Update all of your changes to that coding policy and I'll take another look
as far as adding/removing channels that's definitely a bug. channels should all be refcounted and disabled when the last reference is removed
tverbeure: i don't think the siglent driver was ever "known to work"
it was an incomplete WIP
that said, normally lecroy's scopes output unsigned 8 bit samples
and the siglent-lecroy collaborations have used the same interface
Ok. When you do "TEMPLATE?" on the Siglent, you can a full description of the descriptor data format. It shows "byte 08-bit signed data value".
Interesting. ok, that might explain some problems then
After casting to int8_t, my waveforms start to look better. They are out of range, though: I only see the bottom of the signal, the top gets clipped. Or vice versa.
In glscopeclient, is there a way to set the vertical scale?
maybe your offsets are wrong?
gain and offset are set by scrolling with the mouse wheel on, and dragging, the vertical axis. This simultaneously adjusts the scope settings and UI scale
the waveform area is always sized to fit the entire full scale range of the ADC top to bottom
if you see things falling off the edge your gain/offset values are wrong somehow
Aha! I tried all kinds of scrolling with ctrl, alt and whatever pressed, but never thought about doing that with the mouse on top of the vertical axis. :-)
It works now.
tverbeure: I'm actively working on the manual to document this sort of thing
in the doc/ directory you should see a LaTeX manual
it's very much a work in progress but i think i added stuff to describe that last night
No worries. As long as you don't mind my dumb questions.
honestly? at this point these questions tell me what's wrong with the documentation :p
first step, make it easier to find lol
The manual is already better than most other open source projects out there. I've been using it just to figure out how to select the right scope interface.
So right now, i get the waveform, but scale is totally off (the scope calibration signal is NOT 100V peak to peak!) Also, when I disable channels in the GUI and record, the thing gets into an endless loop.
So the gain/offset values the scope uses to convert raw adc samples to volts are probably set wrong
try looking at the values in the waveform header that it's pulling out and see
the wavedesc on your scope might have different offsets than the lecroy standard
so you might need to add some quirks for your siglent vs Error_404's
Yes. Should all be easy to fix. I don't expect to be able to spend much time on this in the coming week, so I'll create a pull request on what I have right now.
just check the coding policy i linked earlier and make sure you match it
That's why I asked about the signed/unsigned stuff: if some scopes are signed and others are unsigned, how will we know which one to use?
You will probably have to add conditionals based on the scope model
that's why the initial *IDN? query is so important
If I create a pull request right now, I will probably break his scope.
Do you know the exact type of his scope?
No. For now, assume your SDS2000 series is the only one that uses this format
and add a check based on that
we can then fine tune the checks based on test results from more hardware
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[scopehal] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±2] https://git.io/JfwLy
[scopehal] tomverbeure 1667b58 - Add support for VXI-11 over LXI.
[scopehal] tomverbeure 0a39cf6 - Hacks to make Siglent scope work.
[scopehal] ... and 10 more commits.
tverbeure: another thing i see missing is queued acquisition support
look at the end of LeCroyOscilloscope::AcquireData() for an example on how to do that
I saw that in the LeCroy code. What does it mean?
And what's the benefit?
basically AcquireData(false) is used in single threaded ATE-type code that sets stuff up, arms a trigger, grabs one waveform, etc
AcquireData(true) is used in glscopeclient when pulling data in a separate background thread
while the UI and DSP is still handling the old waveform
in that model you shouldn't overwrite the channel's current waveform during acquisitions as it can lead to race conditions
The UI thread calls AcquireDataFifo() when it's ready for new waveforms, which pops from m_pendingWaveforms and calls SetData() on each channel as appropriate
In general all scopehal drivers should be multithreading aware, and assume that arbitrary calls may overlap from different threads. So use mutexing around any access to the SCPITransport stream to ensure serialization when necessary
also you should aggressively cache scope settings in any of the Get*() calls because if you make one of those calls from the UI thread during an acquisition, and the cache misses, you have to hit up the hardware
Which means waiting until the current acquisition is over to get the mutex
Which on deep waveforms on slower scopes could be a fairly long time during which the UI hangs and is ~nonresponsive
[scopehal] tomverbeure opened issue #125: Add queued acquisition mode for SiglentSCPIOscilloscope driver - https://git.io/JfwYW
This is why my own custom hardware platforms use two sockets to different ports
one for binary waveform data and one for scpi control plane traffic
As mentioned earlier, I'm able to see the full signal by first acquiring and the changing the vertical scale. This is a bug that should be fixed
However, when you change the vertical scale in glscopeclient, it also changes V/div on the scope.
the latter is normal and expected
a full scale waveform on the scope should look full scale in glscopeclient
This tells me that the nature of glscopeclient is supposed to be a copy of the scope and not an indepedents waveform viewer.
