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Is there triple quoting in Ruby or not? Zed Shaw's book has an exercise covering it, but the internet seems to suggest that this is not actual Ruby syntax.
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impermanence: Nope
Some parts of the internet would disagree.
meaning """?
i think that it starts a multi-line string
""" makes it obvious you're doing a multiline
cerulean: k. Why?
makes it obvious to your eyes whats going on
Do not do that.
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It makes it obvious it's been written by a python programmer who doesn't understand ruby syntax
oh fuck.
yeah fair enough
you can do <<---HEREDOC or something as well
just google ruby multiline strings for the correct syntax
Yeah, if you want a really multi-line string, use a heredoc
i agree with matthewd and i never see """ in 7 years of ruby coding
maybe I shouldn't use his book then. Fuck.
For a simple case, just use ordinary quotes
yeah isnt zed shaw from python?
his python book is huge in the python community or something
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Well he apparently wrote Mongrel...
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not apparently, he did.
yeah i know he wrote mongrel, its a foundational piece of ruby architecture
look how all the modern ruby webservers are based on it
i remember when i first got monrel
from webrick
huge speed difference
Well...his book is probably okay for a Ruby quickstart then...
probably fine
""" will work for multiline string. ultimately its up to you. there's no one true way of coding
i dont agree with this string tho """""""""hi""""""""
(Part of) the point of triple-quoted strings in python is that they can contain quotes -- because they're not a real thing in ruby, and more just a quirk of the parse rules, that doesn't apply
oh i c
depends on what you need
code at your own risk
no life guard
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So, """x""" is effectively "" + "x" + ""
okay. got it.
thanks for the insight as usual :)
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* flips
just started reading the Eloquent Ruby book. Seems helpful for getting good habits and better understanding
is it true that while loops are rare in ruby?
as it is true that goto's are rare
what's a goto?
is your a quiz ?
impermanence: Yes; most loops will generally be using Enumerable methods
yeah you dont use while much
... ever?
instead of while i == 1 do you can do (0...x).each do
matthewd: eh, I don't know what Enumberable methods are yet so I'll have to come back to that. But okay. no while loops.
.each is an enumarable method. .map is one too
they are methods which iterate an array (an enumerable) and run a function, passing your block
for each item
yes it is a a cool and good syntax for you to use :)
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check out #each #map #reject #collect
and #sort
134 'while', 1416 '.each', 846 '.map'
So yeah.. rare
where'd you get that statistic?
(and that's without trying to exclude mentions of 'while' from comments/strings, for example)
i see i see
they probably SAID while and not used it
i doubt they used while
at all
We do use it a reasonable amount
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you're on rails team?
nice 8-)
i love rails 5
Yes, I am
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what could be the reason to use while?
Some crude exclusions suggest it could be in the 40-50 range
40 lines using while?
i'm suspicious of zed's titles of books. "the hard way". obviously it is the hard way if he's gonna teach you to use """ lol
Yes, 40 lines contain 'while' and don't contain '#' or '"'
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Sometimes it just fits what we're doing, and sometimes we're in enough of a hotspot that it's worth writing the ugly fast thing
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And in one case, I use `while true` to avoid the stack frames from #loop
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stack frames? what goes on the stack ?
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i get to that point matthewd too and go the fast way as well
i think he means #each requires more frames than a simple white true
because it uses a #loop which is more complicated than while true
>> loop { explode! }
matthewd: # => undefined method `explode!' for main:Object (NoMethodError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/771523)
>> while true; explode!; end
matthewd: # => undefined method `explode!' for main:Object (NoMethodError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/771524)
>> `ls /`
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>> puts rand(256)
Ugly backtrace, nice backtrace
oh, im not authorized
i believe you
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I was answering volty
yes, thanks
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but that's only one extra call per loop
is there a name for just a basic .rb file? rube, gemmy, something? Like in python it's module, in java it's class file, in puppet it's manifest, etc...
"dot rb file" is what i call it?
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volty: In this case, it was literally about preventing the lines in the backtrace
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k. regarding gets...what part of the language is this of?
I see
impermanence: i/o
I assume there are a ton of methods associated with it?
So is gets like a package or a gem or a module...or what would I call that?
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impermanence: It's a method ^
it's a method
inside module Kernel
# means it's a method in the sense of <class/module>#<method>
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oh, it's a method. I assume class: gets ; method: chomp => gets.chomp
Being defined in Kernel, which every object contains, it's effectively global
kernel of MRI?
