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<crab> hi.
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<crab> i've just installed sandstorm on a server with multiple IP addresses. i've set BIND_IP to the one I want, but it's set my to one of the other addresses (where nginx is listening).
<crab> what can i do to update to the other address?
<crab> i see UDP packets going out every 60s to, but they're going from the correct address (== BIND_IP).
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<crab> i couldn't find any way to solve the problem, so i worked around it by using a different port on the main IP address.
<crab> how very unsatisfying.
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<ocdtr_web> crab: I recommend posting on the discussion list.
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<crab> ocdtr_web: thanks. is that specifically about this problem, or just advice in general? (i.e., is it generally more active than this channel?)
<crab> it's very nice that i can subscribe and post without a google account.
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<ocdtr_web> crab: A lot of people drop in here, ask a question, and then leave before someone qualified to answer sees it. And then nobody knows how to reach the user to answer the question.
<ocdtr_web> (And ultimately, if nobody else knows how to answer, it's likely Kenton will see it on the weekend.)
<crab> right. i've posted to the list. thanks for the suggestion.
<crab> i'm only just getting started with sandstorm.
<ocdtr_web> Welcome! :)
<ocdtr_web> I am very bad at Linux OS-related things, otherwise I would help.
<crab> what do you use sandstorm for?
<crab> (just curiosity, i don't know any other sandstorm users)
<ocdtr_web> I GExited. Sandstorm replaces everything I used to do with Google Drive for me, and I use Wekan a lot too.
<crab> ooh, nice. my girlfriend's been after me to install some sort of shared calendar thing, but i've been dragging my feet (for years, actually!) because the ones i could find were either part of some enormous suite of all sorts of junk, or small shady apps. either way, i didn't have much faith in them.
<ocdtr_web> The best part about Sandstorm is ideally that it should make "small shady apps" effectively trustworthy. ;)
<crab> i haven't looked into what it would take to convert apps to work under sandstorm. that's on the map once i get a few basic already-sandstormed apps working.
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<ocdtr_web> crab: Generally, getting a web app into Sandstorm is easy, as long as it doesn't talk to other things. Getting them to talk to other things can take a wee bit more effort.
<crab> talk to other things like postgres? or http requests to other APIs and that sort of thing?
<ocdtr_web> Like to outside servers.
<crab> i see.
<ocdtr_web> Sandstorm doesn't allow apps to make server-side requests without calling specific Sandstorm APIs. The goal being to make sure apps you install don't call home or exfiltrate your data without permission.
<crab> right, that makes sense.
<crab> btw, what identity provider do you use?
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<ocdtr_web> I'm using the GitHub identity right now.
<ocdtr_web> Passwordless should work pretty well though, it's basically a one-time password each time you have to log back in.
<ocdtr_web> If you use 2FA on GitHub or Google accounts, it's not really any more onerous of a login process.
<crab> oh.
<crab> i thought "passwordless" meant password-less. that's why i started setting up LDAP.
<simpson> Capabilities are weird. You'll get used to it.
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<propheis> Hello! :)
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<ocdtr_web> propheis: Hi!
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<crab> simpson: what are capabilities?
<propheis> Is this a good place to get some help repairing my sandstorm instance?
<crab> if i set up the server with password-less email identities, i guess i can enable ldap later too?
<simpson> crab: A capability is a token of authority. If you have a capability, you have the power to do things. Capabilities can be shared, too; if you have a capability, you can share it with others.
<simpson> It's the formalism underneath Sandstorm.
<ocdtr_web> propheis: It might be! Though my current recommendation is in favor of posting to the discussion group.
<ocdtr_web> Because then people can respond to you even if they are not here now and you are not here later.
<crab> simpson: ah. so the email identity provider just issues a "login" capability by email to the given address?
<simpson> crab: Basically.
<simpson> I don't know the details of the construction.
<propheis> ocdtr_web, Hmm okay well I will definitely post there if I can't get the issue fixed here. Let me pick your brains for a moment.
<ocdtr_web> Note that your identity provider is also tied to your identity in grains. So if you use your email identity in a grain now, and later use an LDAP identity in that grain, it will see you as two different "people".
<propheis> My issue is this: after a series of silly events, my directory at /opt/sandstorm/var/sandstorm/apps got deleted. Now I can't open any of my grains. Any suggestions on what I can do?