But often, you want to zoom in on a special behavior of the wave without changing the acquisition parameters.
I have this in the time domain but not voltage, at least for now
i.e. the X axis time scale is decoupled from the hardware
Y axis is currently coupled because that seemed to make more sense
Ok. So, longer term, the Y axis will become decoupled?
I'm not sure yet
i may add a checkbox to allow configuration locked/unlocked to the scope
or something like that
this is the sort of thing where user feedback is important
i don't yet have enough users to get a consensus of how other engineers work
There's a case to be made for both. But as an RTL waveform jockey, it comes as a surprise. Getting scope acquisition parameters right is often tricky, and you don't want these settings to be changed just to observe a recording.
True. my thought is that you should always have your acquisition configuration set to maximize dynamic range of the instrument
and you normally have a pretty good idea of the amplitude of your waveform in advance
or well the peak to peak
File a ticket for allowing decoupling and we can get more folks to discuss what makes the most sense
(against scopehal-apps since this is a UI issue)
One of the reasons I started to look at glscopeclient is because the Siglent GUI is very slow when zooming into a waveform.
i imagine glscopeclient is just a wee bit faster? lol
heck, it's faster than full MAUI on a LeCroy in some of my benchmarks
I hope so1 Right now, it still too buggy to be useful.
Fair point
The Siglent driver, that is.
And yes... better driver support, especially for low cost stuff like siglent and rigol, is IMO one of the biggest blockers to more widespread adoption of glscopeclient
So your work is definitely appreciated :)
Just to set the right expectations: with all the side project and work going on, I don't know how much I'll really contribute in the future.
That's fine. Any contributions are better than zero
One thing that should definitely happen is to record and save some of the status information that is being returned by various scopes.
what do you mean?
For example: the TEMPLATE return data of my Siglent should be stored in some ./etc or whatever directory. If people do that for their scopes as well, there's a record to fall back one.
Hmm, we should probably make some kind of data/notes repository for that sort of thing
Even simple stuff like the output of "*IDN?" and "*OPT?" would already be useful to, eventually, have regression tests about figuring out which features are present based on name strings etc.
that people can send in info for
and have some kind of a "dump information" menu option
that generates a logfile with info about your opengl configuration, the scope, gtk version, etc
Right. Another thing could be a small dump program (base on lxi tools) that just dumps all that kind of stuff. You can ask on Twitter etc to a bunch of people to just run it on their scope and crowdsource the info.
Right now, it's not clear at all, for example, which Siglent scopes support raw sockets and which one require VXI-11.
Make a ticket under scopehal-apps for creating a system information tool
we can figure out more details later, but it's a good idea
Stuff we've tested to date is documented in the manual
but that's known to be very incomplete
[scopehal-apps] tomverbeure opened issue #106: Option to decouple changing the Y axis in glscopeclient from changing the Y axis settings on the scope - https://git.io/JfwOv
BTW: I bought a Tektronics TDS420A scope from 1995. I want to see if I can get it wired to glscopeclient as well (through GPIB). It might be an entry point that lays the ground work for more modern Tek scopes.
[scopehal-apps] tomverbeure opened issue #107: Tool to dump all kinds of information of a scope to allow crowd sourcing a database with scope information - https://git.io/JfwOt
I mean, a SCPIGPIBTransport class would be nice to have at some point
that's as good an excuse as any
Have you looked for USBTMC drivers? So many cheap scopes have a USB type B port, but there's no standard Linux driver?
I thought there was one?
Someone here was looking into USBTMC support but i don't know the status of it
Just plugged in my scope over USB. It says "usbcore: registered new interface driver usbtmc". I assume this means that there is standard Linux support.
Yeah i thought so
So a SCPIUSBTMCTransport class should be a fairly simple wrapper around that
to open /dev/usbtmcX and talk to it
Might be faster too than VXI-11.
Very possible. It may also support batching
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azonenberg: You mean the rigol pr for scopehal? Because I didn't modify socket.cpp line 200 at all
Oh I see what you mean with the stars, apparently vscode changed all that when I hit autoformat
So like int* x is the same as int *x for the compiler?