Yeah.. no. Method #gets returns a string, which has a #chomp method.
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Kernel, yes. Kernel is a module.
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So in Ruby a module is a bunch of classes...?
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module is where you put methods that dont need to have an object
classes are for when you need an object
module is a bunch of functions.
A module is a collection of methods that can be included into a class
(and also a namespace that can contain nested constants)
No; methods with implementations
ah. But these methods are static...?
nothing static here
not necessarily
>> module X; def hello; "hello from #{self}"; end; end; class String; include X; end; class Integer; include X; end; ["world".hello, 17.hello]
Is the concept of Ruby module equal to concept of Python module? Because in Python methods that don't require an object are called functions...
loop is intended to be used in places where it will loop ~infinitely
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.. which means it would count high enough to get into bignums, at which point every iteration is an allocation. That would be bad.
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yes, but that is a limit of ruby trying to mimic the true functional languages
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In Learn Ruby the Hard Way it is suggested that to take an integer from STDIN to use gets.chomp.to_i? but is this bad practice? because can't I just use gets.to_i? Or I suppose that the latter takes in the integer and then converts it to a string?
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Hard Way brings hard questions. How can a newbie doubt the words of the 'hard way'?
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impermanence: bad practice how?
matthewd: After the triple quote thing when I ran into that I wanted to just check if there was anything strange with that because I've had a couple of doubts about continuing with hard way and starting with something else. But it sounds like that's normal use.
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our expert probably meant 'redundant' - since the chars removed by chomp do not change the result ? but his instinct tells him that we should always chomp, because chomp could change the result.
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>> $/ = "3"; s = "33"; [s.to_i, s.chomp.to_i]
volty: I guess I don't understand the difference between gets.to_i and gets.chomp.to_i ... I think chomp removes \r\n but is there any other difference?
impermanence: No; that is indeed what chomp does.
impermanence: I wanted so say the same you are asking about — how can a novice imagine there could be "other difference"
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matthewd: okay.
chomp removes whatever $/ 's value is
ah. I see.
seen :)
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volty, actually nice is that it's kinda of beginning of /^\d regex... so "123-rocknroll".to_i -> 123
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how can I get author value from {:author=>"Clow GD, McKay CP, Simmons Jr. GM, and Wharton RA, Jr.", :date=>"1988.", :title=>"Climatological observations and predicted sublimation rates at La ke Hoare, Antarctica.", :journal=>"Journal of Climate", :volume=>"1:", :pages=>"715-728."} ?
This is hash
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maum: So what have you tried?
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maum: Did that not work?
How did that not work?
>> {:author=>"Clow GD, McKay CP, Simmons Jr. GM, and Wharton RA, Jr."}[:author]
Radar: # => "Clow GD, McKay CP, Simmons Jr. GM, and Wharton RA, Jr." (https://eval.in/771571)
anystyle.rb:21:in `[]': can't convert Symbol into Integer (TypeError)
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maum: looks like you're calling [] on an array instead. Show us the rest of the code please.
Example here shows it does indeed return an array
the output of h is {:author=>"Clow GD, McKay CP, Simmons Jr. GM, and Wharton RA, Jr.", :date=>"1988.", :title=>"Climatological observations and predicted sublimation rates at La ke Hoare, Antarctica.", :journal=>"Journal of Climate", :volume=>"1:", :pages=>"715-728."}
maum: I would suggest experimenting with how to get the first element of an array.
maum: Did you use puts or p?
maum: to get that output: did you use puts or p?
There's also something, in the original input, there isn't an "author" key. Where should that be coming from?
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maum: puts takes an array and iterates through it all, outputting each element
maum: use `p` to get the actual object's representation.
maum: It's an array. You'll need to find the first element of that array and then call [:author] on that element.
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Radar: how? would you show me an example?
maum: ?g ruby first element on array
?g ruby first element on array
Radar: I don't see no ruby, whom should I tell about g?
one day I will figure out ruby[bot]
maum: experiment in irb. Create an array and then try to get the _first_ element from that array. I'm sure you can figure it out.
h[0] shows {:author=>"Clow GD, McKay CP, Simmons Jr. GM, and Wharton RA, Jr.", :date=>"1988.", :title=>"Climatological observations and predicted sublimation rates at La ke Hoare, Antarctica.", :journal=>"Journal of Climate", :volume=>"1:", :pages=>"715-728."}
maum, interesting... How about h[0][:author] ?
