Because I'm uncertain what your true intention are
i'm trying to figure out how to find the best number of records per batch, currently set to 100, there are ~239k records
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hi everyone i read a lot of css books and watched a lot of videos
however i don't know what to do when i'm trying to do something on my own
is this normal?
parkit: What this got to do with Ruby?
i said *ruby
freudan slip
my bad
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parkit: until you start using it regularly, looking up methods is normal. if that's what you mean
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Anyway, way to late for me to answer any humble questions. C y'all around like a walnut.
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I'm looking for wider input on a claim Metz makes in POODR. She argues taht you should "always wrap ivars in methods instead of directly referring to the variables." This seems overkill to me.
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In general, she mentions in the introduction that her way is not always THE way that everyone chooses to go. With that said, if you disagree with something she says then you are free to use a solution you find more suitable.
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hi ruby
shmilan: I was really just curious to see what other people thought. I guess I could just comb through github and see what projects tend to do.
I use attr_reader and @ if I'm only setting it in one place, e.g. an initializer
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I cannot comment on the wider implications, mrodrigues. Others may chime in with better comments.
Thanks Coraline, shmilan.
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Feathers (I think) on the other hand says that every attr is an interface that you have to maintain. That's why I only use them for setting values. I don't care who reads them.
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Oh the other way I use them is for caching
def foo; @foo ||= "Bar"; end
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i do that to have nice barewords in a class; but i make the accessor private as well
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I like to be able to look at a class and see its attrs, so I don't like @vars scattered throughout. Feels messy.
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where do you put the memoizing methods?
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No particular place.
Unless I have a good reason to group things, I tend to...
...alphabetize my methods.
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you make them all public?
No, I alphabetize under public and under private
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Memoizing methods are generally private.
Most methods are private
After I'm done with exploratory testing I'm good about making a discrete interface to the class.
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Coraline: Thanks for all the input. I was worried about cluttering my objects with attrs but I guess they can be private. I sort of liked being able to pick out ivars in the code but I'll see if I find attrs more readable.
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Happy to share.
Coraline: Are there any ruby projects that you think exemplify well written Ruby? ie. Prawn is commonly referenced as a well written project.
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Hmm, I haven't done code reading in a while.
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Sorry to put you on the spot. I guess I could have just floated that question out in general.
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Hey everyone, getting into JSON manipulation for the first time tonight and I’m a bit lost on how I can manipulate / compare different things in the array. Can anyone point me in the direction of a good tutorial for JSON manipulation?
I’m working with a big file and bit confused on the best way to read it in as well
OJ looks like it might be the way to go?
Define large
RudestBuddhist: is the 'json' gem not doing it for you?
and comparing json is just like comparing anything else.
require 'json'; JSON.parse(info)
baweaver: yeah, actually now that I think about it I can just use a few different sorts to get what I want
mrodrigues: it works, but it seems a bit slow, maybe 4 minutes to parse a 90 meg file
OJ will be faster, but at that rate Ruby might not be the best idea
I’m realizing I might have been overthinking this a bit now that I’ve asked my question :)
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How large do you anticipate it getting?
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and how fast do you need results?
well the faster the better
realistically what's required
~10 min?
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Ruby _could_ do it, but I would consider looking into Scala or Clojure instead.
I’m not really sure what expectations I can set as I’m a Jr. Dev doing this for the first time
ok, cool
am I looking at ~15 - 20min?
using ruby?
RudestBuddhist: what kind of data is it? Is it a big db in json? Is it a captured stream of JSON objects?
probably around 10, but who knows.
mrodrigues: just a captured stream of json objects
when you say stream, what do you mean
and where from?
for now
Do you anticipate using something like Logstash or Kafka for streaming data?
(message systems basically)
nah, I’d like to keep the gems as minimum as possible
those aren't gems, so I'll assume no
will, in the future, you have an actual stream of data?
no it will always be local
or sequential JSON dumps
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what's generating that much data?
it’s a log of another program
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essentially a reference ID, an IP, and some timestamps
which is built to handle that much data, often times well into the petabyte levels
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but over 100M will give Ruby some serious problems at scale
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this is probably a dumb question, but compression, like gunzipping wouldn’t help at all correct? Ruby is going to need to uncompress the file and read the JSON anyway.
what music do you listen to while programming?
hmm in early october... will ruby stand the tide of competition
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that perl6 logo looks as if it was drawn while under influences from fungi
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I'm trying to install pg_jruby, it will stay installed but does not show up in my gem env installation directory or gem path
in heroku
if i install it locally, it will save down to my installation directory, however, i cannot simply require 'pg' i must require the file with the absolute path
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i program in ruby
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is this channel active
sharkman: yup
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does anyone else here use ruby
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sharkman, most ppl here use php, other python. Sometimes we talk about ruby.
whats ruby
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be nice.
sharkman: Most folk here use Ruby. That's why they're here.
craysi you are in a ruby channel shouldnt u know what it is
yeah thats what i thought havenwood
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i don't know how i got here but they wont let me leave.
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craysii is trapped
def help; abort; end
baweaver mrodrigues: Thanks for the help guys. I think I’ve got an idea how I can make this work.
what does this mean? # Please note that the 1.0 is necessary to let bundler do its dependency management, as there is no .gemspec in the source. From : https://github.com/headius/jruby-pg
where is the 1.0 being used?
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actually, I don't think it will be that hard for you at this point
it is the best. the only thing you'd ever need
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pontiki: it's not good for novice programmers, takes too many things for granted. Actually let's say that you need to 'study it' more than the average "learn to program book".
it is not a "learn to program book"
it is a "learn the C programming language" book
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ruby spoiled me immensely
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pontiki: actually, IMHO it's a better "learn to program book" exactly becuase it's a "learn the C programming way" (procedural that is).
pontiki: makes you write your own loops, define types and so on.