Thanks you, I think you should just put it into the top directory of the projects, that way properly configured IDEs should autoformat it neatly
Yes that is the plan
one thing i need to figure out is that there's a few spots where i use indentation to reflect the GTK widget hierarchy
and not control flow
and i don't want an autoformatter removing that
because otherwise the header file would get hard to read
anyway i just finished assembling some boards for a customer, gonna grab some food then make a clang-format
Hmm, Quantel asks me what institution I'm from, wonder if I can just say that I'm a hobbyist... They also ask the serial number of the device. Wonder if they can see who originally bought it?
what device are you talking about?
odds are good that if you say you're a hobbyist you'll never hear from them again :p
Hmm a 25 year old laser, I wanted a new flashlamp. They asked for serial number, my institution and what its application is
If I were an institution, I'd need a laser safety professional tho...
If they hear "hobbyist" they hear "liability"
good luck
if it was something less hazardous than a laser you might have a chance
but i think your odds are near zero of getting one direct
Actually I know a place to which I might order it to
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[scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JfwEQ
[scopehal] azonenberg d2cdee1 - Updated to latest logtools
[scopehal-docs] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2] https://git.io/JfwEd
[scopehal-docs] azonenberg eb57e63 - Fixed missing period in legal section, documented more decodes
[scopehal-cmake] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+1/-0/±3] https://git.io/JfwEF
[scopehal-cmake] azonenberg e826844 - Added .clang-format for coding style
[scopehal-cmake] azonenberg 735355b - Updated to latest submodules
Degi: see clang-format. It's not quite perfect, in particular it borks OpenMP pragmas, but i think it's as good as i'm going to get with clang-format for now
as far as SetChannelAttenuation() goes, that is indeed ugly (this is the first time i've looked at that code)
Hmh my voltmeter LCD display looks weird and colorful in the presence of high voltages
lol i think thats a bad sign
Hmh yeah kinda, you can fold it in the code editor, then you don't have to look at it
well yes but i'm thinking of a way to clean it up in general
Maybe multiply by 10000, turn to int, count number of zeroes?
what about if you had a static array of attenuation values
Hmh that could work too, and then iterate over it with a for loop to check if the input value matches it and then send the scpi
loop over the array, if any of them are within epsilon of atten, send the ideal value with the array
and if not, no-op and LogWarning() an error message
Or like that
I thought about converting to int before like I do right now (also why is that 0.1 on a new line?)
Hmm voltmeter shows between 24 kV and 28 kV depending on whether I ground it or not...
lol that sounds sketchy
i hope you arent touching that meter, i doubt the casing is rated for that kind of voltage
Well I put a 200 MOhm resistor onto a 1 MOhm meter
So the meter reads 120-140 V
as far as SetChannelBandwidthLimit() you should not be parsing the model number in the get/set functions
Parse in the constructor then store data like the instrument's max bandwidth as member variables
the get/set should be as lightweight as possible
Lol sorry thats a leftover
in AcquireData(), don't use a semicolon for an empty conditional body as that tends to trigger compiler warnings
use {} to make it explicit that no body was deliberate
Oh wait thats not even supposed to be there
so the semicolon was a mistake and clang-format put it on the next line
this is why code reviews are a thing, lol
maxpoints should ideally not be hardcoded in AcquireData, it should be set by SetSampleDepth()
and GetSampleDepthsNoninterleaved() should return the set of legal memory sizes for the instrument in question
Whats the bandwidth of DS series scope? 100 MHz?
that's the max but it varies by model number
DS110x = 100 MHz, DS107x = 70 iirc
Hmh last number is channel count?
maxpoints = sampledepth=
SetSampleDepth() should also be possible to rewrite cleaner. have a table of legal values then a few if/else's to apply SI scaling suffixes to elements in the list
also it looks like you are clearing depthValid/rateValid in the Set() functions, why is that?
if you just set the value you know what it is
"and GetSampleDepthsNoninterleaved() should return the set of legal memory sizes for the instrument in question" I think it does that? I didnt implement the DS series there yet
yeah i hadn't read that far down yet
You mean in line 939/940?
anyway you should be able to update the cache in the Set() function, eliminating the need to hit up the instrument to read a value you just wrote. Yeah
and 927
Because the scope sometimes changes that to something else
... Of course it does
Especially when you set it to auto in SetSampleDepth
You should never set auto
if you get an invalid input, don't change the depth and print an error
SetSampleRate: You can't set the sample rate, but I worked out a formula that works on the MSO5000 at least that most often gives you the right sample rate
Deleted that line above the logerror
yeah i did some ugly hacks on lecroy for the same reason
and in that case you should be able to keep depthvalid to true and keep the actual depth in cache?
it won't change under your feet?
