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<_ko1> @headius hi
<headius> _ko1: Hi there..I think I understand, you have the same concern
<headius> e.g. we can't do a lock-free queue in the future
<_ko1> a bit different.
<headius> that was what raised the concern for me...we were using such a lock-free queue as our implementation and can't use it anymore
<_ko1> i'm not sure we can make lock-free queue, but at least we can't use Java's current lock-free queue.
<_ko1> i agree.
<_ko1> you wrote: "Performance seems fine"
<_ko1> try with benchmarks?
<headius> I have only done quick tests but it looks ok...better in fact
<headius> that may be because lock-free impl is allocating more objects behind the scenes
<_ko1> i see.
<headius> let me run another test
<headius> SizedQueue is implemented with an array in Java so it would be lighter
<_ko1> maybe on many threads it is different.
<_ko1> s/on/with/
<_ko1> i understand your concern, and we need to decide we should revert it or should not for 2.3.
<_ko1> btw, API concers, we can postpone.
<_ko1> i believe 99% of use cases, they use nil for termination.
<headius> that may be
<_ko1> configurable options can be added after 2.4 or later.
<headius> the additional pop forms could be 2.4
<_ko1> however, we can't remove Queue#close after release.
<_ko1> (or difficult to become it obsolete)
<headius> sized form seems ok on performance too
<headius> it may be because the lock-free queues can't provide num_waiting so I had to implement that separately
<_ko1> i see.
<headius> I say it is ok for 2.3
<_ko1> it -> SizedQueue?
<headius> Queue#close and current behavior
<headius> I would like to see a way to pop and get closed status in the future but we don't have time to add that
<headius> so my issue can be moved to 2.4 I think
<_ko1> you mean about API concerns?
<_ko1> > a way to pop and get closed status
<headius> yes
<_ko1> ok. i also don't worry about that. I only worry about performance you pointed out.
<_ko1> i missed this pont.
<headius> I can't show performance problem right now
<_ko1> point
<headius> I will keep testing today
<headius> do you have any Queue performance tests?
<_ko1> sorry, nothing.
<_ko1> as you said, we need to support parallel behavior and checking close bit is weired
<headius> yes
<headius> I'm sorry I did not see this earlier...we didn't have time to look at new features until preview1
<_ko1> no proble, thank you so much pointing out
<_ko1> we have one week until 2.3 release :)
<headius> I may look at Go channel code today too
<_ko1> i'm not sure but they can use global locking.
<_ko1> for each channel.
<_ko1> because channels are used for 1 to 1 communication.
<headius> closed uint32
<_ko1> it can do N to M communication, but most of users use 1 to 1.
<headius> yeah
<headius> lock(&c.lock)
<headius> they lock on channel
<headius> but they do have some fast path checks before locking
<headius> and they lock around setting closed bit, waking consumers, etc
<headius> if this is the model we want to follow we should double-check our semantics
<headius> _ko1: I also just realized we were not using the lock-free queues because the don't support blocking
<headius> and OpenJDK's LinkedBlockingQueue (unbounded blocking queue) does use locking anyway
<headius> so it may be that we already can't use lock-free in Ruby's Queue
<_ko1> (1) performance for current JRuby implementation
<_ko1> sorry
<_ko1> (1) performance for current JRuby implementation
<_ko1> (2) performance for future implementations
<_ko1> we have two concerns, and (1) was solved.
<headius> yes
<_ko1> for (2), go seems good idea, so it is also solved (hopefully).
<_ko1> conclusion: introduce current feature to 2.3.
<_ko1> is it okay?
<headius> I concur!
<_ko1> thank you so much.
<headius> perhaps someday we will add FastQueue that is lock-free
<headius> or something like it
<headius> I will implement Queue as lock-free and post numbers too
<headius> but we can't do it for current Queue
<_ko1> i see.
<_ko1> (in fact i don't understand what go do, so i need to study)
<headius> well it appears to be a full-locked queue from their source
<headius> JDK lock-free queues are based on
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:41130] nobu:r53203 (trunk): proc.c: remove old macro -
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<headius> _ko1: I have better numbers does seem like the new impl is a bit slower
<headius> but I have not determined if that is becuase of the locking or because of my implementation
<headius> oh no...maybe much slower? I'm confused why I got better numbers before
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