What should I be looking for if solvespace says I have more DOF in the current sketch than I expect. I expect one, solvespace claims 6, Analyze->DOF shows a single point that I can only move along one axis
This is an in-workplane sketch of a triangle
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Also, (as an entirely separate thing), I seem to be able to get solvespace (from msater) to consume all of the RAM that chrome hasn't claimed (about 24 GBs), but according to htop, solvespace isn't using anywhere near that much RAM
Is there either an issue for this somewhere that I missed or some information I can collect so that I can submit an issue that's slightly more useful than "I only ever run out of RAM when solvespace is running"?
I found the bonus DOF. They were in the *other* triangle from before I scaled the model down to 1/10th of its original size