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like assembler!
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i've been trying to learn programming for years now what am i doing wrong?
uh... what makes you think you're doing something wrong?
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because i can't code a webpage properly
i can't style a page that i made in html
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ok, so you need to practice your css
where and how
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i really want to learn so badly
i've spent thousands of dollars trying to learn
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by trying different things, asking for help if you get stuck, reading online resources
that doesn't work for me
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are there any lab type things where i can push myself
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well without knowing exactly what trouble you're having, can only offer very general advice
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i watched and read a lot of material
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i try to do something and it's like i can't do it
it's like i'm on the spot and blank out
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when you watch tutorials, do you try doing it yourself or just watch?
I have same problem, if I only watch and try doing things after that, it wont work. I have to follow along to learn.
i'm going to try that
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a little bemused that the thought of actually following a tutorial didn't occur to you, but good to know you now have something to go on :)
sevenseacat: i've never done homework and excelled on tests
i guess it might have something to do with it
emarlan: Maybe you need someone to talk to about your code.
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prosody: i feel like i need some guidance
like a mentor
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emarlan: Teachers need teachers.
but now i'm broke :(
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M-mistake if only you could build computer hardware similar to the human brain
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shevy: it would be nice if i could understand how my brain works
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M-mistake: is there a place where you can learn how your brain works and what study methods are good for you?
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emarlan: id love to work with you, but I need a stabler social network like https://matrix.org/beta/#/room/#ruby:matrix.org (to audit log you need a persistent, decentralized, distributed, secure log = persistent, decentralized, distributed, secure education... and the action of audit is free banking.)
shevy: I'm @mistake. I feel 0 and 1 are very human terms. We just added artificial intelligence on top of that emotional intel core. :∫
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prosody: are you a bot...?
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sevenseacat: No, I just have an IRC account, and a matrix.org bridge account.
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sevenseacat: Read the logs from matrix.org, then just switched to IRCCloud cause it's used here.
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* sevenseacat
has no idea whats going on
sevenseacat: Someone was talking about learning/using/trouble programming.
I know that, but I have no idea what youre talking about
sevenseacat: Live chat programming help, but with freer-form mayhaps?
matrix seems like an irc server where you have to register to sign up?
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They were talking about encountering blocks in writing their code, so I just had my two cents.
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emarlan: Sorta. I do not want to clog by explaining.
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what happened to the good old days of using classic IRC clients
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what happened to using Unicode, shevy?
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why would I need that
prosody: are you in the channel?
shevy: Theoretically Matrix procol's IRC refit wants to do away with the centralization and maybe let your IRC client be a part of the messaging network as a federated homeserver-client.
emarlan: Yes.
okay i'm going to quit this chat
thank you :)
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yeah, there is quite a bit of movement of "IRC is old-school, let's change it"
we'll still be here after those movements are finished.
I do have a hard time believing that someone never encountered a tutorial before
but to each their own.
We're talking about Ruby on Matrix.org. Just needed more room.
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First lettering and line of the topic here is "Rules" ;) so it makes sense if there are a lot of shrugs IO:)
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I wish _why was an op.∫
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_why is gone
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I∫ _mis _why.
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he made great cartoons
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he gave code emotion(s)
I have heard about emocode
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Aha. Renice. Makes cense. i switched Info Sec to Emo Sec, but failed to find that det.
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emocode… brilliant :D
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this ques is related to chef.I have a rcipe where in recipe node['oms-common'] is used in recipe. I need to figure out from where the attribute value node['oms-common'] is coming. its not even defined in the attributes file
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cloudbud, why aren't you asking this in #chef ?
i asked thr
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cloudbud is charged per letter sent though their ISP
Radar: Throughwellput.
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i installed rake-compile
but rake still insists it cannot find rake/extensiontask
what is wrong
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even in irb rake/extensiontask can be loaded
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what the hell
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wtf is this
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astrobunny: are you in a project with a Gemfile?
i have a gemspec
gemspec != Gemfile
well the Gemfile says gemspec
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of course they are different, but i have a Gemfile that says gemspec
then you're probably running via bundler. you have to add rake-compile to your dependencies.
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note that a gem can have development dependencies - stuff needed for development, but not for using the gem.
i see
i need to test my gem extension
i have a project requiring the gem by path
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but when i bundle install i dont see it building
the extension
thanks, apeiros
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moin certainty
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is there a way to invalidate the ruby bundle
the native extension bundle
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also `git ls-files` does not work if you have the source from anywhere else than git-clone or a full copy of a repo
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e.g. a tarball
or from a gem install :)
I'm stuck trying to build xml with nokogiri Builder. I want <ns1:foo> <ns2:bar><foo><bar></ns2:bar></ns1:foo> - Any tips, ideas or suggestions? Google has similar hits, but no cigar.
though, it's arguable that the source from a gem install does not need to contain all files to develop on the gem
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marwinism: iirc there's two ways, one is public_send("ns1:foo")
the other I think was using [], e.g. builder["ns1"].foo, not sure anymore about that way
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actually, not even sure about the first way anymore. been a while :)
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apeiros: thanks! Already doing that, but in some namespaces (not all of them), I need clean tags without namespaces. This is a shitty format called CIN XML, and i'm starting to belive I need to hack it real bad.
I just can't figure out how to stop namespace inheritance on some nodes.
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builder['foo'].root { builder.foo } works like charm
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i'll do some research on public_send tho! Thanks
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I am trying to find more about class instance variables in the docs but I can't seem to find it. Any suggestions?
