how to get semiminor or semimajor axis of ellipse from eigenvector and eigenvalues?
sorry, no idea, i'm not a math person
i just do c++ and stuff
whitequark: Clearly you've explained this before, but I forgot: Why do you opt to use ANGLE instead of an OpenGL driver for Windows?
cr1901_modern: because if you install fresh win10 it'll come with DX11 on any modern hardware and also OpenGL 1 only
winupdate doesn't carry opengl drivers, only vendor packages do
same reason chromium uses angle, really
Ahhh. Well yea it's been a while since I had to download a vendor package
in theory we could switch to using desktop ogl if we detect it
not sure if that's any better because angle still has to translate shaders
could be slightly less glitchy
why would angle need to translate the shaders if you're using desktop opengl
because gles and desktop gl are incompatible
even desktop gl core profile
djota_1 has left #solvespace ["Leaving"]
because gl exists in analternate universe where everything is insane
No argument from me there
In any case, I've found, interestingly enough, for another application, ANGLE is more stable than OpenGL
angle does a lot of validation on its own
because it has to do that for webgl conformance
and it emits fairly conservaive output
i'm probably going to have to enable, like, vulkan in angle
and then on macos enable moltenvk
so it'd be like solvespace->opengl->angle->vulkan->moltenvk->metal->hardware
which is batshit insane
Ahh because Apple decided to stick to it's "my way or GTFO" roots
well, i'm sure they had their reasons
apple uses a ton of standards where everyone else doesn't bother
like zeroconf/bonjour
they even published some of their internal-ish stuff over as RFCs
In the past I'd use OpenGL for "portability" and hope for the best. My laptop/main dev machine isn't Vulkan capable (Sandy Bridge), so I haven't really had a chance to learn it
(other than the API looks horrifying)
you're not really supposed to use vk directly
it's like ntdll
well a bit
like syscalls but for gpu.
you want a libc.
Indeed, got any recs offhand :P?
no idea
i don't really care about them i'm not a graphics person either
or a cad person
i just want a usable cad okay
Help, I Just Wanted Usable CAD And I Accidentally Became A CAD Software Maintainer, the Light Novel
story of my life
GU3MS/solvespace#19 (master - 514e613 : GU3MS): The build is still failing.