Hmh not sure
Lemme try
Well when you enable other channels it changes
Also the max depth varies by number of active channels and whether or not the scope has the 200M option
And I guess the DS series has different mem depths too?
so they have a fixed amount of memory and they partition based on # of channels
Yeah leave things blank for the DS series until we get access to one to test
Well they have 100 M or 200 M for the 5000 series and it isnt obvious from the model #
is there a scpi command to query options like lecroy has?
as far as memory size changing when you enable/disable channels, if you can predict that
it should be possible to add logic to fix the depth in the APIs for doign that
i.e. if you enable a second channel with 200M points selected it should notice that this won't fit and reconfigure the instrument for 100M
then GetSampleDepthsNoninterleaved() will need to look at the set of enabled channels to figure out the legal depths
Oh yes I can query SYST:OPT:STAT? RL2
This kinda ties into a more general API issue, namely that in some scopes the set of memory depths and sample rates varies by enabled channels
the whole GetInterleaveConflicts() etc stuff needs to be refactored
How can I see the enabled channels
EnableChannel() / DisableChannel() should update caches in m_channelsEnabled
anyway the whole apis for dealing with interleaved capture are broken because they assume only 2:1 interleaving
but some rigols, and BLONDEL, can do up to 4:1
i.e. four channels share one adc
so we need to come up with a more general API for this. This is not a solved problem, nor one i've even had time to sit down and think about
When I select 1 ch, I can still only select 50 Mpts and sometimes 100 Mpts?
So clearly there's more rules we don't yet understand
for now, cap max depth at 50M since we know that works
we can investigate the details of how to push the limits of the instrument later on?
Now I can do 100 Mpts on ch2
The thing is, the max sample rate for 1 ch enabled is now: 4 4 8 2, but sometimes it is like 8 4 4 2 or some other mix and aah
If I only have CH4 enabled I can only set to 25M
But I think when I restart the scope that changes
lemme try
well definitely some details we dont understand yet
Ok channel 4 can only do 25 MPTs apparently
regardless of what channels are enabled?
Hmh maybe we should make conventions for log messages
Like "bad model number" should give the model number
OK i'll go merge this. I think there's still room to improve as far as the giant piles of switches and if/else cascades being turned into table driven implementations etc
but it's better than no driver
I'm also going to close the rigol driver ticket since i think we're at minimum-viable-product completion at this point
we can make new tickets as needed for specific features/bugs
Somebody should test on DS1000Z and DS1000
i'll poke whitequark
she just got scopehal building a day or two ago and has a 1000Z series iirc
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg closed issue #69: Proper "connect to scope/scopes" dialog if no scopes are specified on command line - https://git.io/JvgaT
[scopehal-docs] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/Jfw6P
[scopehal-docs] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±1] https://git.io/Jfw6A
[scopehal-docs] azonenberg 8eb2321 - Added screenshot of connect-to-scope dialog to manual
[scopehal-cmake] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±3] https://git.io/Jfwie
[scopehal-cmake] azonenberg bfe613b - Updated submodules with connect-to-scope dialog
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So just out of curiosity, i sent an email to my contact at lecroy sales asking how much trade-in value i could get for my waverunner 8104-ms if i upgraded to a 3-4 GHz scope
will be interesting to see how much it's still worth. There's a waverunner 8404M-MS on ebay now for $20K
(from lecroy official refurb)
that's 20/40 Gsps instead of the 10/20 of my 8104, and 4 GHz bandwidth instead of 1
i expect i can probably get somewhere in the 10-12k range for my scope and i don't have 8-10k sitting in the bank, so i won't be able to get the ebay scope. But it's good to know how much they're worth on the secondary market for when i do have budget
And i definitely do want a higher bw scope. Yours is the fastest i have access to by far, but it's effectively a sampling scope with a slow realtime mode attached :p
you can probably haggle them down too
Since the sample rate is totally inadequate for 5 GHz signals in realtime
[scopehal] tomverbeure opened pull request #127: Fix Siglent SDS2000X acquired data voltage calculation - https://git.io/JfwD6
The 20 GS/s?