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FernandoBasso: they are exactly the same as instance variables
(because they *are* instance variables)
What about setting getters and setters for them?
What about inheritance?
the instance to which a class ivar belongs is the class
that means you define accessors on the class of that instance
How is that done?
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>> class Foo; class << self; attr_reader :x; end; @x = 1; end; Foo.x
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you're not calling a method on A
you're calling one on B
the variable is not shared
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unless you meant they're not shared between class definitions, you're talking out of your arse
you execute code in the context of b, with self being b, which sets an ivar
yorickpeterse: mind your language
If you meant that they're not shared in the same fashion as class variables, then yes, you're right
But instance variables set in a parent class are very much available to sub classes when they're initialized
class A; @x = 1; end; class B < A; end # class B does *not* have access to @x from A. it can define its own @x. it can do so through a method it inherited from A. but that does NOT mean it accesses A's @x
that's the point. you do NOT set it in the parent class
you use *a method inherited* from the parent class. you don't execute that method in the parent class. you execute it in the descendant.
next time you might want to clarify you specifically meant setting ivars on class level
and not on instance level
same thing
_very_ different
works exactly the same.
class Foo; @x = 10; end # you're setting an ivar on an instance of the singleton class
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which is _very_ different from setting an ivar on the instance of the class
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the mechanics of what has access to what is precisely the same.
ivars and cvars, the worst things that ever happened to a beginner
ivars are fine, cvars are a farce
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They literally should've never existed
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but then again constants aren't constant either
yorickpeterse: to understand, change your code slightly. class A; def foo; p self.class; @number = 10; end
you'll see that b.foo will print B, not A
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ho lee fugue
you are right.
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spec.files = `git ls-files -z`
i do not know why i did not see that
but wow.
apeiros: oh wow, I totally hadn't noticed
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or even: b = B.new; c = B.new; b.foo; c.instance_variables
b has @number, c does not.
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ivars are registered to a single object alone
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... you're missing what I said
13:56 yorickpeterse: apeiros: instance variables are available to subclasses
instance variables are inherited from parent classes, but scoped to their instances
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you say that. and that's not correct.
...it is
no, they are not inherited. you inherit methods.
not ivars.
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if you would inherit ivars, they'd show up on .instance_variables.
oh right, because you can access ivars from the ancestor chain
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I think your mental model of objects is quite broken.
I'm pretty aware of how this works
it works by you evaluating #initialize in the context of `b`
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and that method adds an ivar to `b` and `b` alone.
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no variable has been inherited in the process.
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The example you've showed, of `class Foo; @number = 10; end` is a very different thing from what I've showed
it's the same as doing: b.instance_eval do @foo = 10 end # I didn't inherit @foo from anywhere either
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so in short: what you inherit is #initialize
you don't inherit @foo
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the inherited code will define your @foo when it is run. how you get to "that means @foo is inherited" from that is beyond me.
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apeiros is so clever!
i thought ivars were inherited too
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apeiros: it's inherited in the sense that whatever is defined in the ancestor chain (and is called), is available to sub classes
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it's not inherited that there's some field like "superclass" or w/e
again, IMO you misunderstand the object model
That is, there's no hard coded chain so to speak (as is the case with classes)
a newly created object has *zero* ivars. it has its own ivar table. which is empty. it has no reference in that table to any class/superclass/chain
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ivars are NOT part of inheritance. at all.
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cvars are. in a weird way.
" it's inherited in the sense that whatever is defined in the ancestor chain (and is called)"
that doesn't even make sense.
tell me, what's the super equivalent for ivars?
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Your initial note made it sound like ivars are not available to subclasses when they're defined in a method that is called from a child class
That in itself is false, which I probably didn't explain entirely clearly
they are not. you get your very own ivar in that child class.
What I meant is that if an instance of a class has a parent class, where something defines an instance variable (e.g. via a method call), then those variables _are_ available to the instance
which is entirely unrelated to the ivar in the superclass.
again: all you share is the code.
And the difference with that vs `class Foo; @number = 10; end` is that this doesn't even set an ivar on the instance of the class, but instead on the singleton class
apeiros: I still don't see where in the docs I would read about this subject.
and again: this code can very well set/assign/define an ivar. but that ivar has absolutely nothing to do with any ivar the same code sets in any other object.
The docs seem very misleading actually. Module#attr_accessor states ' creating an instance variable (@name)' which I don't think it does at all.
hm, ruby-doc only seems to cover core/stdlib and some outdated shit
It is either incomplete or inaccurate.
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Mon_Ouie: uh, yes, this is indeed very misleading
apeiros: I don't see where this defines accessors in the attr_accessor sense
unless you're referring to something else when you talk about accessors
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yorickpeterse: lost where you are. what do you mean?
FernandoBasso: there's an ISO spec, which only covers 1.8, and costs about 200 Euros
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apeiros: "you define the *accessor* in the singleton class"
yorickpeterse: not shown in the code
then I'm confused
yorickpeterse: you'd do class << Foo; attr_reader :x; end to access that @x
oh right, that pattern
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>> class Foo; @x = 1; class << self; attr_reader :x; end; end; [Foo.instance_variables, Foo.x]
yorickpeterse: And which would probably look like gobbledygook to me.
