closer changed the topic of #ruby-core to: check the latest release candidate for 1.9.1 release
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:41566] nobu:r53640 (trunk): test_io_wait.rb: wait_readable -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:41567] svn:r53641 (trunk): * 2016-01-24 -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:41568] nobu:r53642 (trunk): wait readable/writable -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:41569] duerst:r53643 (trunk): * Simplifying Unicode data file download logic to make -
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b3nt_pin is now known as Guest74617
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:41570] normal:r53644 (trunk): vm_insnhelper.c (vm_check_if_namespace): tiny size reduction -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:41571] nobu:r53645 (trunk): test_class.rb: test_namescope_error_message -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:41572] nobu:r53646 (trunk): test_class.rb: fix encoding -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:41573] svn:r53647 (trunk): * 2016-01-25 -
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<yopp> um, is this bug or a feature?
<yopp> instead of 2000000000.03000000, it gives 2000000000.02999997
nagachika has joined #ruby-core
<tarui> it's a float's faq. you should Rational if you want your instead.
<tarui> i misunderstood. you should not float format only :-)
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