Degi: monochroma's scope only does 10Gsps with all channels active
you only get 20 Gsps if you have two
That's the same sample rate as my 1 GHz scope but hers is 5 GHz bw
my HDO9204 is double the sample rate, 20 Gsps on all channels and 40 on two, and 2 GHz bw. So exactly double the 8104 basically
the waverunner 8000M series has 20/40 Gsps too
and is available with up to 4 GHz bw
so 4 GHz bw, 20/40 Gsps would be quite nice
But i don't have 20 kUSD available to spend on it
So it's not happening any time soon
need to make our own :3
* Degi
solders at 410 °C
Shouldn't this be "OFF" instead of "ON" ?
tverbeure: wow, how did that happen? must have been a recent copy paste screwup or something as i know that code used to work
I will it roll it into my current pull request.
[scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/Jfw9V
[scopehal] azonenberg d67ff57 - LeCroyOscilloscope: fixed DisableChannel() not properly disabling analog channels
Fix already pushed, don't bother
Who even invented the thing that is the absence of thermal connections to vias
[scopehal] tomverbeure synchronize pull request #127: Fix Siglent SDS2000X acquired data voltage calculation - https://git.io/JfwD6
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Degi: How do you mean?
Degi: thermals are not usually used on vias, only on PTH legs
Hm yes on PTHs
Because I need to heat like 2 or 4 layers when soldering the SMA connector...
preheat is your friend
if you don't have a preheater, do the ghetto preheat - hotair the hell out of the area
Hm yeah could've put it into the toaster oven, though that also makes thermal cycles...
and then solder while it's still hot
I mean if I had 3 hands I'd just hold a mini blowtorch to my iron
Its like 72 joints lol
Yeah then you really want a preheater - I have a little hotplate for precision rework that's a big heavy steel plate and a PID controller
Hmh I have an aluminium plate which can do like 120 °C
Yeah that will work
Preheat to 120 and the iron should manage the rest
for 4 layer boards I will typically preheat to 100-110
but a big bulky connector can use the full 120
Its only got like 60 W at 12 V though and not sure whether it can do more, considering that I glued some resistor wire between two aluminium plates with silicone and surrounded it with plastic foam... Originally for drying photoresist
Yeah you don't need more than 120
You just want to reduce the delta t to ambient a bit
sorry, delta between your iron and the board, not to ambient
And next time use u.fl :P
Meh the eval board was for SMA lol
Hmm if my iron had a builtin solder feeder, I could just heat the irons element with a blowtorch
Or I could use paste then
Oh yeah if you have low temp paste use that
* monochroma
cringes and runs away
Nah standard tin solder paste, but the mini torch adds a hundred or so watts to my iron lol
Degi: There's a really fun iron some Japanese manufacturer whose name I forgot makes
Degi: it's 80W standard but it has a turbo button that gives you 200W momentarily
monochroma: are you cringing at the u.fl, the blowtorch, or the bismuth?
I have DIY low temp solder too
Its approximately 50:50 Sn bi
Yeah that will do without preheat
I dremeled it to a powder, it only works semi good tho, maybe rosin with IPA is not so good a flux or the Bi oxidizes bad
Maybe I should try making an induction heated iron, like metcals
I don't like those at all
I love the ability to get 20C more temporarily if I need it
Hmh why?
Only way to change temp on the metcals is tip swap
You could get like 1000 °C more temporarily
Ah yes, they dont have adjustable power?
Correct - they have a thing that changes impedance depending on temperature
So the tip composition determines the temp
Kliment: at the lack of pre-heater :P
monochroma: Yeah, well, not everyone has one
monochroma: I have two, but I'm not everyone
crispy PCBs are sad PCBs
Hmm what if you induction heater the via
Degi: don't
Or heat it with DC
you will damage the PCB
Like those coldheat irons but better
you want even heating
Degi: you will just delaminate your board locally
Or just spot weld it
Does that happen if the joint temperature stays below like 400 °C?
Yes, if it goes on for too long or in a localized area
Your via walls will crack
even if the board doesn't fully delam
Just preheat it on your Al plate and then use the lowest melting solder you have
Make sure you preheat with the part inserted
I mean I dont care about that anymore since I managed to get some solder on all the SMAs which should be sufficient but for next time I can do that...
Well the lowest melting solder I have is lead-free almost pure tin... That SnBi I'm not sure of usability and it is a bit hard
I bought a couple new rolls of SAC305 today because I discovered that slavery-free SAC305 is now available in 0.3mm
I only have 0.8 mm solder lol, I once had 0.3 and I wouldn't recommend that for soldering big cables... Maybe I should keep different solders on hand
Yeah I mostly use .5 but .3 is nice for rework
Anything bigger or smaller I'll use paste
Unless it's really huge in which case solderpot
Well I've soldered 16 mm² wire with a torch before