PorcoRex: you are very nice commentor
Did that work or are you just stroking my ego?
it shows Clow GD, McKay CP, Simmons Jr. GM, and Wharton RA, Jr.
That's pretty close I think.
but why 0?
the output of h and h[0] are same
How about h.first[:author] ?
also same
it prints the authors
How about h.class ?
Ah, you should always print arrays with "p", not "puts".
Try now p h .
anystyle.rb:23:in `<main>': private method `puts' called for #<Array:0x00000002808610> (NoMethodError)
Uh oh.
Why are you using anystyle?
to parse references
How about puts h.inspect ?
it prints [{:author=>"Clow GD, McKay CP, Simmons Jr. GM, and Wharton RA, Jr.", :date=>"1988.", :title=>"Climatological observations and predicted sublimation rates at L ake Hoare, Antarctica.", :journal=>"Journal of Climate", :volume=>"1:", :pages=>"715-728."}]
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Ah, there's the array.
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You'll notice it's different from puts h.first.inspect .
anystyle.rb:22:in `<main>': private method `puts' called for #<String:0x00000003548140> (NoMethodError)
Well, that's different, alright.
That gem doesn't seem to be too flexible, but to answer you question, it seems to parse several records. So, you want to get the first record (using h[0] or h.first) and then query the :author from that record.
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Hey folks, I don't know much about Ruby, but Travis CI is telling me I need to use their gem to encrypt values for the CI. Thing is, I tried `gem install travis` but got a permission error. So I tried `gem install travis --user-install` and it worked.
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Looks like it's not finding the gem where it expects it to. Also, are encripted values used for integration with code climate or something like that? I don't remember you needing to generate a key for Travis only use.
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PorcoRex: I need to use Travis CI for an unrelated project on GitHub
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msafi, do you have a .travis.yml file in your project?
Did you configure the travis dashboard to login through Github?
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Hmmm, I found a fix. I needed to remove `export GEM_HOME` and `export GEM_PATH` which were = `~/.gem` from my environment
Good deal.
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i let some designers from twitter connect to my secret app without an NDA
am i a fucking idiot?
Nah, you'll be fine
alright cool
thanks :)
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greetings ruby makers…..noob question….is an easy to understand comparison chart between ruby 2.1.2 and 2.4? Trying to understand what differences exist. Thank you in advance.
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babykosh: You could always look at the changelogs for 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4
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babykosh: Personally I would go for the announcements at ruby-lang.org -> they have summaries of the most notable features. The changelog from the git repository will usually contain a lot of technical things that are less relevant just to get an impression of the differences.
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herwin: that's subclassing though, I meant reopening the class and adding `my_random_method` to that class.
monkey patching
or duck punching, whatever your flavor is.
halogenandtoast: That comes down to "there might be name conflicts"
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That makes it rather rude for a random library to be doing... but doesn't really affect the application author, or a library whose whole purpose is to make such extensions
matthewd: right, I'm trying to find a good way to discourage my students from doing this arbitrarily
I mentioned name conflicts.
In their end application? I'm not sure I necessarily see anything wrong with that.
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It's then an API design question: "does this method make sense on every String, or does it only really work for this particular one?", etc
matthewd: It opens the door for unexpected errors. And these students will be contributing to our companies code base at some point
i.e., exactly the same "is this the right class for that method" questions you'd ask about any other class
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Sure in this case they've monkey-patched Integer to have a digits method, to return the number of digits a number has.
Seems like its not an ideal example then...
as this will conflict
actually it depends on what you meant by example
I mean it's an ideal example for your "don't do this" argument
But, that conflict with the future notwithstanding, I'd personally be fine with the addition of such a method
Again, within the application -- not a library.
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matthewd: thanks for the insight.
I generally have a "no extending core classes" mentality, only because I've been bitten by it every single time I've done it.
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but that's the result of library authors extending core classes (I'm looking at you rails)
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My counter-argument is that Rails is primarily a framework, so we play by different rules: we're generally present from the start, to adjust the base environment... not pulled in as some arbitrary dependency to stomp on your namespace unexpectedly
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matthewd: yeah still not sure why rails needed to add Numeric#bytes
Admittedly, that doesn't work so well when you think about using activerecord in isolation, or similar
seems like "not the frameworks responsibility"
and of course that meant they added gigabytes, exabytes, and friends...
