[scopehal-apps] azonenberg 6462bc2 - Various fixes to FFT waveform rendering
[scopehal] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±5] https://git.io/JJ59k
[scopehal] azonenberg 79af9f3 - FFTDecoder: performance optimizations, now zero-pad vs truncating for improved RBW
[scopehal] azonenberg b790bfb - Better normalization of FFTs
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[scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2] https://git.io/JJ5Qn
[scopehal] azonenberg 5be2100 - FFTDecoder: AVX optimizations to NormalizeOutput() for ~25% overall speedup of filter
[scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±4] https://git.io/JJdTw
[scopehal] azonenberg cc6719f - CTLEDecoder: now derived from DeEmbedDecoder and about 4.6x faster than previous implementation
lain: sooooo if i have an 834 mV p-p squarewave at 10 MHz, and i do an FFT
What should I expect the amplitude of the 10 MHz peak to be?
not sure off the top of my head, I'm guessing (assuming 50% duty cycle) around half of 834 mV ?
well if my math is right that's 589 mV RMS
or am i way off?
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oh, according to wiki the RMS value for a square wave is simply the peak value, so if it's 834 mV p-p, the RMS is 834 mV
wait no sorry
834 mV p-p would be RMS of 834/2 = 417 mV
not /sqrt2?
although, if you're looking at an fft...
I guess you're looking at the fundamental frequency then
which ... hm. I'm not sure how that works actually lol
well ultimately what i'm trying to do is calculate what the expected spectrum amplitude is
So i can sanity check my scaling
right now i have normalized dB rel some unknown level
no idea if i'm actually doing dBm or dBv or what :p
maybe i should test on a pure tone
did i mention i need a siggen? :p
ok so my vna is now putting out what it claims is a 0 dBm 1 GHz tone
Unsure if this is cal'd to include losses of the VNA cable or not, definitely does not include the minicircuits cable going to the scope
Which has about 0.5 dB of insertion loss at 1 GHz
I measure 196 mV RMS, 571 mV p-p at the scope
223 mV RMS is 0 dBm
So it makes sense we'd be a bit less after cable loss
The highest FFT bin has a value of 0.181
now 0.203 after i adjust the RBW to be a little narrower
if we consider that to be voltage, 20 * log10(0.203) is -13.85. Which seems way off from the expected 0 to -1 dBm
but i'm actually calculating dBW
or am i?
no i think i'm calculating dBV
since the fft output is volts at each frequency bin?
So if i have 0.203V, V^2 / 50 ohms = 0.824 mW, 10*log10(0.000824) + 30 = -0.84 dBm
which makes sense since we have 0.47 dB of loss in the SMA cable so the actual amplitude hitting the scope is -0.47 dB minus any uncalibrated loss in the VNA test lead, and also the FFT energy is spread across a couple of bins
since i don't have a bin exactly at 1 GHz
[scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JJdYv
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±3] https://git.io/JJdYJ
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg e98bb60 - FFT values are now displayed in dBm. Still no support for adjusting axis scaling though, and Y axis units are still reported as dimensionless dB.