FernandoBasso: either way, instance variables are variables available to an instance of something only
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since Ruby doesn't let you pre-define them (e.g. as you'd probably do in something like Java) they're usually set from within a method
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define the reader as an instance method in Foo's class (where you have 2 options: Class and ancestors, or .singleton_class), define the ivar in the instance (Foo)
e.g. the "initialize" method
FernandoBasso the best initial tutorial I always found to be were working examples
ruby-lang923: just ask your question
FernandoBasso: and yes, the ISO spec is meh
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200 euro for meh documentation hmm
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Well, thank you all for your invaluable insights.
shevy: doesn't even cover encodings
or the syntax introduced in 1.9
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Well it is meant to be a spec for Ruby 1.8
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workmad3: ltns o/
Mon_Ouie: it was written when 1.9 was out
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makes little sense to write an ISO spec for an already deprecated version of your language
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especially if that version is _very_ different from newer versions
And what is the difference between a variable I defined right inside the body of a class vs those I create inside an initialize method?
don't go stealing my docs now
also wtf Mail dumps downloads in ~/Library?
wtf Apple
FernandoBasso do you mean @ivar or var ?
FernandoBasso: they're available in different contexts
shevy: Just a moment.
FernandoBasso but a general answer is, the scope is different
class Foo; @foo = 'foo' will be different than class Foo; def initialize; @foo = 'foo'
@foo always refers to the instance variable called '@foo' of the object referenced to by self
And we just happen to call the instance variables of objects that are also classes "class instance variables", so your annotations are correct
I misunderstood what apeiros said then. "they are exactly the same".
FernandoBasso: euh, technically I believe "instance variable" and "class instance variable" are the same
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Or my question was ill-asked.
different scope FernandoBasso
at least in Smalltalk they are 2 terms for the same thing
FernandoBasso I would call both instance variables
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FernandoBasso: when you do `class Foo; @number = 10; end` then @number is available to Foo
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They work the same way, just with a different object referenced to by 'self'
for class instance variable, you can define getter and setters through cattr_(reader/writer/accessor)
when you do `class Foo; def initialize; @number = 10; end; end` then @number is only available to _instances_ of Foo
sebyx07: Those methods are not part of Ruby.
FernandoBasso you can give both the same name btw ... class Foo; @foo = 5; def initialize; @foo = 5 <-- two different @foo variables there
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also blegh, my whole brain is full of hay today
And looking them up, they set class variables in Rails
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i believe the implementation is roughly equivalent to what apeiros already show. Defining attr_reader on the singleton_class
ah, for normal ruby, you can use class << self; attr_(reader/writer/accessor) :myaccessor; end. You can also checkout my DI library i made for ruby https://github.com/sebyx07/rubybeans
14:25 yorickpeterse: FernandoBasso: euh, technically I believe "instance variable" and "class instance variable" are the same
yes, that
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In some of my tests, I had to do def self.foo; @foo; end; and def self.foo=(val); @foo = val; end to create getters/setters for "class instance variables".
don't have the book with me, but I'm pretty sure the Smalltalk blue book uses both to refer to the same
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FernandoBasso: yes, `class Foo; def self.foo; @foo; end; end` is equivalent to `class Foo; class << self; attr_reader :foo; end; end`
All right.
FernandoBasso I'd call them instance variables too, just that they reside on the class level
i mean the module system in languages in haskell or scheme
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but constrained to behavior/functions only
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now that I think of it typeclasses are also somewhat akin to it (minus the renaming, exclusion thing)
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eh, not entirely
a trait can only specify methods
while a module is usually just a container for whatever is defined in a file
(module in the non Ruby sense)
a module is not a trait
although they are a collections of similar methods
feature that had been in our app for over a year appeared broken... figured out it was due to a comma in jquery's .on() function separating the multiple events it had to listen to
they serve different purposes
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the word module is overloaded here
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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i have a table flip macro :D
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yorickpeterse: yes, that's what i meant when I said: "constrained to behavior/functions only". I wasn't clear here I think
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your macro doesn't appear right here because I still havent fixed my encoding
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but oh well, priorities
**continues to try and make a triple oreo cookie**
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just kidding, I'm not doing that
I did that while waiting for my coffee
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here's a coffee, you seem to need it: ☕
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ruboto really has all the useful stuff inbuilt
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apeiros was like dead silent at the beginning of 2015
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contrast that with the activity at #perl
* certainty
hey... perl 6 will revive perl
yeah sure
it's already at 700 users!
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look at #haskell
apeiros: is not active in #haskell i believe
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?crosspost certainty
certainty, Please do not crosspost without at least telling so and mentioning provided suggestions and their outcome in all channels. Experience shows that people don't do either, and not doing so is considered rude.
^ ^
how was that a crosspost? xD
the world works in mysterious ways, my friend
i see i see
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yeah lots of people in #haskell
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probably there are free cookies
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shevy: They are god-damn friendly folks
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Very enlightened spirits roaming in #haskell
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good ruby talk
unlike me :(
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[k-_ you just happen to like haskell the most here :>
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that's not true
or probably it is true
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anybody here using Lotus for serious internet business?
nope not yet
trying to see how people's experiences are with it
* certainty
definitely looks interesting, but it's a risky choice
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Lotus? the office suite from the 1990s?
shevy: lotus.rb
lotus looks sexy
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speaking of srs business, I'm looking into elixir right now... very pleasant experience so far
I can see it going places (along with phoenix)
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it rises like phoenix?
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yes, except that would imply it having died before
phoenix is a library for elixir? pardon my ignorance
havenwood will tell you more!
oh it's a framework
oh, he isnt here
framework indeed
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still working on elixir so I haven't looked into it yet, but from a distance it feels like it was inspired by rails, just more lightweight and with a little less magic
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maloik: what's the nicest thing about elixir so far?