</rant> heading home now, thanks again.
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hi guys, a little bit of an odd one, I wrote a script which doesn’t behave as I would expect it
*I've got all the gems installed that I need, but for some reason it comes up with this...
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https://gist.github.com - Multiple files, syntax highlighting, even automatically with matching filenames, can be edited
much easier to use than imgur
baweaver true, but it's a bit of a mess with word-wrap
morning. Do I need to require anything in order for Dir.chdir("/tmp") to work? I'm calling it but my current shell does not change directory...
If you're only using the one version though it may not be worth the effort
Yeah, I generally only use latest
I only do a *very* small app in Ruby, everything else is Node.js/React/etc.
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To create PDFs weirdly
But it works well... so hey, why not!?
Wicked was it?
No, PrawnPDF actually ;)
* baweaver
wishes pdf would die
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Haha... well for very accurate printing, it's quite useful.. ie. labelling.
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Never said it wasn't, but the caveats leave some things to be desired :)
But it's not generated from HTML, due to the simple fact that I don't think I'd be able to position things as accurately as I'd like..
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namely playing chicken with Java for most exploits on record
Oh there's a hell of a LOT to be desired from PDFs
Siyfion: Such as?
PDFs are actually one of the better formats out there.
uh oh
you summoned dminuoso
* Siyfion
runs away and hides
* dminuoso
Hey I like them... *for my use case
But there are places where they are used that I'd prefer they weren't!
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Siyfion: The thing that really triggers me about them if when companies start abusing cmap to make them un-copy-pastable, and then do positional tricks to ruin OCR attempts.
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dminuoso: Couldn't agree more
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For creating a document that you want printed in a *very* specific way... I love them, I don't think there's much else I could use...
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Siyfion: They are at least truly portable.
Yup, and fairly printer-friendly
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system('perl /opt/ruby/sms.pl' "#{phone}") is there a way to add space between when sent to cmdline? it's sent as perl /opt/ruby/sms.pl11111111111
system('perl', '/opt…', phone)
(assuming phone already contains a string, then "#{phone}" is being pointlessly verbose)
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just phone didnt work
ill try that, thanks apeiros
"didn't work" doesn't work as a problem description
and it probably didn't work because you passed the arguments wrongly to system
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if phone truly is not a string, phone.to_s is IMO still cleaner than "#{phone}" (and that's just what that construct does anyway)
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ok ill play around a bit
I'm also noting that your call, apeiros, has commas, where as Pierreb|home just has strings following each other.
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lagweezle: yes, that's the main part
i tried the commas between perl /opt/script, variable
not sure why i didnt do it that time
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Not just that, but breaking up 'perl /opt/...' into 'perl', '/opt/...'
you have to either put everything into a single string (creates a subshell) or use separate arguments for each (bypasses subshell)
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what's the best way to compatibly integrate a ruby script into a logging facility like syslog? I know about Syslog::Logger
but it seems like maybe some Linux distros for example are shipping without syslog these days
* lagweezle
lights systemd on fire.
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hays: You want the best way to integrate with syslog without using syslog? :/
i don't particulrly care about using syslog or whatever else, just looking for something as platform independent as practicable
something that would hopefully end up in syslog for a system running syslog, but end up wherever else is appropriate for a system running something else
AFAIK, the "whatever else is appropriate" is still syslog
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syslog(3) is a posix defined libc call. It's not going anywhere
the daemon that services the /dev/log socket is more or less irrelevant
ok. well that is helpful actually
so Syslog::Ruby is tying to a POSIX call
most likely
the posix call is, in turn, very simple and probably amounts to a particular string format and sendto() to /dev/log
erm Syslog::Logger
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I started down this rabbit hole because my Syslog::Logger messages look crappy in console.log (MacOS)
just trying to get a flavor at this point that its working..
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all my messages show up with the name 'ruby' instead of what I pass into the Syslog::Logger constructor
and levels don't seem to be coming through
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yeah, just verified that Syslog::Logger works with a Syslog module, that is an interface for syslog(3) which I think means POSIX
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hays: because /dev/log is just a regular old socket it's pretty easy to debug. Try attaching strace and looking at the format of the string being sent to the socket