nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT | CM11 info
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<rhcp> any 4.4 roms for the VZW s4?
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<Merlin__> I used the CM mod on my phone like the instructions said and all that happens is I turn my phone on and it just keeps with the cm loading screen
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<Devourz> that sucks
<Devourz> what phone
<Devourz> model
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<Merlin__> Samsung galaxy s3
<Merlin__> Sprint
<frankdrey-pc> Merlin__, did you wipe data?
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<Merlin__> Sorry Frankdrey what do you mean wipe data?
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<frankdrey-pc> Merlin__, when installing CM from Clockworkmod, did you "wipe data / factory reset"?
<Merlin__> I thought I had. Maybe that is why. I'm going to try doing that
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<Merlin__> Is the initial boot supposed to take awhile?
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<frankdrey-pc> i'd say if it's going more than 10 minutes there's a problem :p
<Merlin__> That worked. Thank you
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<frankdrey-pc> :)
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<Merlin__> Can anyone tell me how to add google play services back to CM?
<frankdrey-pc> download appropriate zip and flash from clockworkmod :)
<Merlin__> Which one would be the right one?
<frankdrey-pc> what CM version do you have?
<Merlin__> 10.1.3
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<Merlin__> They said it wasn't found
<frankdrey-pc> o.o
<frankdrey-pc> oh
<frankdrey-pc> oh wow
<frankdrey-pc> try
<Merlin__> That worked. Thank you very much
<Merlin__> So I run those just as I ran the update to get CM on my phone?
<frankdrey-pc> yep
<frankdrey-pc> but don't wipe anything haha :p
<Merlin__> Haha yeah I guessed that. Thanks again. This is the frist time I've flashed anything to my phone
<frankdrey-pc> nice :D
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<ser_> hello all ...frist of all ..sorry for my bad English... i need a download link to a good gapps for SGN P5100 , cm 10.1.3 ...because i cant faund it on google ...
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<diegoviola> hi
<diegoviola> what phone could you guys recommend for aosp/cm? I hate Sony and my experience with Samsung hasn't been too good also
<diegoviola> I'm tired of my buggy sgs3 (i9300)
<diegoviola> I hate exynos4
<diegoviola> I would buy a nexus 5 but is not available
<diegoviola> is nexus 4 too old now in terms of specs
<diegoviola> ?
<diegoviola> please advice
<diegoviola> !changelog i9300
<diegoviola> :-(
<jomp16> well, well, N4 is a quad-core CPU of 1.5GHz, with Adreno 320 (correct me), 2GB of RAM
<diegoviola> right but what about in terms of screen, etc
<jomp16> Still a good hardware, "equals" some persons says the S2 still have a good hardware (?)
<jomp16> dunno
<diegoviola> is the nexus4 more in par with s2 or s3 hardware?
<diegoviola> OK thanks
<jomp16> Maybe S3/4
<jomp16> I like the glasses from N4
<jomp16> Too bad N5 don't have this anymore ='(
<diegoviola> hmm
<The_Pot_> where are you that n5 is not available?
<The_Pot_> btw i ordered one yesterday :D
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<diegoviola> Brazil
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<jomp16> diegoviola: can you speak portuguese?
<diegoviola> yes
<jomp16> Good boy =)
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<diegoviola> i can't find nexus 5 anywhere
<diegoviola> :(
<diegoviola> this is bs
<jomp16> Yes, Brazil suckas
<jomp16> I hope with N5 really came here in less time than N4 took
<jomp16> s/came/come
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<diegoviola> how long took for n5 to arrive in .br?
<jomp16> diegoviola: N4 *. Launched on Brazil in 27/3/2013, but on USA was launched in 13/11/2012
<jomp16> So, more or less four months?
<diegoviola> ok
<diegoviola> ty
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<diegoviola> wow N4 is like $600 USD in Brazil
<diegoviola> wtf
<diegoviola> are half of that just taxes?
<jomp16> diegoviola: I bought my N4 of 16GB with ~R$ 1.450 (if I'm correct), including insurance
<jomp16> without insurance, ~R$1.200
<jomp16> Sooo, 600 USD, correct =P
<diegoviola> wow
<diegoviola> why so expensive
<diegoviola> in amazon it's like $300
<jomp16> But at least is cheap than Sammy models
<jomp16> If you can import and pay for import taxes, buy a N5
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<Ravenheart> Sony XPeria Z 16GB
<Ravenheart> yes or no
<diegoviola> jomp16: it's sad that half of that price is just taxes
<diegoviola> you could buy 2 N4 for that price, no?
<diegoviola> but oh well
<jomp16> diegoviola: yes, sad, but, you know, Brazil has a magic thing: taxes, fucking taxes
<diegoviola> jomp16: so everything you buy in Brazil costs twice?
<diegoviola> jomp16: i'm not brazilian
<jomp16> well, vacantion? job?
<diegoviola> i'm working here
<jomp16> Let's see, PS4 costs $300, in theory, it could costs less than R$800, but, magic transform it to R$4000
<jomp16> More exactly, 3.999
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<jomp16> For comparision, XBox One costs $400, here costs R$2.200
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<diegoviola> omg
<diegoviola> yeah that's insane
<diegoviola> f*ck that
<jomp16> With 4k, you can buy a travel to Miami, buy a PS4, do what the fuck you want, and back to Brazil, if you are lucky, no taxes
<jomp16> Or import a XOne and PS4
<jomp16> Or buy one PS4 and some games
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<diegoviola> why is taxation so high in brazil
<jomp16> diegoviola: I dunno, really, I'm only 15 years old...
<diegoviola> oh ok
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<elad92> Hello, I was running CM 10.1.3 stable for i9300, I got an update option to 10.2 M1, so I updated (using the rom update framework), everything went well, but the signal sign is white and not blue, meaning something is wrong with the sync. I cleared data on Gmail and the mail is syncing, but the icon is still white. Any suggestions?
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<Flumdahl> !device n9005
<Flumdahl> nahe
<Flumdahl> !device i9300
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