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shevy: people just really enjoy writing Haskell, if you ask a question, they solve it for you
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what's caught my attention so much more than say Go or whatever is its community and leadership
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and speaking of frameworks, what do you guys think about Volt?
the fact that its syntax is a little like ruby, and some of the ideologies as well, really helps
yorickpeterse: lotus is great, but not for srs business yet
also, phoenix seems to be the "approved" framework by the elixir team so to speak... if you look at go, there's like over 9000 you need to evaluate
ljarvis: how so?
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yorickpeterse: it's just too young at the moment (for me to invest in, that is). But I really like the look of it
Oh yeah
the pros/consts we've gathered so far are...
err where did I put this
try /documents/rants
maloik: ok thanks
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the biggest issue for me is one you haven't listed; third-party tools. Our gemfile is packed full of stuff we pull in because there are companies/people decicated to maintaining hard to build software. I'm not prepared for us to start writing some of that stuff ourselves
and from what I gather it also has some issues on JRuby 9k
ljarvis: it's there IIRC
ah you mention ecosystem, so basically the same
yorickpeterse: drop that goofy emoticon
platzhirsch: what?
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haters gonna hate ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
Be a serious man
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(it's actually set to : haters : minus the spaces)
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* ****** *?
is that your password?
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No, it's *******
inb4 hunter2
hence 7 characters
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I just have an impeccable sense of humor
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I just walk into a bar and be like, hey, wanna see my XML parser?
(the first joke is that I don't go into bars)
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do you powerslide in?
"sure, is it as fast as Nokogiri?" *necks shot and walks out*
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ljarvis: come say that to my face tough guy
im coding ruby now
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also actually xpath is now faster than nokogiri in certain cases
yorickpeterse: <3
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sharkman: that is so good
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thanks platzhirsch, you too
I know ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
stop stealing my emoji
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It's an emoticon sir
EMOJI, this is not MSN
No Emojis are based on Unicode
can i swear on this channel
platzhirsch: so is this
I'm in love with Ruby, she is so elegant and beautiful that I never want to leave her...
would i get killed if i do
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ vs.
yes, but it is one character unicode
it's still unicode
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yes, that doesn't make it an emoji
sharkman: it's preferred not to swear like a sailor
* to not swear
my Engrish
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but i could swear occasionally like esp. if its funny right
using ruby 2.2.3 and bundler, I'm seeing an issue where bundler says a gem failed to install, but I'm able to install it using `gem install xxx`. Then another 10 or 20 gems later, another fails. just bundling again does not work. Any ideas?
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freetimeruby you must invoke it on the correct object
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well i did
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4.between? 2,5
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freetimeruby: what version of Ruby are you running?
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If you look at ri Numeric, it will say that the Numeric class (which is Integer's superclass) includes the module Comparable. This means that all of Comparable's instance methods are also available to integers.
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sharkman: Using if/elsif
week is passed to the case statement, and in a couple situations i want to convert it to an integer to analyze
oh okay
Mon_Ouie: No.
docs should say all
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damn it
freetimeruby aha, found it... rb_include_module(rb_cNumeric, rb_mComparable); in the file numeric.c - this may be hard to read but this should be equivalent to "include Comparable" in pure ruby
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sharkman: Ruby 2.3 defines #positive? and #negative? on Integers, but I imagine you're not using 2.3. :/
lol no im not
i'm afraid to do any actual work in ruby :! u dont have actual docs
sharkman: You can use `when -> n { n < 0 }`.
too bad it cant work on a case statement. it would look nicer that way
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sharkman: See above.
freetimeruby yeah, it's only for the brave :>
You can get close enough.
The docs do say it. You can use 'ri Integer#between?' and it will show the documentation from Enumerable
freetimeruby: Bollocks.
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docs say anything and still you can use it
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you include a module freetimeruby so the methods are available
I'd argue it's not composition at all. The same object gets all the methods and all the state. You're not composing multiple objects together.
freetimeruby your class can access it if you do a "include" statement inside, so for instance: class Car; include Doors; end <--- the car may have Doors. In this case, subclassing might not make equal sense... like class Car < Door
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words = ["foo", "bar", "baz"] words.[](1)
its gives error
so i tried this
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worked fine
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>> words = ["foo", "bar", "baz"]; words.[](1) # freetimeruby
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Though inclusion was probably intended, not everyone relates to being "one of the guys". Maybe consider using "folks", "all", "y'all", or "everyone" instead?
Ox0dea: well, "guys" is gender neutral in some local dialects
eam: There would be at most two girls if the piza place identified as female.
(thus the whole kerfluffle)
"Two Guys and Two Gals (One of Whom Is a Pizza Place)"
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Thank you.
man, now i'm hungry for pizza
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The next time I'll say: Hi, everyone. xD
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Ox0dea: just like how various nouns change between masculine and feminine between languages
That's an implementation detail.
it all is
Prove it.
At least, tell me where Peano went wrong.
imperator I think that is the secret plan
both eam and Ox0dea must work for some pizza brand
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Ox0dea: he didn't eat enough pizza; no one does
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pizza can be quite expensive
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this whole thing reminds of that colin quinn bit
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Is there a standard pretty-print for ruby source like there is for C? I've tried googling, but the results are all about the built-in PrettyPrint or awesome_print modules, which appear to be for the REPL loop, and not for formatting an existing source-code file.
kyle__, you can use rubocop
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imperator: I thought that was a lint like thing, to identify possible issues?
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shevy: it's expensive because it's worth it
kyle__, you can automatically apply your rules as well
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rubocop -a
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imperator: Ahh. I never knew that.
Thank you.
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and you can hook it into vim, too
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(maybe other editors, too, dunno)
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Humm. I'm going to have to look this up.
/join should take a greeting argument.
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kyle__: Are you looking for something that could conceivable take an entire program mushed into a single line and spit out pretty?
