closer changed the topic of #ruby-core to: check the latest release candidate for 1.9.1 release
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43203] svn:r55278 (trunk): * 2016-06-05 -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43204] duerst:r55277 (trunk): * string.c: Remove :lithuanian guard for Unicode case mapping. -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43205] duerst:r55279 (trunk): * test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb: -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43206] nobu:r55280 (trunk): optparse.rb: fix quote [ci skip] -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43207] duerst:r55281 (trunk): * NEWS: Add news about Unicode-wide case mapping for -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43208] rhe:r55282 (trunk): openssl: check existence of RAND_pseudo_bytes() -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43209] rhe:r55283 (trunk): openssl: support OpenSSL 1.1.0's new multi-threading API -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43210] mrkn:r55284 (trunk): Fix the timing to detect the appropriate C++ compiler in OS X -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43211] svn:r55286 (trunk): * 2016-06-06 -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43212] rhe:r55285 (trunk): openssl: adapt OpenSSL::PKey to OpenSSL 1.1.0 opaque structs -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43213] rhe:r55287 (trunk): openssl: adapt to OpenSSL 1.1.0 opaque structs -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43214] rhe:r55288 (trunk): openssl: avoid d2i_ASN1_BOOLEAN() -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43215] rhe:r55289 (trunk): openssl: use SSL_is_server() -
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