closer changed the topic of #ruby-core to: check the latest release candidate for 1.9.1 release
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:38321] nobu:r50402 (trunk): parse.y: push cmdarg_stack -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:38322] svn:r50403 (trunk): * 2015-04-30 -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:38323] nobu:r50404 (trunk): ipsocket.c: sys_error -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:38324] nobu:r50405 (trunk): ipsocket.c: fix merge miss -
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<travis-ci> The build has errored. by @nobu: See
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:38325] hsbt:r50406 (trunk): * rational.c: Added documentation for rational literal. -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:38326] svn:r50407 (trunk): * remove trailing spaces. -
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<hanmac> i dont know if its a bug or a feature of ruby, but why does it support for a case to have no value? like in "case; when true; end"
<theotherstupidgu> so this always would return nil
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<hanmac> theotherstupidgu: no, only in my sample
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<theotherstupidgu> but case() takes nil as a value, how would it return anything?
<theotherstupidgu> other than nil
* theotherstupidgu is waking up the giants
<theotherstupidgu> evan ?
<hanmac> if the case value is nil, then it does return the value from the first when which return true
<hanmac> "case; when nil; :nil;when false; :false; when true; :true; end" # => :true
<theotherstupidgu> i c
<theotherstupidgu> so "case; when true; :true; end" # => :true
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<theotherstupidgu> so i guess emty case evalutes to true, corret?
<hanmac> hm yeah ... imo it doesnt look to much after a feature because it can totally written with if then elsif too
<theotherstupidgu> "case; when true; p "1st true"; when true; p "2nd true"; end" # => "1st true"
<theotherstupidgu> wycats: opinon?
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<hanmac> its same/similar as: "if true; p "1st true"; elsif true; p "2nd true"; end" # => "1st true"
<theotherstupidgu> yeah
<hanmac> imo its a misuse of case when an if construct would be better
<theotherstupidgu> i think that it might be case is using "if" code
<theotherstupidgu> thats why it is like tht
<theotherstupidgu> care to dig into the source?
<hanmac> hm i think its more in the parser than in the code itself ...
<hanmac> hm maybe it would help if i do a ticket on the ruby bug tracker
<theotherstupidgu> sure
<hanmac> then nobu would appear in a jump and then fix the problem in 10 seconds flat ;P
* theotherstupidgu want to watch the patch monster yaaaaaay ^^
<theotherstupidgu> yugui thank you for doing an amazing job. I always wanted to say tht, its good i got a chance :)
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:38327] nobu:r50408 (trunk): compile.c: disallow private readers -
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<yugui> theotherstupidgu: :-)
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<zotherstupidguy> yugui: yoroshiku onegaishimasu :-)
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