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fidalgo: The error message is quite clear about the problem.
ohhhh ruboto keeps track?
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fidalgo: You're trying to access Shape::SIDES, which doesn't exist since you're declaring it separately in the subclasses.
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tsunamie you should add the specific error + line of error; also pastebin is inferior to gist and other pasties
Ox0dea: I understand in part, but I'm creating an Triangle instance...
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fidalgo: Yes, but Triangle gets its initializer from Shape.
Ox0dea: so I need to use an instance var to hold the number of sides, right?
fidalgo : Doesn't matter, the list of classes where constants are looked up inside the method body is figured out at the moment when the method is defined, not called
fidalgo: No, you could just use `self.class::SIDES`.
tsunamie: that doesnt look like valid json indeed
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tsunamie you call .split on a hash
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shevy, I call split on a key in a hash
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as you can see from the script. I take the key value which has a / in the middle of it to deperate the group id and the artifact id f the app and split it.
tsunamie: `packages` is an array of Hashes.
Right, so an Array of Hashes, but can those Hashes contain multiple key-value pairs, or is it always just the one?
Ox0dea, ^^ example, multiple key/value pairs of applications tha
tsunamie: That's not multiple key-value pairs.
That's an Array of Hashes, and each Hash contains a single pair.
Ox0dea, no, they will always be in the single formate as shown
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tsunamie: packages.each { |package| key, value = package.to_a }
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the loop I created should loop throught each has and perform an action based on each hash
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tsunamie: Better than an Array of single-pair Hashes would be to just have one big Hash.
packages.reduce(:merge).each do { |key, value| ... }
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the array may change in size and I don't know what may come throught. All I know is what comes throught will bean array of hashs. With a possibilitiy of n hashs all in the same format. anything in another format is invalid
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tsunamie: You want packages.reduce(:merge).
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imperator: thanks :-) nice list.
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Ox0dea, thanks will be right back thanks for your patients with me. I just really want to understand this
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is there a way i can place many rescues into a block so i can do something after any one of them is triggered?
craysiii isn't that how it is always done? begin; rescue Foo; rescue Bar; rescue Bla ?
i honestly don't know
you can list multiple exceptions inside a rescue as well as add multiple rescue's
and if they have to do the same, rescue Foo, Bar, Bla
hmm I should test it ...
i haven't done much of any error handling
shevy: Yes, that's correct.
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But you can't, for instance, say `rescue Foo => a, Bar => b`.
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Which is probably for the better, but still.
craysiii ok but you know the exceptions you want to rescue?
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yes i do, from the stripe api
You can `rescue Foo, Bar => a'
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> mfw `'
how do I add a check for this e = entry.mail.first so if not present instead of saying `method_missing': undefined method `mail' I like to feed entry.cn.first
ok good then you are already done! begin; your_scary_code_here; rescue AllScaryExceptionsThere => error; p error; end
well i do want different code in each error handler, i just want to redirect to something in my rails app after regardless of which error.
Mon_Ouie: Is there still some rationale to it?
begin/rescue works kind of like case/when
i've been stuck for the past 2 hours and all I needed was '.include?'.. thanks, apeiros
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sharkman: There are in fact methods called #any?, #all?, #one?, and #none?, mind.
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So if your array doesn't contain `false`, you could just use #all?.
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(And negate it, of course.)
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okay, include seems pretty intuitive here
any sounds okay too...
any?, all?, one? and none? are quite nice for custom predicates. but in the given case, .include? is the most efficient and least code to write too
it's like terse pseudo english
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apeiros: They all stop as soon as they can.
Ox0dea: sure
but yielding is more expensive than calling #== from C
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as is iterating using #each instead of a counter in C
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you do not use an initialize method
so your read() method has the file name hardcoded: File.open("./input",
so you have to manually invoke .read
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you can get rid of the manual check.read if you use an initialize method
alternatively you could also use a Equation.read variant
shevy: ok. You know this is my 3rd try to become a programmer and i feel really mess when i need to build a loop (for in this example)
yeah the loop is also strange
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but you have to move in small steps anyway
shevy: thanks, understand about initialize method
but your code works right? so you are one step above the usual newbiew stage :)
i am not sure about it, i think i just in same place and i reached limits of my mind :(
yes, my code works.
but i spent about 1 hour to write this
may be 1,5 :)
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and if i remove this code now i am not sure that i can write it again faster than first time
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Does anyone use a selenium webdriver for testing end-to-end? if so which one? how about Watir ?
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karapetyan well just takes more practice, after you did the same ~100 times, it'll become a no-thinking procedure!
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shevy: sure? even if i dumb? :D
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I need to write something like command tool. Where I can log in and type some commands. How should I start? ;-) There is any gem which can help me to do this?
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karapetyan yeah. practice helps a lot
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izzol what do you mean with "log in"?
shevy: type login/pass and have a "Console" with my commands.
izzol: you can create your_app.rb file and put there some ruby-code. That code can accept input from command line
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oh, you mean like via a webinterface?
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karapetyan: I know but I was thinking about something more useful, with history of commands and so on.
karapetyan see, you can't be that dumb, you understood izzol better than I did
well, "history of commands" - that's an array :)
could someone help me with the output of 'local_variables' ? i guess that it includes not only already "declared" local variables but ones that will be declared in the current scope...
dorei: It's to do with them all of those statements being on the same line, I believe.
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Never mind.
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>> @f = 5 ; z = instance_variables; @e = 1 ; z
> Returns the names of the *current* local variables.
Emphasis mine.
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Is there a class/gem/module that will let you essentially File.read a remote file over ssh? Other than just use Net::SSH to the target host and catting the file?