<crab> i suppose "restore from backups" is not the answer you want to hear? :-/
<propheis> I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling all of my apps, however when I install from the app market the process goes instantly and nothing gets downloaded. I suspect there's a config file somewhere that lists "already installed" apps
<propheis> lol backups. I'll definitely be adding that in after this is all taken care of
<ocdtr_web> I suspect it's in the database somewhere, not a config file, but your suspicion seems probable.
<ocdtr_web> The cool thing, is that from my recollection, your grains are elsewhere, so all your actual data is presumably fine.
<ocdtr_web> (I assume you still have your grains folder?)
<propheis> Yeah my data is all there so in the worst case I could reinstall sandstorm and transfer my grains
<ocdtr_web> My "I don't know how to fix the database" idea would be to install Sandstorm elsewhere, install the apps, and then copy the files from there to your existing Sandstorm server.
<ocdtr_web> But I am pretty sure someone would be able to figure out how to fix the database. (Kenton himself usually catches up to list emails on the weekend.)
<propheis> Okay well for now I'll poke around in the database and see what I can figure out. If I can't get it solved then I'll post to the discussion group you linked. If all else fails I can always reinstall like you said. Thanks!
<ocdtr_web> I would strongly recommend figuring out that nasty backup question before you poke around in the database. ;)
<ocdtr_web> Arguably, you are not in an unrecoverable place right now, propheis, but there's plenty of room for that to change!
<propheis> I'll be sure to do a full backup before doing any more. Don't want to make a somewhat bad situation even worse.
<propheis> Yeah that actually looks pretty promising. I'm just querying my db right now to see what's in that collection
<ocdtr_web> Bear in mind the packageIds correspond to a particular version of an app, so the packageId will not match the appIds.
<ocdtr_web> You can look at > Install > Right-click the server link and copy shortcut to find the most recent packageId for a given app.
<ocdtr_web> So like the most recent Wekan packageId is 5a4a7ae7adbcc0876bdab2b0216d6152
<propheis> Okay so it appears that the packages collection all of the apps I have installed. I'm noticing each of the documents contains a "status" field which all have the value "ready". I wonder what other statuses are possible... Maybe I can get sandstorm to re-download the apps by changing the status?
<propheis> Oh wait, the source code link you gave shows the possible values
<zarvox> I'm happy to report that entire collection is derived from the package contents itself, so you should be able to safely drop the cached info from the packages collection and then reinstall all the apps from the app market
<zarvox> (assuming that you're using packages that are at the latest app market version; if you have grains that are bound to older versions of the same app, that might make things sad)
<ocdtr_web> zarvox: Hi! :D
<zarvox> ocdtr_web: hey there!
<propheis> zarvox, any chance I can just modify my documents in the collection to make sandstorm re-download the packages.
<zarvox> propheis: looking
<zarvox> propheis: yeah, if you know the URL for the app package from app index, you could set status to "download" and the url to the appropriate URL for the package
<propheis> This looks like if the status is download it will fetch the package again.
<zarvox> Easier might be to "just" db.packages.remove({}) and manually reinstall them through the app market UI
<zarvox> the packages collection, as you've rightly identified, is just the install cache
<propheis> I don't want to lose the app version info though as I have some 1+ year old grains
<TimMc_> Ones that you haven't upgraded?
<TimMc_> (Hmm, does it even work that way?)
<propheis> I don't think I've explicitly upgraded any grains before. I assumed it's automatic
<zarvox> ahhhh, then yeah, you'd best not go that route
<zarvox> let me see if I can drag up the URLs for packages
<propheis> My packages documents all have the url field populated. Something like:
<propheis> So I think I will just construct a map query to update all of the status fields to download. Hopefully that will solve things.
<zarvox> oh, that's great
<zarvox> you should be able to just update all those documents' status to "download" then
<zarvox> I'm guessing, but I think the mongo shell command would be something like db.packages.update({}, { $set: {status: "download"}}, {multi: true})
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<propheis> Yeah I'm going through the mongo docs right now. Just to confirm, if I tar up /opt/sandstorm that will include all configs, the db, and my data correct?
<zarvox> {} because you want all the documents, { $set: {status: "download"}} because you want to set just that key on all your packages, and {multi: true} so it updates all matching documents, rather than just the first
<zarvox> yep!
<propheis> It looks like it's working!
<zarvox> \o/
<propheis> Yep the apps directory is populating again. Thanks so much. zarvox and ocdtr_web! You guys rock!
<propheis> Thanks again. I've got to get back to work now. Take care!
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