest56087> then
<Guest56087> first point for those who do it for the first time to cyano:
<Guest56087> Make sure you're running a proper working ClockworkMod-Recovery
<Guest56087> where to get thsi recovery from ?
<Guest56087> they do not give any link thats I land here asking
<Nebukadneza> well ...thats one point i hate about android development
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<Nebukadneza> all stuff is hosted on strange sharehosters and linked in page 523 of some xda thread -.-
<Guest56087> ok thanks so far I'll check this one out
<Guest56087> seems to be the one.
<Guest56087> thanks
<Guest56087> cheers goin'to play now with it :)
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<spY|da_> hi
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<spY|da_> nebkat, dobro vece
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<suyash1629> hi, can anyone please explain me.. i was building CM 10.2 for I9300 from a while but from today i m not able to get i9300 in lunch
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<suyash1629> i m supposed to get someones help//
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<suyash1629> hi, can anyone please explain me.. i was building CM 10.2 for I9300 from a while but from today i m not able to get i9300 option in lunch
<suyash1629> i think everyone is sleeping here..
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<RossWell98> Hey guys, if I compile android on my RAM, how many ime 'ill gain? :D
<frankdrey> xD
<frankdrey> a lot
<RossWell98> I can try ! :D
<frankdrey> how much ram do you have?
<RossWell98> 16GB
<frankdrey> uh
<frankdrey> not gonna happen :p
<RossWell98> :(
<RossWell98> max RAM used in RAM with compile is 3-4GB
<frankdrey> pretty sure a single build takes much more than that
<RossWell98> and the android source is 9GB
<frankdrey> yeah, but there are tons of temp files
<RossWell98> ah but out will be on a disk ^^
<frankdrey> *shrug*
<frankdrey> try it
<RossWell98> I'll try with a Linux Kernel to start :D
<RossWell98> My RAM bandwidth is ~16GB/s :D
<RossWell98> 14*
<RossWell98> << It'll be good I think :)
<RossWell98> now the CPU will be the only problem :D
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<xplodwild> <RossWell98> 16GB
<xplodwild> a full build is around 18GB
<RossWell98> without .repo and out/ ;)
<frankdrey> xplodwild, sup dawg
<RossWell98> frankdrey: :D
<RossWell98> and cody never tried ? :(
<RossWell98> with 32GB he can !
<xplodwild> frankdrey: want to test bbqscreen update?
<RossWell98> and 1833MHz like me no ?
<frankdrey> xplodwild, don't have tablet anymore :( can it run on 2.1?
<xplodwild> uhm no
<frankdrey> lol
<xplodwild> why in the world are you running 2.1?
<frankdrey> because i got a free garminfone and it's better than my g1
<RossWell98> frankdrey: dude, stop with your garminfone xD
<frankdrey> RossWell98, what?
<RossWell98> when I read you you talk about your garminfone xD
<frankdrey> It really is the best device I have
<frankdrey> well it was relevant :p
<RossWell98> why you don't update ...
<frankdrey> I can't...
<RossWell98> no money ? :(
<frankdrey> nope
<frankdrey> parents took that, along with MY FUCKING TABLET :(
<RossWell98> not for a N4-5 or a MotoX (sorry xD)
<RossWell98> a tablet :')
<frankdrey> I had $200 and a galaxy tab 2 10.1
<RossWell98> why you bought a tablet ? ô.o
<frankdrey> got it for my birthday 1.5 years ago or so
<RossWell98> ahh yes
<RossWell98> MotoX=$99
<frankdrey> no?
<RossWell98> ..
<frankdrey> it's a lot more than that
<frankdrey> can't do contract, parents don't want data
<frankdrey> RossWell98, do you use Arch Linux?
<RossWell98> no
<frankdrey> lame
<RossWell98> frankdrey: WHAT ?
<frankdrey> I need someone to check something
<RossWell98> Ok I have Arch Linux x)
<RossWell98> what you want
<frankdrey> lol
<RossWell98> :)
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<frankdrey> check if /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk/bin/javaws exists
<RossWell98> nope
<RossWell98> only java javadoc javac javah javap java-rmi-.cgi
<frankdrey> ok cool
<RossWell98> Ah x')
<frankdrey> then mine isn't broken xD
<frankdrey> thanks
* frankdrey adds an elif cmd == 'javaws': pass to the jdk7 check :p
<RossWell98> I use jdk6
<RossWell98> if not, I have a build error
<RossWell98> hash_set or something like this
<frankdrey> this is why bbqlinux-java-switcher is useful :D
<RossWell98> hash_set.o
<RossWell98> pfff
<RossWell98> Use a real archlinux
<RossWell98> lame...
<RossWell98> and my ANDROID part have its own bash_profile ^^
<RossWell98> so I can use jdk7 for my system and jdk6 for Android
<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> I use real archlinux
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<RossWell98> ah
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