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kyle__: What's wrong with the latter?
can someone tell me whats wrong with this method I wrote to open a file I'm quite new to ruby
Ox0dea: Nothing, other than I have to write it, instead of just gem-installing and letting magic happen ;)
Admittedly it is trivial, isn't it....
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Oui. :P
this syntax worked: puts "Some string here: #{if foo == bar then string else some_other_string end}"
you are sending me to the dark parts of the internet here
More than you know.
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Ox0dea: I tried that, but when the compiler whined about a syntax error and gave a lame description I tried something else until it worked
File.open returns a File object, not the contents
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dorei: That #local_variables lies is to do with control frames, but that's about all I could surmise. :/
Whether or not it should actually do what the documentation says it does is unclear.
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kyle__: i'm pretty sure you can mount a remote filesystem over ssh
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dorei: Using fuse+sshfs yes.
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kyle__: i think that's the cleanest way :)
dorei: I was selfishly hoping someone had written a glorious wrapper as a gem do do this already :)
dorei: That's OK. I'm hacking up a tiny function.
i figured it out it was the way I named my method lol
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Hey all, Ruby noobie here. I'm writing some command line applications for practice - is it possible to run those with a tiny framework (Camping, Cuba) in a browser? Or am I missing something obvious?
I'd like to share them with people over the internet who have no idea what Terminal is and without learning / re-writing them.
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cndiv, There might be some special library that will do that for you, but in general there will need to be some additions/changes in order to use a web interface instead of command line
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centrx: Big crazy additions, you think? Or more like, the right gem?
cndiv: Converting a command line app to a Rack app is a worthwhile exercise. Sinatra is quite popular. I really like Roda, which is a descendant of Cuba with a great plugin system.
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Cuba Roda this is like Samba here
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cndiv: You can do CGI with Ruby but it's not a popular route because it has to restart for each request.
Hey Macarena
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havenwood: I totally get that it's worthwhile, but is it a huge exercise? I'm eventually learning Rails, but want to get my Ruby solid first.
havenwood: and sorry, CGI stands for?
common gateway interface?
cndiv: Forget I mentioned CGI. Start with a vanilla Rack app.
cndiv: Make a simple Rack app that responds with HTML or JSON. Then add in a 404 error. Then I'd suggest turning that into a Roda app. Look through each Roda plugin for a very good idea of features you might want to add.
havenwood: But see what I'm saying? I have to learn HTML and JSON?
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cndiv: No, you can use JSON from Ruby's stdlib.
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havenwood: Ah, ok. Seems like a good start, then. Thanks for your help.
cndiv: if you're going to have people interact with your app in a browser, you kind of have to know html
because that's the only thing browsers understand
cndiv: Or for example, Roda has a JSON plugin that automatically returns a JSON representation of that route's return value.
toretore: Literally I'm fine with scrolling text like a terminal window. I was hoping there was something that could handle that without learning another language.
cndiv: You can serve up plain text with a Rack app if you prefer.
Think like 2400 baud BBS style text scrolling, in a web window.
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cndiv: i assume you're talking about an in-browser ui
which is by definition going to have to be html
jhass is anybody. They're a member of the op staff in #ruby, contributor to ruboto and ruby-community.com
someone has to add a factoid to Ox0dea ok?
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Would be inappropriate, I think.
I don't know anything about someone
I don't know anything about domoarigato
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#=> I'm Mr. ruboto!
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I am working on a gem that has a C extension component that only works on newer rubies. But I'd like to fall back to a pure-ruby version for older rubies, or if no c compiler is present. Where can I find docs on the nitty-gritty of developing a gem like that?
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hmmm docs :D
cschneid_: Just translate the C to Ruby?
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Ox0dea: yeah, more of the mechanics of the gemspec & such.
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Ox0dea: like, how do I say: "compile here if you can, then if you fail, that's cool, but I need to know when I do my requires in lib/mygem.rb"
so when you use a ruby library that is just a wrapper around a C library, and a library function you want to use is supposed to be sent a function pointer as a callback, can you actually send it a ruby method somehow? specifically, it's ruby-guestfs and Guestfs.set_event_callback() I'm trying here.
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ah, you just send a Proc. Cool! Ruby is pretty awesome! :)
cschneid_: Ah, right. Well, a gemspec is just Ruby code, so `RUBY_VERSION` + `File.exist?('/bin/cc')` would get you most of the way there.
Ox0dea: I've never done anything fancy. The gemspec is resolved on the client during a `gem install`?
if so yeah, something like that would work out ok
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then I `require mynativelib rescue require 'myrubylib'`
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cschneid_: Apparently the best approach is to generate a dummy Makefile in extconf.rb.
cschneid_: No, sorry, that's if the C extension bits are optional.
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if I'm using the default project and default gem profile for ruby, how do I properly cron that? all the examples I see assume a unique project name and gem set name. which I didn't do before hand.
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apparently 'ruby cron setup' is the quick answer!
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Ox0dea: the C bits are optional and easily jettisoned. As long as the gem can then later figure that out and fall back to pure-ruby impl.
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See also the definition therein of `closure_data_type`, which is where the deallocator gets specified.
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pegasuspect: Nice portmanteau.
Perfect sharing and everything.
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Is anybody here?
im new to irc
yes, we are here
we're ALL here
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Ox0dea, thanks, will try to figure that out
imperator: Godspeed.
pegasuspect: Careful not to wake them!
well i was wondering if there is a posible way to compile ruby for windows and unix
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you mean a common binary? don't think so
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no not a common one, two seperate files are ok
oh, sure
pegasuspect: You're basically asking if C compilers are still a thing.
yea.. maybe :D sorry if i sound kinda stupid
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so, just stick your precompiled binaries where you want them - probably under 'lib/unix' and 'lib/windows' or something
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actually i am new to ruby as well
then create a stub file under lib that just does "if windows; require 'lib/windows/file'; else; require 'lib/unix/file'; end"
so i never compiled ruby yet
pegasuspect: Why do you want to compile it?
to make an executable like from terminal u could just run it
pegasuspect: You might take a look at Traveling Ruby if you're interested in how one might distribute Ruby: http://phusion.github.io/traveling-ruby/
say ./myAwesomeCode
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pegasuspect: Open Notepad.
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havenwood: thanks
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Procs and lambdas are something I don't know much about in ruby
You should fix that with due haste.
Can I pass around functions with Procs?
More or less, anyhow.
boy this is tough
i think procs are like anonymous functions in other languages
boy this is tough
Is it not quite 'first-order' behind the scenes?
dfockler: No, they are in fact first-class.
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It's methods which aren't.
dfockler: procs and lambdas are first-class anonymous methods that capture a lexical closure
You can't "return a method", as it were.
Ox0dea: well, there's some_obj.method(:foobar) which gives you a bound method object
Not quite the same thing, though.
Are blocks implemented using Procs
but it's clunky, and it's not quite first-order in several ways :)
dfockler: sort-of
dfockler: if you make a 'block-param' explicit in a method e.g. def foobar(&blk) then the class of `blk` is Proc
Oh ok
dfockler: but pretty much every ruby interpreter will optimise away that object creation if the block param isn't explicit
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workmad3: It's still there waiting to be turned into an explicit Proc, mind.
so at the 'ruby level', you only really have procs conceptually, but if you delve into the low-level details, you'll see 'blocks' which are almost like an anonymous function without the Proc wrapper on it :)
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what do y'all use for unit tests?
when using Lumberjack::Device::DateRollingLogFile with :roll => :daily, the current day is always in file.log and the date is only appended to old logs?
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I'm trying to figure out why I'd have file.log.2015-07-31 and file.log.2015-08-02 but no file.log.2015-08-01
When I run ruby --debug myprogram.rb I get rubygems/defaults/operating_system
What is that operating_system thing?
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So, a hack, straight from the horse's mouth.
Ox0dea: I saw that in my local files.
Should I just comment it?
FernandoBasso: It's not actually stopping your program from being run.
It's just being "reported" because --debug ups the verbosity.
Ox0dea: But it is a good idea that I learn ruby using -d, is it not?
Eh, -w is fine.
So proc affects the context that it's being executed in?
dfockler: No, it introduces a new one.
Ox0dea: Thanks.
Ox0dea: are you a ruler of the ruby residers?
dfockler: You can modify existing locals from within a Proc, if that's how you meant.
well this article says the return causes the method it's being proc.call from, to return
That's right, but "context" isn't quite the right word for that behavior.
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looks like Lumberjack::Device::DateRollingLogFile will only roll if I log to it.. so not having a file.log.2015-08-01 means there was nothing logged to it during that timeframe, at least not until 2015-08-02
okay i figured it out. DateTime.new(blah blah) - 4.hours
So a proc acts like a closure, and can capture variables in the local scope?
I'm in Arizona though, so I don't deal with DST.
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I'm always GMT-0700 or UTC-0700
* dfockler
is refraining from saying mean things about Arizona
dfockler: :)
* sevenseacat
also doesn't do DST and sits firmly in UTC+8
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(though I build apps for places that do have DST. the joys)
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I work out of an office in Annapolis, MD. so I'm painfully aware of EST vs EDT..
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yeah my company is in Sydney AU which does do DST. so much fun.
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cucumber question: i want to test something that deals with a specific sequence. telling it to 'grow' or 'shrink' the sequence should alter the current value. unfortunately, at the beginning of each scenario things get re-initialised.
how can i build a scenario outline that uses the same object, unmodified, for each scenario in the outline?
You can't.
Group them into the same scenaril
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Radar: ew. so much for short simple scenaria :-)
Radar: no best-practice magic using tags, Around() hooks, and instance/module variables?
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postmodern: Yours is so far from the name I would've expected to find on Bug #11520.
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theRoUS: Wrap your sequence in a Proc and invoke it in each scenario?
Kinda silly, though.
Ox0dea, hmm? whenever i find something that sticks out, i tend to submit a bug.
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hey I need to dynamically build a pdf using image from a remote url and a generated barcode and then upload it to s3
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what would be the best way to do this using Grape?
postmodern: It shouldn't've stuck out to somebody such as yourself was the sentiment I meant to convey there.
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siempref_: those are two separate things, Grape should basically take the arguments to build the PDF from an HTTP request
Array#compact! is just another of many such methods which return `nil` if they didn't end up mutating the receiver.
ok, what would be the simplest way to combine these elements?
siempref_: well grape just routes to a method, so have your method build and upload the pdf
Ox0dea, your assuming that i know everything ;)
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postmodern: More than many is all.
Ox0dea, i actually never heard of that rule until today, i always heard that in-place mutation methods returned nil, or that you should expect a nil
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postmodern: I guess the fact that you're the reason I get to switch between Rubies so conveniently has you on a sort of pedestal in my mind.
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i just like chruby
* sevenseacat
bows down to postmodern
In any case, I apologize for wording it such that my praise might've been misconstrued as insult.
* Ox0dea
joins sevenseacat and advises the channel to follow suit.
i just like typing chruby really fast
Ox0dea, smash that pedestal. we're all just humans, not heroes
if I am reading it right, Lumberjack::Device::DateRollingLogFile rolls the files before_flush so a dated file won't be created if you do not log to it for that day?